Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2071: The right hand of the demon appears!

"I hope you can take a shot, enter the enchantment, touch the reincarnation stone tablet, and see if there is any change,"

"At the same time, I have already secretly reached a cooperation with Variety Xingjun, and I will let him cooperate with you and enter the enchantment together!"

The origin boy said solemnly.

"Variety Star Lord?" Mu Qing's face showed a hint of astonishment.

The other party even reached a cooperation with Variety Xingjun?

Mu Qing's eyes were a little suspicious. He didn't think that the cooperation between Variety Xingjun and the youth of origin was very reliable. Most of them were just verbal promises.

"Are you sure I can inspire that reincarnation stone tablet? And once I enter the enchantment, I will most likely attract the attention of the dead demon's slough!" Mu Qing did not immediately agree.

Compared with Ronan, this young man of origin is too unreliable, and now he has to let Mu Qing directly enter the enchantment to touch the reincarnation stone tablet, which will undoubtedly push him to the forefront.

This seems to be for Mu Qing and Variety Xingjun to be cannon fodder.

The origin boy didn't seem to notice Mu Qing's attitude. He looked indifferent and said, "It can only be said that the probability is relatively high, and I am not sure."

"Of course, you have another reincarnation stone tablet in your hand. Even if the stone tablet will not change because of you, when the two stone tablets are close, they will resonate."

"You don't have to worry about your own safety. If Sword Sovereign Chunyang can be resurrected, it will be a big help for us. It doesn't matter even if my existence is exposed."

The origin boy said solemnly.

What he said was sincere, and in fact it was.

Although the Origin Lord of the ancient times was very powerful and surpassed the power of most Dharma bodies, the current Origin Youth is just a reincarnated Shura clan.

That's why he needs some help!

And Chunyang Sword Sovereign had a good relationship with the Lord of Origin during his lifetime, not to mention that the other party fell because of the death of the demon.

As long as Chunyang Sword Sovereign is resurrected, there will be a good helper for the youth of origin!

Once Chunyang Sword Sovereign is resurrected, his strength will inevitably recover quickly, and it can be said that it will be extremely easy to fight against the remains of the death demon.

In order to win Chunyang Sword Sovereign, the origin boy would rather expose his existence and keep his remnant soul!

What's more, the dead demon remains can't be slaughtered, and other people can't detect the remnant soul of Pure Yang Sword Sovereign contained on the reincarnation stone tablet.

"At the same time, I found that the ancient centaur next to you seems to be approaching you to deal with the death demon. He is also a force, and we are at least on the same front."

"This time we have sufficient combat strength and are fully prepared to deal with the two dead demons!"

The youth of origin is full of confidence, and he also deliberately pointed out that their opponents will be the remains of two dead demons!

This information was also informed by Mu Qing, but the youth of origin weighed the powerhouses on the same front, thinking that even two dead demons would not be afraid to shoot.

Seeing this, Mu Qing also secretly said in his heart that the youth of origin was full of confidence, and it seemed that he was quite sure.

"And about the four ancient secret methods on you, what makes me a little puzzled is that even if the death demon does not intend to directly control you, it should cause some kind of mutation."

The origin boy frowned slightly, with a hint of doubt.

"At present, it seems that the death demon's slough cannot control you for some reason, perhaps the strength has not recovered, or it may be affected by other aspects."

Even he can't tell.

As a consciousness of the Lord of Origin, in the ancient times, the Lord of Origin was also controlled, and he is very aware of the specific situation of being controlled by the Death Demon.

With Mu Qing's current situation, even if he has collected the four ancient secret methods, it does not seem to be under control.

Mu Qing nodded. He also didn't feel anything different. It might be that Ronan used the silver-helmed ghost's soul-controlling ability to play a role. Of course, it might also be that the power of the dead demon's slough has not recovered to that level.

"My strength can no longer be maintained. I will let Baichang Xingjun do it first. I hope you can try to touch the reincarnation stone tablet."

"Protection Xuan Qing and I are hiding nearby..."

The picture in front of Mu Qing began to shatter, and the voice of the originating boy became more and more distant, and finally disappeared.

"Mu Qing, Mu Qing!"

The shout came from the ear, Mu Qing came back to his senses, and found that he had escaped from the consciousness space of the originating boy.

He looked at Fang Ming beside him and saw him pointing forward.

"Shuiyuedongtian's Variety Star is going to start!" Fang Ming said solemnly.

There are many strong people present, but the first person to make a move is Baichang Xingjun, and the other party directly attracted everyone's attention.

On the side of Shuiyuedongtian, there is only one person, the Variety Xingjun. After all, their Shuiyuedongtian is no bigger than the giant forces that are in charge of the dharma body. If the dominant powerhouse falls, it will still be quite distressed.

Variety Xingjun's face was constantly changing. At this time, he turned into a middle-aged man with a melancholy temperament, with some stubble on his face, and glanced at Mu Qing.

The next moment, the Variety Xingjun suddenly started, and a dragon halberd appeared in the palm of his hand, and it flew away, like a falling meteor, and slammed into the enchantment.

The pale golden film-like barrier was fragile, unable to resist even a single blow, and burst open with a loud noise!


