The ability of the Star Book has been maintained from the time the Thunder Punishment was rescued!

The moment Mu Qing left the Scarlet Sovereign Hall, he used the ability to time out!

The invisible ripples spread, and everything around is stagnant!

Mu Qing is quite cautious, because he knows that the gap between himself and Supreme Ten Heaven is still quite large.

A little carelessness, you will be directly bombarded to death!

There is no chance to trigger the secret Formation mark.

According to Mu Qing’s plan, it is natural to directly use the time to pause, first set that Qingtong for two seconds, and then take this opportunity to use the world’s snake’s ability to quickly escape.

In this Divine Tree space, even the Supreme Ten Heaven cannot move as long as it wants.

But the world snake ability after being upgraded by the Star Book can do this!

However, next moment Mu Qing’s face suddenly changed!

As usual, he used the ability to time out, and the strength of Starry Sky in the two realms in his body was taken away.

It stands to reason that everything around you will pause for two seconds!

However, when the invisible ripples spread to Qing Tong, Mu Qing clearly saw that Qing Tong’s body was trembling lightly, and there was a trace of shock and amazement in his eyes.

Under the suspension of time, this Qingtong is still conscious!

Even, Qingtong is trying to resist the power of time suspension!

This is something Mu Qing has ever encountered!

At the same time, Mu Qing was shocked to find that the strength of Starry Sky in his body was once again lost.

Poured like a tide, being consumed.

After a two-second pause, Mu Qing’s strength of Starry Sky will be emptied.

Every time the use time is suspended, it will be like this!

But at this moment, the strength of Starry Sky in Mu Qing’s body continues to be consumed, losing at a terrifying speed.

One Realm, Two Realms, Three Realms!

In a short period of time, the strength of Starry Sky within Mu Qing’s body was emptied of the Five Realms!

“Damn it!”

Mu Qing was shocked, but now he has no time to care about it. He immediately urged the world’s snake power to linger in the starry sky of the vast nebula. The snake emerged.

The snake of the starry sky entwined Mu Qing, and Mu Qing also put away the scarlet Sovereign hall transformed into particles, and the whole person was swallowed by the snake of the starry sky!

What kind of experience is it to move long distances in the field of nonexistence?

Mu Qing was originally difficult to move here, but now, like a fish back in water, after being swallowed by the snake of the starry sky, the whole person is shuttled, nodded and dizzy.

After more than ten seconds, Mu Qing appeared somewhere in the non-existent realm and was spit out by the snake in the starry sky.

“cough cough!”

Mu Qing retched, and for the first time in the non-existent realm, the experience was not very good, and it gave him a kind of dizziness and nausea. a feeling of.

People who can make him, the cultivated Saint Physique of the universe, will have this kind of reaction. It can be seen how difficult it is to move and shuttle long distances in the non-existent realm.

At this moment, Mu Qing looks pale, and the strength of Starry Sky in his body is basically consumed.

This is also nothing that can be done. Just using time to pause to stop Qingtong will exhaust the strength of Starry Sky of Mu Qing.

It even only paused for a second!

If Mu Qing continues to stay, I am afraid that the strength of Starry Sky in the whole body will be exhausted soon.

The last remaining strength of Starry Sky was consumed when the world snake ability was fully promoted.

To be on the safe side, Mu Qing tried his best to shuttle and move the space, knowing that his strength of Starry Sky was completely exhausted, and then stopped.

He panted, relying on the characteristics of the Saint Physique universe to quickly restore the strength of Starry Sky, while also observing all around.

I was afraid that a Qingtong would suddenly rush out of the surrounding area, riding a huge Azure Ox and crushing him to death.

Fortunately, all this will not happen!

He traveled a very long distance in the field of nonexistence. Even in the outside world, Supreme Ten Heaven may not be able to catch up, let alone in the Divine Tree space where there are restrictions. Up.

Qingtong’s strength is very powerful, yes, but he obviously can’t chase Mu Qing anymore. Under this liquid-like space power, he can’t even capture the direction of Mu Qing’s escape. .

Mu Qing let out a long sigh of relief.


Not only is it safe, but in this Divine Tree space, he also has the greatest self-protection ability, even if he can’t beat him, he can still escape easily.

The advanced world snake ability will become his biggest life-saving card!

Different from the previous 3 minutes that took 3 minutes to perceive the non-existent realm, now Mu Qing can enter and exit the non-existent realm at any time.

Consuming enough power, you can also travel long distances in non-existent areas!

While recovering energy, Mu Qing couldn’t hide his excitement.

I have to say that the world snake ability after being upgraded by the Star Book is much more powerful than he imagined!

Now, he can completely search the heart of blood in the Divine Tree space.

After all, at present, there is only the heart of blood, which is in line with the appetite of the star book and can condense golden light clusters.

The starry sky book’s anti-sky ability made Mu Qing’s eyes hot.

This has only improved the ability of a solar meridian and a world snake, but the benefits to Mu Qing are far greater than imagined!

Allowed his strength to surpass a level at once.

Don’t say anything else, now Mu Qing doesn’t need a time-out timeout, and can easily defeat the double-angle bloodfiend.

This is the benefit brought to him after the world snake ability is advanced!

You must know that Mu Qing, who was originally the Sun Meridian to reach the Great Success Realm, can only compete with the double-angle bloodfiend.

