“Is this Mu Qing really an alien race?” A single thought suddenly appeared in Elder Lin’s mind.

At the beginning, Mu Qing displayed all kinds of things in the West Lake Secret Realm, which were beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Later, he showed a 100-meter body with a dazzling divine light and repelled the insect race.

Someone once suspected Mu Qing’s identity and thought he came from an alien race.

While the Western Holy See has been in contact with Cody and other Winged Human Races from the universe, I am sure that Mu Qing is from an alien race.

After that, Elder Lin shook the head again. Before that, it was Aoki. The origin is unknown. It may be an alien race.

But now, he knows that Aoki’s true identity is Mu Qing, the son of the Grand Palace Lord. It shouldn’t be any relationship with alien races.

in the sky.

Second Palace Lord’s complexion is ugly, the sword qi vortex around him has turned white, and his power has declined.

On the other hand, Mu Qing has a bloody big halberd in his hand. The killing aura is extremely heavy, sweeping all around.

Suddenly, Mu Qing’s body moved, and Blood Sea Overflowing Heavens instantly broke the sky!

The halberd of the God of Slaughter, created by Asura Race, is a martial skill that specializes in killing the gods. The formidable power is even higher than some divine abilities. One shot is heaven-shaking, earth-shattering!

The bloody color enveloped the entire Heaven and Earth. Everyone found that they were unable to move. This was not imprisoned by Power of Space, but they were fearful under the strong killing intent. Dare not move!

The scarlet euphorbia cut through the sword qi vortex and landed on the Second Palace Lord.

Second Palace Lord complexion greatly changed, he quickly took out the silver long sword in his hand, but he heard a clanging sound, the blood-colored big halberd burst out incomparable power, a terrifying power welled out, It’s broken!


Second Palace Lord vomited blood, the whole person flew upside down, and the broken silver long sword in his hand turned into a light and penetrated into his body.

This was transformed by his blood spirit, and it was indestructible, but it was smashed by the halberd, and the next battle was obviously unusable.

With the power of blood spirit lost, the strength of Second Palace Lord will drop a lot, and even his realm in the half-step Supreme Being has begun to be unstable.

“Boy, use your heart to comprehend the blow I just made, but unfortunately you killed too few people, otherwise the formidable power of the halberd can be increased several times and kill him directly!” Tu’s voice said. Mu Qing’s mind came out.

He sighed, because the formidable power of the Slaughter Halberd depends on his murderous aura. The more he kills, the stronger the formidable power, but Mu Qing kills too few people. He uses the body of Mu Qing to condense The halberd only broke the Silver Sword Spirit Sword in the hands of the Second Palace Lord.

Mu Qing loosened his body, regaining control of the body, and at the same time he had an extra bloodline method in his mind.

Shura Sutra!

This is the bloodline method of Asura Race’s cultivation, which belongs to the Peak bloodline method!

Asura Race is one of the strongest among the advanced races. The bloodline method of cultivation is also Peak. If they did not kill too much and were targeted by several Peak races, leading to great injury of strength, I am afraid they would have been promoted to Peak race.

However, this Asura Sutra is not for Mu Qing cultivation, he does not have the bloodline of Asura Race.

“I have left a part of the strength of Asura in your body. It is enough for you to perform the halberd according to the Asura Sutra.” Tu Lao left a sentence, and his consciousness returned to the Star Chart of the Ten Thousand Territories. Inside.

Mu Qing hearing this, really found that there was more scarlet power in the body.

He was shocked, and quickly mobilized this power, and the Slaughter God’s Halberd in his hand waved again.

This blow down, looks very clumsy. Mu Qing’s own display and Tu Lao’s display are basically two realm. In Tu Lao’s hand, this blood-colored euphorbia can draw shock void, but Mu Qing’s display, but It feels extremely heavy.

Of course, the power of the Slaughter God’s Halberd is extraordinary. He left with a halberd and the blood enveloped the Second Palace Lord.

Second Palace Lord raised his hand to condense thousands of sword light, but he couldn’t resist it and was torn directly.

He roared, and the surging strength of Thunder Tribulation burst out of his body, deriving a thunder pupil, his eyes contained Destruction Strength, fiercely stared.

However, in midair, the scarlet halberd swung down and shattered the thunder pupil.

“no! I am not willing to!” The Second Palace Lord yelled, but there was no way. His blood spirit was shattered and his origin power was quickly losing.

If it is normal, it will take a long time to recover from broken blood spirit. After all, blood spirit is the basis of cultivation origin power. If blood spirit is damaged, origin power will also be lost.

The imposing manner on the Second Palace Lord’s body is getting weaker and weaker. He roared, and the whole body flashed with thunder, and the strength of Thunder Tribulation enveloped the whole body, forming a sword light.

However, in the sky, a scarlet halberd fell and defeated the a sword light. Mu Qing held the halberd, his arm shook, and threw the sword fiercely.


A rumbling sound rang, and the scarlet spear pierced the body of the Second Palace Lord and nailed him to the ground.

Second Palace Lord’s eyes widened, an expression of disbelief, and finally his eyes were gloomy, and Life Aura was completely deprived of the Scarlet Euphorbia.

Mu Qing is in the sky and looks pale. All the power in his body has been emptied, even the spirit strength.

