Luo Zhen, covered in pitch black, is completely invisible, and even the unique breath of Asura Race has converged in.

“Next, it’s time to capture all the Little Brat back.” Yan Qi looked at the people in the venue, took out the silver bottle gourd again, one after another rays of light rushed out, Thousands of True Gods can be swept away every time.

People in the entire venue panicked. They are usually beautiful, and some of them are True God Peak, who will soon become Heavenly God, but they are weak in the face of the emperor.

The entire venue was shrouded in a Formation. For some reason, people in other parts of Taiyue Palace have never noticed the abnormality here, which is very strange.

Mu Qing and the others came to the boundary of the venue, tried various methods, but couldn’t break the Formation.

Even the unfavorable Kunpeng power at the beginning was unable to do anything about it. This surprised Mu Qing, because all the Formations he encountered were cracked under Kunpeng’s power. Only the Formation in front of him contained With the power of terrifying, it is extremely hard.


One of the existences of monstrous talent level, Shengjun’s face was horrified. In that light scroll, he showed all his best in an instant, but he was still caught Go, swallowed into the silver bottle gourd.

“Buddha is angry!” Duan Yuan uttered a roar, and was struggling desperately in a light scroll, but it was of no use and was directly swallowed.

“hahaha! Refreshing! Who is next?” Yan Qi laughed loudly, then glanced across the venue, and finally landed on Mu Qing and the others.

“I remember, you two seems to be the first and second place in the True God grand competition. It’s not bad. Take it back!”

He shot it directly, one in the silver bottle gourd The light rushed out, and moved towards Mu Qing shrouded here.


At the critical moment, a bright radiance burst out directly on Xinrui’s body, and a hundred stars in the sky appeared behind him, forming a Reincarnation Disk. A horrible illusory shadow emerged, a finger pointed, and the flaming starlight penetrated through it.

“bang! ”

There was a loud noise, bursting in midair rays of light, and then a violent storm swept through it, which was enough to easily swallow the monstrous talent level The light of True God Peak was resisted by Xinrui.

In the sky’s Yan Weeping face showed a hint of shock, his eyes were solemn, looking towards Xinrui, especially from the Reincarnation Disk composed of 100 stars behind Xinrui The illusory shadow made him feel palpitations.

“Big…The big emperor?!” Yan Qi lost his voice, this aura, had completely surpassed the god emperor.

In the venue, everyone’s eyes were also focused on Xinrui’s body, all in amazement.

The Holy Spirit on the side also looked shocked, unable to believe that Xinrui would explode such terrifying aura.

“Senior Brother, still used real means.” The only one who was not surprised was Mu Qing.

He looked at Xinrui’s appearance at the moment, and knew that he was using the Great Emperor Level method. Although his cultivation base was still True God Peak, Xinrui still had some hole cards.

Originally, Xinrui wanted to act low-key, but the invasion of the evil race made him unable to hide.


Xinrui’s original elegant face is now full of majesty, motivating the great illusory shadow in the Reincarnation Disk behind it, and possessing the powerful strength of incomparable.

“No, he is not the emperor, he should be just a descendant of the emperor.” Luo Zhen, who was shrouded in darkness, said. He was once the emperor of the Taiyue Palace, but after being penetrated by the spear of Evil God, he was terrifying. The dark power eroded and became a member of the evil race, and still retained all the memories and powers.

Yan weeping hearing this, I took a closer look, and then sighed in relief, Xinrui did have a great Emperor Qi breath on his body, but he was still True God Peak himself.

“so that’s how it is, didn’t expect my luck on this trip is so good, your great emperor inheritance, I will accept it.” Yan Qi handed the silver bottle gourd to Luo Zhen , And then rushed towards Xinrui with a Chiyan Broadsword in his hand.

He has a fiery heart. If he could take away the great emperor inheritance from Xinrui, wouldn’t his position in the evil race be higher in the future?

Luo Zhen took over the silver bottle gourd and started Yanqi’s work, except that Yanqi can swallow thousands of people with silver bottle gourd each time, but he can only swallow a hundred people.

He just became an evil race, it seems that he can’t fully use his power.

“Little Junior Brother, I can’t hold on for long.” Xinrui’s face was serious, and he rose into the sky to fight Yan Qi.

He can only use some of the emperor’s power for a short time, but he is only True God Peak after all. Even if he uses his hole cards, he is also impossible to be the opponent of the emperor. It is incredible to resist one move and two moves. Up.

“Xinrui alone is definitely not that guy’s opponent, Mu Qing! You must find a way to help him!” Tu Lao shouted anxiously, Xinrui was once the emperor of the stars, one of the few starry sky dynasties Those who survived, Tu said nothing would let him die.

Mu Qing frowned. He also wanted to help, but he was helpless. Even if he tried his best, he could only rival Heavenly God and couldn’t intervene in that level of battle.

“If you turn on the eighth star, you may be able to resist the two gods in the sky, but you are likely to pay a serious price.” Tu Lao sound transmission told Mu Qing.

Mu Qing glanced at the sky and saw that Xinrui had been seriously injured under the terrifying offensive of Yan Cry, and the Reincarnation Disk behind it was also torn apart.

After all, the power gap between the two sides is too great, a True God, a god emperor, even if Xinrui was once a great emperor, this gap cannot be made up at all.

“No time! Open the eighth star!” Mu Qing gritted his teeth.

The ten thousand domain star map appeared, and the dazzling rays of light bloomed on the eighth star.

“The eighth star is also a dead star. In the Celestial Court, three Immortal Emperors descended there. After that, all the creatures on the eighth star and a great emperor paid the price of their lives. Summon came out With the Thunder Tribulation that destroys everything, kill the three Immortal Emperors!”

“Now, there is still the power of destroying the world on the eighth star. All you have to do is go to The altar used by the eighth stars to sacrifice their lives, to draw out the remaining power of the dying world!”

Tu Lao shouted, he controlled the ten thousand domain star map, and told Mu Qing, dying the world The terrifying power of Jie is extremely terrifying, after all, it can destroy the existence of the Great.

At the time when the creatures of the eighth star, Summon came out of the Tribulation of the World. Although they killed the three Immortal Emperors in the Celestial Court, they were also backlashed by the power of the Tribulation and turned into ashes.

Tu Lao originally didn’t want Mu Qing to contact the eighth star, but now there is no other way.

If you change to another True God Peak, even if Xinrui comes, you will definitely die, but Tu knows that Mu Qing has a thunder pool on him, that is Thunder Dao Supreme Treasure, which contains Supreme. Raiden Dao Ze, maybe there is a chance to survive!


Suddenly, a blazing white thunder and lightning on Mu Qing’s body rushed into the sky, and an aura that surpassed all living creatures permeated his body. .

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