But just like the magic step that the double-angle bloodfiend used at the beginning, the speed-type division ability that belongs to the bloodfiend clan has a huge suppression on Mu Qing.

Now with the advanced world snake ability, Mu Qing can also exert a huge suppression on the double-angle bloodfiend.

Double-angle bloodfiend, even if it is a magic step, can’t match the speed of Mu Qing’s direct movement.

The most important thing is that Mu Qing enters and exits the non-existent realm at any time, and his attacks will you can’t guard against it!

Of course, Mu Qing is not too inflated, he now has the cheapest ability of the world snake, and can easily deal with the double-horned bloodfiend that’s all.

Compared with Royal Family bloodfiend, I am still a bit worse.

His current level of strength is sandwiched between double-angle bloodfiend and Royal Family bloodfiend.

But no matter what, in terms of escape, he is definitely the best in the Divine Tree space right now!

Mu Qing took a deep breath, turned his head and entered the Scarlet Sovereign Hall.

At the same time, he was thinking about what happened when he was facing Qingtong and his time was suspended.

At that time, the strength of Starry Sky in his body could not stop madly draining, and he was suddenly emptied of the strength of Starry Sky from the Five Realms!

This made him realize that when the power gap is too great, even if time is suspended, it will be difficult to expand.

At this moment, Mu Qing recalled the words Mingxuan introduced to him.

The Destiny Sutra does not control the power of time, but borrows Power of Time by consuming one’s own power!

Obviously, Mu Qing wants to use the time pause to deal with Supreme Ten Heaven, but he is still a little reluctant.

For others, he can pause for two seconds at most, and consumes a constant two-world strength of Starry Sky.

But now, for the first time facing the powerhouse of Supreme Ten Heaven, Mu Qing discovered that as the gap in strength increases, the consumption will also increase.

Five realms of strength of Starry Sky, only suspended Qingtong for one second.

Even, even though Qingtong’s body and strength were suspended during this period, his consciousness was still awake. Mu Qing could also see this!

This also means that the secret of Mu Qing’s suspension time, I am afraid that Qing Tong will know!

“This timeout should be based on the strength of the target. Even if there is no Supreme Tenth Heaven, there are a lot of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven powerhouses by my side. It is estimated that it will consume a lot of energy. !”

Mu Qing whispered.

He knows very well that when time is suspended, he will spread an invisible ripple around himself.

This layer of invisible ripples does not affect the entire universe, but in a slightly larger area around the body.

In this range, time will be suspended!

In this range, if there are too many powerhouses, the consumption will increase to a certain extent!

Like before, Mu Qing has a Supreme Ten Heavenly Qing boy in front of him. It takes a long time to pause. It consumes the strength of Starry Sky from the Five Realms before pausing for one second.

“After all, it is the power borrowed!”

Mu Qing heave a long sigh.

The Destiny Sutra is among the best in all Sovereign-level verses.

Although there is no powerful means of attack, it has the ability to use Power of Time!

Unfortunately, it was borrowed after all. In the face of the mysterious and stalwart time, its own energy seems so small, how much Power of Time can be borrowed?

Mu Qing took out the Starry Sky Book while thinking.

After enjoying the sweetness, Mu Qing began to consider the next advanced goal.

The ability of Xingkongshu is too defying, I am afraid that even fate can’t even think of it!

At present, among the various abilities recorded by the Star Book, Mu Qing directly eliminated three.

The first one is Saint Physique of the universe. The advancement should be to upgrade to the strength of Starry Sky, but the cost is also very high, a full 100 golden light groups.

It can also be seen from the side how difficult it is to reach the strength of Starry Sky from the six realms to the strength of Starry Sky from the seven realms!

The second thing to be excluded is naturally the world snake ability.

After the first advancement, the world snake ability is already enough for Mu Qing to use, and he can run away in the face of Supreme.

The next advancement requires a full 10,000 golden light groups!

This allowed Mu Qing to seize the good things in the entire Divine Tree space. It is estimated that they will not be able to get it together!

However, looking at the world’s snake ability, he couldn’t help but think about it. It takes a full 10,000 golden light groups to advance the ability. Then once he advances, what kind of changes will he get?

I’m afraid you can freely come and go for a long time?

Mu Qing guessed wildly, then set his sights on the following Sovereign-level scriptures.

The third one he excluded was the Sun Sutra, because after an advancement, he had reached the Great Success Realm.

And Xingkong Book did not send Mu Qing a message, telling him how many golden light clusters he needs to advance.

Mu Qing realized that perhaps it was not that the Sun Sutra could not be advanced, but that he was not qualified!

The only remaining are the Mandate Sutra, Primal Chaos Scripture and Evil God Sutra.

These three are Small Success Realm, but among them, the Destiny Sutra requires a full 50 golden light groups, and the remaining two are ten.

There is no doubt that Mu Qing’s next step-up goal is Primal Chaos Scripture and Evil God Sutra, at least it is better to collect some.

And if the second Sovereign-level scripture is Great Accomplishment, add the ability of the Star Book to forcefully upgrade the Destiny Sutra during the battle.

By then, he will be one of the three Sovereign-level scriptures Great Success Realm!

At that time, even Royal Family bloodfiend could contend!

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