A few days later, Mizumoto Secret Realm, a silhouette galloping over the boundless sea, dressed in plain clothes, but his aura was extremely strong, stirring waves.

A terrifying Sea Beast rushed out of the seabed, but was killed by him with a wave of his hand.


A jet of water soars into the sky. It is a powerful sea dragon. He has already come to the sea dragon’s domain.

This is a sea dragon of the late True God stage, roaring, height hundreds zhang, moved towards that silhouette, biting away.

However, the silhouette seemed to have known that the sea dragon would appear for a long time, and the waves were calm, and the palm of his hand was stretched out, and a terrifying force burst out.

“puff puff puff!”

The body of the sea dragon suddenly swelled, and then burst, the blood mist filled, and the drenched blood rained down, staining the Sea Territory. .

That silhouette is exactly the bloody seven!

He showered under the rain of blood, but his expression was extremely enjoyable, and his eyes shone with a strange luster.

With the ability to predict and control the blood naturally, the blood seven in Mizumoto Secret Realm is almost walk unhindered. After all, the most powerful here is Heavenly God Early-Stage, which is similar to him. .

“The newcomer seems to be Mu Qing, I hope to be able to wait for you in this Shuiyuan Secret Realm…” A killing intent appeared on Xue Qi’s face.

Just like Lingyan’s dissatisfaction with him, Xue Qi, who has increased his strength through the power of curse, has just defeated Lingyan, but finally fell into Mu Qing’s hands. The most important thing is that he The loss was unclear, as if he lost his memory at the critical moment when he lost to Mu Qing.

He knows that Mu Qing has a commissioned mission from Mizumoto Secret Realm, so he came to Mizumoto Secret Realm ahead of time, intending to squat down Mu Qing and fight Mu Qing again.

On Xueqi’s body, wisps of white haze haunted him, but he didn’t notice it.

Curse Flower doesn’t know when the seeds of the curse were planted in his body. Because of the emotions of Xueqi’s eagerness, jealousy, unwillingness, etc., the seeds germinate, gradually escaping more terrifying power, affecting he.


At the same time, in the Taiyue Palace.

Mu Qing did not immediately go to Mizumoto Secret Realm. He still has one award that he did not receive, which is the first award in the True God grand competition.

It is rumored that the first place in each True God grand competition is True God Peak, and through the reward of this first place, it directly breaks through to Heavenly God Realm.

This can be said to be a very generous reward, a great realm promotion, no matter it is, everyone will be jealous.

It’s just that there are a lot of enchanting level existences this time. The rewards of the True God grand competition were delayed due to the invasion of evil races. As a result, four Heavenly Gods appeared before the rewards were distributed.

He came to the Palace Lord of Taiyue Palace, which is larger than the Palace of Destiny. It is the place where the high-ranking staff of Taiyue Palace are usually located, and gathered a god emperor and even a great emperor.

The prize for the first place in the True God grand competition is also collected here.

A few days later…

Mu Qing walked out of the main hall, a trace of disappointment appeared on his face. Originally, he thought that the reward for the first place could help his cultivation The base has been promoted to the mid-term of Heavenly God, and it is okay to let myself touch the edge of the mid-term.

But he still thinks too exaggeratedly. After Heavenly God, every small realm is difficult to improve, and Mu Qing’s own cultivation is Primal Chaos Demon body and Starry Sky Return to Origin. The energy needed to break through is definitely several times or even dozens of times that of others.

Mu Qing used Power of Space, and then condense a piece of silver space daoist robe on her body, then moved towards Secret Realm Transmission Formation and walked away.

“Go to Shuiyuan Secret Realm.” Mu Qing said to Heavenly God who was guarding the Secret Realm Transmission Formation.

The other party was nodded and adjusted the Secret Realm Transmission Formation. When Mu Qing stepped into it, space distortion was transmitted to Mizumoto Secret Realm.

“How about the cultivation of your Moon God dream?” Tu asked curiously.

Mu Qing thought for a while, replied: “Probably only a very short period of stagnation can be made for people in the same realm. As for the realm higher than me, it depends on luck, and it is likely to fail.”

The divine ability of Moon God Dreamland is very powerful, and it is currently the only divine ability of Mu Qing that can restrain the ability of foresight.

“I originally asked you to join the Taiyue Mirror, mainly because I wanted you to see if you could cultivation to Taiyue Mirror, that is, the powerful predictive ability, but although you did not cultivation to Taiyue Mirror, Cultivated Moon God dreams, but it’s not bad.” Tu believes that the level of the divine ability of Moon God dreams is completely comparable to the Taiyue Mirror, which can predict everything. After all, they are the two Great Divine Ability handed down by the Supreme God of Taiyue.

