Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2078: scarlet key

"Bastard! Get out of here!"

Looking at the **** demon who suddenly stopped her, the Moon Snake Saint did not have a good face, she scolded, and the incorporeal body behind her erupted with more powerful power, wrapping around a monstrous jade hand to suppress it.

The **** demon didn't seem to have much sense, with a ferocious appearance, the sea of ​​blood was raging, and his fists slammed out, fighting against the Moon Snake Saintess abruptly.

But it is clear that the **** demon is not the opponent of the moon snake saint.

The **** demon's body is Chu Ying, who was originally a strong man in the Holy Tower, but after being controlled by the eye of the demon, his strength went further and became the current **** demon, comparable to the half-step body.

However, its strength is similar to that of the Yin-Yang Ghost Dragon and the Old Nine Infant Bird, and it cannot be compared with the real half-step dharma body.

The full blow of the Moon Snake Saintess directly blasted the **** demon into the air.

The **** demon had rough skin and thick flesh, and the large blood clots on his body collapsed and grew back at an astonishing speed.

It was about to rush back and hysterically killed Mu Qing and the Moon Snake Saintess when a voice suddenly stopped him.

"time to go!"

The person who spoke was a man in blood!

The blood-robed man's face was clearly pale.

Although there was no injury, in order to resolve the opponent decisively, he used the power of the source to overload every time.

It is precisely in this way that he can easily kill the severely injured half-step dharma body powerhouse, and cooperate with Chunyang Jianzun to kill the youth of origin.

Otherwise, since he has just recovered to the level of Nine Tribulations Master, how could he have fought with the half-step body for so long.

It all depends on the power of the source of the right hand of the demon!

On the other hand, the state of Chunyang Sword Sovereign is not very good.

After all, the man in blood has regained his strength for a while, but he has just recovered.

Although he got the pure Yang Jianxin he wanted, there is no bottleneck in breaking through the second realm of the great master in the future.

But right now, in order to kill the youth of origin, he forcibly borrowed the power of Chunyang Jianxin, resulting in a backlash and a poor state.

The two cooperated tacitly, and when the murderous intention occurred, they used their full strength to shoot.

After all, the origin boy borrowed some of the power of the body, and if he wants to kill him in one go, he must use all his strength.

In fact, even if the youth of the origin borrowed his power, he was more vulnerable than they thought. The right hand of the demon and the pure Yang Jianzun combined force and killed him on the spot.

Then, the weaker two looked around and decided to retreat temporarily.

"Three half-step bodies of the powerhouses in the heavens have fallen, plus the Golden Dragon King who was killed by Mu Qing and the ancient lion-headed species, and now another origin boy has fallen."

"After all, there is one more."

The blood-clothed man's face was slightly pale, but at this time he showed a satisfied smile.

Sword Sovereign Chunyang glanced at the old nine-infant bird and the yin-yang ghost dragon, as well as the newly-appeared **** demon.

He knows that these three guys are also backup candidates. If there are not enough five, then the remaining vacancies will be filled by these three.

In the end, I didn't expect the plan to be smoother than expected. Not only did the five half-step powerhouses with the power of the law body come together, but there was also one more.

The blood-clothed man also had a smile on the corner of his mouth. It would be better if he could not consume the three guys of Yin-Yang Ghost Dragon, and he could be considered to have three combat powers.

He took a deep breath, and then looked at the eyeballs of the demon who were facing off against Mu Xingdi at a high altitude, his lips squirming, as if transmitting some kind of information.

In fact, the target of the man in blood has never been exposed in front of everyone.

The only person who knows his plan is the Chunyang Sword Sovereign beside him!

Inheriting the four ancient secret methods to Mu Qing is just a matter of taking advantage of the situation. As a new consciousness born in the right hand of the demon, he naturally wants to complete some of the will of the death demon.

But in the final analysis, the matter of the four ancient secret methods and Mu Qing is just a plan to be completed in time to plant a seed for the future.

As long as the four ancient secret methods exist, when it will always be useful to Mu Qing in the future, it can be ignored for the time being.

The real purpose of the man in blood is to control this special secret realm!

The special secret realm was created by the death demon of the body. It was intended to be used to bury all things and traces of the ancient times. It was an existence similar to a cemetery.

However, the death demon has long since fallen, and the new consciousness born now is the right hand of the demon.

The power of the dead demon's slough has not yet fully recovered. As a part of the slough, the upper limit of the strength of the right hand of the demon can at least be restored to the level of the power of the dharma body!

And in order to quickly regain strength and have a safe place, the man in the blood-clothed man laid out a plan.

He wants to activate this special secret realm and let it fall under his control.

For this, it is necessary to sacrifice five half-step Dharmakaya levels to activate the entire special Rift.

These five places do not need to be in the half-step legal body realm, but only need to barely reach the combat power, so the Yin-Yang Ghost Dragon and the Old Nine Infant Bird are also qualified.

The man in blood can recover to a stronger power, but just in case, he decided to use part of his power to enhance the combat power of Yin-Yang Ghost Dragon.

Just in case there aren't enough, use them to make up for it!

The ancient giant crocodile itself is also one of them, but he did not expect that the other party would choose to betray, and even the means of secretly staying in his soul disappeared inexplicably.

