Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2114: Location exposed?

In Peerless City, one after another looked at the golden meteor in the sky.

The Chaos Ship did not hide, and sailed directly to the endless star sea in front of others.

"Then there are other Nine Tribulation Masters around Mu Qing, but they are very unfamiliar. I don't know which force they belong to."

"And the direction they are heading is not the Black Domain, but... Endless Star Sea?"

Inside Peerless City, a Dark Moon Sect disciple touched his chin, looked at the disappearing Chaos Ship in the sky, and fell into contemplation.

In Peerless City, there are other people who are also paying attention to Mu Qing's movements. Many people have thoughts and are ready to move.

I have to say that Longyu made a lot of money in order to arrest Mu Qing, and most of the people in the five domains knew about it.

Most of the people in Peerless City have nothing to do with Longyu, but they still try to use Mu Qing's movements to exchange rewards with Longyu.

This is especially true of the Dark Moon Sect disciples. The Dark Moon Sect itself is mainly focused on investigating intelligence. Now, as long as you investigate the news of Mu Qing, you can also exchange a reward with Longyu, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

After hesitating for a while, the Dark Moon Sect disciple also flew into the air and galloped away in the direction of the Chaos Ship.

He wanted to see where Mu Qing and others were going.

But soon, he turned back from the endless sea of ​​stars.

Because after entering a little distance, he began to lose his sense of direction. If he continued to go deeper, I am afraid that he would be completely lost in it and would never be able to come out!

"Aren't they afraid of losing their way when they headed to the Endless Star Sea?" The Dark Moon Sect disciple showed a look of surprise on his face.

In desperation, he could only write a line in the information handed to Longyu.

"Mu Qing and others took the Chaos Ship into the endless star sea and disappeared!"

Endless star sea.

The speed of the Chaos Ship was extremely fast, like a golden meteor passing by, and it soon brought Mu Qing and others to the Chaos Sea.

Mu Qing was also not afraid that someone in Peerless City might see his whereabouts.

The endless sea of ​​stars is far larger than imagined, and it is impossible to penetrate into this place without the power of the Law Bodies.

Even if they knew that Mu Qing had entered the endless star sea, no one could catch up with him.

What's more, even if someone knows the specific location of Chaos Sea, Mu Qing can move Chaos Sea away with a single thought and go to the endless star sea above the black domain.

The endless star sea is the largest, and above the five major domains, the endless desert, and the endless ocean, there are endless star seas!

The Chaos Ship came to the Chaos Sea at a very fast speed.

Zi Qingjun and the others got off the boat and couldn't help but admire the vast starry sky and the golden holy place on the chaotic sea.

"It's a nice place to be, along with a disorienting conservation environment."

On the other hand, that Ao Feng snorted coldly, did not speak, and put on a stinky face.

Mu Qing ignored him directly and handed the Chaos Rune to everyone, telling them that they could use the Chaos Rune to perceive the location of the Chaos Sea, and at the same time, they could summon the Chaos Ship to travel to and from the outside world.

Then, the second batch of powerhouses entered the Golden Holy Land, and under the leadership of those who dominated the powerhouses, began to build strongholds.

Except for the Xiaoling Palace, the rest of the Golden Holy Land is flat.

However, with the dominant powerhouse taking the lead, plus many second-order supreme, one after another building was soon built.

The silver empty dragon directly changed back to its real body. It was a bloated silver dragon with three heads and silver scales that were delicate and clear.

He lay down in the palace built for him by his subordinates, and the two heads on the left and right lay down directly and began to sleep, snoring like thunder.

He also doesn't care about the layout of the palace at all, as long as it is large enough to accommodate his body.

Zi Qingjun and Jianxinhen were more familiar with each other, and the two exchanged for a while before coming to the Xiaoling Palace.

"As for the place to live, I don't have any requirements. Anyway, as long as I can receive the enhancement and blessing of cultivation under the golden tree, I will simply live in the Xiaoling Palace."

Zi Qingjun said to Mu Qing with a smile.

He didn't choose at all, he could just find a room in the Xiaoling Palace and live there.

"By the way, you have to be careful about that Ao Feng, this guy has deep hostility towards you." Zi Qingjun suddenly said solemnly.

Mu Qing nodded, "I do feel it. He seems to be targeting me a little bit. Could it be because I defeated Ao Zichen in public before and made the Dragon King Palace lose face?"

That's all he could think of.

After all, the Tianjiao Club was specifically designed to build momentum for Ao Zichen, but Mu Qing defeated Ao Zichen on the spot without showing any mercy, and was still in the Dragon King's Palace.

Thinking about it this way, it is reasonable for Ao Feng to target him.

"There is such a thing, I'm not familiar with that Ao Feng, and I don't know much about him, but you still have to be careful that he stumbles you." Zi Qingjun chuckled, expressing enough goodwill.

In the next period of time, Mu Qing deliberately paid attention to Ao Feng in the Dragon King Hall, and found that the other party had no other movement except for his bad tone and hostility towards him.

Ao Feng also brought a group of experts from the Dragon King Palace and built a Dragon Palace to live in the Golden Holy Land.

