
Lao Tu came to Mu Qing, he was injured in one arm, and the flesh on it was eaten by a black spider.

But now his fleshy body is special and has strong recovery ability, and he is recovering quickly now.

He held the small purple jade shield, then he threw it away, because it was damaged and it was of little use.

“What the hell is going on now? Those two guys suddenly started to help us.” Tu Lao looked towards there curiously.

Bone skeletons return from in the sky, their imposing manner is like a rainbow, crystal clear and near-transparent, emitting soft light.

Originally, Tu Lao and Mu Qing both fell into a relatively unfavorable situation. As a result, the next moment scene suddenly changed. Instead, they became spectators, looking at the stone and the skeleton. Deal with black spiders.

“I don’t know, but our crisis doesn’t seem to be resolved…”

Mu Qing watched the return of the white bones, there were a few drops of green blood on the opponent’s body, but soon Was evaporated by an inexplicable force.

He realized that the black spider was probably killed.

Next, let’s not talk about the bones and skeletons, the stone is estimated to continue to target him, because the white bottle is still in his ten thousand demons domain.

Sure enough, as Mu Qing thought, after the black spider was killed, the stone continued to make a strange sound and moved towards him and charged.

Mu Qing knew that the target of that stone was the white bottle in the realm of Ten Thousand Demons.

But Mu Qing will not compromise, the black spider is killed, and he will not be afraid of the stone alone.

The only thing he was afraid of was the white skeleton. The opponent’s strength was definitely not limited to the late Heavenly God, and he easily killed the black spider.

Mu Qing is really moving, the magic knife in his hand appears one after another incantation, the color of the dusk is rendered, and the knife is suddenly cut off.

At dusk of the gods, sentient beings fell, this blade became extremely terrifying under the blessing of the dusk curse, leading people to the end of life and withering completely.


This time, the stone was knocked into the air, and a large hole was smashed into the tomb.

Mu Qing’s face was solemn, he used a twilight knife, but the stone didn’t even have a crack, it was too hard!


The stone makes a strange sound, the golden light soars, and the colorful rune surrounds, wanting to rush again.

But at this time, a skeleton hand grabbed it.

Bone Skeleton actually took a shot, and after grabbing the stone, mysterious power gushed out, and the golden light and colorful light dimmed.

Mu Qing and Tu Lao were shocked.

The stone was extremely tenacious, but in the hands of the skeleton, it seemed to be sealed, unable to move even a little bit.

“Let go of Laozi!”

In addition to drinking, the stone will say other words, stared wide-eyed, and yells.

The colorful rune appeared on its body, and it exhausted all its strength to rush towards Mu Qing.


Bone skeletons seem to be talking too, their mouths are constantly moving, but they can only make the sound of bones colliding.

Mu Qing and Tu Lao were stunned. Unlike the stone, the bone skeleton is not hostile to them at all, and even wants to communicate with them, but the bone skeleton can only make a quack sound when talking. They don’t understand at all.

Bone Skeleton scratched the bare skull with one hand, and then knocked on the stone in his hand.

“I’m not happy! I won’t translate for you, hurry up and let me go!”

Stone yelled and spoke smoothly. The golden light on his body suddenly appeared, and there was a big day. , Wanting to break away from the shackles of the bones and skeletons.

It can understand the words of bone skeletons.

Bone Skeleton’s hollow eye sockets are deep, staring at the stone to make it hairy, next moment it slams hard.


There was a crisp voice, and it was obvious that a crack appeared on the stone, and it was strange that there was blood spilling!

“Ahhh! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I was wrong!”

Stone immediately recognized the counsel, and the golden light and colorful rune on his body dimmed.

Bone Skeleton let go of his hand, and the stone curled his mouth, reluctantly.

“It said, I want to take you to a place.” Stone said, seemingly unwilling.

Afterwards, it stared at Mu Qing again, gritted his teeth with bitterness, and said: “Boy, you’d better hand over the Sky Forbidden Bottle to me, otherwise catastrophe is imminent! The emperor can’t keep you!”

Mu Qing was surprised, the white bottle was originally called Tianjin bottle? And this stone does not speak like a fake, is it possible that this day forbidden bottle is not a treasure, is it an evil thing?

Tu Lao is not polite at all, “Who are you lie to? Before staring at Mu Xiaozi desperately, the white bottle is obviously a Supreme Treasure, you never want to take it away!”

“You fucking!”

The stone was angry, blooming with golden light, and the next moment it felt a chill, and the hollow eyes of the bone skeleton were looking at it faintly.

Golden light dimmed, it was very scared, very jealous.

“My boy, listen up! The forbidden bottle is no small thing this day. There is a Supreme evil god sealed in it. If you take it with you, great horror will happen!” Stone shouted in a deep voice.

It is rare to explain carefully, admonishing Mu Qing that the colorful rune on the outside of the sky forbidden bottle is a seal, and there is an evil god inside, and the poison qi that escaped before is actually inside that A breath of evil god that’s all.

Mu Qing hearing this movement, only a trace of aura escapes, can it turn into that poison qi that is enough to kill Heavenly God?

Isn’t the evil god in there a great emperor?

“Why do you know so much? Like the big spider before, aren’t you born after absorbing mysterious energy?” Tu Lao questioned. He and Mu Qing watched these three with their own eyes. A being is affected by the cyan ray wave before it becomes a living being.

The stone snort disdainfully, and said: “You compare me to that garbage spider? It was only possessed by a wisp of poison qi, and then got the mysterious energy, it finally has the strength of Heavenly God in the later stage. , And this skeleton and I have long possessed spiritual wisdom!”


Mu Qing and Tu Lao didn’t believe it, this stone and the skeleton, what do you think? All were born because of the mysterious energy in the cyan ray wave.

“Gappa Gappa.”

Bone skeletons are nodded at this time, echoing the stones, they actually have spiritual wisdom long ago!

“Cut! You guys love believing or not, don’t think I’m just a stone, but I’m the Inheritor of the mysterious powerhouse!”

Stone made a contemptuous expression on his face, and then screamed He stood up, twisted his chubby body, the colorful rune on the body surface flickered, the rays of light became more and more dazzling, even its body began to become transparent and white, the texture was close to the forbidden bottle that day, and fuzzy words appeared.

The mysterious powerhouse it said was obviously the so-called existence that sealed a Supreme evil god into the sky forbidden bottle.

“That is!”

Mu Qing’s complexion changed suddenly, and the old man next to him was also extremely shocked, because they found that as the stone exerted its strength, there was Immortal Qi diffused out!

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