Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2064: Fusion!

"How dare the Golden Dragon King of the Dragon Clan dare to attack Mo Zi?"

When the Antian Sect Master heard the words, he was also furious.

You must know that Mo Ying's dark axe is in the hands of Mo Zi, which is the status symbol of the Dark Sky Dharma King!

Mo Zi's own strength can compete with the half-step body. As long as he doesn't fight head-on for a long time, he is basically not afraid of the half-step body's opponent.

What's more, Mo Zi still has Mo Ying Dark Axe in his hand.

The other half-step dharma body can see at a glance that this is a super holy artifact, and because of the face of the Dark Sky Dharma King, he will not do anything to Mo Zi.

Who would have thought that the Golden Dragon King would dare to seriously injure Mo Zi, who is holding the Mo Ying Dark Axe, this is undoubtedly provoking the Dark Sky Dharma King!

"What's going on in there?"

The Sect Master of Antian came to Mu Qing's clone and quickly asked.

The clone did not pay attention to the Antian Sect Master, but turned to look at the Antian Dharma King.

"The Golden Dragon King is dead, and in the special secret territory, there is death..."

Halfway through the words, this good-fortune clone suddenly froze, and then disappeared into bits and pieces.

"He is this?" The Antian Sect Master was stunned, he always thought it was Mu Qing's deity.

Only the Dharma King Dark Sky, who is a powerful Dharma body, has already seen the truth, shook his head lightly, and said: "This is a clone of Mu Qing, his body is still in a special secret realm, but the distance is too far to maintain the clone. already."

Using the World Gate, Mu Qing not only connected to the outside world, but also directly crossed the black domain.

The location of the special secret realm is the sanctuary.

Such a long distance, even if Mu Qing's energy is too vast, it is impossible to maintain the clone for too long.

Originally, Mu Qing planned to use the clone to inform the Dark Sky Dharma King about the situation in the special secret realm, but only half of the first sentence was said, and the clone collapsed on its own.

Dharma King Dark Sky's face became solemn, and he had already thought a lot when he heard the word "death" before Mu Qing's words were finished.

"It seems that we need to plan for the worst, and it is even necessary to let the Dharma body of the multiverse come in." Dark Sky Dharma King sighed softly.

The door owner next to him was stunned, not understanding what Dharma King Antian meant.

The Dark Sky Dharma King did not explain to him either, and disappeared in place with Mo Zi, who had passed out in a coma.

Special secret.

In the ghost days, the seventh floor of the altar of the inheritance space.

Everyone had already left, and after Mu Qing sent Mo Zi away with the World Gate and the Avatar of Creation, he set off with Fang Ming to find the whereabouts of Chunyang Kendo scriptures!

The voice left by Chunyang Jianzun said that there are ten copies of Chunyang Kendo scriptures in total, but they don't know what form this scripture exists in.

It is possible that only ten people will finally enter the eighth floor of the altar. It is also possible that, like the Nine Revolutions Pure Yang Sutra, a scripture can allow most people to comprehend together, so the number of people entering the eighth floor will be much more. .

Mu Qing relied on the fact that he could use the World Gate now, but it was a lot easier. If it was a big deal, he would just leave this place and not get involved in the affairs here.

"Speaking of which, there is no such thing as a sword fruit in the center of the world." Fang Ming recalled what happened on the World Tree earlier.

Mu Qing was not surprised, and said solemnly: "Death Demon Remnant and the Golden Dragon King set up traps over there. Even if there are really good things, they have already taken them away, and it is not our turn."

After the two left the desert, they headed east.

This is actually just a random direction, and in fact the two of them are a little confused.

Regarding the scriptures of the Pure Yang Kendo, there is not even a little bit of news and clues. There is really no clear direction, and can only be searched aimlessly.

Along the way, Mu Qing observed his own situation while on the road, but he never noticed any changes in the four ancient secret methods in his body.

It was the magic sword in his body that made Mu Qing quite concerned.

After mastering the magic sword secret technique, Mu Qing sacrificed the Qingze Divine Sword to get this magic sword, and now the breath has become very strange and a little evil.

This magic sword is suspended in the immortal starry sky, but it repels everything around it.

After a period of research, Mu Qing found that this magic sword could only fit the other three ancient secret methods, and displayed the corresponding Samsara Magic Sword, Thunder Magic Sword and Banning Magic Sword.

For all other powers, the magic sword is in a state of repulsion, and it is difficult to integrate.

Mu Qing was able to display the Chaos Demon Sword before, but he did his best to motivate Yuanshi Universal Classic, relying on his own original Yuan Shi Wan Yu Jing to suppress the repulsion of the magic sword, and fused the Pangu Axe with the Magic Sword with the characteristics of Yuan Shi Wan Yu Jing’s inclusiveness of all things. Get up and form the Chaos Demon Sword!

At this moment, Mu Qing was thinking, the magic sword is rebellious, although he is currently in a state of submission, obediently in his own body, but Mu Qing is not very worried about it.

When he mobilized the magic sword before, Mu Qing knew very well that there was a wild emotion on the magic sword.

Mu Qing intends to use the means of the Code of Life to contain the magic sword, or at least keep it under his control.

A few days later, Mu Qing and the two accidentally discovered a ruin in a forest.

