With the expansion of in the sky Space Crack, one after another pitch-black silhouette came out of the billowing white fog, the terrifying divine force broke out, and everyone seemed to have changed themselves. The illusion of being an ant, those silhouettes are too powerful.

Suddenly, the powerhouse of the gods who broke into the Taiyue Palace confronted the gods of the Taiyue Palace. Each of them was as bright and dazzling as the sun, far beyond the comparison of True God and Heavenly God. .

You must know that the emperor of this level can create a terrifying existence that breeds Secret Realm, and truly possesses the power of vitality. Divine force has reached a level of creation, with obvious The metamorphosis.

“Who on earth are you?”

High in the sky, the many emperors of Taiyue Palace did not show any weakness. The young emperor was sitting in a wheelchair, and an invisible force entrusted him. Lifting on the void, there is a terrifying aura like an abyss escaping from its body, antagonizing the power transmitted from the Space Crack.

“What divine force is that? It’s very strange!” Asura Race God Emperor has already fought against one of the dark silhouettes. After returning to the crowd, his face is solemn, said solemnly, and he has suffered a secret loss. .

He reminded others to be careful of the other’s divine force, which is a kind of divine force that has never been seen before, which is very strange and evil.

The gods did not realize that it was not divine force, but the third cultivation system, which was the same as Mu Qing’s demonic energy.

“Who in the world are you!” The young god emperor scolded, a terrifying aura erupted from his body, like a volcano, which would erupt at any time.

“Are you the only people in the powerhouse of Taiyue Palace?” In the white mist, one of the pitch-black silhouettes spoke, his voice billowed like thunder, and his tone was full of disdain.

Even the god emperor can’t see their appearance, they are wrapped in a special layer of energy.

“Didn’t expect you guys really appeared, a hundred years earlier than the prophecy, the master of the third cultivation system…the evil race!!” A vast voice suddenly came from the deep moon palace. It came out from everywhere.

“This breath…is the Great Emperor?!” Mu Qing was shocked, and all the characters who didn’t expect Great Emperor Level appeared.

The many emperors of Taiyue Palace also showed their faces of shock.

The identity of the great emperor in the dark, they naturally knew that he was the high-level of Taiyue Palace, who was best at prophecy.

“Evil race? Master the third cultivation system?” The young god emperor whispered. He had never heard of such races in the universe.

“What is your purpose in coming to Taiyue Palace.” A vast voice came over, and the Great Emperor spoke again.

Even though he was good at prophecy, this great emperor did not know exactly what the so-called evil race had. Even today’s invasion of the evil race has been advanced a full one hundred years.

“Emperor Tianyue, known as the god of prophecy, but unfortunately you don’t seem to be as terrifying as the rumors.” In Space Crack, a thick and ethereal voice came, causing everyone’s eye pupils to shrink.

There is also a great emperor in this evil race!

“What is the origin of the evil race? It turned out to be a Peak race!” Xinrui frowned. There is a great emperor sitting in town, plus a dozen emperors, it is definitely a Peak race.

“Weng!” A dazzling moonlight burst into the sky, and a middle-aged man appeared, with rays of light blooming all over his body, haunting the terrifying breath. It was the Emperor Tianyue!

His face is solemn, his own prophecy has a serious problem, not only the time is wrong, but even what the other party wants to do can’t be predicted. This is something that has never happened before.

“I will leave the matter here to you.” Tianyue Great Emperor faced the young god emperor and the others instructed.

After that, he jumped, turned into a rays of light, and rushed into the Space Crack.

He didn’t attack the dozen or so divine emperors in the white mist, because he knew that if he did, the other party would definitely stop it.

Since the opponent dispatched the Great Emperor Level powerhouse, Emperor Tianyue naturally knew his mission, which was to stop the opponent’s emperor, and he could also investigate the origin of the evil race by the way.

Emperor Tianyue plunged into the other side of Space Crack, and there was a cry of exclamation inside. The emperor of the evil race obviously didn’t expect Emperor Tianyue to rush over.

“It’s so bold, even if the emperor enters the land of my clan, he will fall!” The evil god emperors who were enveloped in pitch black and white mist laughed.

“Because he is still the god of prophecy, can’t it be predicted that there will be more than one emperor in our clan?” The god emperor of the evil clan laughed wildly, as if he had already foreseen the scene of the fall of Emperor Tianyue.

The complexion of the young god emperor and the others changed drastically, the young god emperor raised his hand to condense a moonlight, moved towards Space Crack and went through it, there is a message inside, wanting to remind Emperor Tianyue and let him return .

But the evil clan god emperor made a move. Obviously, it will not be so easy for the young god emperor to pass the news to the evil clan. I saw the ripples of one after another black oscillate, covering the moonlight. , The powerful force crushed the moonlight.

“Get ready to fight.” The young god emperor’s face changed slightly. He took a deep breath, his eyes sharpened in a flash, and the power of one after another terrifying in his body was brewing.

“The Emperor Tianyue is in trouble, what is the identity of these evil races? They crossed directly from their own clan to the Taiyue Palace, with extraordinary means!” The old man Tianming narrowed his eyes and his face was full of surprise.

He came to protect Mu Qing, but didn’t go up to fight, it was a lot easier.

And now those evil clan god emperors have not shot Mu Qing anymore, which makes the old man destiny suspicious, are they targeting Mu Qing after all?

“God Slaughter Halberd!”

The hot-tempered Asura Race God Emperor couldn’t bear it anymore. He had been in Taiyue Palace for so many years, and he had rarely fought with the same level. Now The evil clan god emperor appeared, just to his liking.

Asura Race God Emperor condense is a halberd, killing intent suddenly filled the sky, the strength of Blood turned into a pool of blood, terrifying to the extreme.

“I couldn’t fight against me before, and now you are still not my opponent!” A dark silhouette rushed out. He had fought with the Asura Race God Emperor for a short time before, obviously it was the Asura Race God Emperor. Downwind.

Asura Race God Emperor’s face became angry, he roared and swept out with a halberd, blood filled the entire sky, space distortion, blood light formed into a half-moon cut, but at this time, The opponent displayed pitch-black as ink-like energy, which looked extremely sticky. It turned into a densely packed rune in midair and condensed into a shield to withstand the Asura Race God Emperor’s halberd.

“Please Evil God!”

A god emperor of the evil race spoke, and it seemed that he was the leader of this group of god emperors.

As soon as his words came out, other evil clan god emperors urged energy, condense a large array, and a terrifying Evil God illusory shadow emerged!

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