Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2111: Blood of the Poison Dragon

The three of Mu Qing took the Chaos Ship, set off from the Golden Holy Land, and sailed to the Holy Land Peerless City.

The location of the Chaos Sea is not fixed, it is moving all the time, but it is still roughly in the endless star sea on the top of the sanctuary.

The speed of the Chaos Ship is not slow, and the pattern like a golden tree branded on it shines like a golden meteor falling.

In just a short time, the Chaos Ship arrived at the Peerless City of Sanctuary!

"What is that?" In Peerless City, some people were extremely curious and looked at the Chaos Ship branded with the lines of the golden tree.

They haven't seen such existences before, and they don't know which power they belong to.

The three of Mu Qing got off the Chaos Ship, and immediately sensed the obscure gazes falling on them.

However, most of them are not malicious, they just want to know the origin of the three Mu Qing with fear and doubt.

"Isn't that Mu Qing from the Black Domain?"

Soon, someone recognized Mu Qing's identity and was shocked. After all, this was the existence of the Golden Dragon King who was rumored to kill the Dragon Domain.

Being able to kill the half-step Dharma body is already the top powerhouse in the origin world, not to mention the people from the Dragon Domain.

Everyone knew that Longyu Jiezhen would report, and Mu Qing dared to kill the Golden Dragon King, but completely offended Longyu to death.

Of course, outsiders don't know the real situation of Mu Qing's beheading of the Golden Dragon King. They think that Mu Qing already has the strength of a half-step Dharma body, but in fact he doesn't.

The Chaos Ship faded away, and the three of Mu Qing entered the Peerless City.

Noticing the gazes and whispers around, Ao Yulin couldn't help but glance at Mu Qing, only to realize that Mu Qing's reputation in the origin world seems to be quite high.

Jianxinhen didn't care much about all this, but looked at the situation in Peerless City with his eyes.

"It seems that they haven't arrived yet. Let's wait here for a while." Mu Qing also sensed the atmosphere in Peerless City. It seemed that the powerhouse sent by the royal court had not arrived yet.

However, at the speed of Nine Tribulations, it will definitely not be much slower. It is estimated that it will arrive in a few days.

Mu Qing was planning to take Jianxinhen and Ao Yulin to the branch of the Holy Treasure Hall to rest for a while.

In this peerless city, the more familiar place is the branch of the Holy Treasure Hall.

Mu Qing stepped directly into the branch of the Holy Treasure Hall, but saw the young chief who had seen him standing beside him with a flattering expression.

"Mr. Mu, please come in!" The young master hurriedly welcomed the three of Mu Qing in, and his attitude could even be said to be a little flattering!

Ao Yulin and Jianxinhen both set their sights on Mu Qing, wondering what Mu Qing had to do with this holy hall.

And Mu Qing himself was stunned.

The last time I came to the branch of the Holy Treasure Palace, the attitude of the young director was not so flattering. The other party also saw his relationship with the Void Dynasty and greeted him with a smile.

Why did he become a little more pleasing to him this time?

Mu Qing pondered that he didn't do anything.

"Mr. Mu, Elder Zhang has been waiting for you for a long time. She has something for you." The young master hurriedly pulled Mu Qing, who was in doubt, into the Holy Treasure Hall branch.

Afterwards, he also arranged for Jianxinhen and Ao Yulin to be taken to the guest room for good hospitality.

Mu Qing also saw that the other party wanted to see him alone.

"Elder Zhang?" Mu Qing was stunned, and a person immediately appeared in his mind.

The elder Zhang Qiu of the Holy Treasure Hall is very powerful and has a very high status in the Holy Treasure Hall.

At the same time, Elder Zhang Qiu is also close to Mo Zi. Once Mo Zi helped Mu Qing in disguise, he borrowed the identity of Elder Zhang Qiu.

Now, Elder Zhang Qiu suddenly came to this Holy Treasure Hall branch to see Mu Qing, but he didn't know what was going on.

Mu Qing's face was full of doubts. Under the leadership of the youth chief, he went to the innermost part of the branch and saw Elder Zhang Qiu.

In front of her was a slender, beautiful woman with a charming charm. She was wearing a long pale yellow dress and jade jewelry.

Seeing Mu Qing's arrival, Zhang Qiu had a small smile on his face and walked over gracefully and dignifiedly.

"Mr. Mu, my concubine is Zhang Qiu, the Taoist companion of Emperor Mu Xing."

Elder Zhang Qiu saluted gently and introduced himself.

Mu Qing hurriedly saluted, "Elder Zhang's name is naturally known, not to mention that in the special secret realm, Senior Mu Xingdi also helped me."

"This kind of kindness will never be forgotten. If Elder Zhang Qiu has any use for me, please don't be polite and give your orders!"

Mu Qing also did not expect that the elders of the dignified Holy Treasure Hall, either the ruler of the Nine Tribulations or the powerhouse of the Holy Tower, would be so polite to him.

And he also noticed that when Elder Zhang Qiu introduced himself, he only talked about his name and his relationship with Mu Xingdi.

The identity of the elder of the Holy Treasure Hall was not mentioned!

Could it be that Elder Zhang Qiu wants to see him because he has something to do with Emperor Mu Xing?

Elder Zhang Qiu gradually restrained his smile, and a dignified color appeared on his delicate facial features.

"There is one thing that you really need to know about Mr. Mu, and this is also what Mu Xingdi meant." Elder Zhang Qiu's tone was slightly heavy.