Fortunately, in this battle with the Second Palace Lord, he was not seriously injured. At the critical moment, he killed the old man. It can almost be said that he killed the Second Palace Lord in a crushing imposing manner. .

The halberd that turned into a blood light penetrated Mu Qing’s body, turned into a seed of slaughter, and fell silent.

This is the power of Tu Lao, but Tu Lao did not completely take it back, but let Mu Qing conceive.

He buried the Killing Seed in Mu Qing’s body. When Mu Qing can truly cultivation the Asura Sutra, this Killing Seed will become the Killing God Halberd for his use.

The halberd of the slaughter is a terrifying martial skill. There are many Divine abilities in the Asura Race, but the halberd of the slaughter is a compulsory one for the clansman of the Asura Race. Intent, evil spirits, and blood can be cultivated to transform into divine ability!

“He actually won?!” Elder Lin and Law Enforcement Elder were surprised.

The other Elders in the Sky Feather Palace were also stunned, and then they all laughed. Their big Palace Lord faction actually won!

The key to their victory is Mu Qing alone!

“Big Palace Lord, please show mercy afterwards. Many people from the Elder faction of the original Second Palace Lord did not take action.” The two Elder Lin ran out with a group of Elders and said to Shui Yuexi.

At this moment, Hongxiu saw that the situation was not right and had already left first. Some of the Lord Elder who really helped the Second Palace were still stuck in place, with a look of disbelief.

It’s Elder Lin and the others. They didn’t show up at the critical moment. Now that Mu Qing killed the Second Palace Lord, they all turned to the Grand Palace Lord.

Shui Yuexi is nodded, she naturally knows that Elder Lin and the others have secretly stopped, otherwise the power controlled by the Second Palace Lord will double!

Elder Lin, they are all Tianyu Palace elders. No matter which faction they are in, their hearts are all toward Tianyu Palace. It is obviously impossible for them to kill Elder of the Palace Lord faction.

The people who really kill the dísciple of the Sky Feather Palace are those who temporarily recruited Elder from the Second Palace Lord. These people are all lone rangers, and even some terrorist organizations.

Shui Yuexi’s eyes flashed with a ray of cold light, Flame Sect intervened in the affairs of Tianyu Palace, naturally she would not let him go so easily, and those who helped the Second Palace Lord wantonly slaughtered Tianyu Palace dísciple People can not let it go.

“Not good! Be careful!” The Red Face Great Elder suddenly shouted.

He moved towards Mu Qing and wanted to express his gratitude. After all, it was Mu Qing who saved them. If Mu Qing hadn’t killed the Second Palace Lord, the Heavenly Feather Palace is probably led by the Second Palace Lord. Up.

However, just as he turned his gaze to Mu Qing, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he found that behind Mu Qing, a silhouette rushed towards him.


Other Elders also found something wrong, turned their heads and looked around and scolded them one after another.

Elder Lin’s face was startled and said: “It’s Guangzhao!”

Others may not know, but he knows that the Second Palace Lord has recruited dísciple many times, just for a certain plan.

Guangzhao was a dísciple previously recruited by the Second Palace Lord. Later, because Guangzhao did not have enough aptitude, he was removed, and since then he left Tianyu Palace.

“Suffer to death!”

Mu Qing was just at the time of weakness, the origin power and spirit strength of the stars were all consumed, and a silhouette moved towards him, he was a young man , But the strength is very strong, reaching the veteran king level.

Elder Lin’s face changed after seeing him. He thought he was the confidant of the Second Palace Lord, but now it seems that Second Palace Lord has concealed a lot of things from him. The person that Second Palace Lord cultivated secretly!

“courting death!” The killing intent flashed in Mu Qing’s eyes. His current weakness is not the weakness after the divine explosion, at least the Strength of Fleshly Body is still there!

He took out a golden longbow from the space ring, one after another with surging strength in his body, pulled the bow to reach the arrow, and suddenly shot it out!

This is an arrow shot from a pure Strength of Fleshly Body, but the formidable power is extraordinary, tearing the sky apart!

When Guangzhao saw it, his face suddenly changed, the long sword in his hand flicked, and the condense filled the heavenly sword qi. It took several breaths to smash the arrow.


Several silhouettes fall beside him, they are all veteran kings!

These short breathing times just gave Great Elder the opportunity to stop them directly in front of Mu Qing and attack Guangzhao.

Among them, both Elder Lin and Law Enforcement Elder also shot directly, as well as Great Elder and Elder Huang, both of which are veteran kings.

Although the Great Elder is seriously injured, it is better than the old king. The four long sword buzzes, hiding the sky and covering the earth under the sword light, that Guang Zhao did not even scream When it was issued, the body was shredded.

“Detain all the rebels for me!” Crimson Elder roared with a gloomy face.

People who followed the Second Palace Lord faction started fighting, and it was indeed no different from rebellion.

What made him even more angry was that Mu Qing saved Tianyu Palace, but was almost injured in front of them. This can be said to be a slap in the face of their group of Elders.

People from the Second Palace Lord faction have fled after seeing the death of the Second Palace Lord. The thunder prison has collapsed. They want to escape, but the Elder of the Heavenly Feather Palace cannot catch up.

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