Duan Yuan looked at the Kunpeng giant beast with a solemn expression. He was obviously shocked by the huge might that erupted from the Kunpeng giant beast.

Before, he knew that Kunpeng giant beast possesses terrifying power, but he didn’t care about it at that time, because he felt that Kunpeng giant beast had reached the candidate level of monstrous talent level at best. There is still a gap between his strength and his monstrous talent level.

But now, he has discovered that the strength of the Kunpeng giant beast has basically touched the monstrous talent level level, which shocked him secretly.

The surging space power swelled wildly, and the densely packed silver rune condensed in the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl of the giant beast of Kunpeng, and it escaped a kind of incredible The strong fluctuation of the blast went out.


A heaven-shaking, earth-shattering sound came out, terrifying divine force madly impacted, and the surrounding spaces shattered, revealing pitch black The empty space.

Duan Yuan’s strength is also very strong, that terrifying fleshy body can almost shake Heavenly God with bare hands, punch out golden-bright and dazzling, and overwhelming, even the huge body of Kunpeng giant beast is also involuntarily The ground retreated some distance.

Of course, Duan Yuan was also swept by the majestic space tide, and the terrifying body that was cast in gold also trembled, overflowing with a trace of blood.

Duan Yuan’s blood is pale-gold, and there seems to be a rune in it. This is the blood unique to the Vajra clan. When Duan Yuan’s blood has completely transformed into a brilliant golden, then he will More powerful, maybe the Fleshy body can fight Titan Race.

“Don’t stop me!!”

Duan Yuan watched the Kunpeng giant beast kept blocking in front of the starry Demon Domain, a burst of anger on his face, a roar, strong as an ox, strikes out with one punch, and wants to forcibly blow up the starry Demon Domain.

It can be seen that Duan Yuan’s body is completely shrouded in golden light, and the golden ring behind it seems to have turned into rounds of dazzling golden suns, and the violent power blasted out.

Countless golden lights bloomed from his hands and turned into a large golden rune, like a large golden ocean, swept over it suddenly, crushing everything.

The power of this meta-cast is very powerful. After all, it is a character of the monstrous talent level. The True Gods below the venue exclaimed, seeing how terrifying the characters of the monstrous talent level really are after they actually do it. .

Kunpeng giant beast obviously also feels the strength of Duan Yuan, but Mu Qing is still in the Demon Domain of the starry sky, it must stick to the outside, loudly roared, once again swallowing all around space power.

The silver pattern on its body is becoming more and more flaming. This is the principle of space. The rays of light soar into the sky. The huge body rolls over. The space all around turns into an ocean, and the power of silver blooms. come out.

“bang! !”

next moment, all the spatial avenues on the body of the Kunpeng giant beast collapsed, turning into a pure spatial force that gathered in its mouth and condensed into A beam of light suddenly penetrated through and shatter void was drawn.

“bang bang bang! !”

Successive rumbling sound sounded, Duan Yuan was extremely sturdy, punching punch after punch, as if one after another sun , Fiery and strong.

The beam of space was smashed, and Duan Yuan also suffered some injuries, but he ignored it, still arrogant, the surging divine light was brilliant, and another punch was punched out, the sun was in the sky, and the gods were shining. Suppress this sky.

Kunpeng giant beast obviously felt the pressure, and roared again and again, and was approached by Duan Yuan, and the two sides started a hand-to-hand fight.

The fleshly body strength of the Kunpeng giant beast is also very strong, and with the unpredictable space power, close combat is also very powerful.

Of course, Duan Yuan’s fleshy body is obviously better. He punched the Kunpeng giant beast with one punch and punch. The punch hit the flesh, and the golden rays of light exploded, exploding the Kunpeng giant beast. The space blade exploded.

“I don’t believe it, can you still stop me?!” Duan Yuan was golden light flashed, a pair of arms grew out of his back, four fists like howling wind and torrential rain, constant strikes in Kunpeng giant beast on the body.

Kunpeng giant beast urges space power and condenses into a space shield around him, similar to Mu Qing’s space robe.

However, this space defensive cover was beaten to pieces by Duan Yuan for several consecutive laps, and large chunks of space collapsed.


Duan Yuan screamed, the whole person turned into a ten thousand zhang Vajra giant, both hands forming seals, a total of nine golden rings rotated behind them, directly It morphed into a golden wheel, and flew out.

This seems to be a kind of peculiar Divine Item, which turns into a round of sun, under the rays of the sun, moved towards Kunpeng giant beast.

The Kunpeng giant beast was finally injured. A large amount of blood flowed out and poured into the sky. The body was hit by the golden wheel, shaking suddenly, and flew out.

Duan Yuan’s dignified face was slightly relaxed, and he was about to deal with Mu Qing in the starry Demon Domain, but his expression at the next moment became shocked.

I saw Kunpeng giant beast fiercely biting the golden wheel, a black hole appeared, and it started to madly swallow the power on the golden wheel.

Duan Yuan immediately reacted and wanted to control the golden wheel back, but found that the golden wheel was shrouded by a powerful devouring strength, violently shaking, and unable to return for a while.

Duan Yuan’s face became gloomy, and he quickly urged the power of the golden wheel to burst out into the sky golden light.

However, even if the golden wheel burst out with terrifying power, which brought Kunpeng giant beast one after another injury, Kunpeng giant beast did not let go of the golden wheel, and still relying on the power of the black hole, began to devour the gold frantically. The power above the wheel.

Duan Yuan’s face gradually became astonished, because he found that the power in the golden wheel was constantly being swallowed and absorbed, and the blink of an eye had already been swallowed by a tenth.

Be aware that this golden wheel is the essence of his many years of cultivation. I don’t know how much divine iron and precious materials are spent on blood refinement. The result was suddenly beasted by Kunpeng giant beast. Take 10% away to absorb.

Duan Yuan was really angry, roaring and rushing to Kunpeng giant beast, punching and striking on Kunpeng giant beast.

In the beginning, Kunpeng giant beast’s injuries became more and more serious, but it never let go of its mouth. As it continued to swallow the power in the golden wheel, it gradually appeared on its body. One after another golden lines.

“How is it possible!!!”

Duan Yuan roared, he fisted the golden light and slammed it, hitting the Kunpeng giant beast, but he felt like he was smashed. On the top of a huge mountain made of divine iron, there was a clang, not only was Kunpeng giant beast not suffering the slightest injury, but he was shaken back several hundred meters.


Kunpeng giant beast has more and more golden lines on the body.

Duan Yuan didn’t believe in evil, so he punched again and the golden light smashed down, but a burst of golden light broke out on the body of the Kunpeng giant beast, which shook it away, and still didn’t suffer any injuries!


Kunpeng giant beast released his mouth, and the golden wheel fell tremblingly to the ground, having lost most of his divinity, while Kunpeng giant beast seemed to be It became the second Duan Yuan, full of golden-bright and dazzling, just like a golden body cast by the sky.

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