This terrifying blood crocodile roared out, immediately smelling a strong blood-reeking qi.

The blood crocodile Old Ancestor was sleeping here, and felt a palpitation today. He rushed out from under the lake to see, his eyes were splitting!

I saw its clansman, a corpse lying down in a pool of blood, chopped into blood clots, and some clansman said that the corpses were intact, but Divine Soul was also completely collapsed.

“You courting death!”

The blood crocodile Old Ancestor suddenly broke out with suffocating coercion.

There are eighty roads on its body that manifest itself, blood light rushing into the sky, it turned out to be a high-ranking high-ranking emperor, reaching the eighth-order Peak!

“It’s over…”

Little Fatty’s complexion is extremely ugly, he wants to run, but their current cultivation base is far stronger than God Emperor Peak. The Great!

Not to mention that the blood crocodile Old Ancestor is still a high-ranking emperor, and the realm has reached the eighth-order Peak!

Mu Qing’s bodies are impossible to move even a little bit. This is the terrifying imposing manner that the upper emperor completely broke out. This coercion is like a mountain, pressing on their three people, making them feel like being Imprisoned in general.

Mu Qing and Mei Third Young Lady are relatively calm.

Only Little Fatty, that expression is almost about to cry.

He was still thinking before, this Inheritance Land seemed to be in no danger at first glance, whether to leave Mu Qing and look for heavenly materials and earthly treasures by himself.

Now he understands, let alone holding Mu Qing’s thigh, even holding a hundred thighs is useless!

This is the eighth-ranked high-ranking emperor!

What does the ghost think about dying Supreme? Such a monster was placed in Inheritance Land!


Mu Qing loudly shouts, strange glow flashed in his eyes.

Mei Third Young Lady also found something wrong.

Although their three people are overwhelmed by coercion and difficult to move, Old Ancestor, the blood crocodile, has been slow to take action!

This powerhouse, wanting to kill them is almost with no difficulty, but why not kill them? Is it to torture slowly?

Little Fatty was also stunned, cautiously moved towards Old Ancestor.

I saw the blood crocodile Old Ancestor roaring constantly. It was extremely angry and its eyes cracked. The eighty blood-red roads on its body were almost like eighty suns shining there. Swims of aura permeated out, and the void collapsed!

This power is too terrifying, but the blood crocodile Old Ancestor is like constipation, and it is slow to take action.

Mei Third Young Lady’s eyes shrunk, pointing to the blood crocodile Old Ancestor’s body, cry out in surprise: “Someone has confined it here!”

Mu Qing followed Mei Mei Looking at the fingers of the Third Young Lady, she found that there was one after another thick black chain entangled on the body of the blood crocodile Old Ancestor!

These black chains are forcibly embedded in the flesh and blood of the blood crocodile Old Ancestor. Whenever the blood crocodile Old Ancestor roars and wants to explode the power of the debut, a subtle force will destroy it. All the power was sealed.

“no! It’s not that it’s been sealed, but it’s been resolved!” Mu Qing’s expression was shocked.

He felt a familiar breath from the chains on the blood crocodile Old Ancestor.

It is the force of dying!

This is a chain made from the Nirvana Sea Mine, embedded in the flesh and blood of the blood crocodile Old Ancestor, the other end does not know where it leads, and it completely confines the blood crocodile Old Ancestor here. Can’t cross the thunder pool for half a step!

Whenever the blood crocodile Old Ancestor roars and wants to attack the Mu Qing trio, its power will be eliminated by the chain of nirvana.


The blood crocodile Old Ancestor face looks sinister twisted. Fortunately, it no longer displays its power and struggles crazily, like a rabid dog, contorts one’s face in agony, The chain of nirvana was pulled out a distance by it!

A storm swept across, the blood crocodile Old Ancestor lifted the giant claw, fiercely patted Mu Qing and the three.

Although the chain is embedded in its flesh and blood and restricts its movement, it endures severe pain, even if the chain draws a lot of blood on the flesh and blood.

It can be seen that the chains on the body of the blood crocodile Old Ancestor spurred terrifying power, restricting its movement.

Even if I didn’t use too much power, I just slapped a paw with my fleshy body, but I was still restricted by the chain, and even suffered an injury, and the blood was flowing!

The blood crocodile Old Ancestor burst into a fierce color in his eyes. It is undeadly injured by the chains of nirvana, and it has to shoot this claw to tear the bodies of these three guys!

You must know that the blood crocodile Old Ancestor is a special beast, and it also has the realm of the upper emperor. The fleshy body alone is extremely powerful, and it can completely shoot the three gods in front of you. Peak!

“This guy is really desperate to kill us.” Little Fatty was shocked.


Suddenly, a burst of Dragon’s roar was uploaded from Little Fatty.

He is wearing a daoist robe with nine golden Divine Dragons hovering above it.

Although his body is impossible to move, Xiao Pan took a bite of his tongue, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, flowing on the daoist robe.

In an instant, daoist robe burst out dazzling rays of light, and nine Divine Dragons roared out!

Dragon roar circulates and turns in the Kowloon, turning into a golden cover, enveloping the three of Mu Qing.


There was a loud noise, and the entire ground shook.

However, the claws of the blood crocodile Old Ancestor were resisted by the Nine Dragon God!

Mu Qing glanced at Xiao Pan in surprise. Didn’t expect this guy’s daoist robe is still an extraordinary Emperor Treasure. At first glance, the grade at least has the upper Emperor Treasure level!

Little Fatty used blood to activate this daoist robe in Nine Dragons, turning it into a nine Heavenly God dragon cover, and resisting the blow of the blood crocodile Old Ancestor.

It can be seen that this is definitely a defensive upper Emperor Treasure!


In the Nine Dragon God’s hood, the coercion of the blood crocodile Old Ancestor has expired, and the Third Young Lady took out a talisman with extremely strong space fluctuations and activated it in the moment It turned into a dazzling rays of light, covering the three of them disappeared.

In a blink of ten thousand li, somewhere in the mountain range of Inheritance Land, ripples appeared in the space, and the three of Mu Qing walked out of it.

“This Inheritance Land is more dangerous than I thought.” Mu Qing took a deep breath.

He didn’t expect that the alien beast here will have a powerhouse of the upper Great Emperor level.

Although it was confined by the chains refined by the Netherworld Sea Mine, the coercion alone was enough to have a certain impact on the emperor.

Mu Qing glanced at Little Fatty and Mei Third Young Lady unexpectedly.

In the face of the blood crocodile Old Ancestor, Mu Qing did not have much fear. After all, the opponent was imprisoned and the pressure was very strong, making him the body of the Holy Spirit impossible to move even a little bit, but It didn’t have such a big impact on his body.

Mu Qing originally wanted to call out the body, with the fleshy body of the body comparable to the lower Emperor Treasure, he can move easily under this pressure, when the time comes a dodge to avoid the blood crocodile Old Ancestor The attack with no difficulty.

After all, the blood crocodile Old Ancestor is like a dog on a leash. It is the limit to shoot a paw desperately. As long as the distance is a little longer, the opponent can only bark a few times and cannot bite. people!

But what Mu Qing was hesitant at the time was that he wanted to save Mei Third Young Lady and Xiao Pan. The success rate was not high, less than 50%.

Fortunately, regardless of whether it’s the Third Young Lady or Little Fatty, they all have a hole card, but in the end Mu Qing did nothing.

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