“No! Although the breath has reached the Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, but the actual strength is still a bit worse!”

The Monster Race Supreme powerhouse, face looks sinister , His body was blooming with dazzling scarlet light, but after Mu Qing resisted an offensive of the opponent, he let Mu Qing thoroughly explore his strength.

Relying on the sacrifice of life, the powerful power from the sword of flesh and blood is obtained, but it is still a bit short of True Paragon Nine Layers Heaven.


One after another screams come from those Monster Race!

Xian Muran, Ponton and the others looked at their opponents with amazement, those Monster Race powerhouses, and a giant sword made of flesh and blood appeared above their heads, on the sword of flesh and blood. , And a hideous eyeball, exuding a breath of silence, staring at everyone.

With the screams, these Monster Races actually sacrificed most of their lives in exchange for powerful power.

“Damn it!”

Ponton cursed in a low voice. His opponent was evenly matched with him, but after the sacrifice of his life, he was suddenly much stronger than him.

Gai Linxuan and Mu Tuo are okay. Both of them rely on themselves to cultivation Sovereign-level scriptures to Small Success Realm. Even if the strength of the two opponents skyrocketed, they could barely contend. .

But Xian Muran and Ponton are uncomfortable!

Especially Xian Muran.

There are four Supreme 8 Heavenly Layers on Monster Race, and they face Mu Qing, Ponton, Mutuo, and Gai Linxuan respectively.

And Xian Muran has to face a large number of remaining Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer, 6 Heavenly Layer, etc. Monster Race powerhouse!

Moreover, the group of Monster Race Supreme is still very tacitly in agreement, surrounds Xian Mu Ran, planning to solve the weakest Xian Mu Ran first, and then work together to deal with Mu Qing and the others.

“Is this your next player?”

Nanjing Supreme glanced flatly at the soaring Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, opened the mouth and said.


The Purple Dragon Monster King smiled grimly, and the scarlet rays of light on his body were flaming, like a scarlet sun.

“You can’t imagine our methods. I have known Mu Qing’s methods from Ying Xuantian’s memory a long time ago, but unfortunately, only one Supreme 8 Heavenly is needed. Layer, you can stop him!

Your plan is to rely on Mu Qing’s strength to give priority to killing one of our Supreme 8 Heavenly Layers, and then give all other Monster Race powerhouses to one After another, defeat it?

But unfortunately, after the sword of flesh and blood has increased its power, a Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer can stop the fellow practitioners from Mu Qing who has several Sovereign-level scriptures!”

The Purple Dragon Monster King laughed, thinking that he had seen through the plan to destroy Supreme.

After all, according to Ying Xuantian’s memory, when Mu Qing was in the core place ranking battle, the strength he showed was Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer Peak, which was slightly worse than Supreme Nine Layers Heaven.

He believes that Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer Monster Race, which sacrifices life to the sword of flesh and blood, is enough to stop Mu Qing!

However, Silence Supreme was just laughed and didn’t say much.

He looked at the Purple Dragon Monster King, he couldn’t help himself, he had already laughed.

Mu Qing has already informed him of Evil God through the two abilities of Small Success Realm!

The Imperius Curse is able to control the opponent, unless it is a person who is stronger than oneself, or willpower is against the sky, otherwise it cannot break free.

Mindfulness can peep into the memory and thoughts of the opponent silently, but it cannot be used in battle, and the existence that is stronger than one’s own is also invalid, unless the opponent is in a weak state.

After learning about this, the nirvana Supreme also knew that the Purple Dragon Monster King must have learned of Mu Qing’s battle strength from Ying Xuantian’s memory, so when the two sides confronted each other, the other side would definitely Guard against Mu Qing!

But Supreme doesn’t care about the death.

In Ying Xuantian’s memory screen, when it was still the core place, Mu Qing displayed the Great Success Realm’s solar sutra, which surpassed the power of Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer in one fell swoop, but was far from True Paragon Nine Layers Heaven. , Still worse.

And now, from the bottom of the nirvana Supreme’s heart, it is clear that Mu Qing’s strength has been greatly improved, and it is much stronger than during the ranking battle in the core place!

At the very least, Mu Qing can kill double-angle bloodfiend, and the strength of double-angle bloodfiend is comparable to ordinary Supreme Nine Layers Heaven.

A Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer Monster Race powerhouse, even with the help of weird means to forcibly improve the strength, but still has not reached the point of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven.

This also means that the opponent is far from Mu Qing’s opponent.

Be aware that there is a huge gap between Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer and Supreme Nine Layers Heaven.

Mu Qing, who can kill the double-angle bloodfiend, has undoubtedly reached the level of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven!

“Supreme of Nirvana! If you pass on your identity, I am afraid that all forces in the universe will be shocked?

Also, in Ying Xuantian’s memory, I am I saw a lot of familiar faces, and to be honest, even I didn’t expect that those people would be members of the black world!”

The Purple Dragon Monster King doesn’t know what Nirvana Supreme is thinking. In his opinion, he was holding the winning ticket, grinning and speaking.

The most precious news he got from Ying Xuantian’s memory is the identity of the members of the dark world hidden in the dark!

