
The horrible energy exploded in an instant.

Silver’s silhouette is located in the starry sky. Stars burst out of her body like a tide. Strikes the big hand that the chaotic light converges.

However, the Chaos Light master crushed it in the imposing manner of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and slapped Mu Qing forcibly into endless void with one palm.


Mu Qing’s body cracked and he vomited blood.

In fact, it is not real blood, because after Mu Qing cultivation Star God body and advanced to Universe Saint Physique, there are already four vast starry sky in his body now, naturally there is no blood.

The blue blood, spit out from Mu Qing’s mouth, is actually the blood of the starry sky, purely composed of starry sky energy!

This shows that Mu Qing was injured in a single blow by that chaotic palm. This injury was not light, and could not suppress the power in the body, and began to collapse.

“Damn it!”

Mu Qing keeps coughing up blood, his face is ugly, but when he is alive and dead, he can only forcefully activate his power, and the long river of time flows from nothingness, and he is Chaos on the palm of your hand.

“didn’t expect, the fifth-order destiny form was displayed for the first time, but it was deflated.”

Mu Qing took a deep breath and adjusted his state. Under the operation of Saint Physique of the universe, the wounds began to heal at a speed visible to naked eye.

The fifth-order destiny form, which is also called the ancient Realm of God in the Destiny Sutra, may not be as good as the Great Success Realm of the Sun Sutra in terms of strength, but its defensive ability is extremely amazing.

Under the envelop of the silver white energy, Mu Qing will not invade any attack.

But this is the case, he is still injured!

That chaotic palm, it’s the cosmic consciousness that was shot, and the chaotic Source Power contained in it, forcibly wounded Mu Qing.

Mu Qing has a serious face. Although his opponent is a palm of pure energy condense, the pressure on him is no less than facing a Supreme Powerhouse!

“If there is no realm of the ancient gods, I am afraid I will be shot to death, right?”

Mu Qing felt the scalp-numbing terrifying power for the first time. How horrible is Chaos Source Power!

The ancient Realm of God has greatly improved Mu Qing’s Saint Physique universe. In this state, he can compete with Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, and even the power of Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer will be affected by him. The silver white energy wrapped around the body is cancelled out.

At the very beginning of the Chaos Palm, if it weren’t for Mu Qing in the ancient Realm of God, which would cancel out most of the power, I’m afraid don’t die also seriously injured.

“The ancient god realm can’t last long, so I can only try the power of the long river.”

Mu Qing took a deep breath, he felt the power in his body.

The Destiny Sutra of the Great Success Realm can only maintain the realm of the ancient gods for a short period of time. After all, this Fifth Rank destiny form consumes a lot of money.

Only the Perfection-level Destiny Sutra can ignore the consumption and let the ancient god realm become the norm!

Mu Qing now only relies on the realm forcibly upgraded from the Starry Sky Book, and naturally cannot sustain the consumption of the realm of the ancient gods.

He must solve the chaotic palm in front of him as soon as possible!


It is to resist, and then take the opportunity to escape!

Mu Qing expression congeals, looking at the chaotic palm that was blocked by the long river of time.

The Destiny Sutra of Great Success Realm consumes a huge amount of energy and can summon a long river of time and power.

Only Time Changhe can resist the Chaos Palm, but Mu Qing’s current strength has not reached the Supreme Ten Heaven, even if he summons Time Changhe, he cannot resist it for too long.

Mu Qing raised his hand, Long River no longer resisted the chaotic palm, but turned into an unrolled bolt of white silk-like silver white radiance, falling on the palm.

next moment, Mu Qing crushed his palm for a long time, illusory shadow vision.

At the same time, he said in a low voice: “Time…pause!”


An invisible mysterious ripple spreads from Mu Qing’s palm, brushing All around.

The swaying jade green buds, the colorful brilliance escaping from the cracks of different dimensions, the palms condensed by the chaotic light…

Everything around is solidified at this moment and completely stagnated. Come down!

Time is suspended!

Previously, when Mingxuan faced the Celestial Emperor, he used this method to pause time for a long time, and Mingxuan was only the destiny of Small Success Realm.

Although Mu Qing is also a Small Success Realm, he can’t do this at all. He thinks that maybe his strength is not enough.

But in any case, with the help of the power of the Star Book, the Great Success Realm’s Destiny Sutra after the realm is forcibly improved, it does have the ability to suspend time!


The sound of something smashing and peeling appeared, the chaotic palms all around, wisps of chaotic light emerged and began to tremble!

Mu Qing’s face changed suddenly.

Two seconds!

He instantly understood that he consumes a huge amount of energy and uses the power of the long river of time to use the Heaven’s Fate Sutra to only pause the time of all around for two seconds!

Even, the palm of chaos is still resisting, and Source Power of chaos has the challenge of Power of Time!

Mu Qing did not hesitate, the silver white energy converged, and then the golden flame bathed his whole body.

The starry sky book in the body automatically turned to the page of the Sun Sutra, bursting out dazzling rays of light.

Great Success Realm Sun Sutra!

Continuous use of the Starry Sky Book to promote two Sovereign-level verses successively, which has a great load on Mu Qing, but he does not care about these at the moment.

It is estimated that only he can do this in the entire universe, because Saint Physique in the universe advanced some time ago, and there are four realms Boundless Starry Sky in his body, with surging energy.

When it was replaced by the power of the two worlds, it is estimated that the energy has been exhausted at this moment, and he is tired.

“Fen Zhan!”

