“We must find the heart of blood as soon as possible!”

Supreme of Silence yelled in front.

Everyone moves forward while solving all around the continuously flooding bloodworm.

Ordinary bloodworms can’t have any effect on them at all. Only those special bloodworms, even Mu Qing feels a terrible headache!

Special bloodworm invisible and formless, can’t feel any breath, seems to be in a state of invisibility all the time, until it uses an attack that can only be used once in a lifetime, it will show itself.

Just like that, everyone can only react after being injured by the special bloodworm!

Seeing the special blood Insect Empress, they don’t make any sense to attack.

When the special bloodworm launches an attack, it will gradually die, and it can be pinched to death with a pinch.

But the damage caused by special bloodworms is tangible!

Mu Qing’s cosmic Saint Physique is quite powerful, but the special bloodworm can still cause damage to him, even if the damage is not too big, it’s not even a minor injury.

There have been special bloodworm sneak attacks that have expanded the injury.

“This special bloodworm has a problem with its horns! It contains strange power!”

Mu Qing frowns, holding the special bloodworm that just attacked him in his hand.

He keenly felt that the worm’s corner of the special bloodworm flashed with golden light, which faded quickly.

That is a special force!

Once the special bloodworm attacks, it will exhaust this power, but this power can break everything, no matter what, it is difficult to defend.

Even the wounds caused by this force are equally difficult to recover.

Mu Qing finally realized what the trouble was mentioned by the silence Supreme.

The attack of the special bloodworm must leave a wound every time.

In the long run, this injury will gradually worsen, and Supreme, who is slightly weaker, will be forcibly dragged to death.

The strong Supreme can’t completely ignore it. After all, the number of these wounds will seriously affect the battle!

“Hold on!”

Supreme Supreme loudly shouts.

He took out another Divine Item of the Ninth Class, which is a big axe, and does not need to be controlled by the Supreme Supreme. It will automatically levitate beside him and cut off the ordinary bloodworms around it.

Unfortunately, even Annihilation Supreme has no way to attack the special bloodworms before they appear.

So he also suffered a lot of injuries.

However, everyone’s strength is good. The most powerful bloodworm is Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer, but ordinary bloodworm is not even comparable to the ordinary Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer, and it is not everyone’s opponent, Mu Qing Strength of Fleshly Body alone can kill.

The entire group is very fast, pushing bloodworm all the way.


More than half an hour passed, Orochi couldn’t help but yelled. He was once again injured by a special bloodworm!

This invisible and intangible potential threat cannot be prevented at all!

At this moment, you can see the face of the big snake slightly pale.

Among the crowd, his strength is considered the lowest, and it is no problem to deal with ordinary bloodworms, but under the offensive of the special bloodworm one after another, Orochi can’t hold it anymore.

Fortunately, everyone gathered together to fight against bloodworm.

bloodworms also seem to realize that this group of people is not easy to provoke, and even the number of special bloodworms appears much less.

Mu Qing is thinking, he is quite curious about the power of the special bloodworm.

Invisible, invisible, without any breath, completely invisible, invisible and intangible!

At the same time, there are attacks that are too powerful to defend, even avoiding all the defensive divine ability, just give him a shot!

The combination of these two abilities is quite terrifying. The Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer under Supreme encounters, most of them will die suddenly!

Mu Qing is quite curious, is this ability also endowed by the ancient bloodfiend tree?

According to the statement of the Supreme, the old bloodfiend tree will fall into a deep sleep after it grows up. During the period, the old bloodfiend tree created bloodworm and bloodfiend to protect its own safety.

Although I haven’t encountered the bloodfiend yet, this special bloodworm alone is enough for terrifying.

Once you control the ancient bloodfiend tree and create a lot of special bloodworms, it is definitely a Supreme killer!

Mu Qing deliberately studied this special bloodworm, but he couldn’t even resist the attacks of these special bloodworms.

“The concealment ability is almost the same as the pale Demon God.”

Mu Qing touched the chin, whispered.

The pale Demon God, the Heart Demon that was born in his body, has undergone weird changes and possesses the ability of terrifying.

Mu Qing thought that the pale Demon God was his enemy, but now he came back to his senses, and it has been a long time since he saw the pale Demon God.

However, the abilities of the pale Demon God and the special bloodworm seem to be similar?

The pale Demon God can enter a non-existent realm. Once entered, no one can touch and see!

A strong person can also retain the memory of the pale Demon God. For a weak person, after the pale Demon God enters the non-existent realm, even the memory of the opponent will be erased.

Think carefully, does the special bloodworm also have this ability?

Put yourself in a special field or space, then find the right opportunity and suddenly attack!

With respect to space, with the current strength of Mu Qing, he still has a relatively deep understanding.

Ordinary space, after being broken, is void, and the deep level of void is endless void.

Mu Qing originally thought that endless void was the deepest place in the space, but he didn’t think so after seeing the cosmic consciousness before Mu Qing took action.

In the eyes of the weak, only the space underneath can be seen. The powerhouse hides in the sky and can attack the weak at any time, but the weak cannot find it at all.

