“The strength of Starry Sky of Saint Physique in the universe, perhaps one of the characteristics is that it allows me to fit most of the Sovereign-level scriptures!”

Mu Qing secretly said in one’s heart.

From the very beginning of cultivation of the Sun Sutra, he realized the extraordinary of Saint Physique in the universe.

This is also the reason why Mu Qing will cultivation so many Sovereign-level verses so decisively!

Of course, there is also the help of the star book.

Each time the Sovereign-level scripture is displayed, Mu Qing activates the strength of Starry Sky in his body, which will automatically be converted into supreme strength of yang, Power of Primal Chaos, Qiyun power and so on.

It seems that the strength of Starry Sky from his cultivation is full of myriad forms and can be compatible with all strengths!

So at this time, Mu Qing couldn’t help but think of the Eternal Life Sutra.

According to the news that Mu Qing received from the Palace of Life, many big Sovereigns agreed that the only way to display the true power of the Eternal Life Sutra is the Ancestral Dragon of Life!

But in Dragon Race, Ancestral Dragon is already the apex of the bloodline. There are not many in the entire multiverse, and it is required to be Ancestral Dragon. It is basically unlikely that there will be a second one.

Of course, this does not mean that the Eternal Life Sutra is completely abolished. Some powerhouses in the Dragon Race may be the bloodline left over from Ancestral Dragon with a little bit of life in the body, so they can exert such power. .

Furthermore, the big race of Life Tree monsters was born from the power left over by the Ancestral Dragon of life, so every Life Tree monster can activate a half of the power of the Eternal Life Sutra!

But the existence of the Life Tree demon is blessed by heaven, and most of them have no pursuit of strength, and do not need a cultivation Sovereign level scripture at all.

Mu Qing’s heart could not help but become hot at this moment, maybe the Eternal Life Scripture can exert all its power in his hands!

If the universe Saint Physique can really be compatible with all powers!

After all, the Eternal Life Sutra was created by the once supreme Sovereign, and it is definitely not weak.

Mu Qing once again entered the Life King’s Court with his consciousness body, and currently he can only enter the dragon body universe.

In the Dragon Body universe, there is a perception galaxy. All planets in this galaxy have the Mysterious Force that can make people quickly perceive and assist in cultivation!

This place is also considered to be one of the few places that can benefit from the consciousness.

“The first 100 planets need at least 100 drops of Life Water to stay for a day, and even the first planet of the galaxy needs thousands of drops of Life Water to get in for a day.”

Poppi is beside Mu Qing’s body of consciousness, introducing the situation of the perceptual galaxy.

Mu Qing has a total of 1,000 drops of Life Water on his body, which is naturally not so extravagant.

He’s just curious, the one planet of the perception galaxy is so expensive, is there really someone going there?

“A lot of powerhouses will go to Planet One, sir!” Poppi immediately replied.

He opened the mouth and said: “But most of those are powerhouses above the Sovereign realm, because the Sovereign-level scripture Perfection Realm is not the end, and the Sovereigns have a longer way to go.


I have heard that some descendants of the Great Sovereign will be directly arranged into Planet One of the Sensational Galaxy for cultivation, and within a day or two, the Sovereign-level scriptures can reach Small Accomplishment!”

Mu Qing was a little surprised.

Small Success Realm can be reached in a day or two? !

This is faster than he borrowed from the Chaos Temple and the Starry Sky Book!

Now, Mu Qing can be regarded as thoroughly understanding how amazing the effect of cultivation in this perceptual galaxy is.

However, Poppi is talking about the number one planet. The effect of the first one hundred planets is naturally excellent, but Mu Qing doesn’t want to waste a thousand drops of Life Water here.

“The price of the number two hundred planet best meets your requirements. You need to pay 50 drops of Life Water a day to stay for a day.”

Poppi will help Mu Qing soon A most suitable place was selected.

“By the way, sir, there is a core Secret Realm on every sentiment planet. Please don’t enter.”

Poppi waved his hand, and ray of light gathered in Together, a planet’s illusory shadow is formed, which is the 200th insight planet chosen by Mu Qing.

I saw a crack in the center of this planet, and there seemed to be the core Secret Realm mentioned by Poppi.

“What is it doing there?” Mu Qing asked curiously.

“There is another price there!”

