The power of the Evil God scripture is beyond Mu Qing’s imagination. At least after the long illusory shadow was defeated, the Evil God illusory shadow matched the power of the Great Dao of Destruction. Played a powerful attack.

“Sovereign-level scriptures of Small Success Realm, logically speaking, shouldn’t have this kind of power.”

The double-horned bloodfiend face is cold, and he wipes the blood from the corners of his mouth.

Their family, terrifying in strength, are born with incomparable power, which is bestowed on them by the great Supreme tree.

Supreme’s blessings have given them amazing power and life force. With their physique, the more you fight, the stronger, and the faster you improve!

The terrifying life force allows them to face severe injuries and dying without being killed. They can recover quickly, and even after the wounds are healed, their own strength will be stronger!

Just like this, they don’t need cultivation or Sovereign-level scriptures at all. Because of their birth, the power blessed by the great Supreme tree gives them the power to surpass the Sovereign-level scriptures. .

However, after facing a blow to the Evil God that Mu Qing had just urged, he was shocked to discover that the Destruction Strength was more terrifying than he had imagined.

Vaguely, it seems to restrain his huge life force!

The double-horned bloodfiend within both eyes shone fiercely, and he took a strange step.

“Here again!”

Mu Qing’s heart was shocked.

The speed of the double-angle bloodfiend is very difficult. It seems to be a special Divine Ability or secret technique that makes it extremely fast.

Even if Mu Qing immediately uses the snake of the starry sky to move, he is still slower!

Mu Qing is quite cautious to deal with opponents who are stronger than him and faster than him, but fortunately he also has certain means.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, Mu Qing has never borrowed the power of the Starry Sky Book!

Because Mu Qing knows the strength of the other party, it is probably equivalent to Sovereign-level scripture Great Success Realm’s Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer.

With Mu Qing’s current strength, even if one borrows the Star Book to upgrade one of the Sovereign-level verses to the Great Success Realm, it is likely to be an evenly matched that’s all.

Even if Mu Qing’s energy is so strong that he can’t hold the Great Success Realm’s Sovereign-level scriptures for a long time, it’s estimated that it won’t be long before it will consume energy and even fall into forced borrowing. The star book promotes the repercussions of realm.

Once you become weak, you will become fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered.

Therefore, Mu Qing must ensure that he will use the ability of Star Book unexpectedly!

It is possible to defeat the bloodfiend in front of you, or even kill!

Mu Qing is always looking for opportunities, of course, the double angle bloodfiend does not want to give Mu Qing any chance.

The double-horned bloodfiend is full of enthusiasm. He hysterically attacked Mu Qing, which is simply a fighting freak.

“Will you only escape!”

“Humble insect!”

The double-horned bloodfiend couldn’t help it a bit, and roared.

He is getting angry!

This should have been a happy fight!

In the fierce fighting, as a bloodfiend clan, he will gain more powerful strength and improve himself.

This is their cosmic trial!

A trial arranged by the great Supreme Tree, a group of five, go to various universes to fight!

In the killing, you may die, but after you survive, you can quickly increase your strength.

As a bloodfiend clan, no one is afraid of death. Each of them is eager to fight, eager to fight for the kind of life hanging by a thread!

After every fierce battle, the bloodfiend clan will greatly increase their strength.

Wait for this moment, he has been waiting for a long time!

Because of the first three universe trials, their opponents are all weak, and they don’t even need Captain to take action. Anyone can crush them.

But this time is different.

This fourth cosmic trial gave him a huge surprise!

At the moment when he met Mu Qing, the double-horned bloodfiend swears that he is definitely in luck this time!

After experiencing three cosmic trials, he is very clear about the concept of the four Sovereign-level scriptures of fellow initiates.

The powerhouses of other universes, those Supreme Heaven’s Chosen, cultivation a Sovereign-level verse after reaching the sky, and being able to reach the Small Success Realm is already thank God.

However, those Supreme Heaven’s Chosen, even if they cultivation the Sovereign-level scriptures to Small Success Realm, are not the opponents of the bloodfiend clan, they can easily kill them with a double-horned bloodfiend!

However, the four Sovereign-level verses, and all have reached the Small Success Realm, even if the two-cornered bloodfiend who is disdainful of the cultivation Sovereign-level verses until now, he has to admit that Mu Qing is definitely the one he sees. Among all the foreigners, the most enchanting.

Not to mention how much energy it takes to cultivation the four Sovereign-level verses at the same time, as Mu Qing is fighting for the four Sovereign-level verses at the same time, just because of the huge consumption, others may not be able to support it. Got it!

The more you realize Mu Qing’s extraordinaryness, the more the double-horned bloodfiend wants to fight Mu Qing happily, and then cut off the opponent’s head in the fight!

As a result, so far, more of Mu Qing’s actions are evasive. The weird starry snake, even the double-horned bloodfiend, can’t help it.

Every time he lifted a big knife to cut it away, Mu Qing first used the means of Sovereign-level scripture to stop him for a while, then was swallowed by the snake of the starry sky and disappeared in place.

Even, with the increase in the number of fights, Mu Qing has been able to skillfully use the star snake to avoid the attack of the double-horned bloodfiend.

This makes the double-angle bloodfiend extremely uncomfortable, like a punch on cotton, it is very uncomfortable in my heart.

