“Chaos Creature? No, my Chaos Energy is slowly condensed.” Mu Qing shook his head.

The Titan giant also calmed down. After taking a closer look, he whispered: “have grown old, eyes are clumsy. But your method of condensing Chaos Energy seems familiar, a bit like me back then It is left to Titan Race’s divine explosion.”

“That divine ability was created by senior you?” Mu Qing was surprised. The Chaos Energy on his body, its core method is a Titan Race originally obtained. divine ability, divine eruption!

And this divine ability has long been abandoned by Titan Race Divine Ability.

“It seems that you really got the divine ability. Although the divine burst can be terrifying instantaneous bursts, it can be said to be against the sky, but after all, I let Titan Race abolish this divine ability. “The Titan Giant’s voice roared, echoing all around.

Mu Qing was surprised, “Are you the Old Ancestor of Titan Race?”

From the tone of the Titan Giant, you can see that the other party’s position in Titan Race is very high.

“That’s not, strictly speaking, I have no connection with Titan Race, and the bloodline in my body is not the Titan bloodline!” He said, these words surprised Mu Qing even more.

is it possible that this one is not from Titan Race? But such a huge body, as high as ten thousand zhang, I am afraid that only Titan Race can do it, right?

The giant shook the head and said: “I really have no connection with Titan Race. I am the Primal Chaos Giant who came out of chaos. It is Chaos Creature. The bloodline belongs to the chaos. The divine ability broke out and had a deal with Titan Race, but then they realized that Chaos Energy had some problems, so they let them abolish this divine ability.”

“Primal Chaos Giant?” Mu Qing’s heart Shock, chaos, what kind of place is that? It would actually give birth to such terrifying giants.

“Your method of condensing Chaos Energy is too crude and unable to exert the true power of Chaos Energy. Looking at the face of heavenly punishment, I can tell how to properly condense Chaos Energy. You, but you still don’t rely too much on it.” Primal Chaos Giant’s thick fingers pointed at the void, and suddenly a beam of light hit Mu Qing’s body.

A large amount of information burst in my mind, which is a special condensing technique about Chaos Energy.

This describes how to awaken the connection with chaos from the void and pull Chaos Energy down.

The Chaos Energy originally condensed by Mu Qing is transformed from pure energy and integrated with the demonic energy. The method that Primal Chaos Giant passed to him was to communicate that The place called Chaos, draw the real Chaos Energy from it!

“Chaos Energy, is there any problem?” Mu Qing asked curiously.

Primal Chaos Giant also said before that Chaos Energy has certain problems, which makes Mu Qing hesitate. Is there any harm in cultivation Chaos Energy?

“It can only be said that there are serious problems for us creatures from Chaos. Although Chaos Energy has made us invincible, even the Moon God cannot kill me, but I Never reached the Supreme level.” Primal Chaos Giant said solemnly.

He is almost invincible, the emperor can pinch to death at will, even the Supreme God cannot kill him.

However, the strength of Primal Chaos Giant has always been a little bit behind Supreme, or all Chaos Creatures can only grow to a realm a little behind Supreme.

These Chaos Creatures, after reaching their apex, they could pinch the emperor to death with their hands, but they could not achieve Supreme.

“I guess that Chaos Energy is powerful but not suitable for Supreme, so if you gather too much Chaos Energy, it may affect your future cultivation base.”

Primal Chaos Giant said, even he didn’t figure out where Chaos Energy’s problem was.

Because Mu Qing is not Chaos Creature, but borrows the power of Chaos Energy, Primal Chaos Giant still told him the correct method to obtain Chaos Energy.

“Leave here, soon I will be able to break free of the chains and meet the person who brought you here.” Primal Chaos Giant tells Mu Qing to leave, and the movement of him breaking free of the chains will be very Great, if Mu Qing stayed here, he might be directly shocked by the violent fluctuations.

Mu Qing nodded, turned and left from the steps.

When he came to the end, he was facing the black soil. When he came, he had the power of the Divine Punishment mask, which allowed him to easily pass through the underground of the black soil.


Suddenly, the power of one after another dark red flickered, enveloping him, giving him the power to travel through the black soil.