Mu Qing entered the Great Success Realm’s Sun Sutra, the endless supreme strength of yang turned into a fire knife in his hand, he did not hesitate, for an instant He poured out most of the remaining power in the body.

Terrible temperature, distorting the space all around, golden flames form a half-moon slash, which can have dozens of ten thousand zhang!

This is a blow that Mu Qing emptied most of the energy in his body. It was quite terrifying. However, under the time suspension, this terrifying half-moon flame slash just stayed in front of the Chaos palm.

Under the time suspension, only Mu Qing is not affected!

Two seconds passed quickly, and the invisible ripples rolled back again.

Time starts to flow again!

At the same time, Mu Qing stepped into the starry sky gate and left here.

He didn’t care about the Sovereign sacred relic, because his current situation is quite bad, and he used the Star Book to enter the Sovereign-level scriptures of the Great Success Realm twice.

A sense of weakness swept across the body in an instant.

Pu chi!

After time was restored, that huge half-moon slash, with golden flames, fiercely slashed on the Chaos palm.

The palm of the hand condensed from the source power of chaos was cut into a long narrow wound from the position of the tiger’s mouth, and then accompanied by the eruption of golden flames, the entire palm of chaos exploded!

But, this is just cosmic consciousness, that’s all that depends on the condense of the origin of chaos.

next moment, inside that crack, from another dimension, colorful brilliance emerged, and another chaotic palm came out and grabbed the jade green bud.

When the Sovereign sacred relic was taken away, the cracks healed and the color brilliance disappeared!

From beginning to end, the goal of cosmic consciousness is this Sovereign sacred relic!

The emergence of Sovereign sacred relic also means the birth of Sovereign.

Even if Sovereign sacred relic is not so easy to find, not every Supreme Powerhouse can be qualified.

But even if there is a slight accident, the cosmic consciousness does not allow it, so he took the initiative to take away the born Sovereign sacred relic!

After all, Sovereign sacred relic itself is the power of the universe.

Maybe it happened to meet Mu Qing, and the cosmic consciousness intends to be wiped out along with Mu Qing, so that it can also regain the control of the star void world.

It’s just that Mu Qing’s methods are far beyond the imagination of the cosmic consciousness, paying a huge amount of energy to stop time for two seconds!


The moon.

Mu Qing’s previous land of cultivation, at this time the starry sky gate appeared, Mu Qing fell to the ground, fainted, and the starry sky gate disappeared.


Several silhouettes appeared beside Mu Qing in an instant. They were King of Chaos, Xinrui, and Chen Jiusheng.

Because Mu Qing has already withdrawn his destiny form, his current breath can still be captured.

So when the King of Chaos and the others noticed the extremely weak breath of Mu Qing, their complexion changed suddenly.

“What happened?!”

Chen Jiusheng pupil shrink, but he remembers Mu Qing crushing those Sovereign descendants when he was in the Void Wind Realm.

How could Mu Qing be so weak?

Is it because you met the powerhouse of Supreme Ten Heaven?

Several people looked at each other, they all thought of going together.

In their opinion, with Mu Qing’s current strength, it is estimated that even Supreme Nine Layers Heaven’s powerhouse will not be so embarrassed if he shoots him.

Only a Supreme powerhouse like Supreme Tenth Heaven can hurt Mu Qing like this.

“Fortunately, although the injury was serious, it was more of excessive energy consumption.”

The King of Chaos checked Mu Qing’s status and was relaxed.

After that, several people brought in a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures to help Mu Qing refining, and then transfer energy into Mu Qing’s body.

Now that the universe has advanced to maturity, heavenly materials and earthly treasures are also useful for powerhouses above Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer.

Five days later, Mu Qing finally woke up.

But looking at the four starry sky empty in his body, Mu Qing smiled bitterly.

It seems that it will take a lot of time to regain strength, even the universe Saint Physique is in a broken state.

Mu Qing feels a little headache, the ghost knows that the universe consciousness is also eyeing the Sovereign sacred relic!

He has inquired from Mingxuan that cosmic consciousness directly interferes with the affairs of all realms of the universe, but it takes a lot of power, even more how cosmic consciousness is still in the stage of continuous growth.

Didn’t expect, Sovereign sacred relic is so important in the eyes of the cosmic consciousness, it will be captured the moment it appears.

Mu Qing is also unlucky, directly encountering the power of cosmic consciousness!

If the time-out method is ineffective, then Mu Qing will probably use up the three chances of the Qi Luck Pearl to restore Peak instantly!

Facing the universe consciousness, Mu Qing’s only confidence is the three recovery states of Qi Yunzhu.

In a single thought, instantly restore your state to its heyday!

“However, this time I will save the next opportunity.”

Mu Qing touched the chin, secretly thought I won’t save it next time, it’s important to be small, this time actually It’s gambling!

After this battle, Mu Qing also understood the terrifying and consumption of time suspension.

Even the Source Power of Chaos has to be suspended for time!

It’s just that it consumes…

The four worlds Boundless Starry Sky in Mu Qing’s body are all his energy.

Speaking of the entire universe, it is estimated that no one has more energy than Mu Qing!

Other Supreme, the energy in the body is the vast ocean, and Mu Qing’s body is the Boundless Starry Sky of the four realms!

However, a pause of one second requires the vast energy of a starry sky!

At the same time, Mu Qing’s limit is two seconds, no matter how much energy it is, it cannot exceed this limit.

And two seconds, will instantly drain the vast energy of the two worlds in his body!

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