Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1945: Break the world!

Xianchen's kendo supernatural powers are more terrifying than a sword, and the pure sword intent is crushed by the brilliant atmosphere, and it is also becoming heavier and heavier.

Mu Qing's eyes condensed, and the power of the violent starry sky surged out, and the Qingze Divine Sword in his hand was cut out again!

The sword came out like a rainbow, accompanied by a dragon and a snake, followed by a cloud of robbery, the sound of thunder shook the sky, and the endless thunder descended and merged into the body of the sword.

Mu Qing's sword combines the ancient magical powers of dragon and snake annihilation and the secret of thunder, and the two are integrated into this sword!

Such a move is naturally extremely expensive, after all, whether it is an ancient magical power or a thunder secret method, it is quite exhausting for ordinary masters to perform any of them.

And Mu Qing runs the Yuanshi Universal Sutra with all his strength, the power of the starry sky in his body is immense, eloquent, and can fully support it!


Thunder resounded through Wanjian Mountain, and under the cloud of robbery, Mu Qing led the endless thunder, cut it away with a sword, accompanied by dragons and snakes, roaring among the sea of ​​clouds.


The two magical swords collided again, the power of the magical power impacted, and the piercing sound of the sword was deafening, making people dizzy, and even the people watching the game from the outside were affected, and the ears overflowed with blood.

Everyone looked at the battle presented in the high-altitude vision, the sword light was blazing, the thunder was shrouded, and violent power was everywhere, swallowing everything.

"Unbelievable! This is just a picture transmitted through a vision. The confrontation between the two can actually convey some power through this picture!"

Most people are shocked. This situation has never happened before, and the strength shown is undoubtedly much stronger than those who dominated Tianjiao before!


Sword energy and sword light crazily intertwined, and then exploded, sweeping everything around, and the space was shattered.

Mu Qing retreated violently, and bright star lines appeared again all over his body.

But he was still injured, but not too serious.

The life and death mirror above his head still dangled a ray of life brilliance, helping him to recover, and at the same time the Yuanshi Huanyujing regained the power of the starry sky.

Mu Qing's momentum returned to its peak again!

He looked at the fairy dust on the opposite side, and he was certain that this guy's power must have been lost. After all, the power that the other party could master was only a part of Wanjian Mountain, and it could not be truly endless.

"Your Majesty, who do you think will win?"

Fang Ming came behind the Void Emperor and found that the other party had been paying attention to the battle presented by the high-altitude vision picture, and he couldn't help but curiously asked.

Emperor Void frowned slightly, then shook his head, "It's hard to say."

"After all, it was only through some means to convey the picture, not really watching, no matter how true it is, it is impossible to judge the specific strength of both parties."

"There is little doubt that the strength of these two people is extremely strong, and most of the dominating Tianjiao few people can beat them."

The Void Emperor's eyes flickered, "The only thing that is certain is that Mu Qing will not die."

He confessed that even if Mu Qing was defeated, he would not die.

Firstly, I had contacted Mu Qing before and understood that Mu Qing possessed some life-saving methods.

Secondly, he knew that Emperor Mu Xing was always paying attention to Mu Qing, and it was absolutely impossible to let him fall.

It is also the suppression of an era, the closest to the existence of the power of the law body, but if it is about the superiority of strength, the Void Emperor thinks that he is not an opponent of the Shepherd Emperor.

The emperor Mu Xing is not only in the half-step Dharmakaya, but also has the characteristics of Dharmakaya. The dimension of the created stars is almost the same as the real universe of the Dharma body. It can appear in various places, as if there is no concept of distance.

This special mystery restricts the power of Law Bodies to enter, but Emperor Mu Xing is half-step Law Bodies, so Emperor Mu Xing can come here through the celestial dimension at will.

If Mu Qing really had an accident, Emperor Void thought that Emperor Mu Xing would be the first person to rescue him!

The battle was still going on, Mu Qing and Xian Chen fought again hundreds of times, the sword light rippling away, leaving a deep mark in the void.

"Your strength is very strong, but unfortunately, you are not a person who specializes in kendo, otherwise the power of this top sacred weapon will be even stronger."

"The Excalibur is in your hands, it's a violent thing!"

Xian Chen shouted in a low voice. He thought that Mu Qing didn't understand what kendo was, and he was not worthy of possessing a divine sword.

Mu Qing sneered, "What if you don't specialize in kendo? You can kill powerful enemies!"

He sacrificed the divine sword, and the Qingze divine sword came out, bursting with countless hazy sword lights, surrounded by dragons and snakes, roaring out, and at the same time the nine days of thunder fell and thunder continued.

Xian Chen held the Heavenly Sword and set off a sea of ​​clouds. A real dragon was dormant. One sword after another came out of the hole. His movements were ethereal and comfortable, easily slashing the dragon and the snake, and smashing the lightning to pieces.

His eyes flickered, and his heart was surprised.

After the continuous fight, Xian Chen could naturally see that Mu Qing continued to display various powerful supernatural powers, but he still had plenty of surplus power. Even after huge consumption, his breath dropped slightly, and he climbed back to the peak state in a blink of an eye.

No wonder the other party is confident to fight him, it turns out that he has a certain degree of confidence.

Immediately afterwards, Xian Chen snorted coldly, "Using special means to quickly restore strength, the war of attrition is indeed stronger than other masters."