“This is?” Mu Qing touched his eyebrows. I don’t know when, there was a dark red lightning mark.


He was stunned. Only then did he remember that when the Divine Punishment mask shattered, two dark red thunders appeared, one made silver white There was a crack in the chain, and the other one was disappeared, which turned into a mark and appeared on his forehead.

After coming out of the black earth, the dark red lightning mark on Mu Qing’s eyebrows was hidden.

He returned to the prison where he was being held and saw Asura Race Old Ancestor, Luo Tian.

“How is the strength recovered?” Mu Qing asked.

A smile appeared on Luo Tian’s face, “I can barely display the power of the Great Emperor Level. When you are taken away to the Taiyue Tianmen, I will use your name. Liberate other great emperors, by then I believe they will also be willing to make a fuss in the Taiyue Palace!”


Time passed quickly, and it was time for Mu Qing to execute his sentence.

The Emperor of Punishment came to Mu Qing’s prison in person, and his face was re-worn with the same black iron mask as before, revealing a pair of pale-gold eyes.

He glanced at another silhouette in the prison, it was Luo Tian.

At this moment, Luo Tian’s hands and feet were entangled with silver chains, and his head hung down, pretending that he was not out of trouble.

The Emperor of Punishment retracted his gaze, and then looked towards Mu Qing.

He took Mu Qing out of the prison, the two of them were speechless, moved towards the god prison and walked outside.

“Have you awakened that person?” The Emperor of Punishment finally spoke.

“He has been awake all the time, he said he will break free soon.” Mu Qing replied.

After that, Mu Qing asked about heavenly punishment.

“That is a Supreme God.” As soon as the punishment god emperor exited, Mu Qing was shocked.

Mu Qing is right to think about it carefully. After all, Primal Chaos Giant is the invincible existence of the Beneath the Supreme, so heavenly punishment is not Supreme and at least the same level as him.

“In the entire universe, there are only a few forces created by Supreme, the Moon God’s Taiyue Palace, the Celestial Court of the Celestial Court, the Cruel Palace of Heavenly Dao, and the perished Star Dynasty!”

“Of course, there are some Supreme in the universe, such as heavenly punishment, which was bred from Thunder Tribulation. It is a Supreme god who controls the Thunder. He was once related to the Starry Empire and was facing extinction in the Starry Empire. At that time, I promised the Star God that I would keep the seeds of the Star Empire, and I am the descendant of heavenly punishment.” Sovereign Dao, the god of punishment, revealed his relationship with heavenly punishment and why he helped Mu Qing.

“Heavenly punishment has some friendship with Primal Chaos Giant, but Primal Chaos Giant has a violent temper. Only when facing a few people such as heavenly punishment, he will remain sensible. At the time of the war, heavenly punishment and Star God worked together. Against the Celestial Court, whereabouts unknown turned out to be crazy. This made Primal Chaos Giant mad. He killed an unknown number of creatures and was finally suppressed by the Moon God.”

“What?! Was the heavenly punishment in the battle? “Lao Tu’s voice suddenly exploded in Mu Qing’s ears, very surprised, he didn’t know this at all.

In this way, the strength of Celestial Court is even more terrifying than he imagined, because that battle involved a very wide range of battles. Even the Great Imperial Capital could not intervene in the battle of True Paragon. Everyone Thinking that Star God was not as powerful as the Lord of the Celestial Court was killed, but from the descendants of the Heavenly Punishment God Emperor, he revealed a shocking news. The battle that year turned out to be two Supremes against the Lord of the Celestial. Court!


The Secret Realm, which should have belonged to the Tianyue Guild.

Now, here is full of strong blood-reeking qi flavor. A few days ago, Lingyan sacrificed his life and opened a Space Crack.

From Space Crack, the white mist filled out, and the thin body was riding a leaf boat on the vast white mist, holding an ancient lamp, and faintly drew the cursing flower with the faint light.

The skinny person is Jin Jiuyin!

The cursed flower descended on the Secret Realm and attacked the Sky Moon Guild. Not only that, but also draconian, Angel Race, and Asura Race.

The most special thing is that there are also two groups of people, a group of Immortal Qi lingering, wearing golden armor, a group of people covered in pitch black, full of evil spirits! !

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