It was a small accident.

But overall, he still got his plan.

After all the calculations, six strong men with half-step legal body combat power have fallen. The death breath born after the fall of these strong men is absorbed by this special secret realm, and it will be activated soon!


After getting the information from the man in blood, the demon's eyeballs made a big move.

The pupils of the Tianmo's eyeballs swept towards the dimension of the stars, and a terrifying blood-colored light beam pierced out, and there were also ferocious purple lightning circles, slamming over there.

The grand figure in the star dimension also displayed some kind of magical power, countless stars gathered, and a huge star dragon emerged and roared out.


A large space collapsed, and everyone only felt that the area they were in was shaking, and all the space collapsed toward the location where the forces converged!

The terrifying fluctuations swept away with waves of light, and this force was simply not something that everyone could resist.

The power of Tianmo's eyeballs and Mu Xingdi has touched the level of the power of the Dharma body, and the collision between them is not something that others can touch.

Just the aftermath, it is possible to crush the powerhouse of the half-step Dharma body!

Naturally, it is impossible for Tianmo's eyeballs to care about everyone's life and death, but Mu Xingdi was still distracted, and he used a lot of energy to erase the aftermath, so that the battle would not affect everyone present.

It was just like this, although everyone could see how terrifying the fight between Tianmo Eyeball and Mu Xingdi was, but there was no power to spread over.

"Everyone, goodbye by chance."

The man in blood smirked and looked at everyone.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, "Of course, the next time we see you again, most of you will fall!"

After finishing speaking, he also glanced at Mu Xingdi in the star dimension.

It was the appearance of Mu Xingdi that led to the survival of many people this time, otherwise Xuan Qing and Xuan Feng who participated in the battle, King Gu You and others who were watching the battle, would all be destroyed by him!

This hatred can only be written down for now, and will be settled later.


Heavenly Demon looked over, and saw a blood-colored light beam covering the blood-robed man and Chunyang Sword Master.

At the same time, blood-colored vortices emerged one by one, shrouding the old nine infant birds, yin and yang ghost dragons, and **** demons.

The others were startled. Did the man in blood want to evacuate?


Ronan used a ghost-headed arrow, and the terrifying power was wrapped around it and burst out, but he found that all the power was swallowed up by the blood-colored vortex, and there was no ripple.

It seems that this power is not exerted by the man in blood, but the eyeball of the demon, which is comparable to the power of the Dharma body!

Ronan's face was a little ugly, and he stared at the old nine-infant bird.

The strength of the original centaur Ronan was similar to that of the other party, and he barely reached the realm of half-step dharma body.

But Ronan had a silver-helmed ghost, and after turning into a ghost armor and attached to his body, Ronan's strength soared.

Seeing that he was about to kill the old nine-baby bird, the man in blood suddenly had to evacuate!

Even, the blood-colored vortex also enveloped the ancient giant crocodile, and it seemed that it was going to be taken away together.

The ancient giant crocodile was a little frightened, and he obtained the power of the dead demon to enhance his strength, and then used Ronan's means to attack the power that the man in blood had placed in his soul.

It can be said that the ancient giant crocodile has completely betrayed the man in blood. If he is taken away at this time, the fate can be imagined!

Ronan saw the situation on the side of the ancient giant crocodile, and seeing that his own strength could not shake the blood-colored vortex, he immediately ran over to help the ancient giant crocodile.

It took a lot of effort to finally pull the ancient giant crocodile out of the blood-colored vortex.

Ronan was stunned for a moment. Since he could pull the ancient giant crocodile out of the blood-colored vortex, why couldn't the old nine-infant bird and the yin-yang ghost dragon not?

The ancient giant crocodile explained on the side: It seems that it is the reason why I keep resisting, and those guys are naturally impossible to resist that power, so they can't pull it out. "

On the other side, the Moon Snake Saint and Mu Qing both tried to attack the **** demon in front of them.

But neither the incorporeal power of the Moon Snake Saint nor Mu Qing's Chaos Demon Sword could stop it.

In the end, the **** vortex closed, and the **** demon disappeared in front of everyone.

"One day, death will come again!"

"At that time, you will only have two choices, either surrender to death or wither in the face of death!"

The blood-clothed man laughed, and he and Chunyang Jianzun had already come to the eyeballs of Tianmo.

Most people felt a little inexplicable, thinking that the words of the man in blood were just a simple threat.

But Mu Qing's eyes narrowed, knowing the meaning of this sentence, most of it was the man in blood who planned to resurrect the dead demon!

Sure enough, the goal of the man in blood is this!


At this moment, the heaven and the earth shook, and the entire ghost heaven burst and collapsed!

Everyone saw that the man in blood raised his hands high, releasing a terrifying blood light.

Following his movements, a continent in the distance appeared!

At this time, everyone discovered that the continent was the Wanfa Mesa that they had been to before.

I saw that the Wanfa platform melted in the blood, and finally turned into a scarlet key.

"Finally got it!"

The man in blood immediately took the scarlet key into the palm of his hand.

This is the key to control the entire special secret realm, and it is also obtained by the man in blood in exchange for the death of several half-step legal bodies!

The blood-clothed man had a twisted smile on his face, and then swallowed the scarlet key in front of everyone!

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