“I will solve the problem of the alchemy organization, but Old Ancestor Tian Yu is a trouble.” Shui Yuexi’s face was slightly worried.

She told Mu Qing that the Second Palace Lord was actually the illegal child of Old Ancestor Tian Yu. Now that Mu Qing kills him, once the Old Ancestor Tian Yu in the retreat knows it, he will inevitably be angry.

Second Palace Lord has his own fortuitous encounter and obtained the Yin-Yang Thunder Tribulation Sword Art from the stone sword, but with this Sword Art, it is obviously impossible to support him to reach the Peak King level.

He can have such a cultivation base, most of the reason is that Old Ancestor Tian Yu gave him a lot of cultivation resources behind his back.

Old Ancestor Tian Yu is a powerful existence. If he produces a killing intent on Mu Qing, Shui Yuexi and Great Elder can’t stop it either.

Mu Qing pondered, shook the head, and said: “If Old Ancestor Tian Yu really wants to take action against me, I can protect myself, so don’t worry.”

There are two hole cards, one is the body of the Titan after the divine eruption, and the other is the annihilation of Divine Lightning!

The body of the Titan after the explosion of divine nature is enough to ensure that Mu Qing can not be instantly killed in front of the mighty.

And the annihilation of Divine Lightning is the liquid energy extracted by the alchemist on the fire star. There are three bottles in total, one bottle was used by Mu Qing, and the remaining two bottles have been refined by him. Become an annihilation Divine Lightning.

The two formidable powers that annihilate Divine Lightning are terrifying. Even the curse spirits that were close to Demi-God can be injured. He believes that even the mighty Old Ancestor Tian Yu Can’t resist this formidable power!

Because of the existence of these two annihilated Divine Lightning, even if Mu Qing knows that Old Ancestor Tian Yu is there, he is not afraid.

Shui Yuexi and Great Elder hearing this, their expressions were shocked, didn’t expect Mu Qing so confident that even the mighty Old Ancestor Tian Yu didn’t even look at it.

“In short, I don’t need to worry about Old Ancestor Tian Yu, I can solve it myself.” Mu Qing said.

Seeing Mu Qing saying this, Shui Yuexi and the others are also relieved, Mu Qing is also a Peak King anyway, and will not make fun of his life.

For the next period of time, Mu Qing stayed in retreat in the building originally belonging to the Second Palace Lord.

At this moment, he is holding a book in his hand. It is shabby and the paper is yellowed.

However, Mu Qing felt the terrifying sword intent from this book. That monstrous sword intent penetrated into the depth of one’s soul, making people shudder!

This is the Absolute Art of Tianyu Palace, soaring to the Sword Manual!

Flying Sword Manual Mu Qing I saw the Second Palace Lord cast it before. It was very powerful. In the end, it was able to absorb blood energy to increase the formidable power, but it was later cracked by the Slaughter God’s Halberd.

“It’s a bit weird!” After Mu Qing thoroughly read the contents of the Feisheng Sword Manual, his brows suddenly frowned.

There are many human bloodline methods on Earth, and most of these bloodline methods are adapted from ancient internal strength cultivation techniques.

Even some of the Great Influence cultivation is the bloodline method left over from our ancestors.

The soaring Sword Manual of Tianyu Palace is left by the ancestors!

Mu Qing was originally not very interested in the Sword Manual, because he has two Peak bloodline methods, and even the bloodline method of the Starry Sky God, which surpasses the Peak bloodline category of art.

However, when he read the contents of the Feisheng Sword Manual, he was surprised. He found that the Feisheng Sword Manual was actually comparable to the advanced bloodline method!

Even, this soaring Sword Manual is a bit different from the Peak bloodline method in Mu Qing’s hands.

“How can human beings have such a profound bloodline method?” Mu Qing was surprised.

Human bloodline is very weak. Compared with other races in the universe, human beings are not even a low-level race.

However, the soaring Sword Manual of Tianyu Palace is comparable to the advanced bloodline method!

“Really weird, are you Earth people the same as ancient humans?” Tu Lao’s voice also came from the Ten Thousand Regions Star Chart.

“What exactly are ancient humans?” Mu Qing asked curiously.

Tu Lao did not answer him, as if the ancient humans in his mouth were a taboo.

Mu Qing did not ask more when he saw this.

Although I don’t know why bloodline methods comparable to advanced races appear on Earth, this is a good thing for Mu Qing.

The starry sky bloodline method, the real name is Starry Sky Return to Origin, was created by a Supreme powerhouse known as the starry sky god.

Mu Qing is now integrated into the bloodline method in the Starry Sky Return to Origin scripture, there are three in total.

They are the bloodline method of Titan Race and the barbaric Spirit Art.

