Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2032: Ten sword fruit

"There was a terrible battle here." Fang Ming said solemnly.

Near the magma pool, there are many corpses, and even some pale golden bones can be seen in the magma pool.

At the very least, he was a strong man who had cultivated a pure Yang body to the second-rank realm. After his fall, his flesh and blood were melted, but a pair of bones still remained.

"I am afraid that there was some treasure in this magma pool. Many people went in and snatched it." Mo Zi guessed through the nearby traces and corpses.

Mu Qing took a closer look, and indeed found that many corpses were near the magma pool.

Everyone glanced at each other and found that the battle in this treasure vault space was more fierce than they had imagined.

Following a road that was almost bloody, Mu Qing and others walked out of the cave.

Outside is a vast world, with a large forest, and at the same time there are mountain peaks shaped like a sword.

"Is this world one of the test grounds of the Chunyang Great Formation?" Mu Qing was a little curious.

He found that on the ground, he could see some formation patterns from time to time, but he had already lost his charm and seemed to be abandoned for a long time.

And these formation patterns, they had seen before, the small world on that side was very small at that time, and the Chunyang Great Formation imprinted in the heavens and the earth there was only the first attempt by the Pure Sun Sword Sovereign.

The sword fruit that was finally condensed was also a failure, and it had no effect on the Pure Sun Sword Sovereign, but the sword fruit alone gave everyone a huge benefit, and their strength increased rapidly.

Now, seeing these formation patterns again makes everyone wonder whether this treasury space is also one of the test grounds for Pure Sun Sword Sovereign to deploy a pure sun formation?

The records they found earlier are already clear. In order to be able to break through to the second realm of the Great Domination, Sword Sovereign Pure Sun is constantly trying the Great Sword of Pure Sun to condense the so-called Pure Sun Sword Heart.

But the Pure Yang Sword Heart is not so easy to refine. The Pure Yang Sword Zunguang is to create a real pure Yang formation, and he has tried many times.

In the eyes of those who dominate the realm, every attempt of this pure Yang formation is extremely costly, and various divine swords and holy artifacts are used to refine it.

But all this is nothing to the power of the Law Bodies.

When Mu Qing and others saw these formation patterns on the ground, they guessed that this Fang Treasury space was probably also one of the test sites of a pure sun formation.

And judging from the scale, it was not much larger than the small world where they had previously obtained the sword fruit.

It seems that the Chunyang Great Formation here is a masterpiece of Pure Yang Jianzun after many attempts and gains.

"I don't know if this Pure Sun Sword Sovereign finally made a real pure sun formation." Mo Zi was a little curious.

The records previously seen in that small world were all the goals of Pure Yang Sword Sovereign, and they were not already formed.

"I'm afraid I didn't succeed."

"According to the record left by Pure Sun Sword Sovereign, the true Pure Sun Great Formation will absorb the power of countless divine swords and condense the Pure Sun Sword Heart. Then, Pure Sun Sword Sovereign can use this to break through to the overlord’s position. Two realms."

"But until the last juncture of the ancient times, Pure Sun Sword Sovereign still fell, indicating that he has not entered the second realm."

Mu Qing shook his head.

According to rumors, the second realm of the Great Lord is the realm of Nirvana. The dharmakaya power that enters this realm will have no concept of death. Even if the whole body is obliterated, it can still be resurrected and returned through the laws of the universe many years later!

Mu Qing guessed that the reason why the dharmakaya powers of the ancient times of Origin have not been resurrected, probably because they were moved by the death demon, so the resurrection time has become extremely long.

The Pure Sun Sword Sovereign fell directly, proving that the opponent has not yet stepped into the second realm of the Great Sovereign.

If it hadn't been for the origin of the youth to find the real place of the six realms of reincarnation by chance, this pure sun sword sovereign would not even have the slightest chance of resurrection!

"No matter what, even if it is a pure Yang array of failed works, the condensed things are definitely a treasure for us!" Fang Ming was a little eager to try.

Last time in that small world, they got a sword fruit, even if it was divided into four people, each person only had a part of the sword fruit fragments, and until now they have not been able to absorb and refine it.

The energy contained in it is too huge!

Right now, this treasure house space is many times larger than the small world before. If the pure sun formation of this world condenses into a sword fruit, I am afraid that the energy contained is beyond imagination.

Maybe it can be comparable to the four-level treasure!

"But this time, I'm afraid it's not just a Lich clan who snatched it." Mu Qing said solemnly.

The reason why they got the sword fruit smoothly last time was because the Lich clan had gone through a great battle, and they came to the back of the Oriole.

This time it was different. It was almost foreseeable that the opponent faced by that time would not only be a Lich clan, but also other forces.