In the center of the ruins, a statue of a stone sword stood. The blade of the sword pierced into the ground. The entire statue could be a hundred feet tall, and it exuded a sharp aura.

This breath makes people wonder if they are facing a statue or an unsheathed divine sword!

"There is a problem here!" Mu Qing's face condensed, he felt something.

Fang Ming nodded silently, he also thought so, what's more, when they were in the terracotta world, they also entered the world from the stone sword statue and got benefits.

Unfortunately, Mu Qing and Fang Ming stepped forward and found nothing unusual on the stone sword statue.

Fang Ming thought that the stone sword statue was tricky and planned to stay here for a while.

Mu Qing naturally has no opinion.

"I plan to retreat for a while. After obtaining the magic sword secret technique, although there is no abnormality for the time being, I always feel a little uncomfortable." Mu Qing said with a frown.

Fang Ming readily agreed, he said that Mu Qing was relieved to retreat, and he came to observe the stone sword statue, trying to find out the secret.

Mu Qing opened up a space at will, and after entering it, purple electric blood light appeared between his hands, and along with the black light and black fog, the magic sword gradually emerged!

It was this magic sword that made him feel uncomfortable!

This magic sword listened to his words, but did not submit to him and was under his control!

After all, this magic sword does not have a master, and it is only because Mu Qing has the true meaning of the magic sword secret technique that he follows Mu Qing.

Mu Qing looked at the magic sword quietly. After thinking for a while, he suddenly activated the miracle light energy of the Code of Life.

The golden light shrouded the magic sword. This is the light of miracles that has a great effect on anything, and can make all things evolve.

The magic sword resists everything except the three secret methods, even the light of miracle energy.

Fierce black and purple lightning burst out from the magic sword, and fiery blood light emerged, shaking violently.

However, in front of the light of miracles, even the magic sword has to surrender, even if it has been resisting, it is impossible to get rid of it.

The magic sword can only be allowed to penetrate the power of the light of miracles, and the power gradually begins to increase.

When Mu Qing saw this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

No matter how unruly, in front of the Light of Miracle, even if it is a dragon, you have to lie down for me!

Soon, Mu Qing frowned, and he found that after a large amount of miracle light penetrated into the magic sword, it stopped somewhere.

At the same time, the Code of Life passed a message to Mu Qing.

The magic sword is missing!

If you want to complete the evolution of the magic sword, there is a lack of a homologous power, otherwise even the light of miracles, it will be difficult to promote it.

Mu Qing was stunned, this was the first time this happened.

But if you think about it carefully, the power of the death demon remains on the magic sword, which should be regarded as the same level as the code of life.

Come to think of it, it is the power of the death demon that makes the light of miracles not so easy to improve and strengthen.

Mu Qing pondered left and right, he thought for a long time, and he didn't seem to have the same power or thing as the magic sword.

He frowned slightly, and was about to cancel the continuous injection of the light of miracles into the magic sword to improve, when he suddenly stopped, thinking of something.

Mu Qing hesitated for a moment, and then the immortal starry sky appeared behind him.

In the deepest part of the immortal starry sky, the mirror of life and death emerged.

This mirror of life and death contains the power of life and the power of death.

In Mu Qing's view, this mirror of life and death may have the same source of power as the magic sword.

He tried to put the mirror of life and death next to the magic sword, but unexpectedly, the light of miracles poured out, directly wrapped the mirror of life and death, and directly integrated it into the magic sword!

The golden particles converged into silk threads, constantly surrounding the magic sword. After the mirror of life and death was integrated into it, some strange changes took place.

The light of miracle wrapped the entire magic sword into a cocoon, the breath gradually subsided, and it began to brew and evolve.

Mu Qing was a little surprised when he looked at Jin Cocoon, who had no movement in front of him.

I was just trying to use the mirror of life and death, but I didn't expect it to work!

However, in the past, the evolution of something with the light of miracles was completed in a very short period of time.

But at the moment, the combination of the magic sword, the mirror of life and death, and a lot of miracle light suddenly stopped moving.

Only the light of miracle energy in the Code of Life was consumed to an astonishing degree under Mu Qing's perception.

Mu Qing was a little surprised that the upgrade of this magic sword actually required so much light of miracle energy.

He couldn't stop it, he could only watch from the side.

At the same time, Mu Qing also sorted out his own scriptures of the world of the world. The current scriptures of the world of the world are the seventh-level scriptures. He takes this opportunity to continue to improve the scriptures and strive to upgrade to the eighth-level scriptures as soon as possible.

It didn't take long for Mu Qing to break through to the master of the Seven Tribulations, but he digested the power and content of the magic sword secret technique in one breath, and there was even the experience of the previous owner, the Lord of Zi Lingtian.

This experience is quite precious, and it is very important to Mu Qing, which has given him a lot of accumulation all at once.

Seven full days passed, and Mu Qing looked solemnly at the golden cocoon in front of him.

These days, almost all the energy of the light of miracles in the Code of Life has been swallowed up by the golden cocoon in front of you!

You must know that such a huge amount of miracle light energy was transformed by Mu Qing from the corpses of the Golden Dragon King and the Lion-Headed Man. This is a half-step Dharma body and a nine-robbery master!

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