“Who are you?”

Feng Cao rushed over to find that his son’s Life Aura attached to a jade pendant disappeared, so he was furious and wanted to The ominous beast was killed, only to find that a man wearing a fur coat moved towards him.

He frowned, and then felt something wrong, because the surrounding Heavenly God was escaping far away. As his subordinates, they didn’t even look at him, but should have guarded Feng Chao’s two. In the late god emperor, there was only one standing in front of him, with a look of horror.

Feng Cao looked towards all around, and immediately his eyes were red, because he saw a head that was Feng Chao’s.

“Who?” Feng Cao had a powerful breath permeating his body, and a world appeared behind him. The wilderness was huge, and the power of God Emperor Peak surrounded his whole body.

He was furious and asked the late god emperor who killed Feng Chao.

“It’s that kid…wait!” As soon as the god emperor said in the later stage, he secretly thought badly and wanted to stop it.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Feng Cao body flashed and rushed towards Mu Qing directly moved towards Mu Qing.

“Forget it!”

The late god emperor gritted his teeth and chose to escape directly, turning into a stream of rainbow light and rushing outside.

He doesn’t want to wait for death here, the man in the quilt is very likely to be the emperor. If he continues to stay here, he will undoubtedly die!

However, at this time, a sharp touch of unrolled bolt of white silk penetrated his chest.


The chest of the late god emperor exploded and there was a blood hole.

He was stunned, and looked towards the front. It was a small bamboo stick, which pierced him.

next moment, the bamboo stick trembles lightly, turns his head and rushes again, passing through the center of his brow.

Like a watermelon bursting, the blood light splashed, and a god emperor fell directly!

The bamboo stick returned to the hand of Emperor Blood Knife and held it in his mouth again.

Feng Cao’s figure came to a halt, his whole body was cold and hard, his scalp was numb, and he was stunned.

He was naturally aware of what was happening behind him. Earlier he was surprised, because Mao’s confidant wanted to escape. Now it seems that he needs to find a way to escape.

Feng Cao was cold from head to toe, a long and narrow gap appeared on his cheek, and blood flowed down.

He just saw with his own eyes that the man in quilt in front of him took a bamboo stick and flicked it lightly, but it burst out with unexpected power, rushing past his head, and Killed his subordinates of the late god emperor.

This power is too terrifying to imagine.

“Big…The Great?” Feng Cao swallowed saliva and said, he stared wide-eyed.

“Why… a great emperor will appear here?” He couldn’t understand, the person in front of him will know when you see it that he is not the emperor of Titan Race.

And depending on the situation, it seems that the emperor and them are enemies.

“Feng Chao, didn’t he say he would deal with a Heavenly God with a medium bloodline? How could he suddenly provoke the emperor?”

Feng Chao, as the god emperor Peak, is now He didn’t dare to move, and didn’t even know what to do.

Sweat stains dripped from his forehead, and the pressure on him from the Great Blood Blade was too great.

“Slow knife, in fact, is not really slow, but a kind of savings. Simply put, it is to gather the power of the whole body on a knife.” The Great Blood Knife spoke at this time, and he released his hand. The long knife at the waist was slowly pulled out.

It was a sharp long knife, which seemed ordinary, but it rang and trembled, and it threw a sharp and unparalleled blade light.

This is an Emperor Treasure!

With a smile, Emperor Blood Knife slowly moved towards Feng Cao and waved down this blade.

A horrible force swept away, that is a huge blade glow, which can reach thousands of meters, shining brightly, and cut down brightly.

Feng Cao’s legs trembled, and fear appeared on his face, but it was a pity that he didn’t listen to his commands, unable to move even a little bit.


At this time, a dragon roar came from a distance, and a giant dragon could be seen across the sky, and fiercely hit the blade glow.

The violent energy burst, and the giant dragon turned out to be a condensed vigor, containing terrifying power.

