After a taste of the unusual taste, Guichuan took the people away. He could feel the look of people around him looking towards him, full of shock and shock.

“I have no knowledge.” Kamekawa is too lazy to care about them. Is it necessary to be so shocked? He is an old spirit tortoise patriarch and owns the Heavenly God Peak cultivation base. What’s wrong with doing evil in the street?

At this moment, he wants to see what Mu Qing will be like when the time comes. I’m afraid I want to kill him, right?

But Kamekawa is not afraid at all. What is there to be afraid of a domain owner who has no real power? Even more how Mu Qing is Heavenly God Early-Stage. If it weren’t for Dragon Tortoise to help Mu Qing, he would have killed the domain owner who had nothing to do with the spirit Turtle Clan.

After doing this, Kamekawa didn’t think what would happen to him. As for the level of angering Dragon Tortoise, he didn’t think about it, including Guike’s people, none of them Definitely Dragon Tortoise will attack them, because in their past impressions, Dragon Tortoise is more like the bodyguard of the soul Turtle Clan, in the Destiny Star, even in the entire Black Tortoise Star Domain, their soul Turtle Clan can act wilfully, this point Thought has reached the root.

And soon after Guichuan left, Guike and the others called him into the Conference Hall, Mu Qing and Dragon Tortoise were also present.

Gui Chuan, Gui Du Lie and the others are puzzled, Gui Ke is sound transmission to them, explaining that the reason for bringing Mu Qing to the meeting this time is mainly to let Mu Qing open the Star Domain Order authority, every once in a while, so that they can also hold for cultivation.

After getting used to the cultivation speed of the Star Domain Order, Guike and the others are now a little uncomfortable. Feeling his usual cultivation speed, it is even more uncomfortable, and finally can’t help but find Mu Qing, if you want the other party to compromise, you can cultivation them with a Star Domain order every once in a while.

Guihong and the others suddenly realized, nodded, with a smile on his face, this is a good thing!

And Guichuan is looking towards Mu Qing of faint smile, can’t help but raise his brows at him, I don’t know what kind of expression Mu Qing will look like when he sees his masterpiece.

Dragon Tortoise, standing next to Mu Qing, has a weird look and sometimes glances at Guichuan. As for Mu Qing, he laughed towards Guichuan and is very gentle.

“This fool, still smile at me! hahahaha!” Kamekawa’s face was a little distorted, but he wanted to hold it back, not letting himself laugh.

“Kekawa, what’s wrong with you guy?” The others found that Guichuan’s expression was a little strange.

Before discussing business affairs, Guike suddenly remembered the recent actions of Kamekawa on the Destiny Star.

“You guy, what are you up to lately? People have turned over the entire Destiny Star!” Gui Ke asked.

The three Elders of Guihong, Guiyuan, and Guidu also looked towards him with relatively unhappy eyes. The previous actions of Guichuan also touched their power on the Destiny Star.

The most uncomfortable thing is Guike. Although the Destiny Star is the site of Ling Turtle Clan, it is strictly speaking, and it is his site. Kamekawa said that he did not speak to his patriarch, just Searching wildly, it kind of ignored him.

Kekawa said with a smile: “Everyone, sorry, an assassin suddenly appeared in my palace a few days ago who wanted to assassinate me. As a result, the assassin was too weak to run away. I really do. It’s hard to swallow this bad breath, so I acted anxiously.”

Seeing him apologize, everyone’s expressions improved slightly.

Guike coughed and turned everyone’s attention. Just as he wanted to talk about the Star Domain order, a Heavenly God suddenly broke in.

This Heavenly God was Guike’s confidant in the later period, but it was the Conference Hall right now, and it was a bit unruly to break in.

A trace of unpleasantness appeared on the faces of Gui Hong and the others, and Mu Qing and Dragon Tortoise looked at everything in front of them contentedly.

“Montaigne! What are you doing in arbitrarily?!” Guike scolded.

He is frowns, he naturally knows what his confidant’s character is. Although Montaigne is not the clansman of Turtle Clan, he appreciates it very much because of his powerful strength. He has a high status in the destiny star. It is also a teacher in Ling Turtle Clan who specializes in teaching younger generations.

Montaigne is a robust man with a height of nine feet and wearing a white golden armor. He has a solid aura. In the late Heavenly God, it can be said to be a powerhouse, dealing with four or five people. Nothing difficult.

With shock and horror on his face, he saw Kamekawa’s eyes shrank and immediately said: “patriarch! Something happened! A major event!”

Kekawa felt Unfathomable mystery, if there is a major event, there will be a major event. What do you mean when you look at me suddenly? Is it related to me?

Suddenly, Kamekawa felt a little uneasy.

“patriarch! Mrs. Luo Jing, she… she was killed in the Baitiecheng of the Destiny Star!!” Montaigne gritted his teeth. He was in a state of shock when he learned the news. Because this news is so shocking to the world, and the murderer is an unexpected existence for him!


For a while, everyone in the Conference Hall’s eyes fell on Montaigne.

Guike stood up quickly, his gloomy face seemed to have no other expressions, but everyone present could feel the breath of the god emperor in his body brewing crazily, as if it would always be It vents like a volcano.

“Tell me! What the hell is going on? In the Destiny Star, who would dare to attack Jinger!” Gui Ke’s expression was terrifying, his fists clenched.

Luo Jing is not his wife on the surface. As Head of a Clan, he enjoys everything brought about by power and strength, a golden house to keep one’s mistress. Belle dozens, and Luo Jing is his favorite in several decades.

A trace of cold sweat spread on Montaigne’s cheeks, and then he looked at the others here, swallowed saliva and said, do you really want to say it?

“What are you still doing? What the hell is going on!” Guike was on the verge of an explosion. He couldn’t believe that someone would attack the woman he loves in his own territory!

“Just say it!” Guihong and the others were also very shocked. Someone dared to kill Guike’s woman and didn’t want to live anymore?

Kekawa slapped the table sharply, shouted: “Quickly tell the murderer’s name, I’m sure to call him a corpse!”

Montaigne’s pressure is even greater Big, I glanced at Guichuan, and finally looked at Guike, fiercely clenched the teeth, patriarch, this is what you told me to tell!

“Mrs. Luo Jing wanted to buy a beautiful dress recently. When she was choosing her, she was suddenly surrounded by a group of Heavenly Gods and was tortured by inhuman. When we arrived at the scene, we only left behind. Wishes of the corpse of the lady…”

Hearing this, everyone held breath cold air, which is too bold!

Guichuan felt a little bit in his heart. Why does this story sound familiar?

He secretly looked towards patriarch Guike, and saw his complexion ashen. The blue veins were violent next to his temples, his chest was constantly rising and falling, and the breath of the emperor couldn’t help it escape.

Montaigne wiped his sweat and continued to speak.

“According to our investigation, Madam Luo Jing has invaded the body of cold air, it is a bloodline method in the spirit Turtle Clan, cold sky and frost work!”

“And at the time, inside Baitiecheng Many people have seen the murderer with their own eyes.”

“It is Kamekawa Elder……”

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