The members of the black world in Monster Realm have been completely dealt with, and the other worlds are still hidden in a large number of black world members. Some high-level powers, Demon Realm, Holy Realm, and high-level black people have black Silhouette of members of the world!

The Purple Dragon Monster King licked his lips, feeling a little excited, “After I go out, I will pass these messages out. It is estimated that you will be severely traumatized by the black world, right?”

He knows very well that once the identity of the members of the black world is exposed, those forces will definitely clean up their subordinates as quickly as possible!

If it weren’t for the information that could not be transmitted to the outside world in the internal space of the ancient bloodfiend tree, he would have revealed the identities of the hidden members of the black world.

The expression of Nirvana Supreme has not changed much. Instead of anger, a sneer appeared on his face, saying: “If you have the ability, you can pass the news to see! Of course, If you still have a life to go out!”

The mood of seeing the nirvana Supreme was not affected at all, on the contrary, it looked indifferent. The purple dragon Monster King complexion sank was quite upset in my heart.

“My mouth is hard when I die!” The Purple Dragon Monster King was coldly snorted. In his opinion, the extinguishment of Supreme was desperate.

He didn’t believe it. After several Monster Race 8 Heavenly Layers under his hand, after solving Xian Muran, Ponton and the others, they besieged Mu Qing, and the other party could not die!

The plan of the Purple Dragon Monster King is very simple. He can contend with the Supreme, and his men use the Evil God sutra to sacrifice their lives. One of the Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer stops Mu Qing, and the other Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer is to kill or defeat other people.

After all, in his eyes, Mu Qing is the most powerhouse in the Supreme entire group except for the Supreme. Therefore, after eliminating Ponton and the others, those Supreme 8 Heavenly Layers will besiege Mu Qing.

Four Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer who sacrificed their lives and obtained the evil God’s Force, he can’t help but a Mu Qing!

After Mu Qing is also resolved, everyone will come back to the nirvana Supreme, as long as they involve a little bit, or even use their lives to interfere with the nirvana Supreme, then the Purple Dragon Monster King has the confidence to kill the nirvana Supreme.

Of course, the Purple Dragon Monster King still has a lot of hole card methods, but they all need to pay some price. It is best not to use those methods to kill the Supreme.

After all, he didn’t want to sacrifice most of his life!

The Purple Dragon Monster King kills the Supreme Supreme, but the battle is biased towards containment. He intends to wait for his men to solve Mu Qing and the others before they come to besiege Supreme with himself.

At the same time, Mu Qing’s battlefield over there.

“Take it to death! After killing you, Lord Evil God will replenish my lost life force!”

The Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer opposite, smiled grimly, his state It’s not quite right, his face is savage and distorted, with madness.

He seems to be affected by Evil God and has gone crazy.

There are endless scarlet rays of light in the eyes!

The vast strength of Starry Sky on Mu Qing erupted and swept out like a vast ocean.

Suddenly, a starry sky appeared in the entire endless void!

After sensing this vast power, even the crazy Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer Monster Race powerhouse could not help but stagnate.

After the Universe Saint Physique entered the middle level, its power became more terrifying, and the strength of Starry Sky from the Five Realms instantly vented, which made people suffocate.

Mu Qing did not intend to keep his hands because he noticed that Xian Muran was facing a large number of Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer and 6 Heavenly Layer Monster Races, especially those Monster Races who also sacrificed their lives. The sword gains power over there.

There is no doubt that with Xian Muran’s strength, there is no way to resist these Monster Races. He intends to solve the guy in front of him as soon as possible.

With a move of mind, the Starry Sky Book turned to the page of the Destiny Sutra.

The long river of time appeared behind Mu Qing, and the waves of time were constantly surging, and the turbulent waves rolled up.

“Time is paused.”

The invisible ripples spread, and everything around is stagnant.

Mu Qing only chose to pause for one second!

His current limit is a two-second pause, but for the guy in front of him, it is obvious that there is no need to pause for two seconds.

One second is enough!

In an instant, Mu Qing was swallowed by the snake of the starry sky, appeared behind the Monster Race Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, and punched!

The fire of the sun is burning, and a round of fiercely strikes behind the opponent.

At the same time, Mu Qing took another palm, and the chaotic light in the palm of the palm penetrated through the opponent’s body.

One second has passed.

Mu Qing’s last means was also used, Evil God illusory shadow emerged, Destroying Evil God opened its fangs, and the beam of destruction came out!

A series of offensives shocked everyone.

Especially the Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer Monster Race, who has been influenced by Evil God’s babble, under this kind of reason, he doesn’t even know what happened.

The other party is clearly in front of him, how can he appear behind him in an instant, and still use three methods at the same time?

No, did you lose your memory?

When was he attacked?

The pain soon overwhelmed Monster Race Supreme’s sanity. He couldn’t figure out the situation at all, because after the one-second pause, Mu Qing activated the Sun Sutra and Primal Chaos Scripture. Get hurt.

Although he saw the last method used by Mu Qing, he was even a little familiar with it. It was the method of their Evil God Sutra!

But it’s too late.

When time was paused, he had already been hit, and the fire of the sun and chaotic light erupted in his body.

There is no escape!


The beam of destruction fell and destroyed this Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer Monster Race powerhouse!

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