Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2042: A huge improvement, seven turns of pure Yang!

After Centaur Maronan uttered the last words, he fell silent completely.

The silver helmet ghost gradually began to blur, becoming a black shadow flying towards the distance, leaving the Chaos Sea.

At the sea of ​​chaos, everyone looked at each other.

Centaur Maronan used the silver helmet ghost to inform them of these news, which surprised them.

There are actually two death monsters!

After knowing the truth, Mo Zi also reduced his hostility.

I thought that Elder Gou An and others were killed by the ancient centaur, but now it does not seem to be the case, but died by the hands of another death demon.

Mu Qing was relatively calm about this, because he had known about the two death demon's affairs a long time ago, and even he suspected that after the death demon's eye controlled Chu Ying, the strength would be stronger than the strength of the broken arm.

Subsequently, Mu Qing controlled the Chaos Sea and changed its direction.

"It seems that the previous speculation is correct. There really is no restriction on the seventh floor of the altar." Fang Ming said solemnly.

"You have to be careful of the Dragon Race and the Lich Race." Yue Cheng looked at Mu Qing.

This time Mu Qing was a big show. Even the Golden Dragon King, who was half-step Dharma Body, was severely wounded and escaped, and afterwards he wiped out the remaining strong men of the Dragon and Lich races.

The loss of so many powerhouses will inevitably make these two giants furious.

It is foreseeable that when Mu Qing reaches the seventh floor of the altar, he will be chased and killed by the extremely angry Golden Dragon King.

On the seventh floor of the altar, Mu Qing's strength is not the first echelon. When the strength of the Golden Dragon King and others recover, those guys are all real half-steps, and Mu Qing can't be an opponent.

To make it harder to say, half a foot of the body can slap Mu Qing to death, the gap between the two sides is too big.

Even Mo Zi used the power of the open sky flag to contend for a period of time, and it was also impossible to be a true half-step Dharma body opponent.

"I'll be careful." Mu Qing nodded with a solemn expression.

However, before entering the seventh floor of the altar, you can digest all the gains from this trip first.

Centaur Maronan's words also confirmed that the layers behind the altar, in fact, the people on the five altars would all be in the same world.

"We happened to **** four sword fruit, just one sword fruit for each person, plus the sun essence obtained earlier, we should be able to raise the pure yang body to a realm above four revolutions before entering the seventh level of the altar." Fang A smile appeared on Ming's face and said.

The harvest this time is indeed greater than expected.

Sword fruit is a very important thing, and the four of them previously divided a part, and they all had huge benefits.

Now it is a sword fruit for one person!

And even at the seventh level of the altar, everyone's strength is restored, no longer affected and restricted by the laws of heaven and earth, and the pure yang body that has reached the fourth rank or higher still has a place and has extraordinary combat power.

The Chaos Sea flew past the terracotta world full of flames, and finally landed in front of the stone sword statue.

Everyone re-entered the world inside the stone sword statue. After dividing the four sword fruits, they each picked a place and began to practice.

Mu Qing was directly on the Chaos Sea, he let the Chaos Sea rise to high altitude, and then took out the sword fruit.

"Anyway, the light of miracle can also be used to improve the realm of the pure yang body, and this sword fruit is directly transformed."

Mu Qing hesitated for a while, and then a pure white fire of life rose from his palm, covering the entire sword fruit.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the sword fruit was swallowed by pure white flames, transformed into a surging miraculous light energy!

You know, originally Mu Qing only swallowed and transformed a quarter of the sword fruit fragments, and directly collected a huge miraculous light energy of self-evolution.

Now, a complete sword fruit has been swallowed by the fire of life, bringing unimaginable huge energy. Mu Qing can perceive the mysterious words appearing in the life code in the depths of his soul, blooming with infinite light.

The miracle light energy is at least four times larger than before!

But soon, Mu Qing frowned slightly.

Through the life code, he found that he still could not carry out the second self-evolution.

"Could it be that self-evolution can only be done once?" Mu Qing looked suspicious.

The miracle light energy is already so much, more than four times more than before.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, "It looks really different from what I guessed. This self-evolution has certain restrictions, either in time or realm."

"At least now I have enough miracle light energy, but I can't carry out the next self-evolution."

Mu Qing shook his head lightly, and then ignored it, instead focusing on the banning secret method.

The process by which he obtained this banned secret method was quite weird, and it could even be said that the Death Demon directly forced it to him.

And as soon as Mu Qing got this forbidden secret method, he was already in the realm of Dacheng.

Mu Qing usually doesn't use the banning secret method very much. If he can, he even wants to directly borrow the life code to elevate the banning secret method to the point of exceeding the limit.

In that case, even if there is something tricky in this forbidden secret method, it will be purified by the life code and directly become something that belongs to Mu Qing himself.

It's a pity that even if Mu Qing directly swallowed a sword fruit and received an unimaginable gigantic miraculous light energy, it would be difficult to raise the banning secret method to the point of exceeding the limit.

This is not a magical technique, but an ancient secret method created by the Death Demon!

