Gu Feng’s sword is completely different from before. This time he is using the Immortal Technique. It comes with a sword, like a terrifying Sword Immortal holding a sword with infinite power , Smash everything!

Mu Qing’s face is heavy, it seems that it was not only him before, but even Gu Feng did not exert all his strength.

The most powerful Divine Ability in Celestial Court is not as powerful as Immortal Technique.

For the Celestial Court of the cultivation Immortal Qi, they can easily display the divine ability and create a lot of powerful Divine Ability by themselves. If the Immortal Qi is not displayed, the average person will not find the Celestial Court at all. Identity.

Although the people of the Celestial Court can use the divine ability, the Immortal Technique best suits them. Although the divine ability is powerful, only the Immortal Technique can completely mobilize the Immortal Qi in the body.

It can be said that the immortal who displays the divine ability can only exert half of the formidable power of the Immortal Qi in the body.

This is also the reason why the people of Celestial Court can hide in the Taiyue Palace. As long as they don’t just and honorable expose Immortal Qi and Immortal Technique, then they can use the power of divine ability to conceal their true identity.

For this situation in Celestial Court, Mu Qing once guessed that in the entire universe, the first cultivation system to appear is God, and then the appearance of Celestial Court is also the second cultivation system. , Cents.

The third cultivation system after that is Mu Qing’s demons and evil races.

Mu Qing believes that immortals are born on the basis of gods, and it is precisely this way that immortals can cultivation divine ability.

Mu Qing, who creates demonic energy based on the two powers of gods and immortals, can be used with both divine ability and Immortal Technique.

“Is this the true strength of Celestial Court powerhouse?” Mu Qing said solemnly, he finally shattered the thousand-handed demon body condensed with demonic energy again.

This time, it was not as simple as the previous damage, but it was completely shattered. Mu Qing’s body was exposed, surrounded by densely packed sword qi, which enveloped him like a tornado.

Before the sword qi arrived, Mu Qing’s skin felt tingling. This kind of power, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the middle stage of Heavenly God.

Mu Qing tried again to gather the Thousand-Handed Demon Body, but it was crushed again in the blink of an eye.

It’s not that the Thousand-Handed Demon Body is too fragile, but that this move Immortal Technique called Immortal Sword Immortal by Gu Feng is too powerful.

You must know that with the strength of the Thousand-Hand Demon, even the attack of Heavenly God Early-Stage can be blocked, but it is obvious that Gu Feng’s current power is already in the ordinary Heavenly God Early-Stage Above.

“Take it to death!”

Gu Feng’s eyes burst with a chill, white clothed fluttering, one sword at a time, ten thousand zhang fairy shadows behind him, ethereal again Horror is the most terrifying opponent Mu Qing has encountered so far.

Even Tu Lao in the Wanyu Star Map exclaimed that this sword was too terrifying.

The sword qi is vast, and the storm enveloped Mu Qing. If you change to someone else, it will be crushed before you touch it, but even if it is Mu Qing’s powerful fleshy body, it is inevitable to feel pain.

“bang! !”

Suddenly, the sword qi storm stopped, and the sword qi pointed towards Mu Qing one after another. The entire sea exploded completely. The sword qi in this place was vertical and horizontal, Even the sea water is split, and the seabed can already be seen.

The sword qi storm came down and made several hundred li around Mu Qing a big vortex. I don’t know how many Sea Beasts were crushed by the sword qi.

This is just the sword qi inspired by the sword of Gu Feng, and the real sword penetrated right now!

The long sword pierced Mu Qing’s abdomen, and the burst of power directly tore Mu Qing’s clothes, and then the sea behind Mu Qing was cleaved again by the sword qi’s sharp edge, extending a thousand times Meter.

However, Gu Feng’s face changed at this time.

Blood spilled, Mu Qing coughed up blood again and again, but he resisted the severe pain, grabbed the long sword that pierced through his abdomen, entangled two chaotic chains and locked them firmly.

A trace of horror flashed through the bottom of Gu Feng’s eyes, because he discovered that Mu Qing, who was wounded like a blood by the sword qi, had healed quickly at this time, except for the abdomen, other wounds. All are healed!

Mu Qing grinned, but revealed a chill.

He extends the hand, and a large black seal condenses and blasts on Gu Feng’s chest.

Heaven Overturning Seal!

Peng sound is loud, several hundred li’s sea surface has set off a huge wave, Gu Feng is directly blasted out, and a puff of blood is vomited out of his mouth.

Mu Qing relied on his extremely abnormal resilience to exchange injuries with injuries, and directly resisted this move of Xia Gufeng, and displayed the Heaven Overturning Seal, which blasted on Gu Feng’s body.

This Heaven Overturning Seal, Mu Qing obtained from the fairy soul, is one of the Divine Ability created by Celestial Court. Although it is not an Immortal Technique, it is still powerful and terrifying, because he can exert full power by using divine ability. .

