“roar! !”

The terrifying roar like a wild beast came out, and the whole God Prison shook violently a few times.

In a certain closed prison on the 4th floor of the God’s Prison, Mu Qing also felt the outside situation, and it was more dynamic than before. The entire closed prison was constantly shaking, one by one. The chains collided and made noises.

“What’s wrong? That tyrant made such a big movement!” Mu Qing was stunned.

The last time the tyrant made the movement, he could only hear some small noises in this closed prison.

But the old man Asura Race’s face became serious. He said solemnly: “This is not the movement made by the tyrant. On the 4th floor of the Hell of God, even the emperor can’t make such a loud noise. !”

The expression on his face suddenly changed, and he said in amazement: “It’s that guy!”

Mu Qing is unknown so: “Which guy?”

Asura Race old man’s face is unprecedentedly dignified and shouted: “It’s the 5th floor! The bottom of God’s Prison!”

“It is rumored that there is a very terrifying existence at the bottom of God’s Prison. Those of us are Naturally, the prisoners detained here cannot be seen, but every few hundred years, they can feel the heart-palpiting power!”

He told Mu Qing that the deepest existence of the sacred prison has absolute strength. It is above the emperor!

A flash of astonishment flashed across Mu Qing’s face, transcending the emperor, is it possible that is the Supreme God?

But soon he dispelled this idea again, if it is Supreme God, how could he be imprisoned in God Prison, perhaps a relatively powerful emperor.

This huge movement lasted for several days, and finally stabilized a little bit.

God Hell 4th floor.

Here is a piece of black earth, one after another thick silver chain runs through between Heaven and Earth, and on this black earth, there are seven pitch black cubes, which is the prison of the great emperor!

The space in a certain place was severely distorted, and a group of black shadows appeared, and behind him, followed by a blank-faced man wearing white clothed and holding Qingfeng ancient sword.

“hong long long!”

As soon as the black shadow appeared, the entire ground began to vibrate. Under the black earth, there seemed to be a terrifying existence. Break free.

Shadow waved his hand quickly, took out a blue crystal and turned it into a huge Formation, covering a large area including seven enclosed prisons.

He relaxed and said: “Fortunately, he did it fast enough. Didn’t expect was noticed as soon as he came here. It is useless to suppress the breath!”

From the depths of the earth, a violent breath gushed out, and it was fleeting, sweeping across the 4th floor of God’s Hell in the blink of an eye.

After that, a deep roar came out, which seemed very puzzled, and then disappeared.

“It seems that this thing is quite useful.” The shadow whispered.

The blue crystal was made by the Demon Guild. Within the realm, everyone’s breath will be blocked.

But the formation of this crystal interior diffused is very fragile and will not be used under normal circumstances, but this time it came in handy.

“This is the key to the prison, let’s go in! Gufeng No. 2!”

The shadow handed the white clothed man exactly the same as Gu Feng for a runes, and then for a while. Disappeared in a burst of weird laughter.

Gufeng No. 2 has no expression on his face, nodded after receiving the rune that haunts the moonlight, and moved towards one of the prisons.


God Hell 4th floor, in one of the prisons.

The old man of Asura Race was dumbfounded, and Mu Qing was also dumbfounded.

I saw that the silver chains on Mu Qing’s limbs had fallen off, and strands of demonic energy in his body escaped, unexpectedly regaining his strength!

“Isn’t it? Mu little brother, your status in Taiyue Palace is very bad? When you are imprisoned here, someone will come to rescue you!” Asura Race old man cry out in surprise.

Suddenly, the silver chain on Mu Qing fell off, and the old Asura Race was still in a state of imprisonment. Obviously someone helped Mu Qing get rid of the imprisonment.

“Are they the Masters?” Mu Qing was also puzzled at this moment, is it possible that the Emperor Tianyue or the Old Man of Destiny made the move?

And at this time, a big hole was split into the dark prison, and a silhouette walked in slowly.

“Oh? Are you here to save Mu’s little brother?” Asura Race old man moved towards that silhouette and looked.

Mu Qing looked at it the same way.

Next moment, Mu Qing’s pupils suddenly contracted.

“How is it possible?!” He exclaimed loudly, shaking his body, as if was struck by lightning.

The old man of Asura Race wondered: “What’s wrong? Mu little brother, didn’t he come to save you?”

He also put his eyes on the white clothed man, and then frowned, The other party is Heavenly God Early-Stage just like Mu’s little brother, but the strange thing is that the other party has runes in his hands, that is the key to prison!

It stands to reason that these keys should be controlled by the existence of the Great Emperor level!


Mu Qing was the most shocked at the moment. He clearly remembered that the powerhouse from Celestial Court had already been attacked in Mizumoto Secret Realm. It was right to kill, and even finally used the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, which specifically restrains the immortal, to obliterate it.

But now, opening the prison, what appeared in front of him was the dead Gu Feng!

“I’m not Gu Feng, you’re wrong, I’m from Celestial Court.” The other party slowly spoke, white clothed fluttering, and his slender palm was already placed on the Azure Edge Sword on his waist.

“My name is Gufeng No. 2!!”


The corner of mouth twitching between Mu Qing and Asura Race.

“Is there any difference between your name and Gu Feng?” The old Asura Race couldn’t help but interject.

Gufeng No. 2 ignored the attitude of the two, and a flash appeared in front of Mu Qing, cut out with a sword, rushed into the sky, and raged.

Mu Qing’s face was startled, his clothes were torn, he backed off abruptly, and Gufeng No. 2 chased after him, the sword shook, and dozens of thick sword qi pierced through. .


The blood light splashed out of Mu Qing’s shoulder. He had just recovered his strength and had not had time to adapt.

A touch of black light appeared on his body, condensed into a piece of black clothed, and the whole person quickly backed away.

This black clothed is the result of the power of the black hole, which contains powerful devouring strength and cannibalize the power of the sword qi.

A sharp glint flashed in the eyes of Gufeng No.2, and a dazzling light burst out on the Azure Edge Sword, and it was close to Mu Qing’s departure.

Mu Qing retreated violently and soon reached the edge of prison.

A runes in the hands of Gufeng No.2 flashed inexplicably, and the prison behind Mu Qing split into a big hole. He escaped from this prison, and Gufeng No.2 followed closely from behind.

“Mu little brother!!!”

The old man Asura Race yelled, he was still imprisoned in this prison, unable to move, he could only watch Mu Qing and white clothed People leave.

Gradually, the big hole that had been split in the prison healed, and he couldn’t see the silhouette of Mu Qing at all.

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