Beside Mu Qing, an old man who was also confined by silver white chains opened his mouth and told Mu Qing where he was.

Mu Qing turned his head. It was an old man with disheveled hair. It can be seen that although he is old and wrinkled, his body is unusually strong.

“It’s Asura Race!”

Tu Lao suddenly sound transmission.

Mu Qing froze for a moment, and then carefully observed that there seemed to be something protruding under the old man’s messy black hair. It was the pair of horns symbolized by Asura Race!

“little brother, what do you call it?” the old man said, his voice was hoarse and weak.

“Mu Qing.” Mu Qing responded, looking all around at the same time, the four walls here are completely enclosed, only the silver white chains that imprison them flicker, barely illuminate this prison.

“Mu little brother, I think you only have the Heavenly God Early-Stage cultivation base. How come you are imprisoned here?” The Asura Race old man is very curious, as if this is not Heavenly God Early-Stage. Where to come.

“Kill a few people.” Mu Qing responded and tried to break free of the silver chain. Of course, his actions were all in vain. The silver chain was extremely strong. Even if he regained his strength, he might not be able to break it. , Even more how demonic energy is now sealed.

“Give it up! If I can go out, I will go out early for so many years.” Asura Race old man persuaded.

After that, he looked towards Mu Qing and said in doubt: “You kill a few people and come in, is it possible that you killed the son of Moon God?”

He I really can’t figure out that a Heavenly God Early-Stage will be imprisoned here.

Mu Qing was taken aback and asked: “How do you say? I am being held here, is it special?”

The old man Asura Race was nodded, after a long cough, said solemnly:” This sacred prison in Taiyue Palace is divided into 4-Layer, the 1st floor is dedicated to the place where the True God Realm is locked up, the Second Layer is the place where the Heavenly God is locked up, and the 3rd floor is the God Sovereign Realm.”

“And Mu little brother, where you and I are, is the 4th floor, where the emperor is imprisoned!”

At this moment, Mu Qing’s body was shocked and shocked.

“What did you say? This is the 4th floor of God’s Prison? The emperor is imprisoned?” Mu Qing was stunned.

It took him a moment to react and looked towards the old man in front of him: “Are you a great emperor?!”

Asura Race old man laughed heartily, and then a bit of bitterness appeared on his face: “That’s all in the past. Now my bloodline has been taken away, and it has no connection with Asura Race.”

“Pictured away bloodline?!” Mu Qing pupil suddenly shrinks, able to shrink one. The bloodline forcibly of a great emperor was taken away. Could it be that Taiyue Supreme took the initiative to suppress the opponent himself?

“Indeed, I didn’t feel the slightest Asura Race bloodline from this old man, it should have been taken away!” Tu Lao sound transmission.

He told Mu Qing that he didn’t know which emperor of Asura Race the opponent was. When Asura Race was at its peak, there were also many emperors in the clan.

The Asura Race elder in front of him looks like this, and there is no Bloodline Strength at all, and it is impossible to see the origin of the opponent.

Mu Qing gradually calmed down. He was a little puzzled. He was just a Heavenly God. Why was he imprisoned in this sacred prison that suppressed the Great? Is it the consequence of killing the same sect in the Taiyue Palace? Very serious?

“Mu little brother, now you can tell me, did you kill the son of the Moon God? The guys suppressed on this 4th floor hate the Moon God very much. If you know you Killing the children of the Moon God will definitely be very happy.” The old man of Asura Race is still very curious about how Mu Qing, a Heavenly God, came here.

Perhaps after being taken away from the bloodline, he was imprisoned in this confined space for many years. Asura Race does not have the slightest style of the emperor, but looks like a curious Sloppy Old Man.

Mu Qing is shook the head. He doesn’t have the ability to kill Moon God’s heirs. However, those people in the Tianyue Guild are not ordinary, except for those who kill him. The lives of several other Tianyue Guild dísciple who were controlled by the power of the curse and committed suicide by his side were also counted on him.

He told the old man Asura Race about this. Of course, he didn’t reveal the existence of Cursed Flower, only that he was framed.

“His…this is weird.” Asura Race elder frowned, he also didn’t understand what was so famous in it.

“roar! !”

Suddenly, a loud noise came from outside the confined space, and then a slight vibration could be felt.

“What’s wrong?” Mu Qing was taken aback.

The old man of Asura Race is not surprised, indifferently said: “Is a giant beast imprisoned on this floor, known as the tyrant, eight-armed animal body, human head dragon tail, strong as an ox. It’s fierce, and it will struggle every time. It is a pity that the chains of the Moon God Prison are not so easy to break free.”

Sure enough, the movement outside soon disappeared, obviously the so-called tyrant. The emperor failed again.

However, Mu Qing was still secretly surprised. He was imprisoned by this silver chain, and the slightest strength in his body could not be mobilized, and the tyrant could make such a noise, which shows that it is unusual.

“How many emperors are there on the 4th floor of the God Prison?” Mu Qing asked.

The old man Asura Race shook his head: “I don’t know. When I was imprisoned, I gave a quick glance. At that time, there were six prisons. If you count two people in each prison. , There are at least twelve great emperors!”

“I am the seventh prison. After being imprisoned in it, I can’t see the outside at all. I can barely hear some noises, but I don’t know. Is there any great emperor imprisoned in afterwards.”

“Twelve great emperors!” Mu Qing pupil shrink, the strength of this Taiyue Palace is even more amazing than I thought.

Immediately, Mu Qing began to feel anxious, would he be trapped here for a lifetime?


In the Independent Space of Taiyue Palace.

The desolate earth is full of cracks, this world is extremely cold, and high in the sky there is a huge moon illuminating the entire space.

Just like the ground, the moon is also full of cracks, as if it is about to fall down and burst into pieces at any time.

Suddenly, a silhouette came out of the ripples of space. It was the Emperor Tianyue who was hit hard before resisting the evil race!

At this moment, his injury has almost recovered, and he strode forward, looking towards the cracked moon high in the sky, a trace of horror appeared in his eyes, and there were more cracks on it than he had last time.

“Tianyue, what happened?”

A cold moonlight swayed down, turning into a silhouette, a hazy, unclear look.

“Master, that Mu Qing, who killed some of my disciplines for some reason, was imprisoned by Emperor Shengyao on the 4th floor of God’s Prison.” Emperor Tianyue reported something about Mu Qing.

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