Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2073: the truth


"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The sound of the heart beating is getting more and more intense, as if the drums of war from the underworld are beating!

After absorbing the remains of the five dharma bodies, the formation lines seemed to come alive, and they began to wriggle on the coffin, and then gradually closed.

All the formations erupted with golden brilliance and converged towards the very center.

In the end, the diamond-shaped crystal in the center of the coffin devoured everything, and after absorbing the blood and pattern of the five dharma bodies, the light was as dazzling as a solar panel!


Accompanied by a strong heartbeat, the diamond-shaped crystal shattered, and a round of sun rose inside, and the brilliance slowly subsided before revealing its true appearance.

That is a golden heart!

Haunting the heart of terrifying sword intent!

Pure Yang Jianxin!

Mu Qing and Fang Ming were both surprised, what's the situation?

Could it be that before the Chunyang Sword Master was dying, he arranged the final Chunyang Great Formation, and finally absorbed the power of the five dharma body wreckage at this moment, and finally condensed the real Chunyang Sword Heart?

But after thinking about it carefully, it's not right. How did Jianzun Chunyang know that he would recover?

After all, it was only an accident that the youth of origin was able to find the remnant of Chunyang Sword Sovereign.

"Finally, Chunyang Jianxin has finally become!"

Chunyang Jianzun was very excited, he laughed again and again, strode out, and came to the coffin in the blink of an eye.

There was no pattern on the coffin anymore, I saw him wave his big hand, the lid of the coffin was lifted, and there was a body inside. It was a middle-aged man, wearing white clothes, and his appearance was exactly the same as Chunyang Jianzun!

This is the corpse of Chunyang Jianzun, but what is unexpected is that this body is intact and without a trace of damage.

Seeing this, the youth of origin always felt that something was not right.

At the last moment of the ancient times, wasn't Chunyang Sword Sovereign killed by the death demon?

Why is there such a good corpse left?

Before others could react, the soul of Sword Sovereign Chunyang turned into a ray of light and penetrated into the body.


Sword Master Chunyang suddenly opened his eyes, golden divine light pierced out, his soul returned to the flesh, and he was completely resurrected!

He stood up from the coffin, grabbed the beating golden heart with one hand, and then pulled open his clothes with the other to reveal his chest.

Chunyang Jianzun's face was slightly distorted, with a trace of grimness, accompanied by a low roar, he actually shoved this golden heart into his own heart!

The heart did not sink completely, but was exposed on the surface of the chest, still beating continuously.

You can even feel a wisp of tyrannical sword intent lingering around.

"Waiting for my strength to fully recover, I can attack the second realm of the great master." Chunyang Jianzun had a smile on his face.

He has just been resurrected now, and his strength has not recovered, so he cannot digest the power of Chunyang Jianxin.

After he has completely recovered to the strength of the Dharma body, he can directly refine the pure Yang Jianxin and set foot on the second realm of the great master!

That is the realm of nirvana. At that time, he will no longer have the concept of death and will exist in the world forever!

"Pure Yang..."

Although he noticed that something was wrong, the origin boy still spoke, trying to draw him over.

After all, Sword Sovereign Chunyang fell because of the death of the demon. As long as he informs the other party of the identity of the right hand of the demon, the other party will definitely stand on their front.

From the perspective of the youth of origin, as long as they have hatred against the death demon, they are all teammates and can be regarded as people on the same front.

What's more, the relationship between the former Origin Lord and Chunyang Jianzun is not bad.

However, what everyone never expected was that Chunyang Jianzun looked indifferent, and did not intend to pay attention to the origin of the youth at all.

His figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the sea of ​​blood!

Standing next to the right hand of the demon!

The impact of this scene made the young man's heart tremble, and Mu Qing's face changed suddenly.

In any case, I would never have thought that Sword Sovereign Chunyang would stand on the side of the dead demon without hesitation!

"No! Chunyang! That guy is the slaughter of the dead demon, who was the mastermind behind the ancient times, and the one who caused your downfall!"

The origin boy's sanity was already on the verge of collapse, and he roared in hysterics.

However, Chunyang Jianzun listened to all this and was not surprised at all, but nodded calmly.

"Don't worry, my friend, I know all this."

"You should be a consciousness of the Lord of Origin, right? I didn't expect a consciousness to be transformed to have such strength."

Chunyang Jianzun praised, he seemed quite indifferent, and was not surprised by what the origin boy said.

It can even be said that... already known?

Chunyang Jianzun looked at the youth of origin, and said lightly: "I naturally know who this person is next to me. I think the person who is most unclear at present should be you."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said with a sarcastic expression: "I have never really fallen, and I have never been killed by a death demon. After all, I was one of the black hands behind the scenes, after all, how could I really fall?"


This sentence was like a thunderbolt, and it exploded directly in the mind of the origin boy.

His body trembled, his pupils contracted, and he looked at Chunyang Jianzun with an incredible face.

Chunyang Sword Sovereign is very satisfied with the performance of the origin boy.

He continued to sneer: "Tell you the truth of another thing, the reason why the death demons chose you to cultivate, and finally control you and become the core energy of the origin world, is also recommended by me."

