Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2058: The only option in desperation

The Golden Dragon King saw that Emperor Xu's combat power was extraordinary, and he was able to calmly defend under the siege, and also stopped the attack.

"Void Emperor!"

The Golden Dragon King suddenly drank violently, and at the same time, his eyebrows split open, and a chilling eyeball appeared!

The eyeball was bloodshot, hideous and terrifying, flashing an amazing blood light.

Seeing the eyeball that appeared after the Golden Dragon King's eyebrows split, Mu Qing suddenly shrank his pupils, and hurriedly shouted, "Be careful of that thing!"

When he saw that eyeball, he felt a little familiar. Isn't this the eye of the death demon that he had seen before?

After the Eye of Death Demon controlled Chu Ying to enter the origin world, he never appeared in front of Mu Qing, and he could only prove according to some information that the other party was probably also here.

Now, the eyeball of the death demon appears on the eyebrows of the Golden Dragon King, which makes Mu Qing realize that the dead arm and the eyeball of the death demon have joined forces!

Mu Qing will not admit his mistake, he can see that the eyeball is the eye of the death demon, but it is many times smaller than the slough he saw at the beginning.

Unfortunately, it was too late for Mu Qing to remind him.

The eyeball between the golden dragon king's eyebrows shot, and the blood light directly enveloped the virtual emperor!

The Void Emperor actually reacted very quickly, the power of space enveloped him layer by layer, and his body began to sink towards the void.

However, a black and white ring struck and trapped him!

This yin-yang ghost dragon's combat power is far inferior to that of the Golden Dragon King, but he uses his special talent and abilities very well, and he knows how to strike at a critical moment.

Even if it is a virtual emperor, it will take a certain amount of time to break free from this black and white ring!

And this delay, the death eyeball of the golden dragon king's eyebrows burst into blood, directly touching the body of the virtual emperor.

Emperor Xu's face changed suddenly, he felt his heart start beating fast, and a phantom slowly emerged behind him.

The phantom was not the virtual body of the virtual emperor's silver-white treasure wheel, but a figure that looked exactly like the virtual emperor, sitting cross-legged on the illusory lotus platform with his eyes closed.

"What is that?" The onlookers were also a little confused.

Only the Golden Dragon King laughed wildly, "The light of blood shines, the heart of the Tao appears, this is your heart of the Tao!"

Dao Xin is just a concept, but under that strange blood light, it actually materialized directly.

Emperor Xu looked vigilant, he observed his own situation and found that there was nothing wrong.

Even he couldn't help but wonder, what's the use of manifesting this mind?

But he must know that the Golden Dragon King must be planning to target him, so he is very cautious.

The Golden Dragon King grinned, and he repeated what he said earlier.

"Emperor Xu! No matter how powerful you are, you claim to be infinitely close to the power of the law, but unfortunately, it is impossible for you to break through to the power of the law in this life!"

When this word came over, Emperor Xu instinctively felt that something was wrong, and he simply closed his hearing so as not to be disturbed.

However, the voice of the Golden Dragon King still passed through his mind and appeared in his soul.

Even, the expression of the virtual emperor showed a sluggishness. Obviously, after being touched by the blood light of the death eyeball, it had an unknown impact on him!

The Golden Dragon King laughed loudly, and he roared: "You know, the origin world is not the only one, outside the origin world, there is a wider world called the multiverse!"

"That is a universe as large as Hengsha, and each universe is a big world!"

"In the multiverse, there are countless powerhouses, and the powerhouses are even more numerous!"

"And in the multiverse, there are also a lot of Dharmakaya powers, and one of them is one who has mastered the laws of space for a long time!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The Golden Dragon King grinned, "No matter how hard you work, no matter how talented you are, it's useless to try your best!"

"Because you have cultivated the space law, there is a great Dharma body long ago!"

"That is an ancient man who dominates the third realm. The older he is, the more powerful he is. You are even less likely to have the chance to kill him. The other party has long lost the concept of death!"

"You can't break through in your life!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The wild laughter of the Golden Dragon King and all the words appeared in Emperor Xu's mind.

The pupil of the virtual emperor shrinks, even if he blocks his hearing and various senses, it is useless, the sound will still appear in the depths of his soul.

Moreover, the words of the Golden Dragon King were repeated over and over again, in his mind like a storm, it swelled violently, destroying everything!

The Golden Dragon King's remarks also shocked the many powerhouses and forces watching the battle.

They were born in the Origin World, lived in the Origin World, and never probed outside.

They thought that the origin world was the only one, and there was an endless starry sky outside, and there was no end.

But they didn't expect that the words of the Golden Dragon King subverted their cognition, and there is a multiverse outside the origin world!

"Is this true or false?" Baichang Xingjun frowned.

The fortune-telling mother-in-law next to her also looked unsightly, but she still faced the reality and said solemnly, "Most of it is true."

The divination mother-in-law looked at Emperor Xu again, "I don't know if Emperor Xu can withstand it. If it is Emperor Xu in normal state, it won't have any impact..."

King Guyou said sadly: "But it is obvious that the state of the virtual emperor at the moment is not good. He was influenced by the Golden Dragon King in a strange way, and the heart has manifested. words, hehe..."

He said with a tone of schadenfreude.

