I was surrounded by ghosts, and after a short three words were shouted from Shusiyu’s mouth, the atmosphere of all around suddenly changed. In the sky, black lines spread, all around It suddenly became dim.

in midair clusters of Ghost Fire emerged, and a decayed corpse emerged from the ground. While wailing came out of his mouth, he grabbed Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng’s face is shocked, he is impossible to move.

“How is it possible!” He felt even more incredible.

He knows that the curse of being haunted by ghosts, he has this curse in the inheritance he gets, but this curse is a relatively high curse, at least it also requires Martial Master Level to be able to display it.

He couldn’t believe it. From the aura, it seemed that only Seventh Stage of Blood and Qi’s curse was able to show this curse, and he didn’t even need to recite the curse, just in human language. Just say the name and it works.

“I’m sleepy…” Shu Siyu whispered, lying on top of Mu Qing’s head, closing his eyes.

The strange thing is that she is still firmly on top of Mu Qing’s head, no matter how violently Mu Qing moves, she will not fall down.

Wang Sheng was also chanting incantion in his mouth, he tried to open the ghost curse on his body.

But he has just gotten the inheritance of the curse secret art, no matter how powerful the innate talent is, he can’t grasp the profound incantation all at once.

even more how, the curse of being haunted by ghosts can not only confine a person’s body, but the rotting corpse entangled with Wang Sheng, but also a wisp of mist escaped and penetrated into his body.

Wang Sheng’s forehead was overflowing with sweat like a bean, and he gritted his teeth, as the fog penetrated into his body, bursts of pain came out.

Mu Qing seized the opportunity, he swung his golden sickle, swept across, and a golden half-moon cut out, with densely packed blazing white thunder and lightning wrapped around it.

Pu chi!

Wang Sheng’s whole body was cut in half, and a large amount of blood light sprayed out, dyeing the air red.

But at this time, Wang Shengna’s corpse that had become two sections suddenly glowed, the blood disappeared, and finally turned into a fat insect that was broken in two.

The white rays of light flickered in midair, and Wang Sheng appeared again. He was complexion pale, but he didn’t have any injuries on his body, and there was no wound.

“You must die!” Wang Sheng was very angry. Just now Mu Qing’s attack was fatal, and there was basically no way out for someone else.

While Wang Sheng used the hole card method, the fat insect that turned into two pieces on the ground was a treasure, called a double insect, which could replace a fatal injury.

Originally, Mu Qing’s sickle was enough to kill him completely. Fortunately, the treasure given by the family elder can replace a death, which is very dangerous.

The fat insect looks slimy and disgusting, but to Wang Sheng, it is a very precious thing. Didn’t expect to use it on Mu Qing.

Wang Sheng took out some medicine pill from his own space ring and swallowed it, his face suddenly became ruddy.

The space ring previously captured by the old mouse from Wang Sheng was only used by him to store some medicinal herbs and glowing plants. The real good things were all stored in another space ring by him.

Wang Sheng once again burst out a strong aura, but Mu Qing was not afraid, holding a golden sickle and swept away.

This Secret Realm Treasure Item has greatly improved Mu Qing’s strength and can threaten Wang Sheng, the third-order bloodline.

A dim-blue lightning struck Wang Sheng, blasting a scorched wound on his back.

Mu Qing’s Thunder Palm, even Wang Sheng couldn’t avoid it, and couldn’t capture the trajectory of lightning at all.

Especially the formidable power of the blue lightning is not small, which caused him some injuries.

“courting death!” A glimmer of cold light flashed in Wang Sheng’s eyes, and he saw an insect, crystal clear and near-transparent, crawling out of his collar again, somewhat similar to Fire Insect.

This insect exudes rays of light, which is very dazzling, like a little sun, flying quickly with flapping wings.

Mu Qing could instinctively feel a fatal crisis. He hurriedly backed up. The Fire Insect-like insect in front of him must have some terrifying power.

Wang Sheng was very fast, he appeared in front of Mu Qing in the blink of an eye, and Yin-Yang Symbol was crushed down.

Mu Qing waved the golden sickle, golden light spread all over, and thunder and lightning on his body were intertwined. He wanted to resist, but Wang Sheng’s power was obviously going to surpass him.

With his current Rank 2 bloodline, he can compete with Wang Sheng, which is already very difficult.

Mu Qing coughed up blood and regressed. He even took out a transparent crystal and detonated it directly. The brilliant rain of energy erupted, shaking Wang Sheng back, and suffered a lot of injuries.

But there was a smile on Wang Sheng’s face.

The Fire Insect touched Mu Qing and turned into a small spot of light, digging directly into Mu Qing’s heart.

Mu Qing frowned. At first, he hadn’t felt any difference. When he looked inside, his face suddenly changed.

The sound of Insect Cry sounded in his heart, and a strange force spread in his body, spreading continuously, and pouring into the blood.

He found that his bloodline power was declining, the origin power was blocked, and the breath of the whole person became weaker and weaker.

Finally, Mu Qing coughed up a mouthful of blood. There was no breath in his body. The bloodline was completely sealed. Dantian and his mind had extremely strong origin power, but they could not be mobilized.

His body seemed to be locked. The Fire Insect came into the heart, escaping a strange power, turning it into a lock.

Ji Jia came over, she noticed the changes in Mu Qing’s body, her face was startled, she didn’t expect an accident at this time.

Wang Sheng’s eyes were gloomy, and he was actually very regretful in his heart. If Mu Qing was killed earlier, so many things would not happen.

He could obtain a complete curse secret technique, but because of Mu Qing’s blending, he failed and was backlashed.

What makes him heartache the most is that he has consumed three precious insects in a row.

“hong long long!”

In the sky, a crack was torn, a large swath of sunlight penetrated in, and some sounds were heard.

“What happened in Secret Realm?”

“All the college entrance examination students who were eliminated have given feedback to our federal agency, saying that there is a terrifying crisis, even Mu Family and Ling Family’s Heaven’s Chosen have been eliminated!”

A terrifying spirit strength swept across the entire Secret Realm. It was shot at the federal powerhouse outside Kunlun Secret Realm. It was also a Tier 9 bloodline. powerhouse, using spirit strength.

But at this time, a white mist appeared in the entire Kunlun Secret Realm, which was very thin, but contained the power of a curse, completely resisting the spirit strength.

“No, I still can’t find any information.”

Outside the crack, a sigh came.

The outside powerhouse tried to obtain some information, but it was a pity that nothing could be found.

“Let’s get people first!” There seemed to be many federal powerhouses over the crack.


Wang Sheng looked at Mu Qing, he wanted to kill the opponent, but he had long understood that the time was too late. Three days were up, the federal powerhouse opened Kunlun Secret Realm, to end the college entrance examination.

At this moment, everyone is imprisoned by a force. They slowly lifted into the air, were taken by the federal powerhouse, and wanted to leave the Secret Realm.

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