Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2037: Fierce battle

"Suffer to death!"

The Golden Dragon King let out a low roar, the long golden hair flying on his back, the whole person has changed tremendously from the previous one, gradually transforming from a human form to a dragon-man state.

The dragon horns on the top of the head are vigorous and powerful, the muscles all over the body are knotted, and they are covered with a layer of golden dragon scales, including the face is covered by golden dragon scales, and the facial features are closer to the dragon!

On his wide back, a pair of dragon wings stretched out, his hands and feet became dragon claws, and a thick tail wagging behind him.

After changing into Jackie Chan's form, the Golden Dragon King's aura is obviously going to become stronger. He dashed towards Mu Qing and smashed the chaotic wave that swept through with a single punch.

Mu Qing's face was also quite solemn, he knew how terrifying the strength of the Golden Dragon King in this state.

However, he was also very calm, his footsteps shifted, his figure was quickly shrouded in chaos, and he disappeared.

The Golden Dragon King almost fell into a violent state, his fists opened and closed, and the dragon claws in both hands were lingering in the real fire, and the entire Chaos Sea was torn in half!

A large amount of Chaos Qi collapsed, and waves of Chaos swept away, but were blasted by the Golden Dragon King's whip kick.

He intends to directly break the Chaos Sea with a powerful force to find out where Mu Qing is!

However, the Chaos Sea seemed to be endless and could not be broken, and Mu Qing's figure did not emerge.

The Golden Dragon King tore open the Chaos Sea and saw the light outside again, but the next moment the Chaos Sea reunited again, and there was pitch black in front of him, and then only Chaos was left.

He was trapped in it again.

"Damn it! I admit now, this supernatural power is a bit annoying." The Golden Dragon King was a little aggrieved.

The pressure of Chaos Sea is nothing to him, but in the environment of Chaos Sea, Mu Qing's hiding methods have directly reached an unimaginable level, and it has greatly weakened the perception of the Golden Dragon King.

Even if the Golden Dragon King reacted too much to others, it would be difficult to change this disadvantage.

As long as in this chaotic sea, Mu Qing can always be the one who has the upper hand!

Jinlong Wang listened to six directions, looked all directions, and suddenly turned around.

Just at this moment, a figure rushed out of the chaos, extremely fast, but the Golden Dragon King still noticed it!


The Golden Dragon King roared and displayed a move he had created, Dahizhenhu burst out with the muscle power of his whole body, condensing a red golden dragon head, and swallowed it away fiercely.


Another large swath of Chaos Qi exploded, and the fog was chaotic. However, after the figure exploded, it also turned into strands of Chaos Qi and collapsed.

"Oops!" Jin Longwang's pupils contracted, and he realized that this was an illusion, a figure condensed from chaotic energy.

The real Mu Qing has appeared from the side. He is quite low-key, suppressing his aura to the lowest level, unconsciously approaching the Golden Dragon King, and then erupts at this instant!

The starry sky is really hot! Immortal sky!

With the blessing of the two forces, Mu Qing’s body was blazing with real fire like stars, and the vast universe of stars appeared behind him. Although this punch had no skill, it carried the boundless force and slammed the Golden Dragon King’s side firmly. .


The Golden Dragon King only had time to adjust his posture and cross his arms to resist, but the power was obviously unable to be mobilized. It was difficult for the whole person to resist the terrifying and boundless force, and he flew out like a cannonball.

Immediately afterwards, there were layers of chaotic giant waves that were set off, like a giant hammer slamming heavily on the body of the Golden Dragon King, causing secondary damage.

"Asshole thing, you are the first person to hurt me since entering this special secret realm."

The dragon eyes of the Golden Dragon King were red as blood, and his chest was raging to the sky. The real fire on his body was boiling like a big day, surging constantly.

If it is said that Mu Qing's killing intent was based on the order of the Emerald Dragon King and the death of his family.

So now the killing intent of the Golden Dragon King originated from his own anger.

An extremely strong man with a dignified half-step Dharma body, he was actually injured by a Seven Tribulations Sovereign in this situation!

It can be seen that on the arms of the Golden Dragon King, the golden dragon scales have been shattered, the flesh and blood are blurred, and the white bones of the forest are broken.

At the same time, the Golden Dragon King's chest cavity spreads as the center, blood seeping under the dragon scales, it can be seen that Mu Qing's fist hurt him a lot.

The Golden Dragon King breathed heavily, relying on his powerful body, his injuries quickly recovered, his bones were reconnected, and the dragon scales grew again.

This is not only the effect of the three-revolution pure yang body, but also as a dragon clan, with the pure and rich blood of the golden dragon clan, he is born a god-like character, blessed by nature.

The recovery ability is faster than other creatures, I don’t know how much!

The Jinlong King's eyes were cold, and Sen Han's killing intent penetrated from his body.

His hands were bent with five claws, and the real fire of the sun gathered, condensing two red golden dragon heads.

"Double Dragon Tooth!"

The Golden Dragon King let out a low roar, and rushed towards Mu Qing!

Although he was injured, Mu Qing's true body has also appeared. This is an opportunity. Otherwise, if Mu Qing is allowed to hide in the Chaos Sea, he will fall into a disadvantage again.

Mu Qing opened up the vast immortal starry sky behind him, and the bright sparks on his body were burning, directly accepting this move of the Golden Dragon King.

Shuanglong Fang hit the front door directly, and the two ferocious dragon heads manifested through the real fire, and they wanted to swallow Mu Qing.

Mu Qing squeezed his hands and mobilized the whole body's strength, every inch of flesh and blood became tight, and both fists attacked at the same time!


