“You can get to this point with trifling low-level bloodline, it’s already very good, it can be said to be against the sky, but I want you to know that the level of bloodline gap is very huge That!” Shengjun shouted loudly.

Many people think that Duan Yuan, who has the same monstrous talent level, is not much different from others, but Shengjun knows that his strength is much stronger than Duan Yuan, and both are monstrous talent level, the difference in strength is reflected in the bloodline!

His existence with Peak bloodline is naturally stronger than Duan Yuan, even facing Mu Qing now. He always believes that Bloodline Strength is the most important and a symbol of his status.


Mu Qing’s cold glow flashed in his eyes, and the demonic energy was condensed in his palm, turning into a Heaven Overturning Seal with two Chaotic Devil Qi on it Entangled, turned into a chaotic chain that controls the power of order, roaring like a Heavenly Dragon, containing the most terrifying ability.

Seeing the magic mark from the condense in Mu Qing’s hand, the faces of many people in the venue became solemn. They knew clearly that Mu Qing had used this divine ability to cooperate with that one. devil blade, directly beat Duan Yuan to the north.

There is also a glimmer of condensed color in Shengjun’s eyes, but his face is more proud and disdainful, his figure flashes again and again, and the fallen six-winged wings behind him, coldly snorted and said: “It’s useless. Yes, no matter how powerful your divine ability is, it will not be better than our Angel Race Divine Ability. You are just a good luck, the guy who climbed up from the lowest place that’s all!”

Suddenly, the dazzling blood bloomed on the body of Shengjun, full of glorious sacredness and depraved evil. The two terrifying auras were intertwined and confused, but formed a more terrifying force, as if all around turned into a piece of Bloody Purgatory Prison. , An illusory shadow of fallen angels emerged, punishing the heretics with terror.

Kunpeng giant beast roared, swallowing the power of the holy unicorn, one after another holy pattern appeared on the body, moved towards the holy monarch, but was intercepted by the holy unicorn.

It was temporarily stopped, unable to join forces with Mu Qing.

But Mu Qing didn’t care, he strode out, and the Thousand-Hand Transformation Demon appeared, and the demonic energy filled the sky, roaring constantly.

The saint in front of him is very strong, even stronger than Duan Yuan, but this does not make him feel afraid!

He jumped, the heavenly demon seal fiercely in his hand blasted out, crushing the square, and one hundred thousand stars appeared behind him, blessing him. At this moment, he seems to have turned into a Demon Venerable. Terrifying extremely.

Many people in the venue turned their attention away, because at present, it was the first time that they saw Mu Qing not teaming up with Kunpeng giant beast and fighting alone.

The divine emperor who had been observing in secret was also surprised. They were surprised. Mu Qing’s strength seemed to be a bottomless black hole. When they thought Mu Qing had only that strength, they would always explode. More powerful force.

You must know that the eyes of the gods are basically extremely vicious. Before they thought that Mu Qing’s strength is the most monstrous talent level candidate, but now, Mu Qing is standing in the final round. On the platform, go to the top three, or even the first!

“Suffer to death!”

Seeing Mu Qing directly moved towards him and charged towards him, the holy monarch was sneaked, and the blood light on his body suddenly exploded, beside him, the void was twisted, A pool of blood appeared.

And Shengjun extends the hand, in the state of fallen angels, his arms are as thin as bones, with sharp nails, fiercely plunged into the blood pool, his face was heavy, as if he was using With all his strength, he finally pulled out a giant sword from the blood pond, stained with viscous blood, with countless souls lingering on it.

“Heaven Grade Divine Item!” Someone in the venue exclaimed.

This is exactly a Heaven Grade Divine Item, a Divine Item that can only be used by Heavenly God Level.

Before, Shengze also took out a Heaven Grade Divine Item, but he could not use the power in it, resulting in an insignificant increase in formidable power.

However, after Shengjun took out this Heaven Grade Divine Item, his breath increased exponentially. Obviously he can truly display the formidable power of Heaven Grade Divine Item!

As soon as the blood-stained giant sword appeared, it transmitted a terrifying energy wave. The whole blood pool boiled, bubbling frantically, and eventually burst into a rain of blood. , Was absorbed by giant sword.

“This handle is the Blood Sword of the priesthood. It is transformed from our Angel Race’s unique Heaven Grade Divine Item and the priesthood giant sword. I spent many years and watered it with my own blood, and finally It has been able to spur its power recently.” Shengjun’s eyes were full of killing.

“It is an honor for you to die under this sword.” His hoarse voice came.

Obviously, his goal is not to defeat Mu Qing, but to kill Mu Qing!

And Shengjun can say such words, indicating that he may be certain, faster than the speed of the god emperor, before the god emperor takes action, Mu Qing one strike certain kill!

Mu Qing sneered again and again, saying: “Isn’t that possible? I have seen the priesthood giant sword from a True God of a Demon Race!”

The complexion of the holy king is stiffened, and then the color of cold and severe gradually appeared in his eyes, and I will no longer say that the blood sword in the hand is directly slashed down, and suddenly a blood connecting to heaven penetrating the earth The glow cuts out, as if carrying a sea of ​​dead blood and endless souls, moved towards Mu Qing and went through the hole.

Faced with the attack of the holy monarch, Mu Qing didn’t care much. He shouted violently and a devil blade appeared in his hand. Such attacks can no longer be dealt with with the Heaven Overturning Seal.

I saw that behind Mu Qing’s one hundred thousand Star Explosion emitted a vast ocean of demonic energy, injected into the magic knife, the magic knife trembled crazily, and the terrifying power erupted in Mu Qing’s hands, the same Reached Heaven Grade!

However, Mu Qing is a bit worse than Shengjun’s easy control of the Blood Sword of the priesthood. Although he can stimulate the power of the magic sword to reach the Heaven Grade Divine Item The power, but the consumption is also huge.


Mu Qing raised the magic knife, cut it horizontally, and a black silk thread full of destruction stretched out and collided with the blood-colored sword glow , Suddenly a dazzling energy light group burst open, and the space was completely shattered and vanished.

“Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!!”

Suddenly, Mu Qing’s mouth continued to scream, his eyes were cold, and the starry sky beside him opened up, a terrifying thunder. Fluctuations emerge.

The methods he had never used in the previous battles were finally used when facing the Saint King!

Only heard a bang, all around in the sky condense slices of purple thunder bamboo, among thunder bamboo, there is a thunder pool, in which countless thunder is brewing.


Suddenly, a thunder cut through the sky, moved towards the holy king, and the thunder directly evolved into a True Dragon, roaring continuously.

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