Kunpeng Race bloodline method, recorded in Xuanyin Space.

Plus a giant elephant transporting technique that even the low-level bloodline method has not reached.

Now that he has become the Second Palace Lord of Tianyu Palace, he naturally has the power to cultivation the Sword Manual, the bloodline method of Tianyu Palace.

Although Shui Yuexi and the others are very curious, why Mu Qing would soar to the Sword Manual, in their opinion, Mu Qing can have such a strong strength, the bloodline method It shouldn’t be bad.

How do they know that Mu Qing cultivation’s Return to Origin scripture requires collecting various bloodline methods to improve strength.

Flying Sword Manual is an advanced bloodline method. If it is a cultivation success, it will greatly increase the strength of Mu Qing.

After Mu Qing got the Sword Manual, he began to cultivation. This is the human bloodline method, and there is no restriction on his cultivation.

Unlike the Asura Sutra given to him by Tu Lao, the bloodline method of Asura Race must be used for cultivation.

“When you turn on the second planet, you can solve this problem. Back then, Master Starry Sky Master also spent a lot of effort to figure out the way to break through the race boundary!” Tu’s voice said. Mu Qing came out of his mind.

Mu Qing nodded, this is the peace of mind cultivation soaring to the Sword Manual.

This soaring Sword Manual can be said to be very mysterious, which contains countless sword dao mysteries. Fortunately, Mu Qing once absorbed the refining sword jade, and it can be comprehend for these reluctances.

He spent a full month in retreat, and finally he will ascend to the Sword Manual to get started. In the starry sky dantian in his body, he condense a star full of sword qi.

Now, his dantian has condense four stars. Except for the giant elephant star, which is a cultivation technique that can’t even be reached by the low-level bloodline method, the other three stars give Mu Qing an immense power.


Mu Qing condense a star sword qi between his fingers, soaring to the sky, tearing the sky apart.

He waved his hand, and the rolling Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi gathered together, forming an extremely sharp sword qi, forming a sword qi vortex.

Looking at this sword qi vortex, Mu Qing nodded with satisfaction, waved again to let it disperse.

Although it is only a preliminary integration of the Sword Manual into the Starry Sky Return to Origin scripture, the formidable power is not bad.

“Where is the witch seat?” Mu Qing asked Elder Lin to inquire about the situation of the witch seat.

Elder Lin shook the head and said: “Since that little girl disappeared, that guy has been in a loss. He has already touched the king level. Now he is like this, it should be impossible to break through.”

Mu Qing frowned. After the Second Palace Lord rebelled, although Lin Xin and Witch Xi belonged to the Second Palace Lord faction, they suffered unjust disasters because of him. He has been very guilty for this.

Now that he became the Second Palace Lord, he naturally had to compensate them well. Originally, Mu Qing wanted to use his resources to help them get promoted to the king, but he didn’t expect Lin Xin to disappear.

“Did you not see Lin Xin back then?” Mu Qing asked, but saw Elder Lin shook the head.

Elder Lin told Mu Qing that when the Second Palace Lord initiated the rebellion, Lin Xin had disappeared. He didn’t know where he went, and searched the entire Tianyu Palace and found no sign.

This thing is weird, how can people disappear without an unfathomable mystery?

Unfortunately, Mu Qing has no good way, only to let the people of Tianyu Palace continue to look for Lin Xin’s whereabouts.

“By the way, how many bloodline methods are there in Tianyu Palace? Help me get them all.” Mu Qing has now reached the Peak King, and it is impossible to have a breakthrough in a short time.

So, if he wants to improve his strength, he can only collect various bloodline methods.

Although the Earth people can’t even reach the low-level races, the Sword Manual of the Sky Feather Palace is comparable to the high-level bloodline method. This makes Mu Qing slightly look forward to it. If there are a few more high-level bloodline methods, his Strength will rise a lot!

Elder Lin looked at Mu Qing in surprise, and didn’t understand what Mu Qing wanted so many bloodline methods for.

Mu Qing saw this, but laughed and didn’t say anything. He couldn’t think of it anyway. There is a bloodline method that integrates other bloodline methods to enhance his own strength in this world!

Although Elder Lin was puzzled, he still helped Mu Qing to search for bloodline method. Tianyu Palace is a great influence in Huaxia, bloodline method and other things are naturally not lacking.

After spending most of the day, Elder Lin found Mu Qing with a chip.

This chip stores all the bloodline methods of Tianyu Palace. Of course, these bloodline methods are incomparable with Feisheng Sword Manual.

Mu Qing smiled with joy, and quickly installed this chip into his communication device, and suddenly a bloodline method jumped out, a total of 23 books!