Many powerhouses watching the battle are not optimistic about Emperor Xu.

If it is an ordinary virtual emperor, he can still maintain his sanity, and his combat power will not have any effect.

But it is obvious that Emperor Xu has already been recruited, and it will definitely not be better in the future, not to mention that there are also a group of guys with half-step combat power, such as the ancient lion-headed people, who are staring at him.

"Maybe, Emperor Xu will fall here today." The Variety Star Lord boldly predicted.

They all know that the only obsession of existence at the level of the virtual emperor is to break through to the power of the law.

At first, everyone's vision was limited to the origin world, thinking that the origin world was the whole world.

And the rare space law does not have the appearance of being occupied by the Dharma body, and the path of the virtual emperor should be unimpeded.

Unfortunately, if the words of the Golden Dragon King are true, in the multiverse outside the origin world, there is another great master who masters the laws of space.

Then the path of the virtual emperor can be completely cut off!

You can only be outside of the Law Bodies for the rest of your life!

The virtual emperor's pupils contracted violently.

He stayed where he was, only to see that behind him, the figure on the lotus platform appeared one after another cracks, and then it shattered completely with a bang!

Heart broken!

The power of the death eyeball is displayed, which is strange and unpredictable, and directly manifests the Dao Heart.

Moreover, it can also magnify the influence of words to the extreme.

If the target is a person with a pure heart, even if the Dao Heart is manifested, it cannot threaten the opponent.

Unfortunately, Emperor Xu himself has a strong obsession with impacting the power of the Dharma body. At this moment, the words of the Golden Dragon King, with the help of the power of death eyeballs, are directly transformed into invisible blades, shattering the Taoism of Emperor Xu!

Dao heart collapse, this is no small matter!

It can be seen that Emperor Xu's face has turned pale, as if all his thoughts are gray, and there is no longer any resistance.

This is precisely the horror of the methods of the death demon!

If it weren't for the power of the death demon's eyeball to exert its power, even if the Golden Dragon King said three days and three nights in front of the virtual emperor, it would not have any effect.

However, the power of the origin of the death demon is infinite, strange and unpredictable, which directly makes the virtual emperor lose his combat effectiveness!

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Mu Qing scolded secretly, the method of the death demon is too strange and cunning, and it is impossible to guard against it.

He stared at Emperor Xu closely, hoping that Emperor Xu could regain his strength and show his imperial majesty.

However, the virtual emperor floated in mid-air and lowered his head.

The old nine-infant bird let out a chirping, and the nine-color divine light strangled directly, smashing the space power around the virtual emperor.

Without the will of the virtual emperor, these powerful space forces also become fragile.

The yin and yang ghost dragon hovered down, the dragon claws directly tore the chest of the virtual emperor, and the blood splattered!

"Get out of the way!"

The ancient lion-headed man roared loudly, his face full of excitement, he let out an earth-shattering roar, and opened his fangs and bit it.

It has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

Now that the virtual emperor has no resistance, it just happens that it can swallow the virtual emperor, and then it will perfectly have the strength of a real half-step dharma body!

Even if there is no incorporeal body, as long as the combat power is strong enough, it can still be comparable to the half-step body.

The ancient lion headed directly tore off an arm of Emperor Xu, swallowed it whole, and the breath on his body gradually became stronger.

The Emperor Xu looked pale, as if he had become an unconscious puppet, with no resistance at all.

Many of the powerhouses watching the battle couldn't help frowning.

Is that broken heart really so powerful?

The divination mother-in-law snorted coldly and said, "As long as the obsession in the heart is not known to outsiders, although this method is strange, as long as the obsession is not discovered by it, there is no way to start with convenience."

Emperor Xu's obsession is well known for a long time, so it will be directly affected.

However, the appearance of the broken Dao Heart made many strong people feel terrified.

"My body is still a long way off."

The Silver Helmets came out with the voice of Ronan the Centaur.

He also knew that the situation was urgent at this time, but even if he tried his best, he couldn't get here in an instant.

"His Majesty!"

Fang Ming panicked, and hurriedly shouted, trying to wake up Emperor Xu.

Mu Qing was also a little regretful at this time. If he had known this, he should have informed Emperor Xu of this matter long ago, and maybe it would have been able to prepare Emperor Xu to a certain extent.

No one would have imagined that the Golden Dragon King, with the means of the Death Demon, could directly shatter the hearts of others with words!

"Mu Qing!" The Golden Dragon King suddenly let out a long roar, and his eyes suddenly locked on Mu Qing.

With a big wave of his hand, the space around him was shattered, and Mo Zi, who was hidden in a separate space by him, emerged.

"I will kill all those close to you, and let you die in despair!"

The Golden Dragon King sneered.

Holding the spear of the three holy dragons, he pierced towards Mo Zi!

At this moment, time seemed to stop.

Mu Qing's consciousness was pulled into the depths of his soul.

In front of him is the true meaning of the magic sword secret method trapped in the substitute soul. Although the figure of the death demon has not reappeared, the voice still exists, with endless bewitching.

Mu Qing's face was indifferent, he was desperate at this moment, he had no other choice!

He stretched out his hand and decisively chose to accept the power of the true meaning of the magic sword!

In an instant, a terrifying blood light erupted from Mu Qing's body, rising into the sky!

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