“What are you talking about?! My parents and they had an accident?” Mu Qing’s body shook suddenly, he absolutely didn’t expect, and there was bad news from Earth.

Earth now is different from before. After Mu Qing cultivation base reached Heavenly God, it is already a medium race, and there is a True God on Earth now.

“Who is it?!” Mu Qing’s eyes suddenly became red, one after another terrifying demonic energy swept away, and the entire lake formed a huge waterspout, rushing to the sky.

Dragon Tortoise and the others were both alarmed, and hurried over to ask what happened.

“Someone has taken action against your family? Who is so bold!” Dragon Tortoise was surprised.

Tu Lao frowned and said: “Indeed, Earth is unusual, unusual stars. There was a warning from the Taiyue Palace. No one dared to attack Earth, but it’s different now. It’s probably those of the insect race. The guy couldn’t bear it, and shot Earth.”

Mu Qing had offended several middle races such as the insect race earlier, and now the Taiyue Palace has been destroyed, and Earth is no longer sheltered.

“Who captured my parents?” Mu Qing tried to calm himself down, he asked through the newsletter rune.

The other side of the communication rune is his former partners, Jiang Yuanjie and Fatty Jiang.

Fatty Jiang has been cultivation in Tianyu Palace since Mu Qing left Earth.

“Insect race, Firescale, Spirit Race, and Juli races, these four races all appeared! A powerhouse defeated Pinyi and took away your parents. Now Earth is in crisis, a large city Conquered!” Fatty Jiang yelled, very anxious.

From Fatty Jiang, Mu Qing learned something about Earth.

The current Earth human beings are not weak. The bloodline has reached a medium level. The New Generation contains strong divine energy. Many forces have real Divine Grade and other powerhouses.

Among them, Pingyi, the lord of Qingcheng Mountain, is the strongest. Once Mu Qing’s Captain, under the cultivation of Ping Lao, he even reached Heavenly God Early-Stage.

Earth can be said to be the most powerhouse in Earth. Apart from Mu Qing, Earth is the only Heavenly God Level powerhouse.

Unfortunately, insect race these all are old-fashioned middle-class races, and they can easily defeat the ordinary.

“Wait! Do hold on! I will pass immediately!” Mu Qing shouted quickly.

He kept his breath, but the horrible demonic energy on his body still escaped, turning into flames and burning.

“I’ll go with you!” Tu Lao said. He already has a Heavenly God cultivation base, and he can easily deal with medium races. After all, he was once a great emperor.

Dragon Tortoise shook the head, saying: “I’ll go with Mu Qing, Guihong’s Divine Soul is in your hands, if you leave, maybe Guihong will think carefully. “

In the end, everyone decided that Dragon Tortoise would follow Mu Qing to Earth.

Mu Qing and Dragon Tortoise went to the patriarch palace and found Guihong to prepare for the flying ship to Earth.

There are many spaceships in the Black Tortoise Star Domain, but there are not many that are mainly good at combat. Those who are at every turn are comparable to Heavenly God Peak and the universe battleship of the God Emperor. The price is too expensive. Black Tortoise Star Domain There were originally seven, but it was a pity that they were destroyed in internal fighting.

He and Dragon Tortoise went straight to Guihong’s Conference Hall.

“Are you here? I have news from you.” Gui Hong was a little surprised, and then handed a newsletter rune to Mu Qing.

“Whose is this?” Mu Qing was stunned.

Gui Hong’s face became serious, said solemnly: “It’s Feng Chao, he asked a powerhouse of Titan Race to find me personally, just to let me give you this newsletter rune.”

“Feng Chao?”

Mu Qing’s expression suddenly became gloomy, thinking of the bad news from Earth, and a killing intent rolled in his heart. He realized that Feng Chao might Related to what happened on Earth.


At this time, the communication rune trembles slightly, and the rays of light bloom.

“Boy! I know your name is Mu Qing, and I also know that you are from Earth, there must be a big secret in you!”

As soon as he came up, an arrogant voice came out, It is Feng Chao’s voice!

“Let go of my parents!” Mu Qing icily said, he concluded that his parents were taken away and had something to do with Feng Chao.

“It seems that you already know that, yes, I instigated those middle-class races to attack Earth. Your parents are now in my hands. If you want to keep them safe, come alone. Titan Race, hand over all the secrets in you!”

“I only give you three days!”

Feng Chao’s voice came from the newsletter rune, he Through special means, the specific location of Earth was obtained from Mu Qing’s blood.

Later, he discovered that this Earth was a bit weird and was targeted by several middle-class races. When he inquired about it, he knew that there seemed to be some secrets on Earth, so he secretly incited these middle-class races to take action, and Captured Mu Qing’s parents.

He not only wants to win Earth, but also all the secrets in Mu Qing’s body.

“Okay! Very good! You wait for me!” Mu Qing’s face was filled with anger, and his body was filled with one after another terrifying breath, within both eyes extremely cold rays of light circulation.

At this moment, he can’t wait to rush to the Titan Race and kill Feng Chao.

But obviously, this is unlikely. Even if the entire Black Tortoise Star Domain is called to Titan Race, it will be dead end.

“It seems that we need to change the itinerary.” Dragon Tortoise’s face was solemn.

“Dragon Tortoise senior, please do one thing, you go to Earth first to help Earth resist the invasion of those middle-class races.” Mu Qing looked calm, but the veins on his forehead were violent, obviously emotional Fluctuations are great.

It is rare for him to maintain his sanity at this moment.

Mu Qing knows that going to Titan Race to find Feng Chao by himself must be a dead end, but his parents are in the hands of the other party, so this trip is a must.

Feng Chao only gave three days, which was very urgent. He didn’t have time to go to Earth, so he could only get rid of Dragon Tortoise.

Dragon Tortoise is the powerhouse of God Emperor Peak. Going to Earth, it should be with no difficulty to solve several medium races.

“You are going to the Titan Race? No! You must die if you go alone!” Dragon Tortoise shouted. He thought Mu Qing was impatient and didn’t want him to be too impulsive.

Mu Qing shook his head and calmly said: “Don’t worry, I am not going to die, and I will not walk into Titan Race alone.”

He came from the realm of ten thousand demons, I took out ten newsletter runes, and every newsletter rune exudes an extremely terrifying breath.

Dragon Tortoise and Guihong not far away were shocked.

They realized that Mu Qing was really angry, and directly took out the ten emperor’s communication rune.

“Is it worth it? You know, this is the favor of ten emperors!” Dragon Tortoise opened the mouth and said.

He believes that the problem can be solved by contacting someone.

“No, I want to make the people of Titan Race completely fearful and dare not make any more moves!”

Mu Qing’s eyes were cold to the bone.

He took out a communication rune again, which belonged to Luo Tian. At this moment, he had a total of eleven communication runes of the Great Emperor in his hand.

Gui Hong and Dragon Tortoise looked at each other. They had a foreboding that Feng Chao was dead this time, and maybe Titan Race was going to deflate.

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