After entering the void, you will actually find that there is a layer of endless void.

Mu Qing thinks with his current vision. He believes that after endless void, there is one or more special spaces!

For example, the different dimension where the universe consciousness is located!

According to Mingxuan’s statement, that is a place that even Supreme can’t find, will it be behind endless void?

Usually fighting, for Mu Qing’s level, can easily break the space.

Even if the reinforced space of the Supreme Powerhouse, it can be broken!

After the space is broken, the battlefield naturally becomes void, and when the void is broken, it becomes endless void.

There are various dangerous void storms inside.

What if there is a special space behind endless void?

I can’t see it, maybe it’s not that endless void is the bottom, but the power is not enough!

With enough power, I am afraid I can penetrate endless void, and seeing the level behind it, perhaps it is the different dimension of the universe consciousness!

It may also be another special space!

Mu Qing’s eyes were bright, and he immediately became interested.

The appearance of the special bloodworm made Mu Qing couldn’t help but want to inquire about it to see if it was what he thought!

In the past, I didn’t have the strength, even if the idea was whimsical, I couldn’t carry it out.

But now it’s different, even more how Mu Qing has a star gate!

At the beginning, the world snake used its abilities, and could even shuttle Mu Qing into the long river of time!

There is no doubt that the long river of time is the most mysterious place in the entire universe and even the entire multiverse.

Difficult to enter, difficult to come out!

Any existence that enters is a heaven defier of luck.

Mu Qing can’t think of anything more mysterious than the plane where the Long River is located.

Since there is a star gate, he may have a way to find out whether there is really another special space behind endless void!

And those special bloodworms, do they have special means to hide in front of one’s eyes, or do they simply survive in the special Space Domain?

Thinking of this, Mu Qing suddenly stopped, and with the help of the power of the Star Book, he directly promoted Primal Chaos Scripture to Great Success Realm.

In an instant, dazzling chaotic light burst from Mu Qing.

“What’s wrong?”

Supreme looked towards Mu Qing suspiciously.

He thinks it is not suitable to stop now. The most urgent thing is to find the heart of blood first, and then find a way to refining it.

The other people looked at Mu Qing and their hearts were shaken!

They have all seen Mu Qing’s battle in the core place. The Great Success Realm’s Sun Sutra is too terrifying. It turns into a fire knife in hand, and the power that erupts is comparable to Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, and even reach Supreme Nine Layers Heaven!

And now, Mu Qing exploded with a breath similar to that at the time, but it was not the fire of the sun.

Gai Linxuan’s pupils widened even more. He has cultivated Primal Chaos Scripture and has reached the Small Success Realm.

Seeing the chaotic light on Mu Qing at the moment, he immediately shouted.

“It’s Great Success Realm! Primal Chaos Scripture’s Great Success Realm!”

tone barely fell, Mu Qing’s body bloomed with endless chaotic light, when the rays of light dimmed Later, his fleshy body was branded with countless chaotic textures.

“How is it possible?!”

Everyone looked at Mu Qing, the snake gritted his teeth, and even thought Mu Qing had obtained the Source Power of Chaos, the power was too similar!

Gai Linxuan took a deep breath. He was equally unbelievable. He pointed to Mu Qing and said: “Primal Chaos Scripture Small Success Realm can use chaotic light, and Great Success Realm, chaotic light blends into fleshy body, forming a chaotic texture!”

“This is undoubtedly the characteristic of Primal Chaos Scripture Great Success Realm!”

Gai Linxuan himself is a Primal Chaos Scripture Small Success Realm His powerhouse, his so determined words made everyone realize that Mu Qing actually cultivated Primal Chaos Scripture to Great Success Realm!

Supreme looked towards Mu Qing in surprise.

Although he was also shocked, he thought he was curious about what Mu Qing wanted to do?

Supreme does not think that Mu Qing suddenly stopped to show the Primal Chaos Scripture Great Success Realm. He wanted to show off to them, perhaps because he had discovered something.

As for the others, they fell into a low self-esteem.

“Obviously, the Sun Sutra Great Success Realm was only shown before, didn’t expect to cultivation the Primal Chaos Scripture to the Great Success Realm so soon!”

Xian Mu Ranbei She bit her lips tightly, she felt a sense of frustration. She hadn’t even cultivated the Destiny Sutra to Small Accomplishment!

Will the progress of fellow practitioners of the three Sovereign-level scriptures be slow?

And Mu Qing ignored everyone at the moment. In order to verify his guess, he promoted Primal Chaos Scripture to Great Success Realm through the Star Book, and then punched out!


The loud thunderous noise exploded, and the space in front of him collapsed, revealing nothingness.

A wisp of void storm swept out, of course, this void storm is nothing to everyone.

“Anything to find out?” Ji Jiu Supreme asked.

Mu Qing shrugged, replied: “We still have to verify it first.”

The internal space of this ancient bloodfiend tree has been strengthened by the power of the ancient bloodfiend tree, so Mu Qing only Will use the star book to improve the realm of Primal Chaos Scripture, and plan to enter endless void in one go.

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