“Young Master Mu, there is the real dragon’s blood pool. You can safely absorb the energy in it, but please note that although dragon’s blood’s inner spiritual energy is surging, it also contains With Dragon Qi, if you absorb too much Dragon Qi, you will become dragons!”

“Remember! Dragon formation will not strengthen your own power, and it will destroy your consciousness!”

Patriarch Little Old Man also warned repeatedly. He doesn’t want Mu Qing to be dragonized. When the time comes, it will be very troublesome to lose consciousness and make a noise on Sky Whale Island.

“I got it.” Tu Lao had already sound transmission told him, Mu Qing replied casually, staring at the silhouette in the true dragon’s blood pool.

It is the blood seven!

At this moment, Xue Qi is sitting in the blood pool, absorbing the power of dragon’s blood, and he seems to be a bit difficult, his body is trembling slightly, blue dragon scales have appeared on his face, and on his forehead There is also a slightly raised corner.

He is being dragonized!

“This is his third wave to absorb dragon’s blood. I have to say that you people in Taiyue Palace are really amazing!” Little Old Man felt admired and envied.

He used this true dragon’s blood pool twice, once to let him directly go from True God mid-term breakthrough to True God Peak, and the second time to let him breakthrough to Heavenly God Early-Stage.

However, these two times he entered the true dragon’s blood pool, only insisting on the first wave of dragon’s blood watering.

The second time, Little Old Man greedily wanted to absorb the dragon’s blood of the second wave, but he overestimated his endurance and was turned into a dragon. Fortunately, he did not absorb much Dragon Qi, so he paid for it. After some costs, he broke away from the dragonized state again, but it has also become what it is now.

Otherwise, as a patriarch of the sky whale tribe, he should have been a mighty and tall robust man.


Blood Qi was in the blood pool, and his body began to tremble crazily, then his face turned pale, and a large amount of blood was spit out.

The eyes that he opened, those eyes have become longan, the blue dragon scales on his body are densely packed, his fingers have become thicker, and his nails have sharpened.

“Not good! He is going to become a dragon!” Little Old Man was surprised, and quickly wanted to make a move to help Xueqi.

However, at this time, the blood of both hands forming seals displayed a certain method, one after another blood mist diffused from the pores of his body.

As the blood mist sprayed out of his body, the dragonized state on his body gradually declined and returned to its original state.

“He forcibly discharged the excess dragon’s blood in his body!” Little Old Man cried out in surprise.

He didn’t expect that Xue Qi still had these other methods.

The dragon’s blood of the third wave can’t bear the blood, so it can only be forced out of the body’s pores with the means of their Blood Race.

Little Old Man sighed, and had to admit that the people in the Taiyue Palace were really good, and even if they were nearly turned into dragons, there are ways to resolve them.

“Dragon Qi in this dragon’s blood, the backlash power is so terrifying!” Xue Qi was shocked, and his breath improved a lot, but his original idea was to go straight to the mid-term of Heavenly God. It’s a pity that I can’t bear the dragon’s blood of the third wave.

Even the dragon’s blood of the second wave successfully absorbed the refining by relying on the means of their Blood Race.

After all, the dragon’s blood in the true dragon’s blood pool is the essence and blood of the water element True Dragon of God Sovereign Realm.

Xueqi came out of the pool. Although I felt regretful, it was not bad to be able to improve a bit of strength.

After that, his body suddenly stopped, his eyes swept across Little Old Man and fell on Mu Qing.

Xue Qi was wearing a black shirt, and slowly walked forward, a trace of killing intent appeared in his eyes, but he was well hidden by him, with a smile on the surface, and said: “Mu Qing Junior Brother, didn’t expect you to be here.”

“Yes, it’s a coincidence!” Mu Qing also responded with a smile, but he made no secret: “Just However, you should call me Senior Brother. After all, you were completely defeated by me before.”

The complexion sank of Blood Seven, he has always been worried about his defeat by Mu Qing. This time I just want to defeat Mu Qing.

Because of the influence of the cursed seed, he has even developed a strong killing intent for Mu Qing. Just because he was defeated once, he had unwillingness in his heart, but he was driven by the power of the cursed seed. Change the unwillingness to killing intent and hatred!

After Xue Qi’s face froze for a while, a smile appeared again immediately: “In that case, then I will call you Senior Brother. If I remember correctly, Mu Qing Senior Brother’s mission seems to be Killing the Sea Dragon King, right? I hope that when the time comes, I will not be killed by others because of insufficient strength.”

