The blood-shrouded saint looked towards the terrifying strength of Thunder in the sky, a trace of grave expression flashed in his eyes, although he felt that Mu Qing’s bloodline was low Wait, it’s not worth mentioning, but when the fight really started, it made him feel shocked, it was not as simple as he imagined.


The holy king controls the priesthood Blood Sword, One Sword Shrouding the Sky, condensing the power of twelve-wing fallen angels, tearing everything apart.

“bang! !”

in the sky, a violent collision erupted with an earth-shaking sound, and a dazzling and terrifying energy burst. This world is almost full.

Mu Qing’s face is slightly surprised, the opponent’s strength is very strong, and the holy monarch is completely shocked, he does not know that Mu Qing condense is branded on the hands of Cang Lei that only the existence of the emperor can understand In the thunder and lightning road, he was directly blown out of several hundred meters, the priest Blood Sword trembled crazily, and a drop of blood spilled from his palm.

The holy monarch took a deep breath, his eyes flickered with cold light, the priesthood Blood Sword was cut out, a violent divine force burst out, and he cut to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing is coldly snorted, holding the thunder pool in his hand. This is simply more terrifying than the Heaven Overturning Seal, the sky is pouring out, and the terrifying Power of Thunder bursts in midair. , Full of majesty and inviolability!

“Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!”

He yelled three times, and the terrifying thunder seemed to be under his control. Suddenly it was condense three times. Heavenly Lightning Tribulation, such as The dragon resembled a Jiao, roaring and rushing down.

The violent thunder and lightning entangled, Thunder Tribulation fell, with pure destruction aura, this feeling, as if Mu Qing summon had three divine calamities, people felt a sense of depression and did not dare to breathe.


The holy unicorn came from across the sky to help the holy king resist this round of damage. The body was completely penetrated and annihilated in this terrifying Thunder Tribulation. Next, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Mu Qing lifted the thunder pool high, fiercely rolled down, countless thick thunder and lightning covered the sky and covered the entire sky.

At the same time, the Kunpeng giant beast, who was not blocked by the holy unicorn, roared and charged.

It turns into a kun form, from in the sky summon to endless waters, a large expanse of ocean covers the ground, and waves of terror continue one after another, and it can even forcibly smash the body of True God Peak!

Shengjun’s face was finally moved. He absolutely did not expect that Mu Qing could burst out such an astonishing method in an instant. He looked up to the endless Thunder Tribulation, and his scalp was numb, and he even went head-on. There is no courage.

And he chose to escape from below, but was intercepted by the vast ocean. With a boom, a huge wave was lifted and hit him confused, dazed, before he could react, it was another huge wave. , Forcibly knocked him back to his original shape from the state of fallen angels.

Holy King is horrified, because in this endless ocean, in addition to the continuous wave of terrifying, there is also a giant beast hidden. I saw a huge black shadow quickly approaching him and jumping up suddenly, The pitch-black Kun opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and took a bite.


Kun fell into the ocean again, while Shengjun was called out pitifully, and one of his arms was forcibly bitten away.

At this time, Mu Qing stepped on the void and raised the thunder pool high, then one after another Thunder Tribulation fell, like a Heavenspan thunder pillar, fiercely plunged into the ocean, changing the original continuous wave Got more violent.

Shengjun was struck by lightning on his back and flew out. A familiar breath came. He looked up and found that after Kun swallowed his arms, he unexpectedly grew six wings of fallen angels. Suddenly A beam of Six Paths black penetrated through it, damaging him severely.

Everyone in the venue fell silent, because they found that this battle seemed to have become a unilateral slaughter, even if it was the sage of Angel Race, with a monstrous talent level of Peak bloodline. The powerhouse was also blasted by Mu Qing at will.

The divine emperor, including those in the dark, all showed shocked faces. The divine emperor who was sitting in the wheelchair no longer had plain eyes, and his hands tightly held the handles, obviously shocked.

“Is this his true strength?” The Destiny Old Man coughed for a while, and a hint of horror burst into his muddy eyes.

A divine emperor frowns from Angel Race was a bit unbearable to look at them. Their proud genius was so ravaged, if not for the presence of so many emperors of Taiyue Palace, he would be afraid Will shoot directly and obliterate Mu Qing.

“End the battle! He is defeated.” Looking at the holy monarch, who was ramming around like headless flies in the endless Thunder Tribulation and the ocean, the young god emperor sitting in a wheelchair shook the head.

The god emperor of Angel Race was nodded, and immediately shot, a stalwart divine force directly broke through the platform Formation and interfered with the battle.


This Angel Race god emperor naturally has no good feelings for Mu Qing. A terrifying divine force crushes it and wipes out Thunder Tribulation and Wang Yang. Then grabbed Shengjun and took him away.

Mu Qing gasped, and didn’t care about the attitude of the god emperor to him. In this battle, he consumed a huge amount of energy, and almost all the demonic energy in his body was exhausted.

However, defeating Shengjun means that he has entered the top three.

The battle on the other side is also over. Xinrui defeated the insect race True God Peak named Guiming. Although the opponent is a powerhouse of monstrous talent level, it is not Xinrui’s opponent. I know that Xinrui used to be the Great Emperor of the Stars, and like Mu Qing, both possessed the existence of Taoism.

Even, to some extent, Xinrui’s Dao is more powerful than Mu Qing, because his Dao was comprehended by himself when he was still the Great Emperor of the Stars. There is a breakthrough in the return to origin scripture of the starry sky, the reincarnation is carried out, and the power of the whole body is extremely terrifying.

In contrast to Mu Qing, his thunder and lightning path is not his own comprehension, but his father Mu Yu accidentally obtained the Great Dao of Thunder fruit, extracted its power and injected it into Mu Qing’s body.

With the defeat of that ghost, now in the top ten, only Mu Qing and Xinrui have a record of victory.

Everyone rested for a month. When fighting again, in front of Mu Qing, a little dwarf appeared in front of Mu Qing, who was surrounded by black mist, it was the ghost from the insect race!

“I admit defeat!”

As soon as he entered the battle, Gui Ming yelled in a harsh and hoarse voice, which surprised everyone present.

A god emperor took action and took him away from Formation. This battle meant that Mu Qing had won.

This result even Mu Qing didn’t expect. He was stunned for a long time, originally thinking that there would be a hard fight, but he didn’t expect the ghost of the insect race to give up.

“It’s no surprise, that Guiming’s strength is at most at the same level as the holy monarch. Facing Mu Qing, he is definitely not an opponent!” Many people in the venue figured it out. , Because they had witnessed how Mu Qing abused the saint with their own eyes before.

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