When the forces of Guike and Guihong began to fight, Mu Qing and the others also started to take action.

Gui Ke came out this time, and as a result, there was no powerhouse left on the patriarch palace.

Mu Qing and the others sneaked in here very easily and quickly came near the formation eye of the protective great formation.

There are several True God late stages near the formation eye, which should have been guarded by Heavenly God Peak. It seems that Guike really took the powerhouse away.

Mu Qing stepped forward and directly displayed the Moon God Dreamland.

The moonlight flickered, and a total of five True God guarding the formation eye fell to the ground later.

Azure Daoist and Dragon Tortoise were both taken aback. They leaned forward to check, and unexpectedly discovered that these True Gods were in a stable state of life in their later stages, and they were still snoring.

“Do you still have this kind of ability?”

They are surprised, they have never seen Mu Qing perform.

Mu Qing corner of the mouth slightly raise, he uses the Moon God Dreamland, either to deal with opponents of the same level, or to deal with enemies stronger than himself, at most he can only stop the opponent for a few breaths. time.

These few True Gods are obviously weaker than him in the late stage, and I don’t know how much they are. With the power of the Moon God’s Dream Realm, they directly pulled them into the dream realm.

Mu Qing will sleep as long as he wants them to sleep.

Even after waking up, they will be completely unaware that they have fallen asleep, because the task of guarding the formation eye is continuing in their respective dreams.

The Moon God is most famous for being the Taimoon Mirror for predicting the future. Later, this terrifying Divine Ability was targeted by many people, and even the Celestial Court would destroy it.

But few people know that Moon God also has a terrifying Divine Ability, which is the Moon God Dreamland, which was only passed on to Yue Ya, and then passed on to Mu Qing after instructing.

With no obstacles, everyone stepped into the formation eye of the protective great formation with no difficulty.

It is a huge stone tablet, and ten Divine Stone veins are sealed around it. The blazing divine energy fills this space.

Mu Qing saw him, and his face also appeared astonished.

The ten Divine Stone veins are extraordinary. They are medium Divine Stone veins. Each of them is worth tens of millions of Divine Stones, which is enough to buy a Sovereign level Divine Item.

“No wonder Guihong said that if Guike is hiding in the Destiny Star, there is no other way. There are ten medium Divine Stone veins, and the energy is too sufficient!” Mu Qing was surprised.

If there were these ten medium Divine Stone veins in the tomb before, I am afraid that both he and Tu Lao could use the Qianyuan Star Array to forcibly move the Sky Forbidden Bottle into their own Ten Thousand Demon Realm. .

“This protective great formation is generally not used. These ten medium Divine Stone veins can almost be used for a lifetime.” Dragon Tortoise said.

“How should we destroy it?” Azure daoist didn’t know much about Formation. Looking at the runs and textures on the formation eye stone tablet, some scalp numb.

Mu Qing also looked towards Dragon Tortoise.

If it is a general array, it can be broken with great force, but this is arranged by the old man of Destiny, and it is definitely not broken with pure force, unless the existence of the Great Emperor level makes a move.

“I’ll try it.” Dragon Tortoise stepped forward and looked at the stone tablet formation eye from left to right. From time to time, the seal was sealed, and the power of the emperor was used to unlock the rune on it.

It’s just that, no matter how Mu Qing looks at it, he feels that Dragon Tortoise looks a little vacant.

Soon after, Dragon Tortoise brow beaded with sweat, gasping for breath.

He wiped his sweat, turned his head, and happened to see Mu Qing and Azure Daoist looking at him with extremely suspicious eyes.

Dragon Tortoise’s face blushed and angrily said: “The ghost knows that the Old Guy’s destiny is so close to the layout of the array!”

“Uh…Dragon Tortoise senior, didn’t you mean it? Did you also participate in the layout of this Formation?” Azure daoist whispered. Before coming, Dragon Tortoise was solemnly vowed and said that he will definitely succeed, and at worst will directly blow Formation.

Dragon Tortoise curl one’s lip, whispered: “There is indeed participation, but more than 90% of this Formation is arranged by the destiny.”

Mu Qing was speechless.

The precision of this protective great formation is far beyond their imagination, and even Dragon Tortoise may not be able to break open.

As for forcibly exploding, you don’t need to think about it. Ten medium Divine Stone mineral veins, if value is concerned, at least ten Sovereign level Divine Items, take their heads to force them open?

“Don’t make a noise! ​​Look at my operation! I don’t believe it!”

Dragon Tortoise refused to admit defeat, he kept studying, and after a long time he finally got some eyebrows and his face was delighted. .

“en? Who are you?”

Suddenly, a voice came from behind, which shocked the three of them.

They turned their heads abruptly and saw a young man wearing white clothed and holding a feather fan. His face was handsome and there was a lightning mark on his eyebrows.

Mu Qing and the others suddenly became vigilant, the other party was silent, and did not know when they appeared, even Dragon Tortoise did not notice.

“Should not…”

Dragon Tortoise’s complexion changed a little, Mu Qing and Azure daoist also guessed some.

“Where’s Guike? Let him come out! And the people in this palace, why are all asleep?” The man strode with a feather fan in his hand.

His eyes were electric, scanning the three of them, then the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted.

“Interesting and interesting, the people in Guike’s palace were all put to sleep by some means? And this Formation, I mentioned it when Father came last time , Is Gui Ke’s greatest support. Are you trying to break this Formation?”

This man is not simple, with star eyes and white shirt, and a picture of mountains and rivers painted on the feather fan, but not ordinary Mountains and Rivers Chart, I saw in the painting, there was a dark cloud above the mountains and rivers, thunder and lightning thundered.

“Celestial Court people?”

Mu Qing frowned and asked.

The man raised his eyebrows, laughed heartily and said, “Didn’t expect you to know Celestial Court. You are a little bit knowledgeable. Listen well, no matter what you are doing, please call Guike out and just say me Heavenly Lightning Seed wants to see him!”

This Heavenly Lightning Seed is extremely arrogant, seeing that Mu Qing and the three are not doing a good thing here, but they don’t care at all, and even ask them to call in. Gui Ke.

Mu Qing and the three looked at each other, the Heavenly Lightning Seed in front of them, whose strength is in the late Heavenly God stage.

Although Celestial Court’s powerhouse is very difficult to deal with, it can’t be seen through the God Emperor all at once. Both Dragon Tortoise and Azure daoist hide the cultivation base, so Heavenly Lightning Seed thinks that they are in harmony with each other. Mu Qing is Heavenly God at a glance.

Dragon Tortoise looked towards Mu Qing, sound transmission asked, do you want to make a move?

The people of Celestial Court suddenly appeared, unexpectedly, and this person is only the late Heavenly God, and he is absolutely impossible, and there may be a more terrifying Celestial Court powerhouse behind him!

Dragon Tortoise and Azure daoist are both considering, if they do, they might provoke the Celestial Court powerhouse of God Sovereign Level.

But what if you don’t make a move?

Heavenly Lightning Seed was coldly snorted at this time and said: “Don’t you hear what I said? Since you know the name of my Celestial Court, why don’t you listen to my instructions?”

At this time, Mu Qing clenched the teeth, sound transmission to the two people next to him.

Do it!

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