The pale golden barrier exploded, and the coffin and the reincarnation stone tablet engraved with the pure yang pattern were directly exposed in front of everyone!

Variety Xingjun grinned, turned into a streamer and rushed towards the coffin.

When the others saw this, they couldn't hold back.

It is very likely that there is the corpse of Chunyang Jianzun in the coffin, which is undoubtedly a huge treasure for everyone!

Such benefits, how can I watch the Variety Star take it away?

King Gu You couldn't bear it any longer. He rode the dark clouds into the sky, and the body behind him appeared incorporeal. The golden light of the Buddha's meaning of great mercy and compassion bloomed, but it was a golden skeleton, surrounded by sacred radiance, and the eye sockets were hollow and dark, which was strange and extraordinary.

Golden Bone Arhat!

Variety Xingjun's eyes shone with green light, and a thousand-faced Buddha statue appeared behind him. It was his incorporeal body.

The fortune-telling mother-in-law couldn't watch it, she rushed out, also wanting to compete for the coffin.

Seeing this, Mu Qing immediately understood that the Variety Xingjun was taking the initiative to guide the strong men to the coffin, so that no one touched the reincarnation stone tablet.

He didn't expect that Variety Star Jun actually listened to the words of the youth of origin and helped to attract attention.

Without hesitation, Mu Qing rushed out.

Luo Nan planned to take action too, but suddenly found that Mu Qing's whereabouts was not right, it turned out to be the direction of the stone tablet!

This made Ronan surprised. After hesitating for a while, he didn't do anything. He stood in the back and observed the situation on Mu Qing's side.

The starry sky appeared behind Mu Qing, a thunder star shone, and the power of lightning blessed him, turning into a thunderbolt to cut through the sky in the blink of an eye.

King Guyou and others also discovered that Mu Qing's target was actually the reincarnation stone tablet.

This made King Gu You feel a little surprised. Could it be that there is something special about that stone tablet?

However, at this moment, a terrifying atmosphere permeated.

That aura actually came from the big hole in the sky that was broken open!

Bloody, brutal, evil, dead, unknown!

The convergence of various negative forces, the viscous blood flowed out like a sea of ​​****.

Above the sea of ​​​​blood, there is also a truncated arm floating. That truncated arm is very special.

As soon as this depressing aura appeared, it attracted everyone's attention.

Mu Qing also looked over there, surprised at the bottom of his heart, it seemed that the slough of the dead demon had already entered the ninth floor of the altar.

"Wait! The broken arm?!"

Suddenly, Mu Qing's eyes narrowed, and he found that the amputated arm was a little different from the previous one.

Mu Qing and Emperor Xu had both seen the original appearance of this dead demon before, and the amputated arm had no palm.

And Mu Qing is also clear that the pair of claws of the death demon is likely to be in the hands of Ehun of the death hell!

When the three powers of the Tianze universe were compared, Mu Qing came into contact with Ehun, and at that time guessed that the claws in the opponent's hand were part of the slough of the dead demon.

Now, that one claw is integrated with the broken arm!

Mu Qing's heart trembled, this dead demon has always been in the origin world, how did he get this claw?

Could it be that the big man behind Tiandi and Ehun is the slaughter of the dead demon?

In any case, the slough of the dead demon has completely formed a complete right hand of the demon, and its strength is definitely stronger than before.

"That is?"

King Guyou, Granny Divination and others were shocked. Although they didn't know the origin of the dead demon's slough, they could feel the tyrannical aura that made them suffocate their half-step body!

Soon, the right hand of the demon above the sea of ​​​​blood moved, covering the sky with one hand, and instantly set off a sea of ​​blood, covering Mu Qing's side!

This palm directly enveloped the coffin and the reincarnation stone tablet.

"This guy wants to directly destroy the corpse and remnant soul of Chunyang Jianzun?" Mu Qing was shocked.

The other party did not come down with the help of an ancient species this time, but the main body appeared in person!

At this moment, the high-pitched dragon roar sounded, and the yin and yang ghost dragon rushed out, stronger than the previous strength, completely reaching the point where it can compete with the half-step body, the breath is amazing!

It can be seen that there are bloodshot marks on the body of the Yin-Yang Ghost Dragon, and a pair of dragon eyes are scarlet scarlet.

At the same time, two more black shadows appeared, one was the old nine-baby bird, which also had blood marks on its feathers and roared.

The last shadow appeared, it was an ancient species that had never been seen before, but its aura was not weaker than the previous two.

It was a terrifying ancient giant crocodile, crawling in the void, swallowing a fiery glow.

The yin-yang ghost dragon, the old nine-infant bird, and the ancient giant crocodile all rushed towards Mu Qing at the same time, trying to kill him.

Mu Qing frowned, his speed was obviously faster, and at the same time, three good fortune clones appeared, holding three magic swords of Thunder, Ban, and Samsara to meet the enemy.

Mu Qing himself came to the reincarnation stone monument in the blink of an eye, and touched it with his palm.

Before Mu Qing could do anything else, the reincarnation stone tablet in his body that had been silent for a long time had already resonated actively.

In an instant, the ancient bridge on the other side emerged, and the Yellow Spring River flowed out.

Above the ancient bridge, there was a phantom that gradually solidified, and walked out slowly with slow but vigorous steps!

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