Feng Cao was shocked by a powerful aftermath of energy, coughing up blood, but did not die.

oh?” The blood knife emperor raised his brows, a little surprised, looking towards the void in the distance.

I saw an old man descending. This old man is also Titan Race, tall and strong, with strong muscles. Under the loose robe, you can clearly see the terrifying explosive power contained in the muscles.

The coming person is a great emperor!

“Fengxiang Elder…” Feng Cao coughed up blood again, his internal organs were crushed by the Blade Qi that escaped from the blade glow, and he was directly injured.

It can be said that if it weren’t for a Titan Race emperor Elder’s shot at a critical moment, he was afraid that he would not be seriously injured, but would have died directly.

“Who is your Excellency? Why do you do it in my Titan Race?” Fengxiang Elder said solemnly.

It’s been a long time since the foreign emperor shot at Titan Race.

“hmph! What am I doing? Don’t you have any points in your heart?” The blood knife emperor was coldly snorted, and his attitude was very unfriendly. Even if Fengxiang Elder was also the emperor, he didn’t give the slightest cheek.

“You!” Fengxiang Elder’s face turned gloomy, but he didn’t make a move, taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

The matter involves the emperor, so you can’t be arrogant.

Feng Xiang Elder looked towards Feng Cao, and took him over.

Although Feng Cao is considered a famous powerhouse in Titan Race, it is still not enough to see the existence of Great Emperor Level like Elder.

Feng Cao was injured, contorts one’s face in agony, but did not dare to speak.

“Say! How did your site provoke such a powerhouse?” Feng Xiang Elder yelled.

Through the brief encounter with him just now, he knew that the emperor of blood knife was equal to himself, and that he was not a newcomer to the emperor.

“Elder…I don’t know…” Feng Cao looked dumbfounded. He only noticed the disappearance of his son’s Life Aura, so he was so angry that he came here, but unexpectedly met one Emperor.

He didn’t dare to conceal it. He could only tell Feng Xiang about Feng Chao’s dealing with a medium race Heavenly God today. He even borrowed Feng Chao’s Sovereign level Divine Item bronze sword. He couldn’t even think of breaking his head, it would provoke the existence of the Great Emperor level.

“If there is an unimaginable loss in my Titan Race, just wait for me!” Feng Xiang fiercely glared at Feng Cao.

He also knows that Feng Cao can’t be blamed for this matter, but there is no way. Who calls Feng Chao his son? Always find someone to carry the pot, can’t his dignified Great Emperor Level Elder carry the pot, right?

“Since he doesn’t know what happened, let me tell you! You Titan Race captured Mu’s little brother’s parents and threatened him, so today I’m here to give Mu little brother Brother is in the early days!” The Great Blood Knife shouted.

“It seems that there is such a thing.” Feng Cao remembered. He remembered that Feng Chao was going to deal with a Black Tortoise Star Domain’s Heavenly God, who came from a weak and medium race.

At the time, he didn’t care much. After all, the order from above was also to crusade Black Tortoise Star Domain.

“My friend, we unconditionally release people, and promise that we will no longer take action against Black Tortoise Star Domain in the future!” Feng Xiang shouted. Although their Titan Race will not be afraid of being an emperor, they still want to Negotiations should be made in the direction of reconciliation

After all, the weight of an emperor is not low. Any race as long as there is an emperor is considered a Peak race.

Blood Knife Emperor looked towards Mu Qing, and how to do it depends on what Mu Qing said.

If he is the only person, maybe he will agree directly. After all, he alone cannot force Titan Race to pay some price, but he is just one of the many great emperors who came to Titan Race. , They are so crowded, there is no need to worry about Titan Race.


Mu Qing’s eyes are red, and Mu Yu and Shui Yuexi are lying in his arms.

Just now, he wanted to wake up the two of them, but he discovered that his parents’ condition was not an ordinary coma.

The Divine Soul of his parents has disappeared!

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