The violent forces collided, the entire Chaos Sea exploded again, and the eyes outside gathered again.

However, the people outside could only see the two figures vaguely, and soon the Chaos Sea reunited again.

The dragon clan powerhouse was a little uneasy, and the faces of the nine-tribulation rulers were rather ugly.

"I seem to see that Lord Golden Dragon King is injured."

"I seem to have seen it too..."

"Impossible! Then how could Mu Qing contend with Lord Golden Dragon King, Lord Golden Dragon King is an extremely strong half-step Dharma body, even in this place where the laws of heaven and earth are restricted, he is also an absolute strong!"

A strong man of the Golden Dragon clan immediately retorted that he had great trust in the Golden Dragon King.

Those Nine Tribulations Lords didn't care about them either, but their faces were gloomy and their expressions were a bit ugly.

They also hope that they have misunderstood.

Mu Qing is not even the ruler of the Nine Tribulations, how could he be the opponent of the Golden Dragon King, the half-step Dharma body?

In the sea of ​​chaos.

The Golden Dragon King and Mu Qing are still fighting, their fists colliding with each other, the speed of the fight is amazing, and the blink of an eye is thousands of strokes.

The figures of the two almost turned into two rays of light in the Chaos Sea, constantly colliding, emitting a continuous loud noise and roar.

A ray of light is golden, and a ray of light is dazzling with stars. In this chaotic sea, there is a frantic collision. Every time the two rays of light intersect, there will be a terrible force smashing away, shattering the nearby chaotic energy.

Mu Qing was calm and calm. He knew that the Golden Dragon King came up to attack like a violent storm. He wanted to keep him from entering the chaos and use the chaos to hide his figure to sneak attack.

The Golden Dragon King has completely regarded Mu Qing as an opponent of the same level at this moment. If Mu Qing is allowed to make a sneak attack again, he will probably suffer a lot of injuries.


The golden light and the starlight once again converged, and layers of air wave shook all around, shaking away the chaotic energy.

This is Mu Qing's fist colliding with the Golden Dragon King's dragon claws, with great momentum.

At this moment, Mu Qing's eyes lit up and he found the opportunity. He flashed to the side of the Golden Dragon King and slammed into the opponent's heart with a fierce punch. Under the blessing of the immortal starry sky, the power of this punch was extremely terrifying, distorting the void. .

The Golden Dragon King's heart trembled violently, the pair of dragon wings behind him flapped frantically, and hurriedly evaded towards the rear, and at the same time kicked out and collided with Mu Qing's fist.

There was another loud noise, the power was completely exploded, and the Golden Dragon King took advantage of the flow and flew out, which is considered to have avoided the vital point.

But his leg was numb, after all, Mu Qing's power was increased by the immortal sky, which was too powerful.

At this moment, even the Golden Dragon King couldn't help feeling shocked. Is this increasing method of feeling Mu Qing unlimited time and does not require any consumption?

He originally thought that Mu Qing's amplification method must have certain limitations, but he did not expect that since the fight so many times, every punch and every palm of Mu Qing was using the boosting power of the immortal starry sky.

"No wonder the Emerald Dragon King ordered Mu Qing to be wanted by the whole dragon clan. This guy is a monster!"

As the Golden Dragon King with a half-step Dharma body, his heart was chilling at this moment. After he really fought with Mu Qing, he realized the extraordinary things in Mu Qing's body.

If he could mobilize the power of his half-step Law Body, he would definitely not hesitate to use the most powerful magical power to kill Mu Qing!

It's a pity that now I can only use physical power.

The Golden Dragon King forcibly endured the discomfort, before waiting for his numb legs and feet, he rushed up again, his speed remained unaffected, his claws gathered in the real fire of the sun, and slaughtered Xiang Mu Qing.

He didn't dare to stay too long, otherwise Mu Qing would sneak in the chaos again, and he would be completely at a disadvantage.

"Double Dragon Tooth!"

Golden Dragon King once again used his own moves.

As an extremely strong man with a half-step Dharma body, after he obtained the Nine Revolutions of Pure Yang Sutra and cultivated a pure Yang body, he had discovered that this supernatural power of refining the body only increased the strength of the physical body.

But there is no matching moves and magical powers.

You should know that other supernatural powers of body-refining also include some moves and fighting supernatural powers.

The Nine Turns of Pure Yang Sutra does not.

Therefore, the Golden Dragon King relied on his rich experience and created some moves to exert his physical power to a greater extent.

But at this time.

There was a fleeting light in the eyes of Mu Qing on the opposite side. He did not avoid it, but chose to head-on.

At the same time, Mu Qing bends his five fingers, and the bright sparks on his body gather to form two giant dragons roaring constantly.

"Double Dragon Tooth!"

Mu Qing let out a low cry, his hands formed into claws, and he also culled away. The two giant dragon heads condensed by the star fire roared and collided with the Golden Dragon King.

"This is impossible!"

When King Dragon King saw this, his pupils contracted and his heart shook. He was a little unbelievable.

There may be some shortcomings in his own self-made moves, but they are definitely not as simple as mortal martial arts.

After all, after turning the pure yang body for three times, Dahizhenhu was born in the flesh and blood, which is also an alternative kind of energy.

The Golden Dragon King is based on the real fire of the day, creating dragon teeth, double dragon teeth and other fighting supernatural powers.

It is normal for people to learn ordinary moves, but Shuanglongfang already belongs to the category of fighting supernatural powers, and was originally created by the Golden Dragon King based on the study of the Nine Revolutions Pure Yang Sutra, the supernatural powers scripture!

How could someone secretly learn it with the naked eye? !

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