Poppi immediately replied, then scratched his head with his branch-like hand, and said: “In the core Secret Realm, Gathering most of the power of the whole perception planet, you will get a better experience when you carry out perception cultivation inside. You can regard it as a VIP seat and you need to pay more Life Water to enter.”

“Okay, I understand.” Mu Qing didn’t want to waste too much Life Water for the time being. He said to Poppi: “Take me to the 200th and get to know the planet, Poppi.”

“As you wish!”

Poppi respectfully took the identity crystal from Mu Qing, snapped his fingers and disappeared, but reappears after a few seconds.

It returned the identity crystal to Mu Qing, saying: “Because you are a consciousness body, you can go there directly through the identity crystal. Space Transmission Array is not needed.”

“The spending on the perception planet will be automatically deducted from the identity crystal.”

Mu Qing took the identity crystal back and was nodded with satisfaction.

With this Life Tree demon Poppy, Mu Qing needs to speak to the other party for everything in the King of Life, which is extremely convenient!

And Mu Qing knows that only members whose status level reaches the top ten will be assigned top-level planet and Life Tree demon assistants.

After that, Mu Qing perceives a special Space Node on the identity crystal, and the consciousness body is involved and disappeared.

In a blink of an eye, Mu Qing came to the No.200 perception planet.

Assaults the senses is a special force, extremely mysterious and abstruse, which makes one’s head groggy.

It took a few minutes for Mu Qing to get used to it, and surrounded by this force, he was surprised to find that his perceptual power had indeed improved a lot!

He felt all around, and there are many members of the King of Life here, most of which are the powerhouse of the Supreme Ten Heaven.

All of them closed their eyes for cultivation. There are at least tens of thousands of powerhouses on the entire sentiment planet, but they basically closed their eyes to understand the cultivation.

Mu Qing also saw a few silhouettes flying through the air, heading to the center of the planet, which is the so-called cultivation in the core Secret Realm.

“Let’s try first to see if the power of the Eternal Life Sutra can be brought into play!”

Mu Qing learns from others, falls casually among the mountains and forests, sits cross-legged and comprehends Eternal Life Sutra.

At the same time, the starry sky book in his arms also began to play a role, helping Mu Qing to realize the Eternal Life Sutra!

Comprehend Sovereign-level scriptures on this special sentiment planet really gave Mu Qing a different experience. He felt that with his own sentiment, the strands around him were extremely mysterious and abstruse The mysterious power comes together automatically.

Mu Qing’s mind has never been so clear, especially the power of sentiment on this planet and the blessing of the star book, let him quickly realize the Eternal Life Sutra!

Soon, a whole day passed, Mu Qing did not stay long, but chose to leave this sentimental planet.

He came here, more is just to try!

Even, in just one day, he has already started the eternal life. Although he has not yet reached the Small Success Realm, the speed is already very amazing.

Now, Mu Qing also completely believed Poppi’s words, maybe that number one sentimental planet could really cultivate the Sovereign-level scriptures to the Small Success Realm in one day!

“It would be good if you throw a sentimental planet into the Chaos Temple.”

On the moon, Mu Qing, whose consciousness has left the palace of life, is touching the chin. Whisper.

Unfortunately, because of the power of time involved in the Chaos Temple, Mu Qing didn’t plan to enter it before Mu Qing got rid of the curse of time.

After all, the curse of time is invisible and intangible, so it is better to be more cautious!

“Forget it, no matter how powerful the planet is, it is not equal to me’s starry sky book.”

Mu Qing took out the starry sky book and turned to page 7.

The complete Eternal Life Sutra has appeared on the seventh page.

At the same time, Mu Qing got the feedback message from the Star Book in his mind, and learned that he wanted to upgrade the eternal life sutra of just entered to Small Success Realm, and it would cost a golden light group!

Mu Qing, who has just introduced the Eternal Life Sutra, still has no way to figure out whether his universe Saint Physique is really compatible with all Sovereign-level sutras.

He knows that the answer lies in the Small Success Realm of the Eternal Life Sutra!

As for a trifling golden light group, Mu Qing can still afford it. He currently owns a full 68 golden light groups!

Under his control, a golden light spot on the cover of the starry sky book floated out, turned into a golden light ball, and slammed into the eternal life sutra on page 7.

In Mu Qing’s mind, countless insights about the Eternal Life Sutra came out, and it felt like a cultivation of the Eternal Life Sutra for hundreds of years!

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