The double angle bloodfiend moved towards Mu Qing and attacked, while cursing.

In his eyes, people who don’t fight head-on, no matter how powerful they are, they belong to the cowardly and lowly weak!

Mu Qing turned a blind eye to the scolding of the double-corner bloodfiend, he was definitely not the opponent of the double-corner bloodfiend in the frontal fight, and his speed alone was a grade.

“Do you really think I can’t do anything with you?”

Double-angle bloodfiend coldly snorted, he suddenly stopped and stood on endless void.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying flame appeared on his body, it was Yeyou Chihuo!

This blue flame, when the double-horned bloodfiend was displayed previously, Mu Qing deliberately avoided it, telling him intuitively that once he was hit by the night’s red fire, it would make himself very headache.

Looking at the double-horned bloodfiend stopped, it was obvious that they were accumulating power. Although Mu Qing had been using the star snake to evade, he was impossible to watch the double-horned bloodfiend accumulate power.

Appearing behind the double-corner bloodfiend momentarily, Mu Qing punched, the day turned out, and at the same time he patted a palm, chaotic light penetrated.

After that, he raised his hand and pointed, and the river roared violently for a long time!

Finally, the Evil God illusory shadow emerged, the hideous fangs opened, and the power of the Great Dao of Destruction condense on the mouth of the Evil God illusory shadow. A ball of black red light immediately blasted away with a beam of destruction. !

In an instant, Mu Qing urged the four Sovereign-level scriptures to the extreme and displayed four methods at the same time!

This is already his way to maximize the Small Success Realm Sovereign-level scriptures. Normal Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer will definitely be killed in seconds.

Unfortunately, the double-horned bloodfiend is not the ordinary Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer. He also accumulates strength quite quickly. His anger is wide, and he raises his hand and waved his big knife in a flash.

Above, there is already an endless Yeyou Red Fire!


The power of the Sun Sutra and Primal Chaos Scripture that bear the brunt, the scorching sun is burned through by the blue flame, and the chaotic light is extinguished.

This night is very scary, quite terrifying, with the double-horned bloodfiend sword swung down, the dim-blue blade glow traverses endless void!

Time Changhe was easily cut off, and the destruction beam was hit by the blade glow halfway and exploded suddenly.

Finally, the dim-blue blade glow crosses the Evil God illusory shadow and blasts it away.

Mu Qing has already used the snake of the starry sky and disappeared.

Next moment, Mu Qing appeared in the distance, a trace of heart palpitations appeared on his face.

The double-horned bloodfiend’s knife after accumulating power can easily defeat all his power!

Mu Qing is quite clear about the true strength of the double-angle bloodfiend. Only by displaying the Great Success Realm’s Sovereign-level scripture can he contend with it.

It’s no wonder that the two-horned bloodfiend has an aloof and remote arrogant attitude, because the opponent’s own strength is equivalent to the cultivator of the Sovereign-level verse Great Success Realm, and he himself has not cultivated the Sovereign-level verse. .

“Humble insect! I hate people who can only escape…”

The double-horned bloodfiend is extremely angry, he shouted in a low voice, and at the same time the big knife in his hand emerged Strands of Yeyou red fire.

It seems that this terrifying blue flame is the power of his big sword!

“The great Supreme tree gives us every bloodfiend companion tool, and in the blessing of Supreme, it also allows me to surpass everything and is enough to destroy the power of the Universe!”


“Yeyou Chihuo, for my ability!”

“And your previous behavior of avoiding constantly made me feel sick and angry. Then I will let you see, I Wait for the true power of the bloodfiend clan!”

The double-horned bloodfiend’s face is gloomy, and the knife in his hand is trembling. You can see the night red fire above it transforming into strands of blue, followed by a terrifying wave of power. Passed from the broadsword.

Mu Qing’s face changed slightly, he realized that the other party should perform some kind of trick!

In a decisive decision, a star snake entangled Mu Qing, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and wanted to swallow Mu Qing.

But in this short breath, the double-horned bloodfiend waved the big knife in his hand.

“Yeyou Crimson Fire, 1st Stage is liberated!”

“Crimson Ghost Night Walk!!”

The double-horned bloodfiend roared in his mouth and he swung out With that cut, countless Yeyou red fires emerged in endless void, and at the same time turned into a blue Ghost God with red eyes at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, a chill rushed into Mu Qing’s heart. The so-called red ghost was faster than the double-horned bloodfiend. Seeing the snake in the starry sky had swallowed most of his body, but that blue Ghost God, but in a weird form, biting on his calf with one bite!


The rays of light of scarlet bloomed from the eyes of the blue Ghost God, and the bite force directly bite Mu Qing’s calf into pieces!

In an instant, Mu Qing used the snake of the starry sky to appear far away.

But Mu Qing’s complexion was a bit ugly, and he looked down at his right leg.

Below the calf was gnawed to pieces, but the strange lines of scarlet spread from the right leg.

Mu Qing subconsciously urges the strength of Starry Sky to resist, but this has no effect at all. The scarlet’s lines have spread to the whole body in just a few seconds.

Universe Saint Physique, is covered with a layer of scarlet lines, even Mu Qing’s face is covered, making Mu Qing a bit hideous!

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