Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2035: God Hitomi

"Damn it! What the **** is going on with this guy!"

The divination mother-in-law scolded, she wanted to get away, but the silver helmet ghost had been pestering her all the time, and every attack was extremely terrifying.

"This power..."

Suddenly, the pupils of the divining mother-in-law shrank sharply.

When fighting the Golden Dragon King earlier, the silver helmet ghosts just kept going into a virtual state, and hadn't fought seriously at all.

Therefore, before everyone thought this silver helmet ghost was a little weird, but they didn't care too much.

After all, these three special mutants of the three major indigenous creatures in the ghost sky all have some natural abilities.

However, it wasn't until the moment when the silver helmeted ghosts really acted on the divination mother-in-law that the divination mother finally discovered that the power used by the other party was not physical power!

On the other side, whether it's the Yin-Yang Ghost Dragon or the old Jiuying Bird, they all have the power of the three-revolution pure yang body, fighting with the power of the flesh, and matching the talents, not weaker than the Bone Youwang and the others who have the real fire of the sun.

However, the silver-helmeted ghost at the moment did not use the power of the flesh, but instead mobilized a weird and incomparable dark power!

The divining mother-in-law looked shocked, completely ignoring the pure Yang Jianzun's laws of heaven and earth, what is the origin of this silver helmet ghost?

The other party doesn't seem to be wise and can't communicate at all.

The more the divining mother fought, the more her heart palpitations became. She only felt that the dark power of the other party was so cold that it could even penetrate into her flesh and blood and seduce the soul.

She felt that her soul was shaking, as if she had been greatly tempted, and she had the illusion that she wanted to escape from her!

"No! Not an illusion!"

The divination mother-in-law suddenly woke up, and hurriedly retreated.

With cold sweat on her forehead, she looked at the silver-helmed ghost with dread.

She suspected that if the battle continued, her soul would really be stripped out during the battle!

"Mu Qing!"

"Give me death!"

The Golden Dragon King's figure resembled a golden lightning, and appeared in front of Mu Qing and the others in the blink of an eye.

He strode out, golden flames appeared in a pair of dragon eyes, full of anger, after striding out, his whole body muscles knotted and punched out!

This punch was extremely powerful and mighty, the red gold Dahizhen fire was burning, condensed into a golden dragon, and roared.

Mu Qing and the others were shocked. They were all auras, rather low-key, located at the outermost periphery. How could they be spotted by the Golden Dragon King all at once?

Naturally, he didn't know that the divination mother-in-law deliberately revealed their whereabouts.

Right now, the Golden Dragon King is coming fiercely, and he doesn't care so much anymore.

Mu Qing also had three glorious big day visions appearing on his body. The muscles on his body were not as exaggerated as the Golden Dragon King, but the strength contained in it was not bad at all.

A vast starry sky emerged behind him, and the moment the immortal starry sky appeared, it blessed Mu Qing's power, and at the same time, the product of the abnormal change of the real fire of the day, the real fire of the starry sky was burning.


This fist confrontation between the two of them, just the collision of the fist and wind, set off a violent storm, and waves of violent heat swept all around.

Immediately afterwards, the space began to be distorted, and the unimaginable physical power caused countless visions, and the dazzling light penetrated the surroundings.

After the terrible air wave vented, Mu Qing and Golden Dragon King stood intact.

Golden Dragon King has golden dragon scales on his arms and face. His golden dragon eyes stared at Mu Qing, full of anger, but also with a hint of shock!

In the previous fight, he only felt that he had hit the indestructible mysterious metal with a punch. Although he was not injured, the tiger's mouth was already numb.

Even if it wasn't for forcibly enduring it, I'm afraid it's just this time, and I will quit for a few minutes if I don't say anything!

Looking at Mu Qing's calm and relaxed look, the Golden Dragon King was a little surprised. Is this guy's power still above him?

At the same time, the Golden Dragon King cast his gaze on the immortal starry sky behind Mu Qing.

As a strong man with a dignified half-step Dharma body, even if his power is limited by the laws of heaven and earth, his vision has not been affected in any way.

He could see that this was exactly the illusory universe derived from the Dominant Scriptures.

However, for the dominating realm, even in the half-step Dharma body realm, this illusory universe is of little significance.

Because the illusory universe is just a vision, without any power, it can only be said that the more condensed the illusory universe, the more the scriptures that can reflect its understanding, the closer it is to the level of the great ruler.

You must know that only the powerful who dominate the realm, that is, the power of the law body, can their illusory universe change from illusion to reality and possess real power.

Every dharmakaya power possesses a real universe, and just like this, every dharma body power has such an ability to reach the sky, and it's not a matter of creating a small world at will.

However, the Golden Dragon King was very surprised at the moment.

The immortal starry sky behind Mu Qing is still in the category of the illusory universe, even if it is somewhat solidified, it is no worse than the illusory universe of his half-step Dharma body.

But the Golden Dragon King's own illusory universe can't be summoned to assist in the battle, but Mu Qing can!

Even ignoring the restrictions of the laws of heaven and earth, summoned under the current environment to increase the power of the physical body!

This is incredible!

"Could it be that this is the characteristic of Law Bodies?" The Golden Dragon King muttered in his heart.

But to be honest, he had never seen such an exaggerated feature of the Law Body.

Of course, this alone wouldn't make the Golden Dragon King afraid, anyway, he was also an extremely strong half-step Dharma body, and he was quite confident in himself.

There were two white breaths from his nostrils, the muscles on his body seemed to be squirming, and the sound of dragons roared from the pores all over his body.

