Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2094: disgusting


Wu Xuanyi frowned and gave a low drink.

They finally got together for a while, why are there still people disturbing their Yaxing at this time?

"I've seen you all in Xia Ao Zichen."

The person who came was a white and clean young man, wearing a dragon robe, dazzling golden light, with striking white hair and green eyes.

"Ao Zichen?"

Hearing this, Mu Qing immediately remembered what An Shaomu had told him before.

This Ao Zichen was not originally from the Dragon King Palace, but a genius discovered by the Dragon King Palace in a certain universe.

He has a mutant dragon bloodline and is extremely talented. He was then brought into the Dragon King's Palace, and was also taken as the adopted son by a half-step body of a certain Dragon King's Palace, given the surname Ao!

Mu Qing looked at the Ao Zichen in front of him. This guy replaced Ao Yulin and became the leader of the new generation of Dragon King Palace.

Soon, Mu Qing's eyes narrowed, and he found that Ao Zichen's realm was different from what An Shaomu described.

An Shaomu said that this guy broke through the four tribulations in one step not long ago, and is the master of the four tribulations, but it does not seem to be the case now.

Under the increase of the immortal starry sky, Mu Qing's perception is also quite terrifying. In addition, his own realm is already dominated by eight tribulations. At a glance, he can see that Ao Zichen's real realm is dominated by five tribulations.

With such a fast breakthrough speed, it is no wonder that the Dragon King Palace will immediately let him replace Ao Yulin and become the new Tianjiao card face. He does have a hand.

The other party also deliberately concealed his realm aura, but everyone present except Mu Qing, the eyes of Jianxinhen flickered, and it was also seen.

After all, the scriptures created by Jianxinhen are soul-like, and their perception is very strong.

"Young Master Ao, what's the matter?" Zhang Zhen asked.

Ao Zichen smiled lightly, "I have heard that you are coming, and Zichen has something to do with her, but unfortunately, he is so troubled with trivial matters that he didn't come to the door immediately, so he will come immediately when he is free."

Then, Ao Zichen suddenly looked at Ao Yulin, and his tone was much colder.

"Junior Sister Yulin, it's up to senior brother and me to communicate with you Tianjiao figures. You can retire for the time being."

His discoloration speed was extremely fast, and his tone suddenly became high.

Ao Zichen didn't seem to be doing it on purpose, but was used to being arrogant and complacent.

After coming out of his own universe, he was suddenly cultivated by the behemoth power of the Dragon King Palace.

In particular, the rapid breakthrough in cultivation made him look down on almost anyone, especially Ao Yulin who once stood in this position!

Ao Yulin got the same resources as he now, but his strength is far inferior to him, which is simply a waste.

If the previous part of the resources were placed on him, he would be even stronger!

From Ao Zichen's point of view, Ao Yulin entered here just to accompany these superpower characters, but she was just a maid with a high level of cultivation and status.

After all, the Tianjiao present here are all inheritors of super-powers such as Tianqing Palace, Sword City, Moon Spirit Palace, etc., and their identities are dignitaries.

Ao Yulin is not worthy of talking to these characters, only the arrogance he has cultivated in the Dragon King Palace is qualified!

Only he, Ao Zichen, can integrate into the small group of Mu Qing and others.

"This..." Ao Yulin was stunned when he heard this, not knowing how to answer.

"I think you've made a mistake. Junior Sister Yulin is not a maid who is at the mercy of others." Yue Yin, who didn't speak much before, stood up, took Ao Yulin's arm, and wrapped her arms behind her.

When Yueyin came out, Ao Zichen's expression changed slightly.

He really didn't expect that Ao Yulin, who was too powerful in his imagination, would actually be able to have a relationship with these people present.

The one who came out for it was the inheritor of the Yueling Palace, Yueyin!

Ao Zichen was a little jealous in his heart, and at the same time, he glanced at Yueyin's delicate and delicate body under the white dress with greedy and fiery eyes.

This caused Yue Yin's dissatisfaction, and everyone present frowned and their faces sank.

Ao Zichen didn't seem to see it, so he sat down carelessly and occupied the original position of Ao Yulin.

He picked up the wine glass and seemed to be planning to toast everyone.

In his opinion, his identity is the same as everyone else, and he can easily draw closer.

However, none of the crowd gave him face.

"Unfortunately, I was full of elegance, and I was planning to get drunk, but I didn't expect a fly to come in suddenly." Wu Sheng didn't like anyone, so he put on a stinky face.

Tian Zang next to him seems to be honest and honest, but at this moment, he is also angry.

Tian Zang scratched his head, and said with a smile: "Brother Wu, you said this is strange. There can be a fly in the dignified Dragon King Palace. How high is the cultivation level and Taoism of this fly?"

"Hahahaha! Well said!"

Wu Sheng burst into laughter when he heard the words, picked up a pot of wine, took Tianzang and strode out of the attic in the sky.

"Everyone, the two of us will take a step first, and the exchange of discussions in the supreme realm over there has begun. Let's go and see if we can dig a few talents into my All-Heaven Sect."

This was Wu Sheng's original plan, but now that the party was disturbed by Ao Zichen, it was just an excuse to leave.

And Ao Zichen's face gradually darkened, and the veins on his forehead were creeping.

He didn't expect that Wu Sheng and Tian Zang dared to humiliate him so much!

You must know that you represent the facade of the Dragon King Palace!

Ao Zichen could only forcibly suppress the anger in his heart. After all, he knew that Wu Sheng's father was Wu Xuanji, the almighty Dharma body, and Tian Zang's master was also the Dharma body almighty giant spirit king.

They are not easy to mess with the Lord!


Ao Zichen crushed the wine glass in his hand.

"Ao Gongzi, I'm sorry, we don't seem to welcome you very much here, please leave." Zhang Zhen retracted his original smile and said rudely.

Ao Yulin is a member of their small group and their friend, but being targeted and ordered by this Ao Zichen, they naturally dislike it.

Moreover, everyone here is a person with status, and they are not afraid of offending the Dragon King Palace.

Wu Xuanyi didn't say anything, but he had a dark face, obviously if Ao Zichen didn't leave, he would do it!

"Exactly, I have something I want to tell you about. It's what Headmaster Wu meant. It's also a quest with rich rewards, but it's a secret."

After saying that, Mu Qing also looked at Ao Zichen, and the meaning was very clear.

Next, he wants to do some confidential things, Ao Zichen should get out!

"Want me to leave? I don't know the secrets of what mission?" Ao Zichen finally couldn't help it and roared.

He stared at Mu Qing, pointed at Ao Yulin, and shouted: "I am the representative of the Dragon King Palace, the leader of Tianjiao, and I will replace her in the future!"

"This task should also be part of me, not this woman!"

Ao Zichen was furious and felt that he was being excluded and targeted.

Jianxinhen slowly shook his head, thinking that Ao Zichen, who was newly cultivated by the Dragon King Palace, was the number one character, but now it seems that his xinxing is completely incompetent!

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