In this case, it is not so easy to capture the sword fruit.

"The pure sun array in this treasure house space should be based on these mountains as nodes, converging on the most central mountain in the distance."

Yue Cheng looked over and found a lot of details.

Each mountain peak shaped like a divine sword is branded with an array pattern. Although the array pattern has lost its charm, it still gleams with a dim luster.

Everyone can see that this pattern finally converges on the most central mountain.

It seems that this method is similar to the small world they entered earlier.

All the forces are gathered in one place in the center, and a result is condensed!

Pure Yang Sword Sovereign wanted to be Pure Yang Jianxin, but the defeated product condensed that merit but it was all sword fruit.

Mu Qing and others immediately set off and rushed to the center of the mountain.

They didn't see any figures from other forces on the way, but when they passed some mountain peaks, they went up and took a look.

It was found that there were more or less traces of battles and corpses on each mountain, stained with blood.

The remaining are all scrapped divine sword holy artifacts.

It seemed that many treasures had already been taken away, and when Mu Qing and others came up, there was nothing.

If there is nothing good on these peaks, then these people don't have to fight like this, they must be fighting for something.

"It seems that we came late, and everything on these peaks was taken away." Fang Ming said with a frown.

Mu Qing also felt a little surprised.

It stands to reason that they were not slow to enter the sixth floor of the altar, but they did not expect it to be a step slower.

"Although they arrived a while earlier than us, they may not be as powerful as ours." Mo Zi disapproved.

You know, Mu Qing and the others have met again and again, and they have broken through to the realm of the three-revolution pure yang body.

Even if other people have adventures, they may not be able to reach this point.

Everyone quickly came to the center of the mountain.

This mountain is several times larger than the mountain in the previous small world.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of energy fluctuations on the mountain, and it seems that the battle is quite fierce." Fang Ming's eyes narrowed.

Mu Qing and the others headed towards the top of the mountain, but in the middle of the journey they encountered many ghosts and ghosts.

"Are these guys here too?"

A look of surprise appeared on Mu Qing's face, then he shot and slammed a punch, the space was shaken, the starry sky filled with real fire, and the fist wind rolled up the terrible real fire, killing these ghosts and ghosts.

He found that these ghosts and ghost dragons were at least pure yang bodies in the first-turn realm.

"I have always felt very weird, forget about those ancient species. After all, they are savvy and even a little cunning, but these ghosts and ghost dragons can also obtain pure yang bodies."

Yue Cheng frowned, he was quite puzzled.

Ghosts and ghosts, and Jiuying birds, these three groups, the latter two come from the native creatures of the ghost sky, and the ghosts come from the bottom of the ghost river, which can be regarded as the natives of the ghost sky.

These guys are low-spirited, as long as they have basic emotions and instincts.

It stands to reason that although these guys are powerful, they should not be able to reach the sixth floor of the altar.

The result is that these beast-like creatures have condensed a pure yang body one by one, and even have some talents and abilities, occupying a little advantage.

If you underestimate them because of low intelligence, I am afraid you will suffer a big loss, or even fall!

Mu Qing blasted out several punches, tearing the bodies of these ghosts and ghosts into pieces.

His eyes were cold, and he had a certain answer to Yue Cheng's doubts in his heart.

These guys under the spiritual intelligence, except for a few special mutant species, are all existences with extremely low spiritual intelligence.

I am afraid that the conditions for their connection are not clear. Normally, they don't know how to condense the pure yang body and how to enter the lower level of the altar.

But these guys all appeared here!

Mu Qing knew very well in his heart that it was probably the Death Demon controlling everything behind his back!

Most of the ancient species was controlled by the death demon, and the three indigenous creatures of the ghost, ghost, ghost dragon, and nine infant birds, were completely controlled by the death demon.

With the instruction of the death demon, they know how to clear the level and enter the sixth level of the altar or even higher!

"Taking this opportunity, you can clean up these guys by the way." Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

Compared to the Dragon Clan, he was more willing to kill the group of guys controlled by the Death Demon first!

After a while, everyone came to the top of the mountain.

There is almost a melee here.

The forces of each side are huddled together, just like when they robbed the Panlong Stone Pillar before, the forces of all sides were robbing the sword fruit!

That's right, on the top of this mountain, there is a sword fruit, which is exactly the same as the sword fruit that Mu Qing and others had seen before!

"There are so many sword fruits!" Fang Ming was surprised.

I saw a lake of energy in the center of the mountain, where the formations converge.

Only this time, the small tree on the energy lake condensed a full ten sword fruits!

Ten of them!

Even if Mu Qing and others had already obtained a sword fruit, but at this time, they were extremely shocked.

Just one sword fruit has brought them enough benefits, but now, there are a total of ten!

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