“The strongest powerhouse in that stronghold is no higher than the fifth rank, and the strength of the holy wooden puppet is a bit stronger than me. It simulates my breath and can definitely bring the Emperor Zhentian Be attracted!”

Wanke is affirmed.

You can feel that there is one after another fierce battle aura from the one thousand and eighty-six stronghold.

According to Wanke’s wishes, the holy wooden puppet has already carried out a large-scale killing there.

With the power of the holy wooden puppet, the Celestial Court powerhouse in that stronghold is not an opponent at all. I believe that soon, more Celestial Court powerhouses will come to suppress, even the Emperor Hu Zhe. Will be attracted!

Wanke chose this stronghold for two reasons. One is that the powerhouse here is not too much, and they are not the opponents of the holy wooden puppets. The other is that it is far from the center of the inner circle. Zhe arrived when he got the news, so he didn’t have time to pay attention to what happened in the inner center.

The Space Transmission Array is in the center of the inner circle. If Wanke wants to change the direction of Transmission Formation, it will inevitably cause some movement. Only by leading Hu Zhe away can he have enough time to play!

“Let’s go!”

Wanke took Mu Qing to move the space again.

After three consecutive space shifts, Wanke’s face turned pale. He took out a bottle of medicine pill, which was filled with Mysterious Heaven Pill, which was designed to restore energy, and swallowed it all in one breath.

Suddenly, he looked towards the distance, his eyes were happy, “Hu Zhe is leaving! He really couldn’t bear it, and went to the holy wooden puppet in person!”

Mu Qing The body of the Holy Spirit possesses the extremely powerful Soul Power. He moved towards the far east and took a look. Although the cultivation realm is not high, he can feel that there is a frightening aura passing by.

The extreme position of Emperor Zhentian has left the inner Central Zone!

Wanke sighed in relief, the holy wooden puppet can be said to be one of his hole cards, and he threw the holy wooden puppet there to imitate his appearance, actually giving it up.

He abandoned the holy wooden puppet just to lure the Emperor Zhentian out.

But if Emperor Zhentian sends a group of high-ranking emperors to suppress it, then it will be troublesome, and his plan will completely fail.

All this is a bet!

Fortunately, he made a bet!

Immediately, regardless of the Mysterious Heaven Pill medicinal power in Refining in his body, Wanke directly moved the space.

Emperor Zhentian made a move, even if it is the holy wooden puppet, it is also impossible to be an opponent. The strength of the two sides differs by a great realm, and it is estimated that one move will be destroyed.

Wanke can only hope that the dying sea water in the black ball on the holy wooden puppet will bring some trouble to the Emperor Zhentian, and try to buy time as much as possible.

“I will use the secret technique later to hide the breath of the two of us, but when I modify the direction channel of the Space Transmission Array, I can’t make a move. Don’t worry about the powerhouse of the Great Emperor Realm, but I I need you to stop all the enemies of God Sovereign Realm!”

Wangke said solemnly.

He looked at Mu Qing and said: “The powerhouses of Celestial Court are more powerful than the Peak race. Are you sure?”

Mu Qing nodded, said: “90% sure!”

He is a conservative estimate.

For his own strength, Mu Qing is still quite confident. In the same rank, very few people are his opponents.

Of course, there are many powerful people in Celestial Court. In the stronghold of Emperor Anwu, he encountered a powerhouse. The strength is very difficult to deal with.

Wanke loudly shouts, he spent most of the energy remaining in his body and moved the space for the last time!

The next moment, the two of them appeared on a medium-sized island.

This is the island where Space Transmission Array is located. It can be regarded as a resource supply base of Celestial Court. The Space Transmission Array created by the gold-grade crystal core can be transported from the Celestial Court headquarters every time it is opened. Large quantities of strategic resources.

Only, on this island, there are not many powerhouses. According to the news that Wanke has inquired about, there are three low-level high emperors, ten high-level and low-level low emperors, and the powerhouse of the gods. Hundreds.

This strength is not too weak, but not too strong. In addition, there is a Space Transmission Array on this island. Such an important place is equipped with only this battle strength, which is a bit unreasonable. .

But when Mu Qing looked towards the other side of the island, it became clear in his heart.

Beside this island, there is a large island, which is the center island!

Centre Island is where the upper floors of Celestial Court are located. Nowadays, most of the poles go to the Central Battlefield, and only Emperor Zhentian is left on the center island.

People at Celestial Court are quite relieved that the island where Space Transmission Array is located is next to the center island. Once something goes wrong, the Emperor Zhentian will take immediate action.

There is a terrifying powerhouse of rank tenth sitting next to it, this Space Transmission Array does not need too many powerhouse guards!

Of course, Celestial Court does not think that there will be enemies deep into the inner central area.

“Let’s dive in!” Wanke sipped.

I saw a peculiar Immortal Qi burst out of him, covering both him and Mu Qing, converging all the auras, and even the figure was hidden, so outsiders could not see it at all!

Mu Qing figure trembled, his eyes shrunk, and on the surface he tried his best to keep calm, but an uproar has already been set off in his heart!

“Super Life Power?! Why does Wanke master Super Life Power!”

This method used by Wanke is exactly what Mu Qing used Divine Ability before, one from Divine Ability in the Super Health Secret Volume!

This divine ability can be invisible, and restraining aura, even the big Imperial Capital may not be able to find him.

While Wanke displays this divine ability, the proficiency is obviously much higher than Mu Qing.

It’s just that, this is the Divine Ability in the super secret volume!

Mu Qing pretended not to know everything, he followed Wanke to the island, and the two sneaked around the guarded Celestial Court powerhouse.

Wanke seems to be very familiar with this place, knowing the route to where the Space Transmission Array is located, Mu Qing followed silently.

Actually, Mu Qing is thinking about some things in his mind.

He can be sure that Wanke has a problem!

When Wanke used this hidden divine ability, the power fluctuations deliberately changed. At first glance, it is exactly the fluctuation and breath of Immortal Qi.

In normal times, including Wanke, they deliberately changed their breath, disguising all their power as Immortal Qi, even Mu Qing was deceived by him.

But just now, Wanke failed to deceive Mu Qing.

Even if Wanke’s camouflage is perfect, it still reveals itself. Mu Qing caught the breath of Super Life Power, which was very obvious.

At this moment, Mu Qing knows why when he first saw Wanke, a sense of intimacy and familiarity would be born in his heart. It turns out that the other person is the same as himself, is a Holy Spirit, and has a super life. Power!

“Since he is Holy Spirit and possesses Super Life Power, he should have known my identity a long time ago?” Mu Qing looking thoughtful, after all, he didn’t deliberately hide his spiritual Qi.

In other words, Wanke has known that he is also a Holy Spirit, but even so, the other party still hides his identity in front of him!

Mu Qing squinted, looking at Wanke’s back…

This guy definitely has a problem!

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