“In the Divine Tree space, since the bloodfiend family appeared, there is basically not much all influence left.”

Mu Qing said in a low voice.

He is now in the realm of non-existence, his body is swallowed by the serpent of the starry sky circling the nebula, and he is shuttled.

Mu Qing remembers that at that time, there were a lot of all influences who entered the Divine Tree space, but now, I haven’t seen even a shadow.

The forces sent by Monster Realm, Demon Realm, and the Holy Realm can all be determined to have fallen.

What worries Mu Qing a little is that he contacted Nimbus Supreme through Qi Luck Pearl, but there was no response.

Lost contact with him!

This shows that the nirvana Supreme has encountered an accident, either it encountered the bloodfiend squad, or it encountered the group of descendants of Sovereign.

“You won’t be unlucky enough to run into Qingtong, right?”

Mu Qing muttered.

Of course, he is more inclined to extinguish Supreme is the mark that inspired the secret Formation to go back.

He is not worried about the safety of Nirvana Supreme.

After being sent out through the imprint of the secret Formation, there is naturally no way to contact, after all, the Divine Tree space is isolated from the outside world.

“So, there are only three parties left next?”

Mu Qing thought, except for himself, the bloodfiend clan and Sovereign descendants are left in this Divine Tree space. And Qingtong.

Among them, Qingtong is the most powerful, but in terms of the number of powerhouses, there are still more bloodfiends. Until now, Mu Qing has not figured out how many bloodfiend squads there are.

On the contrary, they are descendants of Sovereign and seem to have become the weakest party.

“But the three parties, no matter who they meet, I am not an opponent.”

Mu Qing recognizes his own strength, and now he can’t even beat Royal Family bloodfiend. The sky also bullied the bloodfiend.

However, the double-angle bloodfiend basically has no orders, and it is difficult for Mu Qing to start.

He decisively admits counseling and runs away when he sees people.

Of course, if there is a chance, Mu Qing doesn’t mind stealing a few double-horned bloodfiend heads, maybe he can refining some Royal Family blood, condense golden light ball.

Now he is not too far away from ten golden light groups.

There are still three golden light groups!

Ten golden light groups can allow Primal Chaos Scripture and Evil God to be advanced once. After Great Accomplishment, Mu Qing believes that at that time, it is likely to be able to compete with Royal Family bloodfiend.

However, the easiest way is to break through from Mu Qing to Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, so that it can compete with Royal Family bloodfiend through Great Success Realm alone.

It’s just that Mu Qing is now very difficult to improve. After Saint Physique in the universe reaches the strength of Starry Sky, the improvement is almost negligible.

Unless there is a big opportunity, Mu Qing doesn’t think that his luck can be so good.

The only hope for breakthrough is to gather a hundred golden light clusters and directly use the power of the Star Book to advance the universe of Saint Physique.

Strength of Starry Sky in Seven Realms, corresponding to Supreme Nine Layers Heaven!

However, it is equally difficult for Mu Qing to gather a hundred golden light groups. He has been able to maintain the current realm for a long time.

“In the upper half, there don’t seem to be many large spaces.”

Mu Qing is located in the non-existent realm, and his goal is naturally the blood heart of each large space.

However, after perceiving, Mu Qing found that there were only a few large spaces in the upper half.

Five in total!

It seems that for the bloodfiend clan, most of the trials in the Divine Tree space are in a state of accumulation. By fighting and snatching the heart of blood, some members of the bloodfiend squad can transform into the Royal Family. bloodfiend.

And the last upper half area is already close to the location of the heart of Divine Tree.

The next battle will be even more cruel. Those Captains of Royal Family bloodfiend will really take action to snatch the heart of the Divine Tree.

After all, the heart of Divine Tree can make them the existence of Royal Family bloodfiend transformed into Divine Race bloodfiend!

A trial in the Divine Tree space can give birth to several or even a dozen Royal Family bloodfiend, but the number of Divine Race bloodfiend is fixed, and there is only one per trial!

Even, sometimes the universe you encounter is too powerful, causing a lot of Supreme powerhouses to break in. The bloodfiend squad is naturally not an opponent, and there is a risk of being completely destroyed.

Every Divine Race bloodfiend is born after numerous fights and chaos!

Mu Qing hesitated for a moment, and still traveled a long distance to five large spaces.

Unless you encounter Qingtong, Mu Qing may still be a bit dangerous, but when encountering other people, Mu Qing is confident to escape by relying on the ability of the world snake.

“Presumably, Qingtong should not be interested in the heart of blood, right?”

Mu Qing guessed, he thinks that Qingtong’s goal is most likely to be the Divine Tree heart. As for The heart of blood, something that is only useful for double-horned bloodfiend, should be looked down upon by the other party.

Soon, Mu Qing came to the first large space. According to the attractive spectacle, there are three blood hearts in this large space.

“The harvest is okay.”

Mu Qing showed a smile on his face and quickly took away the three blood hearts, and then the silhouette faded away and disappeared.

Almost at the same time, a silhouette appeared in this large space.


Zhouqing wears a golden dress, like the daughter of the sun, exuding a gentle sunlight brilliance.