"But no matter how good you are, can you still be more powerful than Wan Jianshan's power?"

Xian Chen still felt disdain, thinking that Mu Qing was shaking the tree with a mayfly.

You know, Wanjian Mountain is united with the power of countless divine swords, and tens of thousands of peaks also have the origin of the sword intent buried by the strong. The combination of so many powers has formed the Wanjian Mountain.

When Wan Jianshan is really urged, it can even shake the power of the law body!

Even if Xian Chen only controls a small part of his power, it is no small matter, so he believes that Mu Qing is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

In the battle between the two, Xian Chen had the upper hand slightly, after all, he was just a memory, no entity, and would not be injured.

He pierced out with a sword, the pure sword intent was mighty, the sword light tore through all the stars, and directly cut off Mu Qing's left arm!

With blood splashing and swaying the sky, Mu Qing's expression was still dignified and steady. He naturally knew that this fairy dust was not easy to deal with, but fortunately, it was still within the tolerable range.

The mirror of life and death was turned over, and the glory of life came down. Mu Qing's injury recovered at an astonishing speed, and a brand new arm was directly grown!

On the other side, Xian Chen frowned slightly, and whispered, "Not only to restore strength, but also to restore his injuries?"

You know, his sword is different, it contains pure sword intent. If the other masters are cut, even if they are not dead, the wound will be torn by the sword qi, becoming more and more serious and unable to recover at all.

And Mu Qing recovered from the injury while lightly downplaying it, which also reflected the extraordinaryness of the mirror of life and death.

The two continued to fight, and Xian Chen's eyes were full of cruel expressions. He was surrounded by a sea of ​​clouds transformed by sword aura, and every sword was ethereal to the extreme, like flying immortals outside the sky, imagining life and death.

He once again increased the intensity, the heavenly divine sword in his hand burst into blazing light, and various kendo symbols were blessed.

Mu Qing also broke out, this time he was able to use all his methods, and every sword contained terrifying power.

Sometimes the dragon and the snake roar, sometimes the thunder descends, sometimes the yellow spring is surging!

Mu Qing alone annihilated this ancient magical power and two secret methods to the extreme.

The battle between the two can be described as stunning. They have fought for thousands of rounds, and there is still no winner or loser.

Although Mu Qing would suffer a bit of injury in every confrontation, the brilliance of life fell in the blink of an eye, and the injury healed, and then Mu Qing rushed out again.

The ancient bridge on the other bank was suddenly suppressed, Xianchen frowned, and left with a sword, shook the ancient bridge on the other bank, and another sword pierced away. The man and the sword became one, turning into a cloud of smoke, pointing directly at the center of Mu Qing's brow!

Suddenly, Mu Qing opened his eyebrows, and the eyes of Heaven's Punishment stared at the front, mouthfuls of thunder pools appeared in the void, and the world-killing gods thunder fell all over the sky.

The Qingze Divine Sword once again came out, deriving its kendo supernatural powers in mid-air, and vomiting dim sword light.

And Mu Qing flashed with thunder, and the Spear of Thousands of Killing took shape and penetrated out.

With the other hand, the black flags quickly formed and formed, and the chaotic aura spread out, letting the world return to chaos!

Fairy Chen showed invincible power, the sword light swept all the world-destroying thunders, smashed and killed thousands of spears, and turned into a cloud of smoke sword, wanting to penetrate Mu Qing's eyebrows and strangle the soul!

He knew that Mu Qing's methods were quite powerful. Not only could he restore his own strength at a perverted speed, but he also had a powerful life-like supernatural power to restore physical injuries.

The combination of the two makes Mu Qing's endurance unlimited.

But this is not without weakness, Xianchen also knows, since the ordinary injury Mu Qing can recover in the blink of an eye, then directly attack Mu Qing's soul!

Once the soul is damaged, it is not so easy to recover, and then Mu Qing's strength will definitely be greatly reduced.

But at this moment, Mu Qing's arrogance was overwhelming, and he stepped out abruptly. The open sky banner in his hand turned into an axe, the chaotic energy rolled around, billions of dollars of light bloomed!

Mu Qing roared, his face was also slightly pale, even if he used his full strength to display the Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra, he consumed the unimaginable horror.

A cyan light flashed, and the Qingze Divine Sword pierced into the open sky flag, using this as a medium to get a little better.

This is not the previous simplified version of the Kaitian banner.

It was obtained from Mo Zi, the full version of the Open Sky Banner!

At this moment, Mu Qing also realized how terrifying the truly complete Kaitian banner was. The exhaustion was too amazing. Almost instantly, he almost drained him!

If it weren't for Mu Qing's quick movements, the Qingze Divine Sword was the medium for the first time, and with the power of the top sacred artifact, he would bear a part of the burden.

The world fell, and the entire Wanjian Mountain became chaotic.

There was endless divine light bursting from Mu Qing's eyes, and the arm that he was holding the axe had already appeared densely cracked, and blood was constantly flowing.

He forcibly controlled the axe in his hand, screamed abruptly, stepped forward, and cut out the axe!

Break the world!

Behind Mu Qing, the air of chaos lingers, as if you can see a stalwart figure. The giant comes from the origin of the world and is the beginning of everything. It also masters the axe light and cuts it down with Mu Qing's actions!

Under this axe, the world collapsed! Space burst!

The terrifying axe flashed across, and the entire misty sea of ​​clouds was divided into two!

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