
A burst of dragon-shaped ripples rushed into Mu Qing’s mind, and the ominous beast clan’s sister and brother resisted the power of the Bible burst. , And shake Panlong Bell.

However, at this moment, Mu Qing has True Dragon fairy sword illusory shadow sitting in his mind, softly trembled, directly crushing all the power and absorbing it.

Everyone took action again, they felt a trace of fear, but seeing Mu Qing’s body stained with blood, they moved with greed again.

Mu Qing is just an ordinary Earth person, why does he have such a powerful strength? Everyone knew this in their hearts, Mu Qing must have contained a shocking secret.

Everyone came to Earth for the treasure trove. The things in this treasure trove were ultimately handed over to the seniors of their respective races, and they would share a little soup at most.

The Mu Qing in front of him is different. If they can take away Mu Qing’s chance, then they really belong to them and don’t need to turn in.

The stronger Mu Qing’s strength is, the more hot their hearts are. After all, Mu Qing is already seriously injured no matter how he looks.

“Do you need help?”

High in the sky, after Cheng Zhiguo and Ke Fei performed the secret technique, they easily blocked Centipede Dragon and Luo Han.

Cheng Zhiguo glanced at Mu Qing, a little worried.

Ke Fei shook the head, saying: “That many people besieged him before, and he was all right. Now there are only four people left. Even if they are lost, they are enough to protect themselves!”

Mu Qing’s method, Ke Fei has seen it before. In the West Lake Secret Realm, Mu Qing used the pseudonym Aoki, but he also displayed the sky-defying means to surpass his strength to the King of Peak.

Ke Fei knows that Mu Qing hasn’t used the real hole cards.

Cheng Zhiguo was nodded. They came over, and it was very surprising that they were able to meet Mu Qing.

Actually, the people who stopped this group of cosmic races should be the two of them, but they were preempted by Mu Qing.

Cheng Zhiguo doesn’t worry much about Mu Qing’s safety, because just a while later, the federal powerhouse will come, and there will even be experts from the alchemy organization.

As for the origin of the universe race, some of the top forces on Earth already know, and the Federation knows that the treasure house that the universe race is looking for requires five keys.

Mu Yu got the key to the treasure house and was trapped. After the Federal Headquarters got the news, he sent someone directly. As Mu Yu was a member of the alchemy organization, the alchemy organization would naturally also send an expert.

“Is this guy really invincible?” Ling Yin gnashing teeth, 6-Layer treasure tower suppressed it.

The sisters and brothers of the ominous beast clan also fully urged Panlong Bell, one by one Golden Dragon rushed out, attacking Mu Qing’s mind.

Unfortunately, Mu Qing is in the sky full of stars, a pair of eyes have strange lines, and the whole body is radiant, even if the fleshy body is bloody, there is an invincible imposing manner brewing in it.

The dragon bell spurred by the ominous beast clan is also a Supreme Treasure, which is similar to Spirit Race’s methods. It attacks the souls of others. Under a shake, anyone who hears the sound of dragon’s roar , The soul burst instantly.

However, Mu Qing’s methods are more terrifying. He uses the chaotic divine force to urge the dragon leaping technique to summon the illusory shadow of the True Dragon sword to guard his mind.

Let the ominous beast clan elders and brothers urge the Panlong bell to cause effective damage to Mu Qing.

Lingyin took full strength to take out the 6-Layer treasure tower, each floor treasure tower rushed out of vicious souls, from various races, and their strengths were terrifying.

“bang! ”

The evil spirit is so great that the soul of the jade tiger is slaughtered, and the terrifying evil spirit turns into a sharp blade, tearing the void, and naturally forming a blood-reeking qi. The heavy evil formation envelops Mu Qing.

Mu Qing feels cold from head to foot. The strength of this jade evil tiger is still above the spirit Yin. It is no small matter. If it was before, Mu Qing would probably have to fight in it for a while before he could break through. .

But you must know that Mu Qing has a killing seed in his body. When it comes to the power of killing intent, who can compare with Asura Race?

I saw Mu Qing’s body, one after another scarlet rays of light rushed out, and terrifying power swept all around, covering all the evil spirits at once.

The original terrifying evil spirits, like sharp blades, were densely packed and condensed into evil formations, but in front of the Killing Seeds in Mu Qing’s body, they appeared extremely weak and were directly swallowed up.

“How is this possible!?” Ling Yin’s eyes were full of horror, and she fought with Mu Qing, and she didn’t know how many words she had been surprised.

Yu Shahu’s fierce aura is condensed. She used to kill unknown number of middle-level races of the same level. Even people of high-level races have been killed, but this is the first time that she has been so simply killed. People break open.

“Everyone, if this child is not removed, it will inevitably become the biggest hidden danger for our races to seize the treasure house!” Ling Yin shouted loudly.

She is true to this, she feels the potential of terrifying from Mu Qing. If it is allowed to grow, this Earth human race, which does not even have a god, will probably rise with it!

“xiu xiu xiu!”

a stream of light penetrated from a far distance. This is a group of humans, but they are very powerful, all at the Peak King level.

Cheng Zhiguo and Ke Fei originally thought that people from the Federation and Alchemy Organization came, but when they saw the faces of these people were extremely strange, their faces sank.

Mu Qing frowned. He has a hole in the hole, and he can see that the group of newly arrived humans contains terrifying Soul Power in his body.

This is a group of Spirit Race!

These people may not be as powerful as Lingyin, but they are all Peak Kings and they are powerful.

At the same time, another batch of terrifying breath rushed in from a distance.

The expressions of Cheng Zhiguo and Ke Fei became extremely solemn, because this time they were a group of insect races, one by one, Human Transformation, with strange green glow in their eyes.

“Are the people from the Federation stopped?” Cheng Zhiguo and Ke Fei looked at each other.

According to the two people’s expectations, the powerhouse of the Federation and the Alchemy Organization should have come here, but now there are two groups of uninvited guests.

There was a hint of worry in the eyes of the two of them. The people of Spirit Race and Insect Race surrounded Mu Qing as soon as they came over, and they were all directed at him.

Mu Qing’s face is dignified, his situation is a bit bad, and the injuries on his body have not recovered much.


One after another soul giant sword penetrated through it, and the people of Spirit Race shot one after another, using Soul Power.

With a sound of “hong long!”, a treasure tower turned into several hundred meters, suppressed, and the bright rays of the sun skyrocketed, which was the 6-Layer treasure tower in the hands of Ling Yin.

This treasure tower contains soul and has the power to suppress it.

Mu Qing runs the pupil of the hole, but it is the people who discovered the strength of these Spirit Races are uneven.

He suddenly understood that the strength of Spirit Race people should be very strong, but the possessed human strength is not that good, even if they use Soul Power, it will be more or less affected.

Some people clearly have the breath of Peak King, but their real strength is similar to that of the old King.

But even so, Mu Qing is covered by the densely packed soul giant sword in the sky, and he is in desperation.

He roared up to the sky, thunder pool and Yin-Yang Grindstone rushed out, vented the boundless lightning, and displayed all kinds of methods, starry sky, resisting the sky full of soul giant sword.


The 6-Layer treasure tower enveloped Mu Qing, completely suppressed!

Under the 6-Layer treasure tower, Mu Qing was shocked to cough up blood, and the soul of the Jade Tiger suddenly appeared, assaults the senses.

Mu Qing coughed up blood again, but hadn’t reacted yet, yet another golden bird came out, vomiting and vomiting immeasurable lightning.

At the same time, a terrifying force gushes out from the 6-Layer treasure tower, to take away Mu Qing’s soul!

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