Gu Feng’s body flew far away and came to an island. He smashed all the hills of the island before he stopped.

“cough cough!”

He struggled to stand up, coughing out a mouthful of blood, and an incredible look appeared on his face. He recognized that Mu Qing had just performed it. The method is Divine Ability created by a powerhouse in their Celestial Court!

But Gu Feng was puzzled. The mission given to him by the Celestial Court executives was to kill the remnants of the former Star Empire, but what Mu Qing showed was Celestial Court Divine Ability, is it possible that he finds Can the wrong person be made?


At this time, a beam of light penetrated from a far distance. Gu Feng reacted extremely quickly and grabbed it. It turned out that this was his long. sword!

Gu Feng coldly snorted: “Want to hurt me with my sword?”

At this time, space distortion, Mu Qing appeared not far away, but made Gu Feng’s pupils Shrink again.

Mu Qing’s injuries are all disappeared!

At this moment, Mu Qing is condescending. He both hands forming seals. This time the Heaven Overturning Seal is transformed into the size of a thousand zhang, directly moved towards the ancient peak crushed down. The terrifying imposing manner makes the entire island appear. It collapsed and turned into huge stones and sank into the seabed.

Gu Feng has no time to think about why Mu Qing came to Celestial Court Divine Ability. He raised his hand with a sword, the sword qi was unified, and he carried the Heaven Overturning Seal.

But at this time, under Gu Feng’s body, the originally broken island suddenly collapsed completely, and a huge black shadow rushed out from under the sea. It was Kunpeng giant beast!

Kunpeng giant beast roared and moved towards Gu Feng with a bite, to swallow it.

Gu Feng gritted his teeth, and then remembered that among the messages that Mu Qing had heard before, there was indeed a terrifying Kunpeng giant beast that Mu Qing had followed.

It’s just that when Mu Qing was fighting with him, the Kunpeng giant beast had been dormant in the interlayer of space deep in the seabed, even Gu Feng could not notice it, and was momentarily negligent.

Gu Feng can only use the right hand to hold the long sword against the Heaven Overturning Seal, the left hand sword points a little, the sword qi is vertical and horizontal, and the swept away is swept away.

However, the sword qi bursting out of Gu Feng’s fingertips was swallowed by the Kunpeng giant beast, without causing any harm to him.

Gu Feng was taken aback. He knew that Kunpeng was giant beast very difficult to deal with, but it was also unlikely that he would just swallow his sword qi without injury?

Next moment, a scene that made Gu Feng even more surprised appeared. I saw that Kunpeng giant beast swallowed the sword qi, and a one after another line appeared on the huge body. Upon closer inspection, it was clear that it was one after another sword-shaped lines!

Kunpeng giant beast opened his black hole-like mouth, and a sword qi storm swept out.

There is the Heaven Overturning Seal on the top and the sword qi storm below. Gu Feng felt a burst of pressure and could only use the Immortal Technique of Sword Immortal again.

“Wuliang Sword Immortal, 2nd Style!!”

The long sword in Gu Feng’s hand blooms bright radiance, and a ten thousand zhang sword glow is carried out, forcibly removing Mu Qing’s The Heaven Overturning Seal broke.

“Do you think this is over?” Mu Qing coldly shouted, his hands kept forming seals, the space around him shattered, the water of the void swept out into the ocean, and there was also a thousand-meter snake Traveling back and forth in space.

Gufeng stepped on the void with his sword, sword intent rushed into the sky, a fairy shadow appeared behind him, and the long sword in his hand was cut out again, and it was another ten thousand zhang sword glow, full of pure power.

With his strength, he can perform 1st Style smoothly, and 2nd Style is a bit reluctant for him. At this moment, his sleeves have been completely shattered, and his exposed arms are also overflowing with blood. Endured great pain.

However, 2nd Style’s sword moves are also extremely powerful, domineering to the simplest, and open and close.

The huge wave was crushed, the world snake was split in half, and Gufeng’s sword was terrifying to the extreme.

At the same time, Gu Feng turned around with a sword, and the ten thousand zhang sword glow crushed the sword qi storm sprayed from the Kunpeng giant beast’s mouth, and left a terrifying injury on the Kunpeng giant beast’s body.

Kunpeng giant beast cried out painfully, loaded the seabed at one end, and the silhouette disappeared.

Gu Feng panted heavily and looked towards Mu Qing.

At this moment, Mu Qing has once again used the demonic energy condense to condense the thousand-handed demon body, and took out thunder pool, Qilin came to the world, countless thunder and lightning covered the demon body, and Thor’s hammer appeared in every On the arm.

hong long long! Lightning and thunder, several thousands of li are shrouded in dark clouds!

Thousands of Thunder God! !

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