Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2076: The Mu Xingdi is back!

"This is impossible!"

The origin of the youth's eyes is frightened and somewhat unacceptable.

In their speculation, the eye of the death demon, which has been hidden all the time, occupies Chu Ying's body, and its strength is on par with the man in blood, which is the level of half-step dharma body.

The result was far beyond everyone's expectations.

Chu Ying turned into a pure **** demon under the influence of the power of the death demon.

On the other side, the real eyeballs of the demons have long since separated from Chu Ying, and even their strength has returned to the level of the power of the Dharma body!

Everyone present didn't know what realm the Demon Eyeball was that day, but judging from the aura and coercion emanating from the other party, there was no doubt that it was far beyond the half-step dharma body and reached the level of dharma body's power.

As for why the other party can appear in the special secret territory.

The first reason may be that this special secret realm itself was created by the death demon, so it has no effect on its remains.

The second is likely to be that the realm of the demon's eyeball is in the half-step dharma body, but because of the special power in hand, it exerts the mighty combat power of the dharma body.

Just like the man in blood, he was transformed from the right hand of the demon, and his realm has only recovered to the master of the Nine Tribulations, but when he really fights, he can beat Xuan Qing and Xuan Feng, the two half-step powerhouses, and his strength is not trivial.

The battle took an unexpected turn.

The origin boy froze.

There are many powerhouses with half-step dharma bodies on their side, and they thought they would have the upper hand.

As a result, the demon's eyeballs of the power level of the dharma body appeared, and all the advantages were gone!

The existence of a powerful Dharma body, even if its combat power is comparable to that of Dharma body, but this is definitely not something that their half-step Dharma body can compete with.

There is an unbridgeable gulf between the two!


Behind the big gap in the space, the demon's eyeball turned his pupil that day, and in an instant, a blood-red to purple light pierced out!

The purple-red beam contained the supreme meaning of death, and it swept out at an alarming speed, hitting almost all the powerhouses around the man in blood.


One after another figure flew out, and blood stained the sky.

Brother and sister Xuan Qing and Xuan Feng flew upside down, both of them were injured. Among them, Xuan Qing also helped Xuan Feng resist most of the power, causing himself to be seriously injured.

Xuanfeng hugged his brother and made a sound of grief, only to see Xuanqing's chest as if it was burned, and his flesh and blood were blurred.

And under that purple-red light beam, the killing formation formed by Yu Xuantian's many powerhouses was also wiped out on the spot!

Without the strength of a half-step Dharma body, it is impossible to resist this power!

On the other side, the powerhouses of the heavens were also attacked by this force, and the end was equally miserable.

The powerhouses who dominated the Nine Tribulations were also unable to resist, and their bodies and souls turned into blood-colored flames on the spot, and died here.

There are only three half-step Dharma bodies left among the many powerhouses in the heavens, and they are all seriously injured!

The lower body of the leading old man was melted by the purple beam, similar to Xuan Qing, almost dying.

Seeing that the demon's eyeballs just stimulated a beam of light to defeat the many half-step dharma bodies on the scene, losing their combat effectiveness, the youth of origin and the others looked horrified.

Soon, the demon eyeballs on the other side of the big space gap turned, and the pupils were aimed at the youth of origin, Ronan and others.

Just when the eyeball of the devil started to attack the youth of origin again, the aurora appeared above the sky, and the stars shone brightly.

A big hand covering the sky and the earth appeared and shot directly behind the big gap in the space!

Seeing this sudden situation, not only everyone, but even the man in blood was stunned for a long time.

"Is it Mu Xingdi?!" Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

Mu Qing was far away from the battlefield, and his face also showed surprise.

Emperor Mu Xing also appeared!

The other party is quite mysterious, and since he took the virtual emperor away, he has never appeared. I didn't expect that at this moment, Mu Xingdi appeared again!

At this time, everyone also discovered that the aura that Mu Xingdi burst out when he started was extremely powerful, surpassing everyone present, and was comparable to that day's Demon Eyeball!


After the huge roar, the space was broken, and the huge eyeballs of the demon were completely exposed.

But in those huge pupils, everyone sensed an emotion.

That is anger!

The origin youth and others were shocked. The combat power of the Tianmo Eyeballs has reached the level of the power of the Dharma body. As a result, I didn't expect that Mu Xingdi would come, and his strength was no less than that!


The man in blood saw this, his face was gloomy, and he couldn't help but scolded.

He looked at the sky, and a figure appeared in the dimension of the stars. It was indifferent, it was a fairy **** surrounded by stars!

The blood-clothed man transformed from the right hand of the demon stared at the Mu Xingdi in front of him with hatred in his heart.

Before, he tried every means to kill the Emperor Xu first, but finally rushed out a Mu Xing Emperor and took the Emperor Xu away.

Even, the most unexpected thing is that the whereabouts of Mu Xingdi are not even known to the man in blood, and most of the other party is hiding in the star dimension.

But the trace of the star dimension, the man in blood is not clear, even the eyeballs of the demons hidden in the dark cannot find its location.

Now, the man in the blood-clothed clothes is planning to summon the last trump card, so that the eye of the demon will directly wipe out everyone, who knows that this Mu Xingdi has rushed out again!

