Everyone was shocked. The blood bats in the middle stage of Heavenly God were already so powerful, but the blood bats in the later stage of Heavenly God might be enough to crush them!

The sky whale patriarch panicked, and quickly moved towards the distance to flee. In the blink of an eye, a bloody shadow appeared in front of him, and a bloody sickle swung over his body. In an instant it became two halves.

“It’s a pity that the sorcery created by the first emperor of the evil race is mine!” The blood bat grinned and grabbed the black light ball.

Suddenly, with the space distortion around the blood bat, the Kunpeng giant beast rushed out suddenly, moved towards the black light group and gnawed away.

A thick murderous intention loomed up on the blood bat’s face, and the sickle cut it down, and even cut the Kunpeng giant beast’s body into a very long and narrow wound.

After that, he raised his palm, and a round of blood-colored sun gathered in his palm, and the extremely violent power exploded.

“bang! !”

blood light enveloped the Kunpeng giant beast, and the huge body was shattered in an instant!

It’s as powerful as Kunpeng giant beast, it’s all destroyed!

until now, Kunpeng giant beast is a powerful helper for Mu Qing, but he is transformed by his blood spirit,

Now, Kunpeng giant beast is directly affected by blood The bat shattered his body with a palm.

The strength of the blood bat is too amazing. It has completely reached the late Heavenly God stage, and its strength is still soaring, reaching the point where Mu Qing and Meiqian can’t resist it.

However, at this moment, Mu Qing has no time to feel sorry for the Kunpeng giant beast. He condenses the seal, in the sky, a big snake rushes out and swallows the black light ball.

The power of this blood bat is already so powerful, he definitely can’t let the opponent obtain the sorcery created by the first emperor of the evil race.

The blood bat is angry, and his goal is this sorcery, but one after another hinders him.

He stretched out his palm, and the violent power gathered, rushing to the world snake, trying to regain the magic.

Unfortunately, even if the world snake that Mu Qing summon comes out is just an Avatar, it also has a powerful force that can penetrate into the depths of the void.

Blood bat condense a huge scarlet palm, suppressed, but the world snake twisted and escaped.

“courting death!!”

When the blood bat saw it, he was furious, the sickle in his hand swept out and slashed directly at Mu Qing.


At this time, Meiqian suddenly took out a small copper-colored shield, which seemed weak, but when faced with the attack of the blood bat, it was forcibly Resisted it.


This sickle of the blood bat was cut down, and the entire Dragon Palace did not know how many palaces were shattered.

But only Mu Qing and Meiqian did not have any injuries.

“Really strong defense!” The blood bats were also surprised.

But then, the blood bat laughed fiercely: “I want to see how many cards you have to withstand my attack!”

Because he found that Meiqian was holding Cracks had appeared on the copper-colored small shield on the side, and after resisting one of his attacks, it fell into two halves on the ground.

There is also blood flowing from the palms of Meiqian’s hands.

But she didn’t care about the pain anymore. She took out a utensil again, a square white crystal block, about the size of half a palm.

She injected divine force, and suddenly the white crystal block began to tremble, and a terrifying Power of Space swept out, enveloping Mu Qing and her.

“Don’t think about it!”

Blood bat eyes shrank, although he doesn’t know what Meiqian is holding, he can feel the terrifying Power of Space, absolutely. Directly remove Meiqian and Mu Qing from this Shuiyuan Secret Realm!

He rushed to stop Meiqian from turning on the white crystal block.

However, at this time, Mu Qing directly violently turned into a Thousand Hands Thunder God, condensing the seal method, and tens of thousands of Avatars rushed out.

“Qilin is born!!”

The Thor’s Hammer swung down, and the roar continued, and tens of thousands of Qilin rushed down.

In this posture, even the blood bat felt a trace of jealousy. The terrifying power of the next moment exploded above the Dragon Palace.

Thunder is shining, the broken Dragon Palace was once again traumatized, shaking, and a large piece of it fell directly into the ocean.

“It hurts…”

A gust of wind swept away, and a silhouette slowly walked out of the densely packed thunder.

Of course, the blood bat is not completely uninjured. There are a lot of scorched areas on his body, which is really traumatized.

He himself was extremely shocked. After he burst out all his strength, his strength reached the late Heavenly God stage within a short period of time, but he was injured by Mu Qing of Heavenly God Early-Stage.

“It’s useless, you guys are hard to avoid calamity today!” Seeing that the white crystal block has been completely excited, the scarlet sickle in the blood bat’s hand is swung down, carrying an astonishing wave. The head of the owl!

“It’s over…”

A trace of despair appeared in Meiqian’s eyes.

Her black mist ability also has a limit. Mu Qing did not use all his strength before, just some ordinary attacks that reach the Heavenly God Early-Stage level, so she can rely on the black mist ability to ignore.

But the blood bat in front of him burst out of the terrifying Heavenly God’s late-stage strength, which is not something that Meiqian can resist.

And the space crystal block in her hand is still a little time away from the trigger, and the last trace of time has brought her despair.

She knew that Mu Qing had used all his strength to resist the blood bat, and even injured the blood bat.

The blood bat would rather be injured to kill both of them. The scarlet sickle swung down with incomparable power.

Just at this time!

Mu Qing’s eyes flashed by in the middle of the moon, and the invisible power swept away in an instant.

Lunar Dreamland!

The blood bat’s figure stagnates, almost recovering in an instant, and the scarlet light flashes across it.

Unfortunately, Mu Qing tried his best to display the Moon God Dreamland, and after all, it still affected the blood bat.


A voice sounded, and the space crystal was turned into a powerful space force, moving Mu Qing and Meiqian away, but some of them were cut off , Fell on the ground and turned into fragments.


In the entire huge dragon palace, a blood light burst into the sky, spreading to all the buildings, and the palaces collapsed.

Shuiyuan Dragon Palace was turned into two halves, and then completely lost its power, fell from a high altitude into the seabed, and became a relic.

Of course, this is mainly because the power of the Shuiyuan Dragon Palace itself has been exhausted, so the blood bat exploded with the powerful power of the late Heavenly God, and the rest of the wave destroyed the Dragon Palace.

Otherwise, if you change to the Shuiyuan Dragon Palace in its heyday, even the powerhouse of Heavenly God Peak will not be able to cause damage to the entire Dragon Palace, let alone the aftermath.

The blood bat’s face was terrifying and roar towards the sky. After a while, he seemed to have thought of something, a hideous smile appeared on his face, and the murderous aura became more and more intense.

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