“You finally figured it out?”

Meiqian gave Fang Yue a glance, and all the Heaven and Earth energy around this time was swallowed by Mu Qing After going, they think that cultivation will have little gain.

Azure daoist and Dragon Tortoise walked up with surprise in their eyes. Not only did they discover that Mu Qing’s cultivation base had reached the middle stage of Heavenly God, but they also saw the changes in Mu Qing’s body.

Dragon Tortoise stepped forward and knocked on Mu Qing’s chest, only to make a sonorous sound, like hitting an iron plate.

“How powerful is your fleshy body?” Dragon Tortoise was astonished.

They noticed that the biggest change in Mu Qing was the flow of a peculiar power in its fleshy body.

Dragon Tortoise gets a Heaven Grade Divine Item, which is a long whip, and Mu Qing is tied up without a word.

The result was amazing. Mu Qing tried his best, the whip of Heaven Grade Divine Item cracked, and ka-cha exploded.

Dragon Tortoise and Azure Daoist both showed surprise on their faces.

That is also a Heaven Grade Divine Item anyway!

Even Mu Qing didn’t expect that his fleshy body could reach this level. Although the quality of the Heaven Grade Divine Item that Dragon Tortoise took out was not very good, it was better than most Divine Items. Much firmer.

“What are you doing all this time?” Dragon Tortoise asked.

Mu Qing laughed and did not answer.

At this time, Xinrui walked over and found Mu Qing, wanting to have a talk.

“Any problem with Senior Brother?” Mu Qing was curious.

Xin Rui’s face is solemn.

“I want to know where your starry sky Return to Origin is cultivated to?”

“You don’t seem to be detached from it!”

Mu Qing was surprised and didn’t understand what Xinrui meant.

“I have cultivated demonic energy…”

Soon, Xinrui interrupted Mu Qing’s words.

“I know that your cultivation produces demonic energy. That power has surpassed the divine force, horrifying the world, but the breath that escaped during your retreat before makes me very familiar. It is the starry sky Return to Origin The source power of the scriptures, your most essence is the starry sky Return to Origin, the scriptures are supporting!”

Xin Rui said.

He is a person who really walked out of the Return to Origin scriptures of the stars. As the Star Emperor, he almost fell under the catastrophe when he fought Celestial Court, and finally realized his own way.

Xinrui’s current cultivation, it can be said that it is not the return to origin truth of the starry sky, but the reincarnation bloodline method that belongs to his own reincarnation divine force!

He has a serious face and tells Mu Qing that if he has been cultivating the Starry Sky Return to Origin, then Dingtian is only the emperor, because he has been walking the old path of Starry Sky God.

Xinrui once thought that Mu Qing had already walked out of it and created his own bloodline method. After all, Mu Qing had already condense demonic energy, which is the power of detached divine force.

But before, he felt the energy escaping from Mu Qing’s retreat, which is a fluctuation that belongs to the return to origin of the starry sky.

Mu Qing looking thoughtful.

“You must go out of your own way, it is good for you. Even more how Celestial Court people will discover your true identity if they investigate carefully.”

Xin Rui said .

Of course, he will let Mu Qing not worry too much afterwards, if he really can’t get out of it, it’s okay.

Xinrui’s vision is very high, pointing directly to Supreme.

He told Mu Qing that the road of the Avenue of Stars has reached an end, that is, the God of Starry Sky.

Of course, that was before, and now the Supreme of the starry sky has fallen. If Mu Qing continues to cultivation the Return to Origin of the starry sky and reaches the end, it may be able to replace the previous starry Supreme.

Xinrui’s purpose is only to tell Mu Qing a general direction. The specific decision still depends on Mu Qing himself.

The two talked about it for a night. Xinrui is a person who has completely escaped from the Starry Sky Return to Origin. It can be said that the bloodline method he created has been created by himself.

Xin Rui imparted all his experience to Mu Qing for digestion.

2nd day, Mu Qing rushed to his room and closed the door again.

Azure daoist and Dragon Tortoise are surprised, isn’t this guy already breakthrough? Why do you still have to retreat?

“Maybe next time he comes out, his strength will be terrifying to the extreme!” Xinrui said with a smile, and then took a sip of black tea.

After coming to the Black Tortoise Star Domain, the lives of Xinrui people are very moist.

Azure daoist and Dragon Tortoise looked at each other. Now Mu Qing’s strength is already very strong in the mid-Heavenly God stage. The fleshy body alone is enough to eat a pot, which can be improved. ?

“Are all the dísciples of Taiyue Palace terrifying in this way?” Azure daoist shook his head, feeling low for the first time.

The two did not bother Mu Qing. The situation in the Black Tortoise Star Domain has now frozen. Guihong and Guike are facing each other. Although the undercurrent is surging, they will not fight in a short time.

Mu Qing plunged into the room, but calmed down again, feeling like he could not start.

Although Xinrui Senior Brother has told him a lot, he is still at a loss as to how to get out of the starry sky Return to Origin.

“In theory, it should be to create your own bloodline method, a bloodline method that points to the road!” Tu Lao suddenly said.

He also listened to Xinrui’s words.

At the time, Tu Lao was a great emperor under the command of Xingkong Zun, but he was not a dísciple, he did not have the cultivation Starry Sky Return to Origin, and he did not get out of it, so he didn’t understand it.

But with the eyes of his once great emperor, he still saw the essence at first glance.

After all, Mu Qing has already condense demonic energy, and half of the equivalent to walked out of the starry sky Return to Origin.

The most difficult part has been completed by Mu Qing, the rest is to create a bloodline method that can carry the demonic energy in his body and is more suitable.

Mu Qing locked himself in the room, thinking hard, took out a lot of bloodline methods for reference observation, using the starry sky Return to Origin truth as the outline, and the rest are branches, wanting to create his own unique bloodline method.

1 month later, Mu Qing tried the first cultivation of the new bloodline method. As soon as it started, he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

He smiled bitterly, he was still too bloated. It took only a month to create a bloodline method suitable for demonic energy.

Still too impatient.

Mu Qing continued to immerse himself in the creation of the demonic energy bloodline method, carefully comprehending the demonic energy in his body.

3 months later, Mu Qing created a prototype bloodline method.

He tried cultivation, but the result was the same as before. His body shook and he coughed up blood.

He hastily stopped, and if he keeps running, he will destroy his foundation.

“Where is the problem?” Mu Qing brows tightly frowns, thinking deeply.

He communicated with Tu Lao many times, and then continued to focus on creating.

A few more months have passed.

Outside the outside world, just like Mu Qing thought, Gui Yuan and Gui Du Lie chose Gui Hong.

All of a sudden, Guihong’s power skyrocketed and became extremely large.

Guike and Guihong also started to have friction. There were a lot of conflicts in the beginning, but now they are shaking like a volcano, and they will burst out at any time.

At the same time, Mu Qing’s eyes bloomed with bright rays of light, and his body trembled slightly, a little excited.

I don’t know how many failures he experienced, and he tried to run this new bloodline method again.

This time, he is sure!

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