She was frowned, just now, she seemed to see a familiar silhouette in a daze.

At this time, a tall White Wolf walked slowly and looked at Jiuqing suspiciously.

“What’s the matter?”


Huiqing shook the head, she thinks that it shouldn’t be an illusion, it is also Supreme anyway Nine Layers Heaven’s powerhouse, but didn’t tell what he saw.

Soon, a large number of people came one after another.

It is Fengling and Mangu and the others.

“It seems that the bloodfiend group of guys have already been here, and there is no heart of blood.”

Feng Ling glanced at it and simply analyzed it.

They didn’t care much either, the heart of blood was useless to them, and their goal was the heart of Divine Tree!

In the past years, this ancient bloodfiend tree also appeared when they were in the universe.

But now, both Zhouqing and the others have learned from the bloodfiend family that this is not a real bloodfiend old tree, but a seed of the bloodfiend old tree, named Divine Tree.

It was also Divine Tree that appeared in Tianqing Universe.

The heart of Divine Tree can make people get huge benefits.

According to some ancient book records in Tianqing Universe, Tianba Sovereign once seized part of it, which greatly improved itself.

This time, their descendants of Sovereign also intend to capture the heart of the Divine Tree.

Divine Tree’s heart is divided into three parts, which are absorbed by Tianqing, Mangu, and Fengling respectively. I believe that when the time comes their three people, they will reach the Supreme Ten Heaven!

At that time, there was no need to hide it. The Sovereign descendants of the Three Great Supremes tenth heaven could stand up and carve up a part of the chaotic universe without worrying about being the Supreme of the chaotic universe. Ten heavens to encircle and suppress.

The descendants of Sovereign and the others have been hiding at the beginning. Isn’t it because you are worried about being caught by the Supreme Ten Heaven of the Chaos Universe?

Now is the best time!

Capture the heart of Divine Tree, breakthrough Supreme’s tenth heaven!

Even, those who cultivated the Sovereign-level scriptures and reached the Great Success Realm have the strength to crush the Supreme Ten Heavens of the Chaos Universe!


It is close to the heart of Divine Tree.

In the non-existent realm, the huge Azure Ox roared, a child who seemed to be only about eight years old, with a childish face, but an old-fashioned look. He looked ahead, frowns tight, and looked like It seems to be thinking about something.

“There can be no mistake, that force is Power of Time!”

Qing Tong took a deep breath, a trace of jealousy appeared in his eyes.

Since Mu Qing escaped in his hands, Qing Tong has been thinking about what Mu Qing’s strength is.

What kind of power is it that can withstand his Supreme Tenth Heaven’s attack and escape safely?

After countless guesses and excluding the possibility of overwhelming majority, Qingtong set his sights on Power of Time.

This is currently the greatest possibility!

Qingtong was once executed by Laojun, but Remnant Soul survived by chance and got a great chance. He now has a deeper understanding of the universe and even the multiverse than everyone else. .

There are more things to know!

At the very least, Qingtong knew about the bloodfiend ancient tree, including the current Divine Tree space, which was a trial of Blood Demon Race, and he knew it too.

Qing Tong is the Supreme Tenth Heaven. Without Mu Qing’s ability, he can enter here and hide.

He does not intend to be exposed, but intends to take action at the last minute.

Originally, Qingtong planned to take this opportunity to destroy all the faction of Laojun who had killed him, but didn’t want Thunder Punishment to be rescued midway.

“A universe with only a maturity stage, a guy with only Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, how could he have Power of Time?”

Qingtong frowns, he can’t think about it solution.

He prefers other means, but there is no doubt that he was indeed suspended for about a second at the time!

If the gap between the two parties is not too great, even Qingtong’s self-awareness will be affected.

“If I meet again, I won’t let you run away.”

A cold light flashes in Qingtong’s eyes.

The first time it was completely unprepared. If he meets Mu Qing again, he is still confident to break Mu Qing’s time suspension. After all, the gap between the two sides is huge.

He wants to know the secrets of Mu Qing more, because Power of Time is not something ordinary people can control.

“According to the rumors of the Royal Court of Life, any creature that attempts to touch the power of time will eventually be assimilated by time or violent death, even if Sovereign can’t escape.”

Qing Tong Low He whispered, his body suddenly trembled, and a chill in his heart.

“Damn! How could I have that kind of thought! That’s Power of Time, that kid is bound to die!”

A trace of appeared in Qingtong’s eyes again fear.

He decided that next time he meets Mu Qing, he should stay away. The life of Thunder Punishment is irrelevant.

Anyway, the old man who killed him has been murdered secretly by him!

Qing Tong took a deep breath, he was almost affected by greedy thoughts just now. After all, Power of Time is too rare, even he wants to catch Mu Qing and study it.

But the power behind him, the words that have circulated in the Palace of Life, made him awaken instantly!

Even Sovereign can’t resist, anyone who touches the power of time will violent death!

He is a Supreme Tenth Heaven, it is better not to touch him, it is best not to approach Mu Qing, so as not to be affected.

The allure of Power of Time is great, but Qingtong is completely awake and can’t touch this thing.

The curse named time will make the existence as powerful as Sovereign fall!

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