“It’s true! It’s true! Haiming and the others have been killed!” The shrimp soldier was frightened by the Sea Dragon King and trembled, for fear that the opponent would slap him directly dead.

But he had to tell the truth again.

“Are you still talking nonsense?!” Sea Dragon King was angry, raised his palm, and a shocking wave converged, and the whole inner hall shook a few times.

But then, Sea Dragon King reacted somewhat. He retracted his hand and looked at the shrimp soldiers curled up on the ground, frowning and asking: “What is the matter with the person you are talking about? ?”

He suddenly felt a bit weird. The shrimp soldier is unlikely to come over and talk nonsense at the risk of angering him to be killed.

The shrimp soldier secretly let out a long sigh of relief, stammering: “Yes…it’s a terrifying powerhouse. He appeared from several islands on the edge of the South Sea Territory and killed the sea. After Ming and the others, they moved all the way towards our Sea Dragon Palace. On the way, the powerhouse of Sea Dragon Palace took action, but without exception, they were all killed!”

“Moreover, all were by one move Spike!”

“One move?!” The Sea Dragon King pupil shrink, recalling the two terrifying auras that appeared in the East Sea Territory a while ago.

He knows that Haiming is a well-known genius from the sea dragon clan, cultivated to True God Peak, and he has also been guided by him several times.

And those who can directly kill Haiming, I am afraid that the strength has reached Heavenly God!

“Quick! Notify other clansman!” Sea Dragon King shouted quickly.

It was the first time that the shrimp soldiers saw the Sea Dragon King so nervous. He didn’t dare to neglect, and desperately nodded, struggling to get up from the ground, turning around to leave.


Suddenly, the Sea Dragon King spoke again, and the shrimp soldiers were full of suspiciousness, but saw that Sea Dragon King’s face was extremely dignified, said solemnly: “The opponent, has come. !”


Outside the hall, screams came out, making Sea Dragon King’s face more and more ugly.

“This Sea Dragon Palace is really magnificent, much more luxurious than the palace built by the Sky Whale Clan.” Mu Qing looked at the Sea Dragon Palace in front of him and smashed his mouth.

In front of him, the seabed in the depths of the South Sea Territory, a splendorous and majestic cluster of palaces is located, shining with gorgeous rays of light.

And at this time, a powerful breath came out from the Sea Dragon Palace, and I saw the Sea Dragon King wearing luxurious robes and a large number of Sea Dragon Race people rushing out of the Sea Dragon Palace. .

As soon as the Sea Dragon King came out, his eyes fell on the silver-robed youth in front of him. Then his pupils suddenly shrank, because he saw the remaining sea dragon beside the silver-robed youth. corpse body.

“Who are you?!” The Sea Dragon King said solemnly. When he really faced Mu Qing, his heart sank even more, and he couldn’t feel the specific cultivation base of the other party at all!

It is very possible that the opponent is a Heavenly God who is stronger than him!

“The strength of the Sea Dragon Race is much stronger than that of the Sky Whales.” Mu Qing touched his chin. Behind the Sea Dragon King, the sea dragons are True God Peak, at least There are also more than thirty.

Maybe in a while, Sea Dragon Race can cultivate a second Heavenly God.

Unfortunately, they don’t have that chance.

“Asshole! I want to kill you!!”

Behind the Sea Dragon King, a True God Peak sea dragon roared out and turned into a thousand-meter sea dragon, rolled up The seabed water rushes towards Mu Qing.

His eyes were red, and he recognized that among the sea dragons killed by Mu Qing, there were his friends.

“Bring me back!” Sea Dragon King complexion changed, hurriedly scolded.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Mu Qing took a cold look at the True God Peak sea dragon, and suddenly the space distortion of the opponent’s body was directly crushed into a ball of blood mist!

The strong smell of blood-reeking qi spread quickly, and the people on the side of the Sea Dragon Palace changed their colors. A thousand-meter sea dragon was just killed!

“Everyone! Get out!”

The sea dragon king’s face was terrifying gloomy, and he waved all clansman back into the sea dragon palace.

The predecessor of the Sea Dragon Palace was a part of the palace that used to be Shuiyuan Dragon Palace. It has a powerful Defensive Array, even Heavenly God can’t break into it for a while.

Sea Dragon King knows that the silver-robed youth in front of him is an enemy and not a friend, and his strength is terrifying, at least he is already in the presence of Heavenly God Early-Stage!

“Who is your Excellency? Why kill my clansman for no reason!” The Sea Dragon King has accumulated power in his body, ready to take action at any time, his eyes are alert.

For some reason, he always feels that the person in front of him is a bit familiar.

“Taiyue Palace, Mu Qing.”

Swiss of demonic energy escaped from Mu Qing’s body. He was chased by the Sea Dragon King and relied on the Secret Realm Transmission Formation of Taiyue Palace. Avoid one difficulty.

The Sea Dragon King was surprised. He acted aggressively and was full of hostility towards the people of Taiyue Palace. He used to kill the dísciple that Taiyue Palace had come to Mizumoto Secret Realm to experience.

He thought to himself, is it possible that the thing that he killed the Taiyue Palace dísciple was known? So Taiyue Palace sent someone over to destroy their Sea Dragon Race?

Suddenly, the Sea Dragon King stared wide-eyed. As soon as he thought of the killing of the Taiyue Palace dísciple, he immediately recalled that he had chased and killed a Taiyue Palace dísciple, but he did not succeed. ran away.

He dignified a Heavenly God and did not kill a True God, so the Sea Dragon King still has some impressions.

He looked towards Mu Qing carefully, isn’t this exactly the same True God that he chased and ran away in embarrassment? !

“It turned out to be…you!!” Sea Dragon King finally reacted.

But at this time, Mu Qing had already shot directly, a devil blade cut off the head, the extremely sharp pitch black blade light swallowed all the light.

The Sea Dragon King also reacted extremely quickly. It was directly transformed into the body. The huge sea dragon body could reach tens of thousands of meters. With a roar, the dragon breath came out in his mouth.

Unfortunately, the power of the magic knife is stronger than the Sea Dragon King imagined. It not only split his dragon’s breath, but also left a scar on his sea dragon’s body.


Mu Qing quickly shot, condense a big seal, covering the sky and the sun, fiercely crushed down.

The Sea Dragon King roared, his body was divine light, and a beam of light jetted out from his mouth, colliding with the Heaven Overturning Seal.

The violent energy fluctuations dissipated, and the entire seabed was surging.

Mu Qing didn’t intend to drag it too long, he directly condense a thousand-handed demon body, body trembled, and turned into hundreds of Avatars.

“What divine ability is this?!” The Sea Dragon King bit into a thousand-armed Avatar, but he also suffered some injuries.

He was shocked. This is not an ordinary Avatar. Although, like other Avatar divine abilities, each Avatar is weaker, the power contained in other Avatars is extremely powerful!

Immediately afterwards, a large black seal came from one party, and even the Sea Dragon King could not bear it.

Sea Dragon King is considered to be the more powerful powerhouse in Heavenly God Early-Stage, but it is a pity that he met Mu Qing.

Mu Qing didn’t want this battle to last too long, so he directly used all his strength.

“Qilin is born!”

He took out thunder pool, hundreds of thousands of hands turned into Thor, densely packed thunder rushed into the seabed, accompanied by Thor’s hammer With a wave, Thunder Qilin heads towards the Sea Dragon King!

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