“The strength of the Sea Dragon King is not enough to pose a threat to me, but you, say May be killed by Mermaid Race.” Mu Qing said indifferently, a terrifying imposing manner gradually escaped from him, and the same was true of Xueqi.

The imposing manner of the two violently collided in midair and surprised Little Old Man not far away. Originally, he didn’t care much until Mu Qing and Xueqi really showed their breath. At that moment, he knew how terrifying these two people are.

“Looking at the two of them, they seem to have known each other a long time ago, and there is some hatred? Could it be that these two guys did what happened in East Sea Territory some time ago?”

The powerful imposing manner of Mu Qing and Xueqi had to make Patriarch suspect.

“don’t, don’t, don’t. The two of you should never fight on our Sky Whale Island. Our small place can’t stand the toss.” Sky Whale patriarch obviously doesn’t To be able to make the two people in front of you fight here, quickly stepped forward to dissuade them.

Mu Qing and Xue Qi both withdrew the imposing manner at the same time, and neither of them had thought of directly taking action here.

“His strength has become a lot stronger. Among them, there should be the contribution of dragon’s blood, but there is definitely the power of curse to help him improve his strength!” After the test just now, Mu Qing is almost already. Understand the strength of Xue Qi.

After a battle with Gu Feng, Mu Qing already knew where his strength peak was. Therefore, in his heart, the blood was not a threat. It was the same whenever he shot.

On the other hand, Xueqi is different. Facing Mu Qing, his heart is always full of jealousy and vigilance.

He will never forget the battle between himself and Mu Qing. At a certain moment, he completely lost consciousness, without the memory of that critical moment, and then he lost to Mu Qing unfathomable mystery. The ability to foresee had no effect, and it was impossible to predict when Mu Qing made the move.

Xue Qi faced Mu Qing again, very vigilant, for fear that Mu Qing would suddenly use that trick again.

Mu Qing glanced at Xue Qi, then walked into the pond.

The sky whale patriarch sees that although the two seem to be uncomfortable with each other, there is no trace of the shot, which is also secretly relieved. Then they took out the fragments of the real water dragon knife and injected one after another water into it. Primordial Spirit power, a beam of light rushed out of the debris and injected into the dragon head above the pool.

Mu Qing noticed that the divine force of the Sky Whale patriarch is unique, and it fits perfectly with the power of the real water dragon knife in his hand. There are still many opportunities to come to the Sky Whale patriarch, cultivation The bloodline method is probably from Shui Yuan True Dragon Clan.

Xue Qi wanted to leave, but before he could walk a few steps, he stopped and turned back to Little Old Man, staring at Mu Qing closely.

He wants to see that Mu Qing can withstand several waves of dragon’s blood. After all, even if he is a Blood Race who claims to control all blood, he can only play in the third wave dragon’s blood. Stop, because the Dragon Qi contained in this dragon’s blood is too overwhelming, and there is also the consciousness of the dragon’s blood before the life, which is difficult to get rid of.

Mu Qing came to the center of the pool, directly under the dragon head, and sat down, one after another demonic energy haunting his body, ready at any time.

After that, the faucet opened its big mouth, spouting blood, like a waterfall, hitting Mu Qing.

Mu Qing groaned, the blood hits the body, like a mountain fiercely crushed, if his fleshy body is not strong enough, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured, and even become a True God Early-Stage and mid-stage people come, 80% of their bodies will be forcibly bombed under this impact!

It can be said that patriarch was able to stick to the first wave of dragon’s blood when he was still in the middle of Heavenly God. It was already very good. Perhaps it might also be related to the bloodline method of True Dragon Clan of his cultivated water. relationship.

At this time, Mu Qing runs the demonic energy and begins to gradually refining the dragon’s blood in the pool.

These dragon’s blood touched Mu Qing, as if a group of hungry wolves were excited when they saw a lamb, and they moved towards Mu Qing directly, rushing into the body from the pores on his body.

Every drop of dragon’s blood contains a strong Dragon Qi and negative consciousness, which gradually erodes Mu Qing.

However, Mu Qing can still deal with the first wave of dragon’s blood relatively easily. He runs demonic energy and refining the Dragon Qi in his body. He hasn’t waited for his body to appear assimilated. , He has completely refining the Dragon Qi, and then crazily absorbed the pure and spiritual energy contained in dragon’s blood!

At this time, Xue Qi, who was originally watching from the side, suddenly appeared. He appeared in the blood pool in an instant, and condense a blood claw, moved towards Mu Qing torn apart. go with!

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