These bloodline methods are relatively good on Earth, and some low-level Tianyu Palaces also look down on it. Because Tianyu Palace is a force that specializes in cultivating the sword way, only the Sword and Sword are included. Art related bloodline method.

However, what makes Mu Qing a little disappointed is that these bloodline methods are not comparable to Feisheng Sword Manual, and even the low-level bloodline methods are not up to the level.

Mu Qing shook his head and sighed. Sure enough, there is not much hope. It is a miracle that a soaring Sword Manual comparable to the advanced bloodline method appeared on Earth.

Of course, even if a little, it’s still better than nothing, Mu Qing started cultivating these bloodline methods one by one and integrated them into the Starry Sky Return to Origin.

Perhaps the reason for the cultivated soaring Sword Manual, Mu Qing cultivation, these relatively low-level sword dao bloodline methods with no difficulty, can basically get started in one day.

After half a month, Mu Qing walked out of Tianyu Palace, wearing a silver daoist robe, with a bright starlight, and endless sword qi storms in his eyes!

Twenty-three bloodline methods related to Dao Idol have made Mu Qing’s sword dao cultivation progress a lot.

At this moment, when I saw him move, it was the sword light fills the whole sky horizontally and horizontally, and a wisp of sword qi rushed out between his fingers, cutting off a mountain in the distance.

I saw him turning the starry sky Return to Origin, and a starry sky appeared behind him, a total of twenty Seven Stars!

Among them, there are two stars, aloof and remote, blooming with unmatched divine light, and a star full of sword qi is not weak, filled with bright light.

The remaining thirty-four stars are relatively weak, attached to these three stars.

The condensed stars of the soaring Sword Manual are filled with densely packed sword light, which seems to have a Divine Sword in the middle.

There are 23 weak sword qi stars surrounding it, providing continuous power.

“Flying a sword!”

Mu Qing put his fingers together, and a surge of Immortal Qi spread out on his body, and a sword light burst out.

hong long!

The entire Heaven and Earth is dimmed, as if the world is only left with a sword light, which is extremely radiant and penetrates the sky.

This is a sword full of immortal meaning, to ascend and cut through the world.

A huge rumbling sound came out, and then the rays of light ten thousand zhang and sword qi rushed into the sky, and even the people in the Tianyu Palace in the distance were shocked, and those Elders moved towards this side. It seems.

One sword!

All the peaks in front of Mu Qing burst into pieces, turned into dust and fell on the ground.

The five mountain peaks near Tianyu Palace have now become a flat land.

“Is that who? I only saw a light fall, but the peaks were gone!” The dísciple in Tianyu Palace screamed one after another.

The Elders of the Sky Feather Palace wanted to appear calmer, but they were all surprised in their hearts. Mu Qing’s strength has improved a lot!

Mu Qing was very satisfied with the formidable power, returned to his own building, and continued cultivation.

He still has the Shura Sutra on him, but he needs to open the second star in the Ten Thousand Regions Star Chart to be able to cultivate.

“Isn’t it enough?” Mu Qing’s expression was a bit ugly, looking at the starry sky scroll floating in midair in front of him.

“Not enough, there is still a lot of energy!” Tu Lao’s voice came out.

Mu Qing corner of mouth twitching, but a little helpless, he has already sent all the treasures on his body into the ten thousand domain star map, let him absorb energy.

Even he mobilized the power of his Second Palace Lord, took a lot of cultivation resources from Tianyu Palace, and also gave the Ten Thousand Domain Star Map, but he still couldn’t open the second star.

“You opened the first star and injected divine power, and then you barely opened it, and the energy required for the second star is even more magnificent.” Tu Lao said.

He told Mu Qing that unless he finds a Divine Stone, an ore containing divine power, it can be opened by the Ten Thousand Regions Star Diagram to absorb it.

Otherwise, you can only find resources slowly.

Mu Qing’s face turned dark, Divine Stone, this thing is not something that will appear on Earth, Shu Siyu once told him that the currency traded by the powerhouse of the gods is usually the Divine Stone.

“By the way, I don’t have much money, do I dignified Peak King, am I going to the Federation to receive missions to make money?” Mu Qing checked his personal account and found that there was only 10,000 Chinese currency.

Mu Qing’s mouth fiercely twitched, it seems that he really wants to do the task to make money.

Generally speaking, the King of Peak will not be short of money. If you just join a force, you can get a lot of money.

However, Mu Qing has already bought all the money for potions containing strong energy, and even overdrawn a part of the money from Tianyu Palace.

He is also sorry to overdraft money from Tianyu Palace again, so he can only figure out a solution by himself.

After deliberation, the best way to make money is to go to the Federation to receive tasks and get rewards. By the way, if you can kill some ominous beasts, you can also sell their bodies for money.

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