Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2045: Shocked to discover

After a long lapse of time, the Gate of the World was once again presented in front of Mu Qing.

One after another mysterious and ancient symbols are imprinted on this looming portal, with clearly visible lines on it, as well as various coordinate runes, representing one world and space after another.

But wherever Mu Qing has been, it will be recorded by the world gate, and then he can enter again through the world gate when he moves his mind.

At this level of dominance, the shuttle speed of the world gate obviously can no longer be used in combat, but this ability is still at the ceiling level, which is only worse than the legendary method of the law body power that has no concept of distance.

Nowadays, blood-red power lingers on the world gate. This is a peculiar seal, which comes from the hands of the death demon.

Fortunately, when this seal was laid out, the power of the Death Demon's Remnant was not too powerful to be too exaggerated, so there was hope of cracking it.

If the seal was placed again at the current level of the death demon's remnant, it would be difficult to crack it even with a consummation secret method.

Mu Qing took a deep breath. He stood in front of the world gate and digested his thoughts about the secret method of consummating the realm for a long time.

Afterwards, his eyes condensed, and a light gray beam of light penetrated through the center of his eyebrows, it was the banned divine light!

This divine light can not only seal the opponent, but also break the seal!

Mu Qing kept running the banning secret method, trying to find the weak spot of the blood red seal above the world gate.

Only by finding the weak points, can he use the special effect of the sealed light on the power of the seal to break it in one go!

However, more than half an hour passed, and Mu Qing frowned. With the confinement secret method of the Consummation Realm, he just couldn't find the slightest weakness.

This also means that the seal arranged by the Death Demon is perfect.

Even its power is the power of the origin, but it is not as strong as the power of the origin shown to Mu Qing last time.

Mu Qing's face was heavy, he released the banned divine light and entered the world gate.

The gray sacred light of the forbidden light was like a small snake, piercing into the blood-red seal, slowly devouring the power of the surrounding seal.

Upon seeing this, Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the banning of the divine light has a certain effect on these blood red seals, at least it can slowly eat away the blood red seals.

This also means that the banning secret method of the Consummation Realm can indeed crack the seal on the door of this world.

It's just that the time required may be much longer than imagined!

"It still takes a long time, but at least it can work." Mu Qing's expression is not very beautiful.

The situation can't be said to be too bad, at least the secret method of confinement at the Consummation Realm is working.

What Mu Qing was most afraid of was that the banning secrets of the Realm of Dream Realm were not valid for the seal on the world gate.

Of course, it's not much better now.

Because judging from the speed at which the sealed divine light swallows the power of the seal, it can't be done in a short time at all!

The ghost knows when it takes to fully crack the seal.

Mu Qing sighed lightly, there was no choice but to wait slowly.

With a casual punch, he broke the space in front of him and left the temporarily opened space.

There is still a lot of light energy left, but it is far from enough to raise the banned secret method beyond the limit.

Even raising the pure yang body to the eighth turn level is not enough.

"it's over?"

Fang Ming and Yue Cheng discovered the movement on Mu Qing's side.

Mu Qing nodded, he relied on the energy of miracle light to upgrade the banning secret method, and it didn't take much time.

"Girl Mo Zi should be planning to break through the Nine Tribulations Lord after she is fully prepared, so it will take a certain amount of time." Fang Ming said with a light smile, telling him that Mo Zi has not yet come out.

Therefore, Mu Qing also joined the team of Watching Wind, and at the same time thinking about what effect the little miraculous light energy left behind him could do.

After thinking about it, Mu Qing took care of himself with the life code, and found that there are two things that can be improved.

The first is the two magical powers obtained from the Eternal Life Sutra, one is the finger of longevity and the other is the heaven palm of the inanimate Tao.

The two great supernatural powers here are actually not much weaker when Mu Qing is now showing them.

It is a pity that even if Mu Qing can use the existence of the life code to display these two supernatural powers, he is not the life ancestor dragon himself.

Mu Qing's mastering scripture in his practice is his Yuanshihuanyu scripture, and it is not the eternal life scripture.

Before reaching the realm of dominance, it is possible to practice other people's scriptures, but now Mu Qing is dominated by the seven calamities, naturally there is no such possibility.

And without the blessing of the Eternal Life Sutra, even the two highest-level supernatural powers here have become ordinary.

What's more, these two supernatural powers are only the entry level in the Supreme Scripture of the Eternal Life Sutra.

Mu Qing thought about it, he could combine the magical powers in the Eternal Life Sutra through the life code by consuming the light of miracles to form a brand new magical power, and it was his own magical power!

The difficulty of this is great, but with the help of Miracle Light, it will be a lot easier, but it may consume the remaining Miracle Light in one go.

