“Wait! Stop!”

Ling Zixuan was also taken aback by seeing the people around him rushing out, and immediately shouted .

He felt something wrong.

At this time, Mu Qing, who was surrounded, naturally chose self-defense, and his demonic energy rushed into the sky.

Of course, he still has no killer, because he knows that if he really broke out and killed a few people from the Sky Moon Guild, the conflict would definitely get deeper and deeper!

Unfortunately, it is not Mu Qing’s decision whether to kill or not.

He condense a thousand-handed demon body, casting an eternal ice seal, freezing the bodies of a few days and moon guild dísciples around him.

However, there are several Tianyue Guild dísciple bodies close to Mu Qing bursting into pieces when they are exposed to the eternal cold. In the eyes of others, this is Mu Qing’s full effort to kill them. !

“This guy even dared to kill! Don’t keep your hands! Be decisive!” Someone is still inciting the crowd.

The people who were stimulated by the smell of blood-reeking qi also roared one after another. They couldn’t believe that Mu Qing really dared to kill on the spot. This was simply despising everyone in their Tianyue Guild!

Even Ling Zixuan looked at Mu Qing in horror, even he thought that Mu Qing had committed a cruel hand, he did not see the difference, because he completely believed in the people of the Tianyue Guild, and I don’t think anyone would commit suicide in order to frame Mu Qing.

Unfortunately, the facts are so weird. In the crowd, some people committed suicide in order to frame Mu Qing, and some people incited emotions.

The offensive became more and more fierce, and Mu Qing started to be a little weak in defense.

His face is slightly gloomy, and only now did he realize that the person who had been planted with the seeds of curse in the Tianyue Guild was not just a person!

He was too careless. After discovering that there was a curse power on Xue Qi, he focused all his attention on Xue Qi, but he didn’t expect that there are still many buried in the Tianyue Guild. The one who casts the seed of the curse.

These people rushed up, willing to commit suicide, creating a scene where they were killed by him, in order to stimulate the other members of the Tianyue Guild.

And this trick is indeed effective, no one would have thought that the dead Tianyue Guild dísciple was suicidal.

Everyone thinks that Mu Qing is crazy, he is constantly killing the people of the Sky Moon Guild, this is definitely a big taboo.

Everyone also began to use their full strength, and various offensives swept like howling wind and torrential rain.

With so many Heavenly Gods teaming up, even Mu Qing feels very strenuous, even more how he has been suppressing his full strength to avoid killing.

“This guy is really amazing! Unexpectedly, he can’t predict him. The strength is definitely above us. No wonder the people who dare to kill our Sky Moon Guild!” A Heavenly God Early-Stage shouted.

Many people find that their cultivation Taiyuejing’s predictive ability can’t work on Mu Qing.

At this time, Ling Zixuan also realized that something was wrong. As Heavenly God Peak, he could not activate his predictive ability.

Suddenly, Lingzixuan complexion changed, and she hurriedly shouted: “Mu Qing! Stop!”

He felt a terrifying power burst out of Mu Qing’s body, he It’s clear that Mu Qing is going to use all his strength!


At least fifty Heavenly Gods directly surround Mu Qing, and there are more Heavenly Gods behind, killing intents.

After Mu Qing suffered a lot of injuries, he finally became intolerable. The devil body turned into Thor, and a Thor’s hammer was swung down, thunder roared continuously, and went away frantically.


A Heavenly God Early-Stage was penetrated through the abdomen by a thick thunder, and the god core inside his body was shattered.

He coughed up blood and looked towards Mu Qing unbelievably. He was able to become one of the dísciples of Emperor Tianyue. He was naturally a genius, but he was unable to withstand a in the hands of Mu Qing of the same realm. Single blow, the other party randomly thunders, and kills him in seconds!

This Heavenly God Early-Stage was not planted with the seeds of the curse. Unfortunately, he and others frantically besie Mu Qing, causing Mu Qing to become angry and no longer suppress his own power.

Ling Zixuan not far away saw it, some not knowing what to do, he absolutely did not expect that the situation would change like this, and he was also hesitant to take action, after all, Mu Qing is Tianyue The emperor personally explained the people who wanted to join the Tianyue Guild.

On the other side, Mu Qing has already fought fierce battles with the disciplines of many Tianyue Guilds.

Mu Qing’s patience was exhausted, and he didn’t want to kill, but when these people from the Tianyue Guild saw him “killing”, they rushed up like lunatics one after another.

The clay figurine also has a three-point anger. Since the other party does not listen to his own explanation, he will no longer show mercy.

“External Body Incarnation!”

Mu Qing suddenly differentiated into hundreds of Avatars. With the knock of Thor’s Hammer in his hand, this place was completely filled with terrifying thunder , Dianguang wandered in the air.

Until now, the talents of Tianyue Guild finally discovered how powerful and terrifying Mu Qing is. Heavenly God Early-Stage is fundamentally impossible to withstand a single blow in his hands.

“I don’t believe it anymore!”

A Heavenly God Early-Stage used a special Divine Ability to clearly understand the body of Mu Qing and rushed forward.

He slammed a punch, divine light was dazzling, shaking the space, this force, in Heavenly God Early-Stage, can definitely be said to be very powerful.

However, just when the energy exploded from that punch was about to reach Mu Qing, a black hole suddenly appeared, swallowing all the forces that attacked Mu Qing directly.

Mu Qing turned around, his eyes were full of chill, making the Heavenly God Early-Stage in front of him feel astonished.

He was frightened, and quickly wanted to retreat. As a result, Mu Qing controlled Thousand-Hand Thor and grabbed his head, and the next moment densely packed thunder exploded.

With a bang, a scorched corpse fell to the ground.

“All Heavenly God Early-Stage are retired!” A Heavenly God hurriedly shouted in the mid-term.

Everyone present has already realized that Mu Qing’s strength has completely surpassed the same level. Even if the Heavenly God Early-Stage in Tianyue Guild is no more genius, they will be killed by a single move when they encounter Mu Qing. End.

This time it was the powerhouse of Heavenly God’s mid-term shot, which suddenly brought a lot of pressure to Mu Qing, and the differentiated Avatars were crushed one after another.

“Surrender! You openly kill your guild companions, whether you put them in the Sky Moon Guild or the Taiyue Palace, it is an absolutely unforgivable sin!” A Heavenly God mid-term loudly rebuked .

Mu Qing’s face is getting gloomy, and it’s more difficult to deal with these Heavenly Gods in the mid-term. Even he still relies on the power of the black hole. Every time an attack is about to touch him, the power of the black hole appears. May swallow weaken the surrounding offensive.

“Heaven Overturning Seal!”

He condensed a big seal, suppressed all around, and then the Five Primal Chaos in his hand emerged, turned into a chain of Five Primal Chaos, and went straight away. .

Five chains of flickering and chaotic colors bind a Heavenly God’s mid-term arm, fiercely twisted, and blood light suddenly appears!

After that, Mu Qing waved his hand and the starry Demon Domain emerged. Immortal Beheading Sword Formation and Qianyuan Star Array, two terrifying arrays suppressed this space.


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