One is created by the half-step Dhammakaya, and the other is created by the Supreme Lord. There is a world of difference between the two.

"Damn it! Forget this!"

Mu Qing suddenly patted his head.

He forgot that the law of heaven and earth restricts this problem.

At this time, he couldn't adjust his power, and he couldn't even display the banning secret method. It seemed that he still had to go to the seventh floor of the altar to upgrade the banning secret method.

"Finally, first raise the pure yang body."

Mu Qing put his gaze on the Nine Revolutions of Pure Yang Sutra, which is a supernatural power for refining the body that is not restricted by the laws of heaven and earth.

He intends to directly use the miraculous light energy to elevate the realm of the pure yang body.

This pure yang body is not only to deal with the test of the altar, as long as the cultivation reaches the later stage, the strength is still strong.

Mu Qing mobilized the light energy of the miracle, and the huge golden particles turned into a long river and poured directly into the limbs.

Fang Ming and the others can only slowly refine the sword fruit, integrate the energy into the flesh and blood, and enhance the pure yang body.

But Mu Qing is different, he can directly transform into miraculous light in one breath, which can directly raise the pure yang body in a short time.

Even Fang Ming and others could not even finish refining the sword fruit fragments they got at the beginning.


Above the Chaos Sea, one after another extremely flaming sun rises.

Four suns illuminate the entire Chaos Sea, exuding unimaginable terrifying heat.

With the help of Miracle Light, Mu Qing directly broke through to the realm of Rank 4!

There are no bottlenecks, no barriers.

As if agreeing to be masterful in chanting, he directly stepped into the realm of the four-revolution pure yang body.

However, this is only an ordinary four-turn realm, only the physical body is powerful.

With a move of Mu Qing's mind, he immediately mobilized the power of the essence of the sun in his body.

This Sun Essence was obtained here. The reason why he has kept using the fire of life to transform into miraculous light is precisely because the Sun Essence needs to be used after the four revolutions of the pure yang body.

Without the essence of the sun, the four-revolution pure yang body would be incomplete.

The huge power of the sun's essence is like melted gold, cast on Mu Qing's body.

His flesh and blood became brighter and brighter, his breath became terrifying, and billions of lights bloomed.

After absorbing the essence of the sun, real fire in the starry sky appeared on Mu Qing's body, and began to converge into a visual map behind him.

It was a vast starry sky, with a blazing sun at the center.

Everyone's visualization is different, but the subject has a sun.

As soon as the visualization chart condenses, Mu Qing's body shakes, and the sun shines on every inch of muscle.

His body is flawless, and the power contained in his body is extremely powerful. The real fire of the starry sky is directly transformed into a visual map, but his strength is even more terrifying.

"Can continue to improve!"

A gleam flashed in Mu Qing's eyes.

He snorted, and the miracle light energy was consumed wildly again, but for the huge miracle energy just obtained, this consumption was just the tip of the iceberg.


Another round of solar anomalies appeared, and Mu Qing showed five big day anomalies behind him.

Mu Qing sits on the Chaos Sea, behind which are five big day visions and the phantom of the visualization.

His body was enveloped by a terrible golden flame, burning and tempering continuously. This process was extremely painful and deep into the soul.

But at the same time, Mu Qing can also feel the strength is constantly improving.

It can be said to be painful and happy!

A few days later, with the help of the light of miracle, Mu Qing broke through again, and another big day's vision appeared behind him.

The pure yang body of the six-turn realm!

Mu Qing opened his eyes abruptly, and the sacred light burst out.

He stood up, the golden flame covering himself was absorbed by the pores on his body.

An extremely terrifying aura permeated Mu Qing's body. He screamed and snorted, consuming the miraculous light energy again.


The seventh sun appeared behind!

Seven turns of pure yang body!


At this moment, the visualization chart was extremely solid, and cracks appeared, which suddenly exploded.

After the visual map was broken, a pure and flawless golden light emerged.

The golden light was like a sharp blade and a real dragon, constantly changing into various forms, and then entrenched on a solar vision behind Mu Qing.

Immediately afterwards, golden lights appeared suddenly, some transformed into magic weapons, and some transformed into various rare and precious beasts, entrenched in sun visions.

Mu Qing and others only got two verses of the Nine Turns Pure Yang Sutra, and the introductory chapter was the one-turn three-turn realm.

The follow-up chapter of the advanced is the fourth to sixth turn realm.

However, without the help of the scriptures in the final chapter, Mu Qing directly relied on the miraculous light of the life code to forcibly ascend to the realm of the seven-turned pure yang body.

Moreover, this is not just the power of the ordinary seven-turn physical body, his visualization is broken, giving birth to pure sun divine light!

Naturally, only after reaching the realm of the seventh revolution and possessing the final chapter of the pure yang sutra of the nine revolutions can one be cultivated.

But Mu Qing relied on the life code, without the final scriptures, and also possessed pure sun light!

In the seven-turn realm, there are seven sun visions behind, and each sun vision has a pure sun divine light.

At this moment, Mu Qing's strength has risen to an unimaginable level!

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