What is even more incomprehensible is that the strength of this Mu Xingdi is truly revealed, and it is actually comparable to the eyeballs of the demons.

"This guy can't be a powerful Dharma body!" The man in blood was very sure of this.

Then the only explanation is that this Mu Xingdi is so talented that he can no longer be called a genius, but a monster!

The eyeballs of the demons are part of the slough of the dead demons. After many years of recovering their strength, coupled with the fact that they can give birth to the power of the source far beyond the law, they can have the combat power of the law body in the realm of half-step law body!

But what is the current situation of this Mu Xingdi?

There are only two people who can possess the power of the source, and they have never changed, one is the death demon, and the other is the ancestor dragon of life.

Only these two supreme beings born in the birthplace of the multiverse can master the power of the source.

However, Mu Xingdi does not have the power of the source, how does he have such incredible power?

"Kill him!" The origin boy roared at this time.

The situation has changed many times, but no matter what, after the eyeballs of the demons appeared, a Mu Xingdi with legal body combat power also appeared on their side!

In this way, the eye of the demon will be restrained, and others will still have the opportunity to surround and kill the right hand of the demon!

"shut up!"

Sword Master Chunyang let out a low roar, and he slashed down with a sword, and the seven terrifying suffocating qi intertwined together to form a terrifying black dragon, attached to the sword, and slashed towards the originating youth.

The super holy artifact in his hand was damaged, and his own strength did not have time to recover, but after all, he was a powerful dharma body.

Especially with the help of the pure Yang Jianxin in the heart, the power is much stronger than that of the origin boy!

What Chunyang Sword Sovereign displayed was the entry-level move of Chunyang Swordsmanship, but at the moment when it was displayed in his hands, it was much more powerful than Fang and Mu Qing.

At the same time, with the pure Yang sword body with the unity of nine Yangs, he will not suffer any backlash damage.

The face of the young man of origin changed suddenly, his hands flickered with clear light, and at the same time, the power of Asura surrounded his body, and the eight swords were united, and he quickly resisted the past.

However, even if he borrows the power of the body by relying on the connection in the dark, the strength of the origin boy is still not as good as that of Chunyang Sword Sovereign.


The origin boy was shot flying and coughed up blood.

Although the injury is not too serious, he is very anxious in his heart, because he knows that he is probably not the opponent of Sword Sovereign Chunyang.

And he looked towards the battlefield on the other side and found that the situation was not good.

Although there is an existence on their front that is comparable to the body of the law, helping them resist the eyeballs of the demons.

But the others had been seriously injured by the eyeballs of the demons before. The Xuanqing brothers and sisters and the three powerhouses from the heavens struggled to stand up, and their severely injured bodies could not threaten the intact blood-clothed man.

The advantage of the battle situation is still on the sweet side of death!

The youth of origin sank, and then suddenly shouted at King Guyou.

"Quickly cooperate with us! This guy is the slaughter of the dead demon and the person who created this special secret realm. If you don't kill them, don't even think about going out!"

The origin boy hoped that King Gu You, Variety Xingjun and Granny Divination could make a move.

These three are all half-step powerhouses with well-preserved combat power.

At the same time, the origin boy also looked into the distance.

There is the direction of the Moon Palace, and the Moon Snake Saint has always watched the battle, but has never done anything.

The youth of origin can only shout, hoping that these half-step bodies can take action, and their strengths are well preserved, as long as they do it, they will definitely bring a great threat to the death demon.

The eyes of the Moon Snake Saintess flickered, and a snake shadow under the hazy moonlight appeared behind her graceful and graceful body, with the intention of making a move.

On the other hand, the divination mother-in-law was also a little moved.

She glanced at the two half-step dharma bodies beside her, but found that King Guyou and Baibian Xingjun had no intention of doing anything at all.

"The cooperation has ended, and there is no need for me to take action in the next battle." Variety Xingjun said coldly.

Several other people glanced at Baichang Xingjun in amazement. Didn't expect him to cooperate with the origin boy secretly?

However, looking at the attitude of Variety Xingjun, it is obvious that the cooperation between the two is not very reliable.

King Guyou looked at the man in blood above the sea of ​​​​blood, and the ghost fire in his eyes flickered.

He didn't intend to make a move either. After all, there were two powerhouses of the law body level suddenly appeared in this game, and it was not clear what the situation of the battle would be.

King Guyou thought that there was a certain risk, so he didn't plan to do it at all.

He did know a lot of things, maybe he could tell their first-generation Lich King about the death demon afterwards, maybe it was a great achievement.

"Don't waste time, kill him!"

The blood-clothed man's eyes were cold, and he planned to let Chunyang Jianzun kill the origin boy first.

It would be troublesome to be recruited a few helpers by the youth of the origin, so take advantage of their side and act decisively!

The man in blood rushes towards the three and a half steps of the heavens in the blink of an eye.

The three of them were originally closest to him, and they were also the most injured after being attacked by the demon's eyeballs.

"Flick away!"

The old man roared, but soon the sea of ​​blood rolled up and stopped him.

At the same time, the blood-robed man transformed into his real body, and the terrifying right hand of the demon covered the sky and the sun, and smashed the two heavenly powerhouses to pieces on the spot!

The old man looked terrified, and he felt chills in his heart.

He is the only one of the powerhouses in the heavens who survived from the ancient times!

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