Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2096: Foolish Ao Zichen

"Are you really going to challenge Mu Qing? Do you know that he is the genius of the gate of time and space, and like you, he has been cultivated with all his strength."

Next to the small universe, a burly dragon king palace man frowned.

Ao Zichen waved his hand and said indifferently: "What is Mu Qing's arrogance, he doesn't even give me face."

"And it has always maintained a hidden secret method to hide the breath, and the strength must not be stronger!"

The half-step body of the Dragon King Palace next to him hesitated, but seeing Ao Zichen's stubbornness, he gave up his persuasion.

According to the original plan, it was to challenge some geniuses who were somewhat famous in the royal court, and after they successfully defeated them, they would build momentum for Ao Zichen.

These candidates were also selected in advance by the Dragon King Palace, and they were even secretly arranged so that they would not arouse hatred from others.

As a result, Ao Zichen disrupted the plan and wanted to directly challenge Mu Qing of the Gate of Time and Space.

In his words, it is more effective to simply pick the arrogance of superpowers to build momentum.

However, the powerhouse of the Dragon King Palace next to him frowned, worrying about whether he would have a bad relationship with the Gate of Time and Space.

"Speaking of which, Mu Qing of the Gate of Time and Space doesn't seem to have made much movement in the royal court. Maybe it's really not as good as Ao Zichen."

The strong man in the Dragon King Palace thought for a while, and he really rarely heard any rumors about Mu Qing.

He thought in his heart that if Ao Zichen defeated Mu Qing, then the senior officials of the Dragon King Palace would go to pay tribute to the Gate of Time and Space afterwards.

Maybe it is really as Ao Zichen said, it is more effective for building momentum!

Thinking of this, the Dragon King Hall powerhouse did not stop it.

At this moment, the surrounding voices boiled for a while.

A figure stepped out from the attic in the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it teleported to the side of the small universe.

Mu Qing was wearing a crane cloak, turned around slowly, looked at Ao Zichen with a smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were deep and extremely indifferent!

Behind him, there seems to be a vast and boundless starry sky looming, the breath is mysterious, and it is impossible to perceive!


When he really saw Mu Qing appear, the strong man in the Dragon King Palace secretly thought that something was wrong.

Because even he can't perceive Mu Qing's specific realm, this is definitely not as simple as what Ao Zichen said.

This Mu Qing's strength is likely to be much more terrifying than imagined!

The strong man in the Dragon King Palace wanted to send a voice transmission to Ao Zichen to let him give up the challenge.

But suddenly I thought, in front of so many people gathered by Tianjiao Association to challenge Mu Qing, and now giving up in disgrace, wouldn't they have lost all the face of their Dragon King Hall?

At this time, Ao Zichen snorted coldly and said arrogantly: "Mu Qing! Today, you and I will compete against each other, and let the many geniuses in the royal court see how the superpower's arrogance is!"

"Compared to all of you present, it's not too much fun to compare with, let's not let the two of us hold back, and show our true skills to build the reputation of the Tianjiao Club!"


Mu Qing looked at Ao Zichen amusingly, "Do you really want to show your true skills?"

"Naturally! It must only be up to the point, you won't have enough fun, will you?" Ao Zichen didn't notice that the strong man in the Dragon King Palace beside him was winking wildly at him.

He sneered again and again, and jumped into the small universe.

Mu Qing smiled lightly and stepped into it as well.

Immediately, the eyes of the audience gathered here!

One is the Tianjiao of the Gate of Time and Space, and the other is Ao Zichen, who has recently become famous and broke four tribulations in one step, and is also the host of the Tianjiao Club!

In addition to the words of Fang Cai Ao Zichen, everyone around him exclaimed.

"That Mu Qing seems to have performed well in the three-strong competition, but there is no news of him for a long time."

"The latecomers are the top ones. It seems that Mu Qing, the arrogance of Tianjiao, is only a flash in the pan. Maybe he has just entered the realm of domination, and he is far from Ao Zichen's opponent."

Many voices from the members of the royal court came out. They were naturally more familiar with Ao Zichen, who had become famous recently, so they felt that Ao Zichen would win.

In the attic in the sky, Wu Xuanyi, Jianxinhen and others also looked into the small universe with great curiosity.

That's where the two of them fight next.

Of course, compared to the speculations outside, everyone in the attic in the sky already knew the answer.

Mu Qing will definitely win!

However, what they want to know more is what is Mu Qing's current state and strength?

"What do you think Brother Mu will do to solve that Ao Zichen?" An Shaomu thought while rubbing his chin.

"It's hard to say, maybe it's about ten moves." Long Mingqing thought about it and gave an answer that he wasn't quite sure about.

"No, I only need five moves!" Wu Xuanyi laughed.

His eyes were fiery, and he had planned to wait until Ao Zichen was defeated to challenge Mu Qing.

Whether you win or lose, challenging the strong is a way to verify yourself and increase your accumulation!

"Within three moves." Jianxinhen's eyes were fixed on the figure in the small universe. He was not a fighting madman like Wu Xuanyi, but he was also very interested in Mu Qing's strength.

"Within three moves?"

Wu Sheng and Tian Zang looked at each other, a little surprised, Jian Xinhen's evaluation of Mu Qing was so high!

And Ao Yulin and Shi Yan were a little bit unbelievable, why are everyone so optimistic about Mu Qing, and there is no worry at all?

In the small universe, Mu Qing looked around and found that this place was indeed a normal universe, so huge that it was boundless, and there were galaxies in the past.

"Go ahead! Let me see how powerful the leaders of the Gate of Time and Space really are."

Ao Zichen sneered, the power in his body burst out, forming a dragon qi, and the violent power penetrated the whole body.

He stimulated his bloodline power, and accompanied by a high-pitched dragon roar, a sinister black dragon hovered over his body.

This is Ao Zichen's scripture, the Evil Dragon scripture!

Ao Zichen's own dragon bloodline is mutated, which makes him surpass the ordinary dragon bloodline and become very powerful.

Even, he did not intend to keep his hand at this moment, but used the power in his body with all his strength, and the previously hidden aura suddenly burst out!

Lord of the Five Calamities!

The powerful aura of the Five Tribulations was unreservedly passed on.

Everyone watching the battle outside looked surprised. They never expected that Ao Zichen's real realm was actually the ruler of the Five Tribulations!

In the attic in the sky, Wu Xuanyi and others were not too surprised. After all, they had long noticed that Ao Zichen had hidden some strength.

On the contrary, Ao Yulin and Shi Yan, who had a lower cultivation realm, were more surprised.

"He clearly broke through the realm of dominance some time ago, four calamities in one step, how come he has reached the **** of five calamities now?" Ao Yulin's face was full of disbelief.

At this moment, she completely felt a sense of frustration, and she was indeed inferior to the other party.

Ao Zichen, who dominated the realm for five tribulations, shocked most of the people in the Tianjiao Society.

"Now that Mu Qing is over, Ao Zichen has reached the Five Tribulation Master without making a sound!"

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