Sword Sovereign Chunyang had a grim look on his face, there was a ray of jealousy in his eyes, and his expression was a bit scary, "Who made you such a genius back then, you can even break through the realm of the Dharma body at will, and you can reach the second realm of the great master in the blink of an eye. The third realm."

"And I! But I can't even condense the pure Yang Jianxin, and I keep failing and failing!"

He growled, but his expression changed quickly.

"Hahahaha!" Sword Master Chunyang laughed, "Unfortunately, it's me who is standing here in the end. I have already reached a cooperation with the Death Demon to cheat death at the end of the ancient era, and at the same time, with the help of the Death Demon, I have successfully arranged A real pure yang formation has emerged."

"Tell you! Even if you don't get those reincarnation stone tablets, I will gradually recover, but I still want to thank you for speeding up the process!"

"It's all set up by me!"

"The five altars were suppressing the corpses of the five dharma bodies, and after absorbing their power, I finally condensed the pure Yang Jianxin, and breaking through the second realm of the great master is just around the corner!"

"And you, you are just a lost dog, the era of yours is long over, and it's me who stands at the end!!"

Sword Sovereign Chunyang laughed wildly, he was really jealous of the talent of the Lord of Origin.

But unfortunately, his choice was wiser than all Dharma body powers, so he became the mastermind behind the great demise of the ancient times, and cooperated with the death demon.

The Origin Lord, who was controlled by the Death Demon, eventually became a puppet, and was thrown into the core of the Origin World, like a human stick, without freedom, generating energy day and night to maintain the operation of the entire Origin World.

"This is impossible..." The origin of the youth turned pale, and his heart was hit hard.

Unexpectedly, the biggest helper who wanted to revive it was actually one of the black hands behind the great demise of the ancient times, the person who stood on the side of the death demon!

Originally, the youth of Origin thought that the mastermind behind the great demise was his own body, but that was because the Lord of Origin had been controlled to do so.

Who would have thought that the real mastermind behind the control of the Lord of Origin, in addition to the death demon, also hides a person!

Mu Qing and the others looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces. They didn't expect things to develop to this point.

After working for a long time, a powerful enemy has been resurrected!

At this moment, they finally understood why the body of Sword Sovereign Chunyang was well preserved.

I also understand why the right hand of the demon stopped attacking halfway through.

It turned out that the right hand of the demon did not intend to destroy the reincarnation stele and coffin at all, all this was just a play!

"Unfortunately, the eye of the devil did not come, otherwise my words just now should directly destroy your Dao Heart." Chunyang Jianzun shook his head regretfully.

Of course, even if he didn't use the power of the strange death demon's eyeball, the mind of the young man of origin was already in turmoil at this moment, and he almost collapsed.

"It turns out that the mastermind behind the great demise is you."

At this moment, an angry voice came out.


A **** of war with a blazing radiance emerged, holding a Fang Tianhua halberd, covering the sky.

The incorporeal body appears, and the person who descends is Xuan Qing's Dharma protector!

The Lord of Yu Xuantian treated him like a parent and son, but he fell because of the great annihilation. Xuan Qing always wanted to find out the real culprit.

He is also a little suspicious of the origin of the youth. After all, the other party is mysterious and unreliable.

Unexpectedly, when he heard the words of Chunyang Jianzun at this time, the other party directly admitted that the mastermind behind the scenes was himself and the death demon.

Xuan Qing finally found his target at this moment.

He frowned, wearing a golden battle armor, wearing a nine-star gilt awning, majestic and majestic, is a **** of war reborn!

"Where is the person from Yu Xuantian!"

Xuan Qing let out a low roar, and suddenly the world shook!


This space broke a big hole, the inheritance space was fragmented, and everyone appeared on the top of Tianyou Mountain.

The inheritance space was originally maintained by the five altars of Chunyang Sword Sovereign, and now the five altars have collapsed and collapsed naturally.

At this time, with Xuan Qing's roar, the entire ghost sky trembled, a crack opened in the sky, and another layer of space burst into an infinite light, squeezing in here.

That is Yu Xuantian!

After the fall of God, Xuan Qing recovered from the petrified state, and he took control of the entire Yu Xuantian.

At this time, Yu Xuantian descended, and forcefully pushed the ghost heaven away.

In that Jade Xuantian, one after another figure appeared, and the sound of war drums and horns sounded.

A cry came, and the tyrannical aura formed a monstrous killing energy!

kill! !

That was actually a famous Jade Xuantian powerhouse, forming a killing formation, holding a gun, and rushing to kill!

At the center of the killing formation was a beautiful woman with a close-fitting armor and a hot body. She had short brown hair and a heroic face.

This woman's breath is equally powerful, and behind her is a red phoenix of fire, which is her incorporeal body.

She is one of the two guardians of Yu Xuantian, Xuanfeng!

Once only Xuan Qing was freed from the petrification state, and after this period of time, Xuan Qing himself embraced the secret technique of banning, helping many powerhouses in Yu Xuantian to lift the petrification and restore their memories.


Xuan Qing shouted loudly, raised Fang Tianhua halberd high, and the **** of war roared, leading the Yuxuantian crowd to kill the sea of ​​blood!

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