On this day, Yin Konglong suddenly came to the Xiaoling Palace and found Mu Qing.

"Elder Yin? What's the matter?" Mu Qing was a little surprised when he looked at the elder Yinkonglong, who had rarely turned into a humanoid.

According to the contact during this period, he found that Yinkonglong was quite lazy, leaving everything to the people under his hands to do, and he slept in the palace.

And Yinkonglong also hates the appearance of a rich man who turns into a human form, and usually shows his original shape.

Now I specially came to Xiaoling Palace to find him, and I don't know why.

"Talk about Ao Feng." Yin Konglong smiled and walked to Mu Qing.

"As for Ao Feng, I have already investigated it privately, and I have already made a plan. If he attacks you, I will also help you."

"In the end, I didn't expect that after this period of time, that Ao Feng didn't move at all. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!"

Yinkonglong's face gradually became solemn.

Mu Qing was a little stunned, "Even if I brushed the Dragon King's face at the Tianjiao Meeting, I wouldn't let that Ao Feng do it directly, right?"

He didn't think that was the case. After all, even the senior officials of the Dragon King Palace didn't say anything, so there's no need for Ao Feng to hate him so much, right?

"What you will do in the Dragon King's Palace is nothing." Yinkonglong shook his head.

He explained: "Ao Feng was the first to discover the Moon Emperor's Mausoleum. He found the space passage leading to the Origin Realm in the Moon Emperor's Mausoleum. He deserves a lot of credit. After all, he provided relevant information to the senior officials of the royal court."

"In the original plan, this Ao Feng was also the leader to lead the members of the Royal Court to the Origin Realm to establish a stronghold."

"It's just that when you people appeared later, the senior officials of Wang Ting changed their minds. After all, you are people who have been to the origin world, so it is reasonable to entrust this task to you."

"However, this is different in Nao Feng's eyes, thinking that you stole his credit."

"If it is a half-step dharma body, then this Ao Feng will probably suppress the complaints in his heart, but the leader of this stronghold is you, the master of the Eight Tribulations, who is one level lower than him in realm..."

Yin Konglong paused for a while, then said in a low voice, "Based on my observations along the way, this Ao Feng will most likely take action against you, or use his means to override you, and at least take away some of the right to speak from your hands."

Afterwards, Yinkonglong was a little puzzled.

"However, after this period of time, that Ao Feng didn't move at all. I was worried that he might be brewing some kind of conspiracy, so I went over there to remind you."

After Mu Qing heard the words, he suddenly realized.

The relationship is not a matter of Ao Zichen and the Tianjiao Association, but that Ao Feng felt that Mu Qing stole his own benefits.

But to be honest, the substantial benefits that Mu Qing can get are only the materials for the construction of the holy tower that the royal court's high-level officials promised.

This Xiaoling Palace is said to be for Mu Qing, but in fact, the senior officials of the royal court can take it back at any time.

Furthermore, although the Xiaoling Palace is a precious fourth-level treasure, its abilities are mainly reflected in defense and functionality.

No matter who they are, whether they stand on the edge of the Golden Holy Land or live directly in the Xiaoling Palace, the increase they get is the same.

The benefits are the same for all, and there are no special benefits.

The only thing that surprised Mu Qing was that there was the power of the source of life on the Zulong statue. He could rely on the Code of Life to comprehend the mystery and improve his self-understanding.

In fact, that Ao Feng didn't lose anything, he just lost the title of a leader.

"Thank you Elder Yin for telling me that I will pay attention to that Ao Feng." Mu Qing nodded.

No matter what, that Ao Feng's attitude is quite poor, and he will pay attention.

"Just be vigilant." Seeing this, Yinkonglong felt relieved.

After all, it was the task that Wu Xuanji gave him. To help Mu Qing, even if he was lazy, he would come over to express it.

Yinkonglong left the Xiaoling Palace.

Mu Qing came to the Zulong statue and continued to comprehend the mystery.

With every more understanding, his Eternal Mahamudra will become stronger!

As for Ao Feng, Mu Qing ignored it for the time being, at least the other party's attitude was a little worse now, and there was no action.

If there is any action, Mu Qing is not afraid at all!

With Mu Qing's current strength, he can completely resist the dominance of the Nine Tribulations. If he uses the Primordial Demon Sword, he can still maintain the half-step legal body combat power for a few breaths.

What's more, the Golden Holy Land is built on the Chaos Sea, and the Chaos Sea is completely Mu Qing's territory!

If Ao Feng wanted to oppose him in this environment, he would almost certainly lose!

Soon, several months passed, and Mu Qing spent most of the time in the Xiaoling Palace comprehending the power of the source of life on the statue of Zulong.

This is a power that belongs to the highest, as if it can never be seen through and cannot be fully understood.

Through the code of life, Mu Qing can have a new understanding every time!

Usually, he returned to the Black Demon Sect through the World Gate to communicate with Mo Zi Shuangxiu and was happy and comfortable.

And three days later, a message suddenly reached Mu Qing.

The location of Chaos Sea is exposed!

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