The Golden Dragon King was surprised at Mu Qing's strength, much more powerful than he had imagined, but on the contrary, it aroused his fighting spirit.

The next fierce battle may be fierce, but he, who has received news from the Emerald Dragon Emperor, is very aware of the threat Mu Qing poses to their dragon clan.

Therefore, Mu Qing must die!

He was about to continue his hands, when suddenly he had another pause.

The face of Jinlong King suddenly became difficult to look.

Beside Mu Qing, three big day visions appeared, and then three big day visions emerged.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Ming grinned and stood up, with three big day visions also behind him.

The King of Dragon King was full of disbelief and looked at Mu Qing and others.

Fang Ming, Yue Cheng, and Mo Zi also showed their strengths, and each of them was surrounded by a red-golden real fire.

The divination mother-in-law did not explicitly say that the Golden Dragon King only thought that Mu Qing was stronger, but he did not expect that the few people around Mu Qing were actually pure yang bodies in the third stage realm!

In addition, they are all pure yang bodies with the real fire in the sun!

It is also a pure yang body, possessing the great sun fire and not having two different combat powers.

The three-revolution pure yang body without the real fire of the sun, such as the ancient species of great ape that Mu Qing encountered before, was forcibly ascended purely by means of external objects.

And the pure Yang body with the Great Sun True Fire basically had an adventure in the terracotta world, and found the Nine-Rank Pure Yang Body.

Although it is also a realm that absorbs all kinds of supreme treasures, but with the Nine Turns of Pure Yang Sutra, the Great Sun Real Fire can be cultivated with a pure Yang body, and the strength is more powerful.

Generally speaking, the pure yang body with the real fire of the sun must be more powerful, and only special individuals such as the old Jiuying bird and the Yin Yang ghost dragon, who possess unique talents, can compete with it.

At this time, the Golden Dragon King was no longer calm. He never expected that Mu Qing had more than a three-turned pure yang body powerhouse, but a full four!

Now it's four-on-one, how could he be an opponent?

Even if he is a half-step Dharmakaya, he is in the same realm as Mu Qing and others under the restrictions of the laws of heaven and earth.

There was a hint of retreat in the heart of the Golden Dragon King.

After all, among the four people, there is also the existence of Mu Qing, and the other party has the means to restrain their dragon clan's ability to resurrect.

If you fall here, you are really dead!

Moreover, with his half-step Dharma body realm, whether the Jade Dragon Emperor can bring him back to life is still unknown.

"Leave him to me! The three of you join hands to fight for the sword fruit." Mu Qing suddenly spoke and said to the three of you.

Fang Ming and others were shocked, and then they also understood what Mu Qing meant.

Indeed, they are not very good at wasting time on Golden Dragon King.

At that time, once the group of people in Energy Lake finds that Mu Qing and others have four powerhouses with three ranks, they will definitely join hands with each other.

It's better to take this opportunity and let the three of Fang Ming kill them by surprise and grab the sword fruit!

And Mu Qing had enough confidence to face the Golden Dragon King.

"Be careful yourself." Mo Zi nodded at Mu Qing.

The Golden Dragon King stared at Mu Qing closely, "You are so brave, you dare to go heads-up with me."

As a half-step dharma body for many years, it was the first time he saw someone dared to be one-on-one with him.

"Outside, you are a half-step Dharma body, and I am the ruler of the Seven Tribulations. Naturally, I am far inferior to you. I am afraid that you can slap me to death with one slap."

"But unfortunately, the laws of heaven and earth here are restricted. Even if you are a dragon, you have to hold it for me!"

Mu Qing sneered, he was quite rude to the Dragon Clan.

In the next moment, his eyes became cold and cold, and he suddenly screamed, the immortal starry sky behind him expanded, the chaotic luster appeared, and a vast ocean swept out.

The Golden Dragon King was about to scold Mu Qing for being too arrogant, but was startled by Mu Qing's sudden use of methods, and then was swallowed by the chaotic sea in the blink of an eye, trapped in it.

"This is supernatural power?!" The Golden Dragon King was shocked again.

This Mu Qing originally summoned the Unreal Universe to be able to increase his strength, and now he is directly using his magical powers.

Is there any restriction on him by the law of heaven and earth?

The Golden Dragon King was shocked, but after all, he was an extremely strong man with a half-step Dharma Body. He quickly calmed down and looked around and found that his perception was limited to the lowest level, and it was chaotic at first glance.

At the same time, the Chaos Qi was crushed down with a terrifying weight, but the Golden Dragon King was a pure Yang body in the three-turn realm, so he could ignore this.

At the same time, the many powerhouses on the energy lake were also attracted by the situation on Mu Qing and the Golden Dragon King.

"Who is using supernatural powers?" King Bone You looked at the chaotic sea, his heart was shaken.

Taking advantage of everyone's surprise, Fang Ming and the three turned into black shadows. They were so fast that they rushed to the center of the energy lake to **** the ten sword fruits.

At the same time, the divination mother who was fighting with the silver-helmed ghost suddenly screamed nervously.

"Understood! The old man understands!"

The divination mother-in-law yelled and laughed strangely.

Others may think she is crazy when she sees it, but only she can see it. There is an eye on the center of her brow. It is a **** pupil, but it is more like a crystal ball!

This is a natural innate ability that is invisible to outsiders. Only the divination mother can use it. Although the predictions are inaccurate and are scorned by outsiders, the divination mother is convinced.

She looked at the opponent with her crystal ball-like pupils, and saw a ghost in the silver helmet in front of her.

It is exactly what Mu Qing looks like!

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