And another thing that can be improved is the hand of engulfing!

The hand of 氤氲 was obtained after Mu Qing had traded with Tianzang, and it was considered a very powerful functional sacred artifact.

However, due to the limitations of this functional sacrificial artifact, and Mu Qing's growth rate was too fast, even if he caught six Six Tribulations Lords and controlled it, it would not help Mu Qing himself.

So Mu Qing decided whether he could evolve this sacred artifact with miracle light, after all, to upgrade it, it would not require the miraculous light of Qingze Divine Sword.

Mu Qing weighed it over and over again, and then decided to raise the hand of 氤氲.

If this entangled hand does not have a greater effect on him, he might consider directly devouring it with the fire of life.

Of course, on the other hand, Mu Qing also wanted to see what it would look like as a sacrificial artifact, evolving beyond the limit by the life code.

That's right, the next evolution of the Enchanted Hand is the point where it surpasses the limit!

After experiencing another evolution, it means that the entrapped hand can no longer rely on the miracle light to evolve in the future.

Mu Qing has possessed the Life Code for so long, and he has already discovered that every thing can evolve differently.

Just like the hand of entrapment, it has evolved once before, and now it can evolve again, which is the ultimate transcendence.

After that, it can't evolve.

It all depends on the potential of things.

If the potential is large enough, then it can evolve a few more times, and the last time it evolves to exceed the limit, there will be a huge and incomparable improvement.

Mu Qing also thought that his own self-evolution should be able to evolve several times.

He was a little expectant, and he didn't know what the scene would be like after the self-evolution exceeded the limit!

"Sorry, on a whim, I want to retreat again." Mu Qing said to Fang Ming and Yue Cheng, and then opened up a secret space and dived directly into it.

Fang Ming and the two were shocked, their eyes were weird, but they didn't ask carefully.

After acting together for so long, they also knew that Mu Qing was a little mysterious, and the other party could not treat it with common sense at all. It was not so much a peerless arrogant, as a weird evildoer.

In the space he opened up, Mu Qing stretched out his palm, lingering air lingering on it.

The white clouds are intertwined and filled with smoke, forming the shape of a glove.

Mu Qing took it off from his hand, and then moved his mind. The special symbols of the Life Code shined in the depths of his soul, and miraculous lights swept out and penetrated into the enchanted hand.

The entangled hand trembled lightly, followed by a dazzling golden light, floating in the air and slowly rotating, as if some kind of change was taking place.

Suddenly, Mu Qing thought of something and patted his head.

In the hands of 氤氲, he controlled some people, but he forgot to release these guys.

"Should be okay?" Mu Qing looked in midair.

However, then Mu Qing saw a scene that shocked him.

The first to appear was the Black General, and the opponent's strength was about to return to the level of the Six Tribulations Dominator with the help of the Hand of Difeng.

General Black closed his eyes, as if in an unconscious state, his body floating in the air, and then a pure white flame suddenly appeared on his body.

That flame is quite familiar, it is the fire of life!

Immediately afterwards, General Black decomposed into golden particles from the feet to the head.

The whole person was completely decomposed into dense golden particles, spreading to the surroundings, and then being directed to sink into the surrounding void.

At first glance, it seemed that General Black had been broken down into golden particles by the fire of life.

But Mu Qing's eyes widened, and he could clearly feel that the life code deep in his soul was absorbing those golden particles, but the whole process was invisible and invisible to other people.

Only Mu Qing is aware of it!

Mu Qing took a breath.

"The life code, now even the creature itself can be swallowed and decomposed into golden particles?!"

He was shocked, when was this happening?

Could it be the ability he gained after evolving himself last time, the life code also evolved along with it?

Those golden particles finally formed part of the miraculous light energy and gathered in the life code.

Then, Mu Qing saw a second figure appearing in the hands of Enchanting.

That was the Jinbai of the Golden Dragon tribe, possessing the power of the Five Tribulations Lord, and was previously controlled by Mu Qing.

This person decomposed faster, and the blink of an eye disappeared.

There is no **** smell, but it can be said that there is no bones, the whole body is broken down into countless golden particles, just spread out and disappear into the void.

At the same time, Mu Qing sensed that the Life Code absorbed these golden particles, and a part of the miraculous light energy was produced.

Immediately afterwards, the creatures that were controlled by Mu Qing's hands all emerged.

Duan Yue of the Dark Moon Sect and the three powerhouses of the Lich Race.

These people are also decomposed into golden particles and become part of the miraculous light energy in the life code.

Then, the energy of the miracle light was quickly consumed, digging into the hand of engulfing.

Accompanied by a burst of dazzling incomparable light bloomed.

The evolution of the enchanting hand succeeded.

Evolution beyond the limit!

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