Mu Qing looked at the beautiful woman in front of her, and always felt that the other party was accompanied by a sadness.

This made him quite puzzled. Could it be that something happened to Emperor Mu Xing?

Not right?

With the strength that Mu Xingdi showed at that time, he could even touch the level of the power of the Dharma body. Who in the world could do anything to Mu Xingdi?

Mu Qing was puzzled and could only think that it was the unique temperament of Elder Zhang Qiu.

He listened quietly.

Elder Zhang Qiu took out a token, with dark golden lines lingering on it, inlaid with the imprint of the magic weapon, and a pattern of bright stars in the middle.

"The establishment of the Holy Treasure Hall is an organization formed by many master refiners, alchemy masters, etc., but with the expansion of business, there are even transactions with all regions of the origin world, resulting in many people eyeing the Holy Treasure Hall. Fat sheep."

"And in this case, the Holy Treasure Palace also gave a great price, and attracted many strong people to sit in the town, and Mu Xingdi is one of them."

"The Holy Treasure Palace has given Mu Xingdi, a strong man, considerable power, and this star token is a symbol."

"As long as you hold this Star Token, you can contact the headquarters in any branch of the Holy Treasure Hall in the Five Regions. As long as it is not too demanding, it can be satisfied."

Elder Zhang Qiu introduced the origin of the star token in his hand. It can be said that this is the symbol of Mu Xingdi.

And the relationship between the Holy Treasure Hall and Mu Xingdi is far more intimate than the outside rumors.

Once, Mu Xingdi sat in the Holy Treasure Hall in secret, intimidating Xiaoxiao.

"Now, it is yours. In the future, your status in the Holy Treasure Hall will only be higher than that of the elders, second only to the hall master!" Elder Zhang Qiu said solemnly.

Hearing this, Mu Qing was stunned.

"For me?" Mu Qing frowned slightly, he didn't understand what Elder Zhang Qiu meant.

Why did you give him this star token for no reason?

Elder Zhang Qiu walked directly in front of Mu Qing and placed the star token in Mu Qing's palm solemnly.

She looked at Mu Qing very seriously and said, "This is also what Mu Xingdi meant, of course he also has a condition."

"No, it's a request, so to speak."

"I also ask you to help Emperor Xu when you are strong in the future!"

Elder Zhang Qiu was almost forced, and handed over the Star Token to Mu Qing.

Then, a shallow smile appeared on her face again, "Mu Xingdi will never harm you. As for his thoughts, I don't know much about him."

"I just conveyed his meaning to you thoroughly."

Mu Qing looked at the star token in his hand, still confused.

He didn't understand why Mu Xingdi gave him this star token that symbolized his identity.

And what does Mu Xingdi's request mean?

When the future is strong, take action to help the virtual emperor?

Mu Qing couldn't figure it out, and he didn't know about Emperor Xu's current situation. After all, he was always on the side of Emperor Mu Xing.

However, Emperor Xu finally helped Mu Qing to end up like this. There is no need for Mu Xingdi to deliberately say that as long as Emperor Xu needs help, Mu Qing is naturally happy.

Seeing that Elder Zhang Qiu didn't know the details at all, Mu Qing could only temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart.

Under the arrangement of Elder Zhang Qiu, the three of Mu Qing lived quite well in the branch of the Holy Treasure Hall.

The daily tea is at the treasure level, and it can even enable the powerhouses who dominate the realm to improve their cultivation!

Mu Qing also didn't know the meaning of the star token, so he could only throw it into the immortal starry sky.

However, he remembered the words of Mu Xingdi, and at some point in the future, he would help Emperor Xu.

He didn't know why Mu Xingdi made this request, but the other party would definitely not aimlessly, maybe he saw something.

And Mu Qing, who owns the Star Token, can be said to have a higher status than the young chief in the branch of the Holy Treasure Hall.

Through understanding, Mu Qing found that he even had the power to directly mobilize all the power of this sacred temple branch to fight for himself.

But it was too exaggerated, and it was impossible for Mu Qing to command the people of the Holy Treasure Hall, so as not to be disgusted by others.

Mu Qing and others stayed in Peerless City for eight days. On this day, a maid came to Mu Qing's room.

"Master, this is today's rhyme tea." The maid was graceful, twisting her slender waist, and came to the table in Mu Qing's room with tea.

This tea is not ordinary. It is a good thing for the dominant powerhouse. It can be said that the branch of the Holy Treasure Hall can take it out. It is quite a luxury.

Mu Qing nodded lightly, reached for a cup of tea, and was about to take a sip, but suddenly caught a glimpse of the maid still standing in the room.

He frowned slightly, suddenly aware that something was wrong.

A wicked smile appeared on the maid's face.

And the tea in Mu Qing's hand suddenly boiled, and suddenly turned into a black color, bubbling one by one.

Mu Qing was startled, realized that there was something wrong with the tea in his hand, and hurriedly pushed it away with a palm.

"It's useless, that poison is the blood of a poisonous dragon, it will lock the soul and cannot get rid of it!" The maid sneered and opened her mouth with a hoarse voice.

Sure enough, I saw that the teacup burst, and a burst of dragon roar came out, and the black poisonous liquid turned into a poisonous dragon, with a dark body and purple light, slaughtering towards Mu Qing.

This is the blood of the poisonous dragon that locks the soul, and it is the highly poisonous thing in the dragon family!

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