“The mission goal is the Sea Dragon King, Heavenly God Early-Stage, yes, just to practice hand.” Mu Qing’s eyes splashed out a murderous intention.

At the beginning, when he was still in the True God Realm world, he was chased and killed by the Sea Dragon King, like a stray dog. Now, he is back again!

Looking at the endless ocean in front of him, Mu Qing stroked his chin and waved his hand, Kunpeng giant beast rushed out of the starry Demon Domain.

Kunpeng giant beast controls his body and reaches a hundred zhang, and Mu Qing jumps to his back.

The Kunpeng giant beast can incarnate in two states. Under normal circumstances, the Kunpeng giant beast has always been in the state of Kunpeng, with a huge body in Mu Qing, swimming towards the distance.

From a distance, the entire Kunpeng giant beast is like a huge island, moving at an extremely terrifying speed.

The aura of the Kunpeng giant beast is very powerful for the Sea Beast and sea monsters in this water element Secret Realm. Ordinary sea monsters perceive this aura from afar, feel fearful, and rush away.

As for some Sea Beasts who were too late to escape, they were directly swallowed by the Kunpeng giant beast.

There are quite a few islands in Mizuwon Secret Realm, and there are many divine medicines on them.

But divine medicine is at best only useful for the existence of the True God Realm world. For Mu Qing, who is now Heavenly God, it is of no use at all.


Mu Qing asked Kunpeng giant beast to stop, squinting his eyes and looked towards the distance, I saw in front of him, there was an isolated island with a person standing on it The man, dressed in white clothed, even his hair is white, swaying his shawl, a pair of sharp eyes like an eagle, staring at Mu Qing.

“Who are you?” Mu Qing frowned. He was here to find blood, but he met other people, and he could feel that the cultivation base of this person had reached Heavenly. God Realm.

“clang! ”

The white clothed man has a sword at his waist. At this moment, the long sword is out of its sheath, and the cold light shoots straight for nine days.

He pointed at Mu Qing with the tip of his sword, his face was calm, and said indifferently: “Gu Feng, please enlighten me!!”

Mu Qing eyes shrank, this person in front of him is the same as him. It was Heavenly God Early-Stage, but what shocked him most was that the power escaping from the opponent’s body was Immortal Qi!

“Heaven! Court!!”

Mu Qing slowly spit out two words.

He absolutely didn’t expect that when he was exploring the traces of the cursed flower and looking for the blood, the people from the Celestial Court appeared, just and honorable in front of him.

“You are a member of Celestial Court, and you are in the Taiyue Palace, are you not afraid of being discovered?!” Mu Qing calmed down quickly, while scolding, while observing all around, whether there are other Celestial Court members powerhouse.

“No need to look, I’m the only one here.” Gu Feng loudly shouts, and then he bursts out without saying anything. The long sword in his hand bursts with a dazzling sword light, which is extremely bright .

The cold hair on Mu Qing’s body stands up, this sword is very strong!

He directly entered the state of transforming demons, a magic knife appeared in his hand, and three swords in a row!

Number One Blade, True Dragon roars, magical powers are bursting!

The second knife, the blood is all over the sky, killing intent!

The third knife, the universe is reversed, and the space is shattered!

After Mu Qing broke through to Heavenly God Early-Stage, he exhausted all his strength for the first time. Three blade lights of destroying heaven extinguishing earth level were torn out. The power was amazing, but the result was beyond his expectation. .

The sword that Gu Feng cut out, like a hot knife through butter, smashed True Dragon and split the sea of ​​blood. A bit of cold light was fleeting, and appeared in Mu Qing in the blink of an eye In front of, the sharp and unparalleled sword tip entrains a thin layer of sword qi, which is close to Mu Qing’s eyebrows.

Mu Qing pupil shrink, the invisible power swept away in an instant, and the moon god dreamland shrouded all around.

Even if it was Gu Feng, he was affected and his figure stagnated.

Mu Qing directly incarnates the Thousand-Handed Demon Body, the eternal icy cold air spreads, and then the sky is surrounded by stars, the starry Demon Domain stretches out, and the Qianyuan star array covers the ancient peaks.

Gu Feng came back to his senses, the long sword in his hand was completely ice-covered, only a few inches away from Mu Qing’s forehead! !

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