The purple bamboo sword hummed, soaring into the sky, and came to Mu Qing’s side, conveying the meaning of closeness.

next moment, the purple bamboo sword is even more transformed, one after another purple mist fills out and turns into a purple thunder bamboo, with a total of nine knots, enveloping the strength of Thunder.


Purple Lightning Bamboo got into Mu Qing’s mind, suddenly a burst of surging energy was released, and Mu Qing’s breath also increased crazily at this time .

“It should be my thing, it should be returned to me.” Mu Qing looked at it coldly.

After that, a beam of light rushed out of the Second Palace Lord’s body. It was the thunder pool.

The thunder pool penetrated into Mu Qing’s body. Suddenly, his body was surrounded by endless lightning, yin and yang Thunder Tribulation, Five Elements Thunder Tribulation, and terrifying strength of Thunder poured crazily.

At this moment, Mu Qing is no longer the son of the stars, but is a terrifying Thunder God, lightning rushing into the sky.

There was a loud bang.

The unmatched divine light burst out of Mu Qing’s body in an instant, and the violent aura turned into a wave and swept all around.

At this moment, with the help of Purple Lightning Bamboo’s feedback, it turned out to be the breakthrough to the Peak King!

High in the sky, Mu Qing uses the power of the wind and cloud to soar into the clouds and mount the mists. Behind the black fish and the Golden Peng, a purple thunder bamboo emerges.

“blood spirit?!”

Second Palace Lord was stunned, and some couldn’t believe what happened.

His imposing manner is extraordinary. Even if Mu Qing uses some secret techniques, he still feels not afraid of it, because he is very confident. In the face of absolute strength, Mu Qing is not his opponent at all.

But now, everything he found was really expected, Mu Qing beckoned, his purple bamboo sword and thunder pool flew away, his weapon only left a pair of fists.

Second Palace Lord looked at Mu Qing, behind which a purple bamboo was filled with mist, a black fish entangled, sometimes turned into Golden Peng, and screamed.

Even if he has the cultivation base of the half-step Supreme Being, he is confounded by the scene before him.

Not only him, but the people in the entire Tianyu Palace who followed this battle also showed incredible expressions.

Elder Lin and Law Enforcement Elder and the others in the dark one after another suck in a breath of cold air, they have witnessed the process of Mu Qing breakthrough to the King of Peak.

Originally, they thought that Mu Qing alone was not enough to deal with the Second Palace Lord, but now it seems that there is a good chance!

It’s just that everyone is puzzled. The purple bamboo sword is clearly a sword weapon refined by the Second Palace Lord. Why does it suddenly become Mu Qing’s blood spirit?

At this moment, a double blood spirit emerges behind Mu Qing, imposing manner is monstrous, and the origin power in his body is almost mercury-like viscous.

He has now initially entered the Peak King level!

hong long!

While the Second Palace Lord was stunned, Mu Qing suddenly shot and punched twice.

With a punch, the yin and yang Thunder Tribulation burst out, and a huge grinding disc was crushed down.

Another punch, Five Elements Thunder Tribulation is everywhere, lightning glow pours out from the thunder pool, suppress everything!

Second Palace Lord pupil shrink, the artifacts that originally belonged to him were all taken away by Mu Qing.

He hurriedly resisted, condense sword qi at his fingertips, and displayed the Yin-Yang Thunder Tribulation Sword Art, which resisted Yin-Yang Grindstone, but could no longer resist the thunder pool.

After Mu Qing breakthrough, his strength has more than doubled? After a full strength attack, even the Second Palace Lord of the half-step Supreme Being could not resist.


Second Palace Lord spit blood flying upside down went out, his eyes were full of unbelievable expressions, the most ironic thing is that he was originally his own The thunder pool is hurt!

However, he reacted quickly and immediately recovered his state. He took out a spare long sword from the space ring, the power in his body burst out, and he cut it off with a sword.

I have to say that the Second Palace Lord is very powerful. Even if he loses the purple thunder bamboo and the thunder pool, the cultivation base of the half-step Supreme Being is not a joke.

a sword light connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, he will incorporate yin and yang strength of Thunder Tribulation into the sword qi, and it will be extremely terrifying.

Mu Qing’s complexion is also slightly solemn, waved his hand, and suddenly the sky swept out, the power of water pouring all around.

The continuous wave emerged from in the sky, and the entire Tianyu Palace was directly hit by the big water, and the building was submerged.

Mu Qing walked over the ocean, azure dragon scales appeared on his arm, and went away in one blow, shaking the earth and the earth.

Azure Dragon’s arm power burst out, as if about to break the sky, his whole body bloomed with stars, and a touch of azure beam tore the sword glow.

The long sword in the hands of the Second Palace Lord could not withstand his power, and it split.

His face was gloomy and furiously shouted. The silver flood dragon behind him turned into a silver long sword. The Dragon Mark on it was shrouded in cold light.

Second Palace Lord set off, a sword stabbed, boundless rays of light burst out of the whole body, the sword rose from the dragon roar, there is a kind of artistic conception of feathering and soaring.

This is the Absolute Art of Tianyu Palace, soaring to the Sword Manual!

Mu Qing frowned, he felt a palpitation, and the opponent’s strength was stronger than before.

However, it was not the soaring Sword Manual that made him afraid, but the silver long sword in the hands of the Second Palace Lord.

Although the Absolute Art of Tianyu Palace is powerful, what Mu Qing has learned is the secret arts of the Peak race in the universe, and the formidable power is far above the soaring Sword Manual.

The silver long sword in the hands of the Second Palace Lord brought a great threat to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing knows that after the breakthrough to the Peak King, there is still one small realm between the half-step Supreme Being.

That is the visualization of blood spirit!

Concretizing blood spirits into weapons or armors can only be done by the King of Peak.

But it is not so easy to visualize blood spirit. Sudden enlightenment is needed to thoroughly understand the power of blood spirit.

Generally speaking, only one of the ten Peak Kings can realize the visualization of blood spirit, and the strength of this type of person is far beyond the average Peak King.

There are not many Peak Kings on Earth, and most of them are stuck in this aspect.

When a Peak King can realize the visualization of blood spirit, then he is not far from the half-step Supreme Being.

So, after Mu Qing saw the silver long sword of Second Palace Lord, he was also very solemn.


He displayed the technique of dragon leaping, all around the wind and clouds were surging, the wind blew, a cloud of mist and True Dragon condensed out, and the roar rushed away.

Second Palace Lord flashes killing intent in his eyes, ascends a sword, ascend to Heaven and become Immortal!

A touch of white light tore the cloud True Dragon apart, and the sword in his hand moved towards Mu Qing directly.

Mu Qing complexion changed, the opponent’s power is even terrifying than he thought.

He hurriedly performed Space Jump. After all, the opponent was a half-step Supreme Being. The cultivation base was above him. The space daoist robe on his body was barely able to resist the attack of the veteran king. The sword of the Second Palace Lord light, but it can’t be blocked at all.

However, he was still a step slower, and the sword light hit him before he made the Space Jump.

Mu Qing’s silhouette appeared in the sky in the distance, and a wound appeared on his abdomen, with blood flowing!

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